East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 25, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Quick as a Hash
Instrument Hoard. So efficient
ly and simply arranged ih.it posi
tive "quick-action" complete driving-control
la within easy roach of
driver assures not only comfort
but quick "safety first" work In an
on the "get away"
You're off with a rush, quickly, silent
ly, smoothly, powerfully.
But "responsiveness" is only one of the many
distinctive features that will make you thrill with pride when
you drive this big beautiful powerful dependable Mitchell
"THE Six of Sixteen."
See the Mitchell "Six" the graceful, sweeping lines of its long,
beautiful, roomy, full five or seven passenger body. Drive it Feel
the power that answers to your will power to carry you at 60 miles
an hour on the straightaway-r-to climb the fiercest grade or, throttled,
creep at a 2-mile gait all on high. That's the test that tells.
Don't buy any car until you know the
"THE SIX of '16"
6 cylinder, Five-passenger Mitchell $1365
6 cyIirmer,Seven-passenger Mitchell $1400
F. O. B. Pendleton.
Phone for a demonstration.
McCook & Bentley
323 East Court Street, Corner Thompson. Telephone 65
An old established and reliable firm, always here to back up every sale.
Whcclbasr 125 Inches. Assures
body room enough for seven pas
sengers without cramping. And .
our apecial chassis construction en
ables you to turn In average street
without cutting your tires on the
Motor 4S H. P. H'sh speed.
Small bore, long stroke. 3 1-2x5
Gasoline System Vacuum feed.
18-gallon tank suspended at rear.
No trouble when climbing the
steepest hills.
Springs Half.elllptlc. front;
"Bate" exclusive Mitchell cantile
ver, rear.
Chronic-Vanadium Steel Con
struction. Brakes Four on rear wheels.
Powerful and positive. A "Safety
First" necessity.
Tires Large, Anti-Skid rear.
Bod)- Long, clean, ultra stream
line, all hinges concealed. Big,
roomy. Luxuriously upholstered
In genuine leather, Body-conforming
cushions. Parlor car comfort
and freedom from that "I wish I
could get out and stretch" feeling
even on long trips.
Finish Black running gear.
Dark French-blue body. Red
Equipment Electric lighting
and "cold weather" starting sys
tem. Dimming headlights. One.
man top. Jiffy side curtains. Built
in rain vision, ventilating wind
shield. Engine driven tire pump.
Electric horn. Magnetic speedo
meter. Gasoline gauge. Footrest.
Robe-rail. Extra tire carrier in
rear. Extra demountable rim. Li
cense plate brackets. Complete set
of tools. Jack, etc
Over 80 years of faithful Service
to the American Public.
B. y. P. I'.., :30 p. m ; preaching.
7:J0. R. P. Hutton or the Anti-Saloon
League.' will speak. He should
be greeted by a large audience. E- h
Clevenger. pastor.
the young people's society of C. E
meets at 6:30; prayer meeting and
Bible study class meets on Wednes
day evenings. H H. Hubbell. pastor.
of Pendleton Condemned at the Judg
ment by the Men ot Nineva." Text,
Luke 11:32. Tou should not mw
either of these sermons tomorrow aJ
they will be of vital Interest to every
one. Special music by the choir.
Baptist. ,
Hi Me school meets at 9:45 Let
everyone note the aDove change o'
time. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject, "The Requisite for Seeing God."
The Sunday services at the chris
tian church will be as follows: 9:15,
Bible school. E. O. Draper. SupL Our
Sunday school motto is "A place for
everyone and everyone In his place."
11 a. rr... preaching and communion:
7 30 p. m., preaching, sermon sub
ject. "Hyphenated Christians; 30.
The following services will be held
at the Methodist church tomorrow: ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m ; Epworth
League at S:30 p. m.; preaching at 11
a. m and 7:30 p. m.; morning sub
ject, "A Lost Man" Text. 1 Sam.
10:32. "And the Lord answered, be
hold he hath him himself among the
stuff." Evening subject, "The Men
' ;'!l!!!.!!U!nil!lI
m j
Independent Garage
- ,
-wMILi ' '
l9f BB !S"i
If you want the best in workmanship and service
Let Us Repair Your Car
Expert repairing of autos, combined harvesters, gas engine and machinery
of all kinds. Parts of all kinds made correctly and promptly for any machinery.
Up-to-date machinery and best mechanics. Try us.
Handy Fire-Proof Storage
One trial of our satisfaction giving will make you & booster
Hemmelgarn & Webb, Props.
Corner East Court and Thompson Streets. Telephone 633
Presbyter n.
The sermon at the Presbyterian
church tomorrow morning will be
of especial interest to people who. do
not make a practice of going to
church The subject wilt be "The
Great I Am. The ladies' quartet wl!i
sing "Beautiful Isle."' Mayree Snyder
will sing, "Singing in God's Acre." At
7:30 Mr. Snyder lectures upon "Lot's
Wife." These popular evening ser
vices are attracting large crowds for
more than a month extra seats have
been necessary to accommodate th''
people. The lecture tomorrow night
will be one of the best of the series.
The choir will sing "Rejoice Greatly."
Miss Baldwin will contribute a violin
solo. Sunday school, If a. m ; Y P.
H c. E . : p. m.
Former Suucrlntcnknt of FuruWi
Ditch Secures New Position "l
North Yakima; Antoue Cunlia is
Taken to ivmlleton for Operation;
Other Evho News Notes.
(East Oregonlan Special.)
ECHO, Ore., March 25. B. F. Mc-
Cullough left here today for Ply
mouth, Wash., with a large herd of I
cattle to be placed on summer range '
at that place. Among them were 80
head of cattle belonging to Mr. Giles
of Portland which had been winter- j
ed on the J. B. Saylor farm on But-.
ter creek.
According to reports received here)
by friends. T. M. Johnson, who was:
superintendent ot the Furnish Ditch)
at this place, has secured a similar j
position at North Yakima, Wash.
Antone Cunha, who fractured his
kneecap several days ago, was taken
to the hospital at Pendleton on)
Thursday where he will undergo an 1
Stanfleld Bros shipped eight cars
of mutton sheep and one car of hogs
to the Portland market this week.
Aflred Schafer shipped one car of;
Mrs Quy Jonas Is visiting in Athe
na with friends.
Mrs. R. B. Stanfleld Is In Portland
having gone down to visit her daugh-'
ter. Mrs. Allylian Porter. i
Wm. Gillette, Sr., made a short vis-
It here the first of the week while on
his way from Portland to Lewiston,
Idaho. )
The Misses Alice and Dollle Gulll
ford of Eugene are here visiting wlti
their father, Tine Gulllford.
Minor Bros, shipped four carloads
of beef cattle to Portland Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Orva! McCvllough of
Plymouth, Wash, are here visiting.
with relatives. .
Fred Laughlin left Tuesday for.
North Yakima, where he has a posi
tion with an Irrigation company.
Mrs. Agnes Wlgel has gone to Port
land on a visit.
Osmer Smith was. here on Thursday
from Pendleton, looking after his po- 1
lltlcal fences. I
Deputy Game Warden George Ton
kin was here this week He was ac
companied by L. S. Vincent of Athe
"The iwMest rasing car
The day of the high price for a
motor car. merely for "name" or "so
cial prestige" is past.
And the Elght-Clylnder Cadillac Is 111111
responsible. 1$?
Today. It dominates the quality
jp field, the social field and the efficiency
f . o. b. Pendleton
7I Cottonwood Street.
Mc Lean Auto Co.
Telephone 41
Russian Loss ,M8,M.
NEW YORK, March 24. Losses In
the Russian army, killed, wounded
r.nd missing, for one year, January to
December SI. 1915, were 1,642,119.
according to Boris S. Schumacher, a
Jewish newspaper correspondent, who
arrived here from Petrograd la
Copenhagen on the steamship Unltsd
Mr. Schumacher exhibited printed
lists of names which he said wers Of
ficial Russian reports of casualties
and which he said he secretly obtain
ed while In Petrograd
Needless to Suffer the Agonies of Indigestion. Famous Mi-o-na
Prescription Relieves Almost Instantly.
I ration Clerk Arrested.
PARIS, March 25 A dispatch to
the Balkan agency rrom Bucharest
says the chief clerk of the American
legation at Sofia Is reported to have
been arrested by the Bulgarian au
thorities, accused of giving a pres
ent to an employe for using greater j
haste than ordinary in issuing passports.
The American minister Is said to'
have protested energetically to the I
Bulgarian government. Insisting on
the clerk's Immediate release.
I coins u. uranaeis, recently appoint-1
I ed to the United States supreme court
. bench, gives half his time 'to public
work without pay.
Christian Sclent.
E. Webb and Johnson streU. Ser
vices Sunday, 11 a m. snd 8 p. rn.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Wednesday
8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon.
"Reality." The reading room at tho
church Is open dally, except Sunday,
Irom I until 4 p. m.
Church of the Redeemer,
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a m.; divine service
ami sermon at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
The soloist at the morning service
will be Mrs. Carl l'uwer. Mrs. G. W.
Phelps will preside at the organ. Con
firmation class at 2:20 p. m All .are
cordially Invited. Charles Qulnney,
.-cnd KehUT Is Felled.
LONDON, March 25 Advices re
ceived from Dover by the press asso
ciation say that a second German sea
plane was brought down after the
raid made by four German aeroplanes
over the Kent coast last Sunday.
It la said a British an-man who was
crossing the channel in a new aero
plane saw the raid In progress, snd
Joining In the chase of the Germans
succeeded In bringing down one of
their machines.
Hone Celebration
of Wonder Interest
The arrival of a baby In llie hnnehnM
completely changes the entire aspect of
ine riihire. nut tn the
meantime, during the
anxious period of ex
pectancy, there Is a
ipiemlld remedy known
as "Mother's FWeDd"
that does wonders. I!
Is for external use, re
liefs the pains of
mimic expansion,
fxnthes and quiets the
nerves, extends its In
fluence to the Internal
organs ami removes to
a (treat extent the ten
dency to wnrrv and .in.
prehension. It Is a natural treatment, safe
for the mother, has no drug effect whatso
ever and for this reason must exert a most
henefclal Influence upon those functions di
rectly connected with motherhood. In a
very Interesting book the subject is freely
discussed and a copy will be mailed free to
all expectant mothers by Bri-rtfleM Regulator
Co., 4M Lamar Bdg., Atlanta, On. Get a
bottle of "Mother's Friend'" today of any
druggist Use as directed and you will then
know why mothers for nearly half a century
have used and recommended thl splendid aid
to motherhood. Their letters are messages
of cheer, that breathe comfort la every word.
A good, strong, vigorous stomach;
one thaj goes about Its work of di
gesting the food sent down to It with
out a pain and with sudh efflcency
that Its owner Is unaware of Its pres
ence. Is Indeed a priceless possession
It Is the source of ruddy, glowinK
health and strength.
An'i, why shouldn't at least the vast
majority of us have a good stomach'
The law of Nature Is perfection. It
Is unnatural to be sick and It Is only
when the stomach through abuse or
accident becomes weak and run
down that It will refuse to digest your
food as Nature Intended. Then you
suffer the untold miseries of Indiges
tion. In all such cases it would be a hard
matter Indeed to find a better rem
edy than the famous, Inexpensive MI-o-na
prescription. Ml-o-na tablets
give almost Instant relief to all stom
ach dlsaresa, and they do more.
They usually build up the stomach
and put new strength in its weaken
ed muscular walls so quickly that In
a few days all belching, bloating,
sourness, heartburn, heaviness, bil
iousness, sick headache and dlnlness
disappear. Tou sleep better, your
appetite Is Improved an you are again
on the road to perfect digestion and
I enjoyment of food.
I Ml-o-na Is sold by nearly all lead
i ing druggists under a positive guar
: nntee to refund your money It It does
! not stop all stomach distress, In fact
do all It Is advertised to do, and you
I can always buy It of Tallman A Co
on such a plain without any restric
tions. Nothing lessens a man's success In
his work or a woman's fascinating
personality more than a weak stom
ach, with its attending evils. With
such a guarantee back of Ml-o-na
there no longer seems any need for
anyone suffering or making their
friends suffer on account of Indiges
tion without making an effort to re
cover good health and happiness.
laMll Has
r alts famous rn a UITKH
Fresh Every Day V-zIKsTl f T 131 1
Steam Heated.
Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection.
The Quelle Restaurant
Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FALTS Sea Foods.
Is assured by the use of some
of these beautiful fixtures of
ours. They give a light that
Illuminates the room perfectly,
but that does not tire or strain
the eyes. They are not expen
sive considering their extra ef
ficiency and extra beauty. Why
not at least see them?
DOUGLAS Arix., March 26.
Three Americans, two women and ons
man, were killed near Gibson's line
ranch on the New Mexico-Mexico:
boundary, eight miles west of Colum
bus, N. M between 4 and 6 o'clock
Wednesday, presumably oy Mexicans
according to the story brought here
by a party of five Imuglas people, who
said they arrived on the scene shortly
after the bodies had been removed
by the soldiers
A command of United States sol
diers stationed at the Gibson ranth
was said to have crossed the line n
pursuit of the slxyert.
f A Few Things to Do Today i
First Call up Phone 5 and order a load of mill-ends
for kindling. All short lengths and the best thing in the
world to start your fire. A big load for a dollar and a
Second Order enough of our Rock Springs coal to fill
your bin.
Third Build a good big red hot fire.
Fourth Congratulate yourself that you have the beet
fuel In Pendleton.
Fifth Resolve to do it again.
Cor. Webb & College Phone 5