TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. PAGE FIVE .' xs n jam m m n in mm in in m m in in w,m o nnnmniaMau.. i I u v," : r -f. Mr i : WHERE QUALITY IS A REALITY, NOT A PROMISE Today Only Return by Request William Fox Presents William Farnum and Dorothy Bernard in "The Broken Law" A thrilling story of Gypsy life, tempered by an underlying love story of the ut most churm. Big in theme, big in talent, big in settings. Elicits spontaneous acclaim everywhere. IN ADDITION ANITA STEWART AND EARLE WILLIAMS IN CHAPTER SEVEN OF THE GODDESS in from Pilot Kueat of liurnH, is res- ADULTS 15 CHILDREN 5c iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii M. A. Kturtcv Rock today. 5 ' Pearl Hrunfcer of Wasco la 1 1 of the St. George Helen I, (h I j Istered at the How man. EL E Zehn of Weston, wan a Pen- f dleton visitor yesterday. i ! Mrs. Blackburn or Athena, Bpent i t last evening In the city. j! M. L. Morrison. Helix merchant, la j I a Pendleton visitor today. I I William Mills, Belli rancher, was f I in yesterday from his home. j County Clerk and Mrs. Ed Wright j of La Cirande are at the Pendleton. : Miss Neva Richardson came in on fithe Northern Pacific tram this morn ! Inf. j R. H. Lewis, imminent Echo mer I chant, was up from tin, home yester- j j day. I Mrs. Roy Alexander and Mrs. Fred T, Bloeh returned today from Walla j Walla. 1 1 Asa U. Thoir and Irrigation I city today, j E. B. Wood, chle j ! the O.-W. H. & N , ! to the city today. I J. H. Flynn 01 the Biyake-McFall ! Paper Co., Is milking Pendleton a business visit today. ; 1. L. Raer, prominent merchant of j j Baker, is in Pendleton visiting his 1 1 brother. Max Baer. I Judge U. W. Phelps has returned I irom La Grande where he was hold- The Alta Theatre Today and Tomorrow The Beautiful Star Blanche Sweet BLANCHE Sm.,k' ' on, Echo iithusiast, good roads is in the special agent of is paying a visit LOCALS Advertising in Brief RATE! i'tr line flrat , ... .1. n -10c Per line, additional Innertlon . be I'tr line, per month $1 00 No liH-ali takeu for leea than 25c. Cuunt 6 ordinary worda to line. Ixnals will not be taken over the laJaphoM except from Kaat Oregon ku paid up nuUtcrllwra. C Sny- tor Barn for rent, 401 Aura Fur tree spraying, phone der Nw Singer sewing machine aale. l'hone 475 furniture for sale, cheap. Rhone I4KJ 706 Wilson. Lost Runch of keys Leave at this office for reward. Woman wants position as cook on ranch Rhone 314R. For rent--Furnished 5-roorn house, Phone lliR for particulars. For sale-- Wagon and double set of harness InQUlra Dave Rogers For sale- 26 head fresh cows anu heifers Inquire (iritman Bros Tc rent --Modern heated rooms and apartments. Close In. 617 Willow. Penland RroB.' transfer Co. hav torsk'e warehouse Rhone 3SS Good building lot for sale on West Webb street Telephone 624. 1 haul your garbage and trash Phone i:,3M. 1403 W. Railroad st Wanted- -Experienced woman to do general housework m the country Phone 319. Old papers for sale; tied In bun lea Hood for starting fires, etc. Ic a bundle This office. Vy many people desire to ouy lands In eastern Oregon What have fou n offer, and price? N. Berkeley. For rent Office room in Judd building Apply l K. Judd. American National Rank. Fashionable dress making Room 11, East oregonlan building, or phone T7. U' sale or trade for mules. 11 head ot good work horse. Addreai dleton Jaa Hill, Helix, Ore. Adv For rent Alfalfa and wheat innn. miles from Pendleton. Good build. Ings For particulars, call at ranch or write I). Kemler, Rendleton. Ore. Wanted Position by reliable wo man who la competent to tako full Oharffe as COOk or housekeeper. Phone 343. Room 27 Wanted Posltlos by lady and on cooking on ranch. Mrs. Anna Olson General Delivery, Rendleton. For rent- Five acre tract, house and Imrn In Riverside, t'n desirable parties only. Inquire "F" this office. For sale Good two story, 7-rootn house, 20S Ann street Delightful lo cution and price right Apply to W II Davidson. Helix, Ore. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night Funerals to cemetery only 11.60 Phone 6R0 St. George Hotel Carney Taxi Co Strayed from my place one sorrel Blare reached foretop, weight about Soli pounds, hip short on left hind UK, branded; one dark bay mare branded Ml on left shoulder, one white hln'1 hock, roach foretop weight about g(IO pounds. Suitable reward for r. Cover) of these animals V. WESTRRSl'ND ( Adv 1 Helix, Ore . It 1 Mnoa l'Thlny Evening, Moose Hall, March 24, admission R0c: ladles free Qood music and hall. All cordially Invited -Adv A WONDERFCIi 8AJJ0. Twenty-two PkUMM id In Three Weeks. 11 is very remarkable event to sell at this MM of the year so mnny plannf In Pendleton. Of this number there were five ir j. ensue player -pianos and many who purchased did so at this time In order in take advantage of the trsmenduoui savings The sale ends on March 31st See our ad on Rage 2. WA11RK.VS MUSIC HOU-K. Adv.) fc bP" IwKS! r 1 BHW if ing court at the request of the Union county Judge Among the Pendletoniuns visiting the Walla Walla auto show last ev ening were Carl Rerlnger, Roy Alex ander and Fred W. Lumpkin. Chairman I c Irish, of the Bow- doinham (Maine) selectmen, has ad opted a rule by which the town cleans I the snow from the sidewalks In front j of houses owned by widows in whlcn I there Is no able-bodied man, and i from In front of vacant lots, but he I refuses to squander the town's money clearing up snow where there is a strung man In the house. ii IN THE TENSE MODREN PHOTOPLAY The Ragamuffin" See how a great problem of modern life is worked to a dramatic and exciting conclusion in this play. L Dig I?! Vaudeville Acts 2 EMILL CHECRIEL Comedy violinist. LeVERE Comedy & PALMER novelty act. SUNDAY CLEO RIDGLEY IN "THE GOLDEN CHANCE. Ai TV (M R HAS KKOAO FIEIJ). (Continued from page one.) abouts he was forced to alight on the plateau because of a leaking fuel tank The gasoline -ozed away and he was unable to find the leak In the darkness. There were no signs of human hab- ttMliim nn,l no Vetefatlnn On the height ereent burned clumDS of " JJAM FARNl'M IS bunchgrass.' He finally made his way PIX'ITJAHLY FITTED to a recently abandoned American B BRAIN AND BRAWN camping place on the wagon trail I . , .h r mil- .nntheasi There he 1 h slcal IMwers As Well As Dramatic- placed a note telling of his where- I ern part of town and another further east on the south side and the city I property in the east end be cleared I dent his note would be round before abouts and conditions on a stick which he firmly drove In me ground near the trail. Man Pfwditfes 2-1 Hours. Being unwilling to leave his plane unprotected, he made nls way back to the lake, with the realization that it he attempted to find a village he probably would wander m the hills at the risk of encountering bandits or wild animals. He said he was confl- , and made with little expense Into a beautiful natural park, and camp ground conveniences snouid be pro i velcd for automobiles and other trav elers. We amp; ire a hope to all the season. We ilj hill boards be unsightly pla Ithel- William Hiiiiiiiii in "Tlio Itrokon La W," ai the Pa-tinu' Today Only, Notb- of Qraln (irowers' Mtln?. Notice is hereby given that th"re will be a meeting of the Inland Grain Growers' Association held at the Com mercial Association rooms, Rendleton, ut 2 p m . Saturday. March 25th. 1916. to consider the question ot purchas ing sinks iiur representative that has investigated the cotton sack mat-' tcr win render a report at this meet ing. All grain growers are invited to attend INLAND ORA1N GROWERS' ssm ClATD N, Bl C A Barrett. Adv . ISOO Acres IVirm Iuid for Sale. Located 4 1-2 miles south of Pen- 0 R Bowman, Rendleton Of. commented Circuit Judge McGinn, when Attorneys C. T Haas and Hurl hurt & LaytOfl appeared before him and declared that the prospect of se curing a neutral Jury In the.derman tallan disagreement was remote, and uggeated arbitration. The attorney! formed a committee, went into executive session and em erged with a peace pact that waa signed by all parties and approved by the court. The Gentian Publishing company, accused of trying to wreck L'ltallco, agreed to pay claims of the plaintiff company eliminated lie improved and a few Pendleton's front door. need attention This is only a vague outline of what e hope to accomplish during the year. Some of the work Will be done, more perhaps remain undone, for as most ot us are housewives our time is necessarily limited for inter eata outside the home. However, we are trying to do only the lesser things Things which men with their busy lives have neither the time or inclination to do. Small bet- the three days' rations with which he was supplied gave out. When he was rescued he had been without food for 24 hours and said that he had about determined to at tempt to find his way to succor. Aboard the trucks which reached him were several barrets of gasoline, and, with the aid or some tools ob- placaa near . tained from the truck men. Lieuten the depot, j ant Qorrell soldered his tank and re ' sumed his flight, which he predicted would end in Casas Grandes in hour. He left the eartn with a wave of his hand to the soldiers on the truck train as he shouted, "I'll get there this time, boys." lxnth Hc-gariled Possibb'. The party from the motor found Lieutenant Gorrell sitting under the wing of his plane In an attempt to shade himself from the Intense glare of the sun "It was a long lonesome wait.'' he In the home add materially, we be-1 said "One in which I could not help lieve, to the sum total of human hap-1 but feel that I was face to face with Art Required in Role Ot actors, granting that they pos-i-essed the requisite histrionic talent would have been qualified to play Daniel EBmond. William Farnum's role in the William Fox photoplay masterpiece, "The Broken Law." This stupendous feature has to do with the destiny of a gypsy lover, and necessarily calls for an artist skilled in romantic acting. That la not all however, for it takes one other re quirement brawn. Were not Farnum the physical cul ture enthusiast that he is. he would never have survived the fight scene in "The Broken Law." The play is cast in England in 1550, and the fight i between Farnum, as Esmond, andi Gaspar, who also aspires to be chief I of the clan, is with bare fista, in ac- j cordance with the boxing rules then la force And the fight is real thrilUngly real in so far as the weight of the blows is concerned without saying and her mllllona of friends who have seen her in evening gewns and the latest raahiona will be more than delignted with her as the cute little "tough" in ner forthcom ing release. In addition to the above there will be presented two big time vaudevtllle acta. Em lie Checriel comes highly recommended aa a come'dy vlollniat Le Vere and Palmer in a quick change comedy musical act have a novelty offering that ra sure to please '-hey will be seen at the Alta theater today and tomorrow. Vaudeville Makes Big Hit at Miller and Ralney in comic oddities kept the house In an uproar laat night We can recommend thla show to our patrons. The great Sal vador In his cannonball act Is a rare treat. This la two or the best acts we have ever staged In addition "The House of Feir." a Gold Rooster play In five parts, and Helen Holmes 'n "The Girl and the Game" Temple today. Oreenn nrn,1n.-a ..,.r t -n mllluH I . a...Uiu ihuwih prowess. feet of lumber, ; is aiso can-- : into pray wnen ne res-, ! cues his swetheart rrom drowning. I th photoplay makes its principal ap-1 peal through its tenner, underlying ! terments wich in community life, aa plness We have promised to assist , death. But I was comforted by the j only. in beautiying olney cemetery and j thoughts that some or the American have made an effort to respond aa far troops on their way to Casas Grandes! -The Ragamuffin" Tense PTinmplay. lould not help hut find my note. Tet. , In a worn blue swsated and a dllap there were times when I was about , Plated boy's cap. Blanche Sweet, the ready to give up." beautiful Lasky star, will make her. approximately 10 million lath, and 275 1-2 million shin gles Of thla quantity, she consume nearly 23 million lath and over 116 million shingles. Of the amount of hlele since he has been a screen star, ,M pVnT or 4 U million "brd and it is one of W illiam Fox . great- feet over ha,f for I Tell. th! Gilding purport. Nearly half of the P', ... . i building material of the lath and of In addition to the anove. chapter he ,hl l Multno.h seven of the Vrtagraph serlalfeatur- n(J CTBrkanla, coIntlM ing Anita Stewart and Earle Williams I will also be shown. Pastime today I Bowman Hotel lnert.v for sale Doing good business. Terms. O. Bowman, Rendleton. Oregon -Adv. P ! fnnt Circuit Court Ule Hague. PORTLAND, ore.. March 14. "H'ni so the international dispute has come to The Hague for settlement." Kettle Cooks Child TACOMA. Wash.. March 24 .In- uriosity nearly caused the death ri P. Klemme, Jr.. 3-venr-old Carl P, Klemme . In the hospital recover'n. his Investigation of the spot of kettle. as possible to every call. It is our ambition that Pendleton shall be known and noted for its cleanliness, purity and beauty, as It is now for its commercial supremacy. And If in the past the Civic Club has been, in a measure successful In its undertakings, it has been- princi pally due to the loyalty and generosity of the Pendleton men. NHtem To all who are interested In help ing to beautify and those who have relatives burled at the cemetery, wo earnestly ask of you to look over de ceased graves and where you find For several days aeroplane scouts appearance at the Alta theater todavi sunken ones to haul dirt and fill and cavalrymen from Casas Grandes and tomorrow In the Jesse 1 Lakythem up We find many graves In have been searching the hills of production of "The Ragamuffin." bad condition. northern Chihuahua for some traces which was written especially for herj By order of cemetery commutes, of Lieutenant Gorrell, or of his plane : by Wm. C. De Mille. the distinguished! H. J. TAYLOR. When he failed to report today army American dramatist. Chairman, men practically gave up hope of hls That Miss Sweet is more charming D. D PHELPS, safety. I than ever in this slum costume goesl R. FOLflOM. at i-ii. surveyor a tei i fPaVBij& '" ; mm 4i)M, B SS. " - ON MEXICAN DESERT AFTER LONG SEARCH VM ERICAS LIEITENANT FOt)D I : SS FOR 21 HOI RS IN B VRREN WASTE 10 Maehlne dot of fiasntliir IVireed to land. Motor Irani Finds 1 1 i ait Is ing plane As shield nin-t the j Scorching Son; Flight Is Resumed .Iter Tank i- RefUled, iUl N It, March 1 S. GoiTell, of ' Corps, who last Sunday. the has anal COLUM I Lieutenan United st i ee rniat round three miles south Of Ascension by a motor truck train under Lieuten ant ,i. u Parkinson, Twentieth infan try, according to reports made Id I military headquarters here. Lieutenant Cornell -as uninjured. line .mo tiad lost but his LI .ut of in i nam G roll had basil alone ic middle of a land" d plateau on the FtMerlco, formarli ing place for stock, hut auffersd only aUchtlj from aa pOSuTe, His plane was intact. nttnlliiti leak is osaae, All of the eight army aviatora who left Sunday to fly to Casas Grande hava been accounted for. The flyer said that Ikorttl after the start he lost sluht of the other p Last Time Today VAUDEVILLE VAUDEVILLE Miller and R&iney "In Comedy Oddities" Kept the House in an Uproar Last Night. &e Great Salvador In his cannonball act is something you can't afford to miss. Ask anyone who saw this performance last night. In addition "The House of Fear" A Mystery Drama in Five Parta. HELEN HOLMES IN "THE GIRL AND THE GAME.'' SATURDAY HELEN HOLMES IN "THE GIRL AND THE GAME." JACKIE SAUNDERS IN "ADVENTURES OF A MAD CAP," a Bciuttful Pathe Color. TEMPLE and mtssad hid After lie ing for ; Boons rrom "The tuignnmrfiii" t .Mm Tixui) ami Tomorrow, miles over the nurrounding country In lan effort to determine his wl Perfectly Ventilated. Theatre Comfortable