East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 25, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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There is Much of Interest at
The Peoples Warehouse
Dress-Up Week
It Begins Monday Morning March 27th 1
Some people call it "fashion week." It is the latest national institution, and a
very worthy on.
Like "Paint-up week" and such events, "Dress Up Week" is intended to stir
things up; give us a few thoughts about our duty to ourselves and our associates.
The purpose of "Dress Up Week" is to remind you that maybe you need new
clothes. That maybe you ought to take more interest in your appearance; that may
be your family is tired of that old suit, or dress, or hat and that the new Spring
clothes are ready for you.
The day has gone by when people are ashamed to dress well; nowadays we
find that most all ages like the confidence given by wearing a well cut smart look
ing attire.
So take account of stock; look over the "stand-bys" and see if they haven't
stood by you just about long enough.
Take a little interest in the "Dress Up" idea, its a worthy one, and we're ready
to help you when you do.
Beautiful New Silk Dresses
Just Received by Express
This shiprhent contains the most beautiful dresses we
have yet shown. Everyone is a beauty. Every one the
- i J J t r . r l i.
fiion 01 a muster uesiKiier. most 01 inem are cumuina- w
tions of taffeta and Georgette crepe, in others silk faille 'I
is used.
One model in rose has a bodice of Georgette crepe with
gold lace in the underbodice and crushed girdle of taf
feta to mach. The skirt is partly of Georgette, taffeta
extends up into it in scallops edged with cord while shir
ring edged with covered cords of the same material fin
ishes the hem in a charming manner.
These dresses are in the most wanted colors sage and
Boiling green, Copenhagen, Joffre and navy blue, Quaker
and dreadnaught grey, fancy stripes and black. These
and other new arrivals in silk dresses range in price from
915.00 to 935.00.
The Royal Neighbors of America
last evening entertained the Modern
Woodmen o America and a few pros
pective members in the , O. O. P.
hall. A splendid program was given
during the fore part of the evening,
beginning with a drill by the Royal
Neighbors. An Instrumental solo was
played by Mrs. Nell McLean, Mrs.
Ruth Overton contributed a vocal so
lo, Mrs Adah Loan Rose and Miss
Nadlne Blakely gave readings, Mrs.
Maye Hagar gave both Instrumental
and vocal numbers, and a vocal solo
was sung by George Hackathorn. I.
U. Beeman won the Royal Neighbor
baby and amid much laughter was re
quired to undress It before the audi
ence, it proved to be a fat chicken.
The grab bag netted a neat sum for
the lodge. The evening was conclud
ed by the serving of dainty refresh
ments in the banquet room by captain
number three Officers from the
Spokane camp were guests of honor.
Mrs Francis Vise or San Franclaco
Is visiting her father and sister. Mrs.
J. S. Rogers.
The Senior Endeavor Society of the.
Christian church enjoyed a pleasant
social and business meeting St the
home of Mr. and Mrs. St a. ReeU
last evening. This afternoon the Ju
nior Endeavor Society or the same
church. Is conducting a social at the
church parlors.
f Sjim
Dr. J. D. Plamondon of Athena, mo
tored down yesterday from his home.
A R. Lent, well known sheepman
of Stanfleld, Is here for a few days'
Osmer E. Smith, candidate for dis
trict attorney, is campaigning at Pi
lot Rock today.
L. D. Stover will go to Pendleton
the last of the week to visit with his
parents and transact business. Hepp.
ner Herald.
Mrs. W. R. Wyrlck, or Pendleton,
Is visiting this week with her hus
band who has charge or the farming
operations now going on al the Baker
place southwest of lone. Heppner
Absolutely Purm
No Alum No Phosphate
A customer asked us the other day
'If my husband does not like this
waist when he sees it tonight, can I ex
change it?"
Need hardly say that we told her ab
solute satisfaction must accompany
every article purchased here.
We want you lo feel that you can buy
at this store knowing that we are as
anxious to have you satisfied as you
want to be satisfied.
You do us an injustice when you
make a purchase; for some reason be
come dissatisfied and do not give us an
opportunity to learn whether we are at
fault or not.
Have, you bought anything recently
that was not entirely satisfactory?
Devonshire Cloth needs no introduc
tion ; 32 inches wide, fast color, neat pat
terns of stripes, checks and plaids; most
desirable for dresses, school wear, chil
dren's rompers. The yard 20
An express shipment of new fancy
dress silks, exclusive patterns, 36 to 40
inches wide. Striped effects and some
two-toned. The yard $2.00 to $3.00.
(East Oregonlan Special.)
GURDANE, Ore, March 25.
Plowing is the order of the day and
everyone is busy putting in their
spring crops and planting garden.
Pat Connell has' been visiting in
Ed Hammer has been spending the
week In Echo whre he has a large
alfalfa ranch.
Dillard French has a large force ol
men building fence on his ranch
Dave Wymore Is preparing to erect j
a large two story building In Gurdanei
the upper floor to be used as a hall i
while the lower part will contain a
barber shop, confectionery store and
pool hall.
Mr. Hollister and family will arrive1
from Portland the first of April toj
reside on their homestead.
Bill Gulliford fed about 25 deer
through the big snow. They are;
still in his pasture. They are in fine
condition and have wintered well.
Mrs. Arlie Enrlght and daughter,
are visiting with Grandpa Corley al
his home .n Gurdane
Peoples Warehouse
Where It Pays To Trade 1
(East Oregonlan Special.)
ADAMS, Ore.. March 25. Mr. and
Mrs. T A. Lleuallen motored to the
county seat Thursday to have their
car fixed.
Mr and Mrs. Billy Taylor and son
Burl, were visitors at the county seal
Miss Jessie Chesnut returned home
Friday evening to spend Sunday with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ches
put. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Morrison and
children motored to the county seat
Mr. and Mrs Jess Hales and son
John, motored to the county seat Sat-
urday. '
Miss Eleanor Stockton, one of the
teachers at Ferndale, returned home
Saturday to spend Sunday with her .
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stockton.
Pearl Hales of Pendleton was in
Adams this week looking after his
Mr. and Mrs. T. A Lleuallen mo-!
tored to Milton Friday to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McDan-i
S. G. Rogers of Pendleton was in i
Adams this week looking after his
The Ladies' Club met at the home
or Mrs. Stephen Edwards. Those
present were Mrs L. L. Lleuallen
Mrs. Shantz, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. B. j
Klrby, Mrs. McCullum. Mrs. Boyer,
Mrs. Desvolne, Mrs Rasberry, Mrs.
M. Baker, Mrs. Chesnut, Mrs J. W. ,
Harrah, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Stockton,
Miss Fern Edwards, Miss Wilson. Re-,
freshinents were served, consisting or:
ice cream, cake and corfee. Every-1
one enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. '
The next meeting place will be at thq
home of Mrs. H. Roseberry. April 6.
Mr. and Mrs Billy Taylor were In:
Pendleton Thursday.
Mrs. G. Marquis le.-t the first ..f
the week for The Dalles, where Mr. j
Marquis has been or some time, to
make that place their future home.
Mrs Cla.k, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bunch, who has been visiting
here for week, returned to her i
home at Arlington, Friday.
Otis Lleuallen returned home Sat-'
urday to spend Sunday with his par-1
ents. I
Mrs Mclntyre, Mrs. Bowling and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs attended
the uneral of Thomas Brewster In
A large crowd of vls:tors from Pen
dleton and Milton were here to attend
the K. of P. lodge Wednesday night
and put on some special work.
The Bunches are making prepara
tions to move In the property vaca
ted by E. McCullom. ,
Considering that the diameter of
the earth Is 8000 miles, we can only
scratch the surface.
One of the Lake Superior copper
mines has reached a depth of 4575
feet; the Speremberg Bhaft near Ber
lin is 3810 feet deep; the Sohlade
loch mine near Merseburg. Germany,
has gone down 6528 feet and the Pa
ruschowltz mine In Silesia had to give
up operations after 6009 feet had been
The gigantic ropes cun barely car
ry their own weight after they reach
a depth of SOOO feet; and are unable
to carry a carriage besides. Moreover,
mining entails a turning of diamond
or other drills, and no power has been
discovered to turn a drill at a great-'
er distance than 8000 feet; and even
then several hours are required to
give the drills a turning movement I
So far all delvlngs Into the ground:
have hud a commercial objective; but1
the Austrian government has prom-
ised scientists to allow them to ex-!
I'll. It. after the war, tne Slleslan mines
for sclenttfcl purposes.
Prof. Hanauer of the university of
Breslau la promoting thla Investiga
tion and has arranged' to have "way
stations" built along the original
shaft, and these Can be multiplied ad
libitum. Exactly how ne intends to
meet the temperature conditions has
not been disclosed. Practical men
hold that (000 feet is the limit ot
depth that can be reached In safety.
Spanking does not cure cbildrtn of bed
wetting. There Is a constitutional ciuu
tor this trouble. Mrs. M Summers, Box
w, Notre Usme, lud . will send free to ani
mother her successful home treatment, with
full Instructions. Send no money, hut
write her todsy If your children trouble you
In this way. Don't blame the child, th
i-hances are It can't help It. This treatment
also cures adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night.
Prevents roughneu during
the summer
A superior vanishing skfei
tone soon absorbed.
Price 50 cent
The Drug Store That
Serves You Best
What's Rheumatism? Pain only.
Stop drugging: Not one case In
fifty requires Internal treatment Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil'
directly upon the "tender spot" and
relief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs
Oll Is a harmless rheumutlsm nnd
sciatica liniment, which never disap
points and can not burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining: Oet
a small trial bottle rrom your drug
gist, and In Just a moment you;il be
free from rheumatic and sciatic pain,
soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't
surfer! Relief awaits you. old. hon
est "St. Jacobs OH" has cured mil
lions of rheumatism snrferers In the
last half century, and Is Just as good
for sciatica, neuralgia. lumbago, back
ache, sprains and swellings.
Known as the first oil that el
udes on subjecting the olives to
gentle pressure, this portftn bs..
Ing the best, the most palatable
and the moat nutritious. A trial
o' '.his superior product will
convince you that we have the
Tallman & Go.
Leading Druggists
mmmm pn mi, IffWfBMM M
OU'a RepulatiHi I phesd. 10 BMM Drop Into Hole
RIVERSlDfc, CM, March 25 - WILKESBARRE. Pa.. March 25.-
Mv cat does not stay out late at When a cavein occurred in the work-
. . , . ,ings of the Law Shan of the Pennsjl-
night,' was the defense offered "vania Coal comply at Avoca, early
court by Mrs. R. S. Allinder agalnstn ,j,e morning, ten homes dropped
the charge of her neighbors that her2C feet into a yawning cavern, extend
black Persian had corrupted the mor-lng half a block along Valentine
ala of other cats of the neighborhood street.
Many "character" witnesses were Despite the fact that all the fam
put on the stand by Mrs. Allinder illes occupying house were asleep, nj
who la snina her neirfcaor. Mrs W. fl one was seriously Injured; nor did a
Farrar. for the disappearance of the blaze result from the fires in numer
anlmal whose value Is placed at $25 ous stoves. Firemen and mine res
Mrs. Farrar protested that the cats cue corps halted a panic among the
ate her chickens and made night hid-residents. Workmen set about to pre
eoua with its yowling. vent an extension of the cave from
In continuing the case Justice Ellis the troubled workings.
alluding to the assaults on the Per.
elan's reputation, remarked that when Dog Save "FTat" Men.
a cat of one species is let out. of a LA FAYETTE, Ind., March 25
house and meets cats of another spec- "Bob," the bulldog mascot of the Sig
iee there is likely to be considerable ma Phi Epsllon Fraternity of Purdue
commotion. University, saved the Uvea of 24
members by arousing them when the
house caught fire early one morning
The two lower floors or the build
ing we .6 In flames when the men
were awakened by the dog. With
the exception of one student, who wa
overcome and later rescued by fire
men, all of the faternlty men escaped
down the fire escapes.
The loss on the building, which
was destroyed, and contents was esti
mated at $15,000.
Ay mi iumL
Razor Plant Burns; Loss $300,000.
JERSEY CITY, N J.. March 25
Fire destroyed the five-story building
occupied ty the Lurham Duplex Ra
zor company, entailing a loss of $300,
000. , i
New Yoik City boasts SOOO
where tenpins can be rolled.
some of the latest
exclusive styles of
Bond Clothes
115 to 130
an inspection of them
is a real opportunity
Bond Brothers 'ftg"
PendieWi Leading Clothieri
Any Time Before
April 1st
Yon c an Save from $100 Ut $200
The sale Ends on Mart 31st
This sale is the result of an adver
tising campaign of the Steger Piano
Manufacturing Co. of Stager, HI a
$5,000,000 Institution, and the largest
exclusive piano manufacturing con
cern In the world.
The Steger piano Is one of the most
talked of pianos In America today it
la the golden mean between the two
extremes of useless cheapness and un
necissary expense, as a musical In
strument of the highest type It Is all
that a good piano should or can be.
see Our window.
See some of the beautiful art style
pianos. To those who wish to take
advantage of this sale but are not
ready to make payment now, we will
deliver the piano now nnd wait until
fall. Take SO months time If you
wish, or pay a little each month like
rent There will never again be an
opportunity In Pendleton to aacure
such piano value and If the people
only knew the unprecedented values
offered every plano wouM be
one day.
See the new styles In the Kimball.
Knabe, Haines Bros., and Reed &
Sons, all offered now at wholesale
820 Main St.
Featuring Anita Stewart and Earle Williams at the Pastime Sunday-Morula t