TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. PAGE NINE ROAD TO HEALTH IS THROUGH THE KIDNEYS Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatic Twinge and Other Painful' Symptoms the Result of Clogged or Improperly Working Kidneys. No person alive la stronger than his kidneys. The minute the kidneys be come disarranged ur clogged with waste the warning Is flushed through out the entire . stein. Handled" u sufferers from pains in the back and sides, Madder and urinary disorders, lumbago, rheuma tism, diaajatat, putty swellings under the eyes or in the feat and ankles, nervousness, tired or worn-out or headachy feeling, don't seem to real ize that the greater part of all sick Mean today can lie avoided by keeping thu kidneys working properly. If you suffer from any of the many ugonlc that accompany weak, c:ogged-up or diseased kidneys you should not neg lect yourself another Oay and run the risk of serious complication Secure u package of Molvax, the wonderful new kidney rcmcd which Is very In expenshe ei ai ts quickly and surely on the seat of the trouble You'll i:iiubii rile is Han. HA K Kit, ore., March 25 Adding to the already huge pile of document ary evidence submitted In his suit for tho possession of 114.000 against K W. Hackus and associates, now being beard In the circuit court. FYiink S Ballle introduced 400 letters and tele-, grams Covering correspondence, be tween himself and Mr. Hackus for 1900 and 1901 Houtlne business of the Columbia mine was the subject of the majority of the communications, The new Installment brings the total up to 1093. Contrasting with this number were the two letters featured In the cross examination of Mr BSillle, which con tinued today. They were written to Mr Hackus by Mr, Bsttlls asking for figures to make possible a correct balancing of the books of the folum bla mine, following withdrawal of funds for the use of the Midland Min ing and Milling Com pan) woman ihh- Merchants, HOQl'IAM. Wash March 23. Merchants of this city and Aberdeen were victimised by a woman check ar tist, whose Idea tit) still Is a mystery, and who thus far has not been cap-' tured The woman, a stranger In both cities, operated under several names. obtained ft considerable quantity of goods, bul made no attempt to get any . ash. as (ur as reported The woman, who appeared to l" abont 3d years obi. was simply dress ed At one HoUlam store she bought i $33 bill of goods and jiild In a check on an Aberdeen bank, taking the is with her. She attempted the FOUGHT FOR TWENTY YEARS AGAINST DESTRUCTIVE CATARRH GERMS THEN lUUlVIIlKD Ui'OMH TOR A mm HI I IKS NI CATARRH ALMOST HONK Here is a letter thai we sincere!) ask everyone to rcna. If you suffer iroin catarrh of the head, nose or throat, reiul it over twice, and then consider If you can afford to Ignore a prescription with the healing vir tue of llyoinoi v pronounce it High-o-sne). Mr. Thomas f Walsh. 2011 Mur ray street, I'hiiitdc ipnia, I'a.. writes: "1 have been a sufferer from Ca tarrh for over twenty years. 1 doc tored orf and on for fifteen years, bul still alter ell ibis dOOtorlni and drug ging I got no relief. "Finally my ailment Decanls so se vere that I was p raCt! Call! deaf In one ear and almost so In tin- uther. "My wife saw your Sd In the paper and paid one dollar lor a llxomel outfit I Immediately began to uso it according to directions, and the re sults were remarkable I have used another bottle of llyoniel and I can truthfully say that It Is the first re. lief 1 have experienced In twenty vears "This sounds Ilk.- strong language. Nevertheless. It is the truth. "I feel there Is nothing like llyomel boon to the sufferer of a loth some disease. Catarrh 1 consider 11 a pleasure to recommend llyomel to North-Side Home For Sale Five room house in good con dition. Corner lot, facing east. Lawn, lilftdt trees; retaining wall; faU and electricity. Only few blocks from Main street bridge. A snap if taken at once. Telephone I ittiiiii be surprised how entirely different you'll feel in a very short time . It doean't matter now long you have suffered, how old you are, or what you have used. The very prin ciple of Solvax Is sucn that It la practically Impossible to take it into the humun system without some ben eficial results. Solvax Is pleasant to take, gives quick relief and lias been ao uniform ly successful that Tallmun & Co and other leading dealers in this vicinity will In future sell It under a positive guarantee of relief or refund the money. No other kidney remedy we bellev ever had a large enough per centage of cures so that it could be sold in this manner. A guarantee like i bin speaks volumes ror the merit of Solvax. There Is no time like the present to do u thing thul ougm to be done. If anyone ha kidney trouole today is the best time to begin curing It. same plan at another Hoijuiam store, i but departed without the selected , goods when the store called the Aber ASM bank to ascertain 'f the check was good From Hoq ulam she went to Aberdeen and victimized ut least: me store there. Boys Nab Diamond Thief, VANCOUVKH, 11. C, March 23.--1 Two messenger boys, (Maude Freeman, nged 16 years, and K Henshaw, ngeu 17, were responsible Tor the capture' of a Chinese who stole a tray of din-1 tnond rings valued at J35UO from the ' Jewelry department of a large de partment store on Hastings street The Chinese had seized the Jewelry) and was running toward Chinatown, when one of the messenger boys push - j d out his foot and tripped the thief I who was Unable to regain his feel he- ! fore h policeman arrestd him. Cattlemen lg-awe Range. BAXKR, ore, March IS. To make possible the running of a larg number of cattle In Eagle Valley, for which grazing privileges were denied by the forestry service, the Cattle snd Horse Kaisers' Association of the section will lease all privately owned range lands remaining on Pine Creek, according to Forest Supervisor Barnes, who returned from n trip to Ragle valley. The stockmen also decided to im prove on the state regulations provid ing a minimum proportion of one bull for each GO head of stock, making the proportion one to ; ginstend. Mr, Haines reported that the range Is in fine condition. who sufferers from this dli ll you, dear reader, could spend an hour looking over a few of tile many sincere letters of this character which the makers of llyomel have on file. o would not go on suffering from catarrh, that disgusting disease that will surely sap your vitality and weaken your entire system if allowed to continue. You would have just as much Inith In the wonderful virtue ot Hyome! ns we have and not marvel that it is sold the country over under a positive guarantee to cure catarrh, colds, snuf fles, croup, etc.. or money back. No stomach dosing when you use llyomel Just Jour a Tew drops Into the inhaler and breathe It in It Is Blighty pleasant to use, it op ens up those stuffen-up nostrils In two minutes, and makes your head feel as clear as a bell In a short time Breathe llyomel and kill the ca tarrh germs. It's the only win to get rid of this disagreeable and often times disgusting disease. A complete llyomel Outfit, which includes a bottle of llyomel and the hard rubber pocket Inhaler, Is Inex pensive, Most any leading druggls. or Tillman & Co, w!1 supply you under a positive guarantee of success ful results or money cTieerfully re funded. 105 FIRST CROP OF K SHIPPED DAY PHI ECHO )'.. i o.K.Miian Special.) KCHO. Ore., Itarcn 24 The first car of Echo's 19U crop of wool will be shipped today to Crlmmlns & Piarce, wool merchants of lloston, Mass This wool has just tieen clipped Ml! THO.M s UPTON e TO RACE IN mi HOMAS P70N NEW Yt'KK March 24 The statement ! Sir Thomas Upton that he hopes to race his yacht Shamrock IV for the America'! cap next year recalls to mind the fact that the chal lenger is still carefully boxed and under guard on the Brooklyn water front, where it has been Since August. 1914. Kepnrts from the otiier Bide are to the affect that Sir Thomas will put his challenger overboard early in the spring of IH17 If International condi tions warrant the heller that the Am erica's cup races can be Staged. Steamer Line Planned. Washington March it. The Luckenbsch Steamship company ol New York, it was learned here Is planning to put on a line of freight St eamerl to South America bigger than any now In the Latin-American trade. The new line will conned New York with Rio Janeiro BrSStl, Montevideo, l'ruguaj and Buenos Aires. RoSSriS ami l ji Plata, Argentina The Luck enbach company has now more than 2ii frcinht steamers In the European nnd Coastwise trade. Kcnncwlrk cafe is liuicicd. I KNNLWICK. Wash. March II. The Kaktma Cafe, a Chinese restau rant was raided here by Sheriff C, B Duffy and Deputy K. I, Baxter. About II gallons of whisky, a barrel of bot tled beet and other bottled food I were found. Sheriff Duffy has been In town since Sunday In an effort to locate the place w-bere it was apparent boose w"ts being sold. The cafe was operated by Charley Yen. who, with two or three other Chinamen was placed under arrest on a warrant charting sale of liquor contrary to the prohibition law. Here is one of the most recent pic tores, showing a new Herman trench near Verdun, where the Hermans arej ill !sllfis 1916 WOOL 10 from 5000 yearling mutton sheep. 2100 belonging to Prank Correa, ZJOtl to Joseph Cunha and 600 to Jos Ra mos, and was purchased by Thomas Boat, wool buyer or this place, for eastern shipment The price was not made public. ONES GIVEN PARTY AT ECHO AND ALL HAVE GOOD TIME! Hits. .1. R. JORDAN KXTERTAIXS CHILDREN IN HON' OH OF HER son. Management of Hotel Echo Will Change Within low Days; The Dalles Man Bays the Furniture ami the Ix-asc; Overland Lodge Presents vtTan I. o. o. r. Radges. (Fast OregonUn Special.) ECHO, Ore., March 24, Mrs. J. R. I Jordan gave a party on Monday af I lernoofl to the little ones of Echo In j honor of her son Master Itoger Jor dan, the occasion being the third an niversary of his birthday. Fifteen little guests were present. After . hours of happy play and refreshment! 1 Mr. Jordan took the children home n his automobile. Thl management of ihe Hotel Echo I will change hands within u few days. I'eni I'auer of The Dalles was here on I Monday and purchased Ihe furnish. I lugs and also the lease of the build j ing from R. fi. Miishburn who has conducted the hotel for the past two I years. Mr. Buuer purchased the bus iness for his sister who .will assume i the management the latter part ot I this week. He was accompanied on the trip by c. J. Btubbllng, owner of the hotel building. They both re turned home Tuesday morning. Mr. Mashburn has no defln te plans for the future, but expects to leave at once, on an extended visit accompa nied by his wife, first to the home of Mrs. Mashbtirn's mother at Dallas ore., and then on to California where 1 they win visit with Mr Mashbtirn's parents. Overland Iidge No, II, I. O. O. F . ; has presented three of its members with Veteran Odd Fellow badges. Sod. i frey Newman of Pendleton, Ore . and N H. Sltton of Alberta. Canada, each received a thirty year membership medal and Joe Ha ley of Echo, "re., received a twenty five year medal overland lodge is the oldest 1. 0. 0 ! F. lodge in I'nvititla county. John Tyacke of Kennewick. Wash. . who has been bailing hay at the An drews farm for the past two weeks. has removed his H. EC, Rartholon field where he h of' alfalfa hay to Thomas ltoss carload of lumh. ailing machine to 's farm at Stan two hundred tons lie. I Just received a 1 from the coast. K It. Yates shipped beef cattle to Pendleton arload of Tuesday. Mrs. Klla Hipper and Miss Clari Hipper spent Monday in Pendleton. F. W. Andrews was among tht Echo visitors In Pendleton on Tues da v. Fchn Flour Mills received five car loads of wheat Ihe first of the wee! from Yoakum which will be irounc Into flour. Mri re and little- daugl Tuesday in Pendli Bd Keithfelsen of Portland visit, at the Spinning home on Monday ; GERMANS TRENCH NEAR VERDUN -mat irimfiTi it- throwing up extensive fortlflratlons toi hold the ground already gained and' to prepare for further attacks on the FISH NON-SKID VOU can still get the FUk Non-Skid at prices less than the plain treads of many other standard makes. Why then buy a smooth tire when this tough non-skid tread of true Fisk Quality saves money for you ? Compare These FUk Pricet Grey Non-Skid Casings and Tubes Six Cuius Tub Sam Cuius Tab 3 x30 10.40 . 2.60 4x35 . 31.20 . 5.55 3Jx30 . 13.40 . 2.95 4J x 36 . 31.55 . 5.70 4 x33 . 22.00 . 4.25 5 x 37 . 37.30 . 6.90 Fisk Tires For Sale By Pendleton Auto Co. Pendleton VZ&tWM III he returned home from Walla Walla. Mrs. Perry Hould spent Saturday in town calling on her friends. U T. Vug! formerly of Union Junct on. Is the new night telegraph operator for the o.-w. r. & n. F. T. fleorge attended the road meeting held in Pendleton last Bat urday. Archie Malcolm was a bus ness vis-i itor In Pendleton on Saturday. Mrs. O. F. Thomson and Miss tieorgla P rry spent yesterday in Pendleton. Win. Merritt. Christian Science preacher ot Hermiston was here Tues-i Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thomson were in from their Butter Creek home yes terday. Mrs. T. Q. Smith visited here yes u, with Vir sister Mrs. W. A. At least there has been found a hat , I absolute value, quite w ithout regard to style or "what the trade will bear.' it being the gift of an Ohio millilfer to his sister, and the mate rial SO brand new bills of $1 denom- bong-Closed Mill Busy. RAINIER, re , March 2S After losing down for more than two years he old Pacific National Lumber Com nny s mill, recently sold to the Mill' lomah Box & Lumber Company by he receiver, started sawing lumber This same company has purchased he n K. mill one of the podge prop Ttles, Which adjoins the Pacific Na iona mill. and. according '" Manas r Mitchell, the new owners will take mough of the machinery from the o. mill to bring 'he capacity of the her up io lT5,0fl feet a day. Th" ematnder of the machinery will be oi,i and the buildings razed. This - .. . Krench Stronghold, Some of the finest fighting of the war has occurred In this region. s . i 'r V -- . m ... "V V.- will give the mill about 900 feet ol waterfront for yards and loading fa cUKIes. State Wins Tax Case. SALEM, cire . March 23. The su preme court, in a decision by Justice Harris, has held that a second tax levy of 3 1 mills made by the Port o! Day City should have been extended on the tax roll of Tillamook countv and an order tothis effect was issued. The decision was in the case of the state of Oregon ex rel. the Port ol Parents Should Know this Splendid Remedy SIWIjF, laxative compound IIFJjPS OORRBOT CONSTI PATION IN" CIlII.DItKN. With all children there are times when the bowels fall to act naturally and it becomes necessary for the par ents to administer a remedy. Cath artics and purgatives snould never be used as these agents arford only tem porary relief while their violent ac tion shocks the system unduly. Mrs Eva P. Gaff. 517 10th St., Washing ton, D. C, says that her little girl. Marie, had been subject to constipa tion, and that she found Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin the best remedy because of Its mildness, and now al ways geeps a bottle of It in the house. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a ompound of simple laxative herbs, free from opiates or narcotic drugs of any kind, and Is an ideal remedy! for children because at its mild ac-i Hon and positive effect. Its use i tends to strengthen the impaired bow-: el action and restore normal regular ity. It le important that parents should know of a dependent remedy with no 4HiiHiitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiNiHiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiwiiuiiiHiiiniiMHnHnm MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Farm Property. Current Rates NO COMMISSIONS, NO BONUSES, or other expenses. g Just like getting it from a bank. Large or small amounts. I Loan quickly closed. If you need money COME and SEE US. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT GO. - HI Bast c'ourt St. ,lillllimi 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi in? ", Known For It's Strength mmniiiiniiiiiiinu E Washington, D. C, Oct. 6, 1915. I First National Bank I PENDLETON, OREGON is hereby pran ecutor, Admin Bonds. ip right ti t ami Rei SECURITY Hiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii T:i4 to V Mltl x.t U.S. li OS, Tim t. R tie. f u, Fish I Bay City against Assessor Johnson and Sheriff Crenshaw, of Tillamook county, in which the port instituted mandamus nroeeadinsa to comDel the county officials to place the 3.1 levy on the roll. The port originally made a levy ol 3 5 mills, but later discovered that aa error had been made and the levy was reduced 4.10 of a mill. The as sessor refused to extend the second levy on the roll The written opin ion in the case will probably be hand, ed down next week. M Villi: GAFF unpleasant after effects griping or strain. Dr. Caldwell's Fyrup Pepsin costs only fifty cents a bottle and cult be procured at any drug store To ob tain a trial bottle, free of chargf. write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 4J Washington St , Montlcello. Ill Federal Reserve Board. By C. S. Hamlin. Governor. nwiiiimiiMMiiimmiitiii