East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 24, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 7

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! VOTE OF 402 TO 2
At Ills lKSK.
poonjto or i-to mkn goes
UHl is imiuiiy 1'iu'iuuunti; Nitrate I
Prorialpn a Loet; iMMner FtsJits
in ViUin to Niilkstliutc Provision fori
MUilin llij ClMM; Further III
crcwM" Is Kefusotl.
40c lb.
Is unequaled in
uniform strength,
purity, aroma and
wholesome fresh
ness. Steel cut
no dust, no chaff
parchment, inner
seal cans. Ask
your grocer.
Closset &
N COjl.C X, i I . B
av H
" - JF
19 I i
NEW YORK. Marcn 21 What:
will milady do If the Hottentots enter
the great war? For be it known that
the latest garments for women are
being fashioned after the uniforms of
the soldiers now fighting In Europe
We have had the Belgian hat. and
Mme Frances Alda, the opera singer;
is introducing in New York the Ber-,
faglieri chapeau, which her husband
brought back from Italy and now th
pretty Countess Tanessesco. wife of!
the famous aviator, has startled
Broadway with her novel Cossack cos-1
tume and boots. I
The gnwn is made of tete de negre
velvet, trimmed with skunk fur and
trimmed after the fashion of the
curs dashing-horsemen. The skirt
quite full, reaches barely below the
knees, and encasing the legs from the
knes down were boots of the softest
black kid, laced on the outside.
A sensation? Yes, but that does
not worry the countess, who before
her marriage to the noble aviator,
who is said to be worth about four
million dollars, was a dancer of in
ternational reputation.
ued from page one.)
Thames uslitship Sunk.
LONDON, March 23 The Galloper
lightship at the mouth of the Thames
has been torpedoed and sunk, accord
ing to I.loyds report.
The Blood Reaches Every Part
of the Body Every Twelve
sr. saproximstsiy '),)"',
toeres ici the .kin of a human jody.
TTiee connect with the blood channels
' mollis of little canals. These ca
naks re sometimes filled with poisons
n4 the skin .cales and blisters, gets
rvd and raw sod becomes like so much
i fire.
Halves do not reach the source of the
roejbte. To make the blood pure is the
only scientific method of relief.
& B. 8 Is the greatest blood purifier
xtuH It li s natural one There Is
see mineral of any sort in It It ! pure
ly r -. i
So great Is the fame of B S. S. thst
many ..institute, trail along in various
elections of the country. Tney ail. oon
r er lstsr. die a natural death, i. S. 8.
mild, up weak and acldy blood s;lve.
prompt relief to almost every case of
erwma. winter tetter and other skin
vnalad-ea. You of yourself the duty
of trying a twill of 8 S B. Take n
sruhvtt'ute Write for our free book
o skin diseases. Confliential letters
replied to by ou- Mj li' U expert. Write
Swift Specific Co., Department l. At-la-ete.
the gallery, something that created
not a little indignation, as there wei(
tadlsa in the audience.
Just prior to the sounding of the
tint ong Mayor Best stepped upon
the stage, motioned Rsferot fete Jost
to him and admonished him against
permitting any ' infighting. ' that is.
any exchange of blows while the com
batants were at close quarters in a
hall-clinch. 1
IH.-1 and Furious tight.
The fight started without any ot
the preliminary stepping about for
fteling-out purposes Both lighters
seemed willing tu mix It and tore into
each other vigorously, McCarroll with
a grin on his face anu the Irish boy
with grim determination The round
was a lively one and honors were
even. McCarroll landed one dam
aging wallop on Hagan's neck, Hagan
afterwards admitting that the blow
made him groggy.
The bout, which was scheduled for
ten rounds, came to an abrapt end
about the middle ot the second,
round. After an interchange of
blows, fast and furious, Hagan caught
McCarroll on the jaw with a left
hook and sent him into the ropes.
The Montana boy came back groggy
ann a ngnt across to me point or m
, jaw stretched him on the mat.
Mayor Best began calling for the
fight to stop when McCarroll went
! into the ropes but the rereree declares
' he heard him say nothing until he
' was counting the fallen boxer out.
"Don t count him out." shouted the
' mayor and the referee stopped Si the
count of nint White IfeOUrTOU't
seconds were picking nim up, the
mayor cried out his Knell to the box-1
ing game and the excitement began. !
Hawaii Through rishtinir.
Hagan was clearly the better man
In the short bout last evening and!
proved he has some right to claim ,
the middleweight championship of j
the northwest. He announced this,
morning that he will quit the boxing
game, leave tomorrow for Seattle to I
marry Miss Texas Mention, one oi
the Gayety Girls, who recently show
ed here, get a job in a tak-r and
live a peaceful life.
McCarroll won many friends by his
gumeness and undouuted ability last
evening In justice to him it is only!
fair to say that he was suffering from
an injury to hia head, sustained In
wrestling, and should never have en
tered the ring There was a ciot or
blood underneath the scalp of his
forehead and this he had removed by
a physician after the battle Hagan
showed a generous spirit toward his
opponent when he split ju-ju with
him on the receipts, though as victor
he was entitled to 60 per cent. Mc
Carroll has a wife and baby and In
tends making Pendleton his home.
Two good preliminaries preceded
the main, bout Joe Wilcox anil
Chester lted boxed a four round
draw and Kid Williams stopped Steve
Ldchter in the fourth round
Before the main event I- K. Har
lan of Heppner introduced Tony AJax,
the wrestler, .and announced that ha
would meet Walter Miller, world
welterweight champion, in this city
soon He also Introduced Ja k Boot,
the heavyweight Portland scrapper
who is looking for a match.
Hay irau Incrtasa. bin, providing for
a regular army peace Strength of
149,009 fighting men instead of the.1
present 100,000, passed the house by I
a vote of -102 to 2. It goes to the sen- i
ate for immediate consideration vir-1
tually as drafted by the house com-1
The negative votes were cast b I
ltepresentatives Britten, republican,!
of Illinois, and London, socialist, of
New York.
Amendments to the bill were con
sidered in committee of the whole in
the course of the day.
On the first vote to strike out the,
provision for a government plant to I
take nitrogen from the air for man-J
ufacture Of explosives, the motion to
eliminate the project carried, 122 to
100. A record vote was demanded.
Vdmiuisti'iiUon Plan Rejected. i
The administration plan was shown.
by the record vote to be defeated, 1M
to 12V This eliminated the entire!
provision for securing nitrogen as a
national defense safeguard, designed
to make the country independent of
the supply of nitrates from Chile.
Representative Gardner tough! I
vainly for his amendment proposing
to substitute for the militia pay pro-1
vision the volunteer provisions of thsl
Chamberlain senate bill Chainnat. I
Hay. in charge ot the bill, vigorously!
opposed this. When put to a vote, It
was rejected.
Another attempt to forbid the use!
of the national guard in strike duty!
was defeated.
The provision for drafting was
quickly adopted wild little debate.
Representative; Gardner, of Massa
chusetts, however, expressed fear that
it would accomplish little in time of
war. pointing out that during the civ
il war only 46,000 men were obtain
ed out of 7 76.000 subjected to draft.
West IDlnt CtsBse FJiminatcd.
When the West Point section of the
bill was reached word came that the
senate had passed the Chamberlain
bill practically to double the cadet
corps. The house on motion of Mr.
Hay. struck out the entire section re
lating to West Point appointments, so
there could be quick action upon th
senate bill.
An amendment by. Representative j
Anthony republican, of Kansas, to I
have army officers retired for disubll-j
(ties examined at Intervals and as-i
Newton l. Baker, gecratary of War
No BOOnsr had Nswton l-. Baker,
former mayor of Cleveland, taken his
desk as the new secretary of war than
he had to Issue the order for the in
vasion of Mexico to catch the Villa:
bandits who attacked Columbus, N I
XI. He started the machinery which
has resulted In the hunt for the Mex
lean bandit leader.
rnpatrtotio Pupil luu-rtM,
DBA MOINKS. March 24 Because
of refusal to salute the flag, Hubert i
K.ivi s. a negro. 11 years old, was ex-1
pelted from the public school of this ;
city and sentenced to nine years In the;
El Horn reformatory
The order was issued by District!
Judge Dudley. Th- court suspended
sentence and paroled the boy to his!
parents on their promise that he
would be placed In a private school
where education demanded by the i
Iowa statutes Is given.
Hubert, a member of the so-called
"Sanctified Cult," refused to repeat
the oath of allegiance or salute the
flag, because "It had no God In It and,
there was nothing about saluting the;
flag In the Bible.'-
Another amendment by Represen
tative Good, republican, or Iowa, pro
viding that when any munition man
ufacturer refuses to make supplies for
the government, the plant may be ta
ken for the public, also was adopted.
The Kahn amendment proposing
increase of the standing army to 220,
000 men was rejected, 11 to 213. The
bill as it stands would Increase the
regulars to 140,000. The Anthony am
endment designed to equalize differ
ences in promotions In the various
branches ot the army was rejected.
16ti to 198.
EL PA80, March 24. The
police arrested BffilllO Valen-
sua, editor of "La Constitution,'
a Mexican paper which supports
Felix Diaz, for publishing an
editorial denouncing the croBs-
lng of the border by American
troops Copies of the paper
were confiscated and the plant
closed. The editorial declared
that Mexico was in danger of
losing her national honor and
that her young men were con-
fronted with the duty of enllst-
ing for an external conflict.
Several Ue Lort.
LONDON. March 22. Several llvei
were reported lost with the sinking
of the HrltLsh steamer port Dalhousle
and the Norwegian steamer Langell.
it was announced today. Some are
still missing Engineer langell wa!
killed outright
The railroads of Oregon consume
over IS. 000 hewn ties and the mines
22,000. Oregon also consumes 66,-
000 linear feet of round mine material
A Beauty Secret
To have clear skin, bright eyes
and a healthy appearance, your
digestion must be good your
bowels and liver kept active
and regular. Assistnature-take
51 vt km IMidM in th World.
rywbrrc. In Lxjifb. 10c, 26c.
Oct a 10 cent package of Dr.
Jame' Headache Powderi
and don't suffer.
will go wild.
i SM you can
Jaisas' Bs V
(In- pain and
ij voim-one to
dime jmckafre
fee flVwdsn
inolcelils you
"Why Swear, Dear?
Use 'Gets-lf
for Corns!"
It's the New Flan. Simple. 8ure as
Fate. Applied in a Few Seconds.
"Why, John, I nevtr knew you to
use SttOfe lannuaRe! I've told you
MT1SJ times it's no use to try those
nandftgMi ""Ives, tapes, plasti-rs, and
"Toa Wouldn't f o e VourT 'inper, .lohn
ii ou t'sed 'Gen-ll" lor Thm CtH-nel'1
'OiaraiitlonH for corns. Here's snmo
'Oets-It'. It's lust wond rfui how easyi
clear and clean1 II makes any com
come rli;ht 01T. Taken but S few sec
onds to apply. It dries al once Put
your sock on right over It, there's
nothing to mi l r or roll up. form a
bundle of your toe, or prrs on the
corn. H'-t pnlnleyn, nlmple as rolling
off a lo'. Now put away (li.ae knives,
rasors and scissors, m' 'Osts-If and
'ou'll bavs A sweeter disposition and
no more corns end calluses."
"Oets-Tt" is mid by druCgiStS ev.'ry.
irher., lie, a bottle, or sent direct bv
).; r ,.. -,.r. " CH-jto. III.
Sold In Pendleton and NCOBMBSBdsd H!
the world, bssl cors retnedy by Pendletoi
lung Co., V J IfcinsldKon n nil KsllSSSI '
man. are no respecters of persons.
he city of nh.-lmx
mfejaetad bo gaseous
Msd to have kiih mafk
In France, oft- tlce drills are held once or twice a
ttacks, an- week. This pb ture shows the mayor
constantly ; with his wife and members of the
tlon Prac-, council wearing their masks.
COLLAR aforruc
you were to ask us
in our opinion
is the most important
we could give you
about Reo Cars
any model
at this time,
we'd say
"how to secure one."
Only way
is to place your order
now immediately !
Demand is tremendous
even in the annals
of Reo.
And over-demand
is the normal condition
with Reo.
if you'd have a Reo
and have it
for early spring delivery
you'll have to order it
well in advance
of the date
you'll want it delivered
There isn't
a minute to lose.
Make it a
genuine order
pay a cash depoit
else we can't,
in justice
to other customers,
reserve a Reo
for you.
Do that
and you'll be sure
of your Reo.
won't be
a minute too soon.
SI 2 Johnson St.
Plump 541