PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 24, 1916. TWELVE PAGES . P. W. Pure Food Shop" CLEANLINESS ECONOMY PLAN TO DO YOUR SATURDAY SHOPPING HERE; THE LARGEST, MOST VARIED STOCKS, THE CLEANEST STORE, THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. IB 6elliill 3 Phones All 15 SERVICE STORE TALK Our wholesalers advise us that supar prices will be higher: better look to your needs now. our price is right. FRESH IN TODAY BY EXPRESS Extra fancy tender Asparagus. Radish es. Lettuce. Tomatoes. Cucumbers. Rhubarb. Egg Plant and Sweet Potatoes. Phone us your orders. Shop early. Newly Laid Eggs Dozen Florida Grape Fruit Extra fruit, each '2QC select . 10 Lunch Wax Paper Large roll, ea. 5o Maple Lunch Sets Composed of table cloth, napkins, dishes, the set.. 25 large 50c "Sunkist Oranges" Extra fancy juicy oranges, dozen Candy Department Special for Saturday, fresh some candies at special prices. 5 bright new numbers. 35c sellers, Saturday only, pound... whole- regular .... 2S Orange Juice Extractors Each 10 Crockery Department Cups and Saucers Set 6 75o to $2.50 Plates Set of 6 75 to $1.50 Glassware Plain water glasses, set of 30 to 50c Star Cut Set of 6 75 to $1.75 2Cc Peas Special Saturday, only 'an 15 Olive Oil Our imported extra virgin oil for table and medicinal use. Quart can $1.00 ..-gallon can $1.90 1 -gallon can $3.75 T. P. W. Special Blend the best 35 coffee on earth. m RAISIN BREAD Freshly baked, loaf 10 g The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade USE "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS WHEN CONSTIPATED WHEN BLLIOIS. HEAICI1Y. SACK FOR SOVH glOUMM, BAD BIUiATH, BAD COLDS. Purine the past week Mrs. K HlHaalop has bean substituting for Mis 3.riie Rouanxoin, teacher of the aw 55 ctuh grade of the Uncoln school, and 55 yesterday afternoon lifter school H j boon she WM given n pleasant sur SJ prise by her pupils. They bad sent M J to the City for ice cream ami cake and B j all enjoyed the refreshments jj I Mrs Clinton B. Roosevelt returned 5! yesterday evening from Walla walla 55J where she had heen visiting relatives 5 1 An afternoon of music and Mater fm j UnOk was enjoyed yesterday afternoon gSll'.v the ladles of the Thursday After Bjlnooa Club at the home of Mrs. Roy S5 T Bishqp on Jackson street. Mrs. Hishop and Mrs. Wilson D, McNary 55: . leins hostesses. The musical part of : the program consisted or a piano solo. HI Debussy's 'Moonlight.' by Mr 555 I Frank K. Hoyden and vocal solos bv 33 ' M,rs. Carl Tower. A paper on Mater 53! Ilnck was explained by Mrs. Benjamin 53 1 S. Burroughs. Miss Olive tlwlnn nave 1 a reading from the "Blue Hlrd." A 55 social hour and refreshments follow 53 ed the program. 85 I scores of minor industries, originated 3J chiefly in Germany." 3 j After discussing tne artificial dye 55 I situation at some length he predicts 55 ! that 1917 will see the hulk of coaltar 55 volors used in our divers industries. 55 made in our own factories from Am 55 1 erioan raw materials. For our unnu 5jal supply of potash, which costs 17. , j Don. 000. we have as a source of raw 55 supply the kelp of tne Pacific coast, 55- the feldspar of t'tah and the brine of S!"Ur western lakes. "Of still greater importance for ag- j Hlrlculture, for the arts and notably for military preparedness." he continues, 'il the factor of nitrogen. We send! abroad annually $30,000,000 for nitro genous materials, J 17. "60.000 going to Chile. Civilized life Is unthlnkagle. I national defense against invasion lm-1 possible without an adequate supply j of nitrogen in a combined form Thej complete conquest of the air. the in dustrial transmutation or the Invisible! medium in which we live and breathe' into the handmaid of American Indus try, is the grand problem now con-1 fronting our nation's rnemists." Foods cooked with Cottolene come to the table with their natural goodness improved with a better flavor. Biscuits shortened with it delight by their taste, their lightness, their whiteness and their wholesomeness. Fie crust shortened with Cottolene has that flaky fcyjodness which perfects the whole pie. Jl foods fried in it are better-tasting and digestible because Cottolene does not soak into them. There is no substitute for Cottolene nothing "just as good." Try Cottolene try it in your biscuits, for example, then in your other cooking. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. It is packed in pails of various sizes. Write our Genera Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our TeoX cook book, "HOME HELPS." priTTfTTFAlRBANKIaaESD COOPERATIVE PLAN I -0 Submarines Captured. Ion ol M H WASHINGTON, March 23. One oetvat since bank failed. Hers has bei Industrial Freedom of America Depends on Work of Chemists ARRANGEMENT WITH DEPART MENT OV AURIC! LTURE Miows ttBSwrs. HITS KIIOM EVERYWHERE. Duplication of Kffort a rmtiiKd in Mnnatlnnal Omm ... ,. , ri:...T. .,, ,u ; , 'iitiinf- Work is Given by Director it. D. I let tel. hundred and twenty Herman subma rine have been captured by the Brlt ish since the beginning Of the war, ac cording to adm ralt information transmitted to officers of the I'nlted States coast guard service. I lank Sulo llenrlnsr Due. VANCOUVER. Wash., March 24. That the Commercial Hank of Van-' cnuver, which failed Tor Jtno.OOO Pc- 1 cember 1. 1910. and Wtllch has since Kles, who has been re few months after the A ineetinK of the depot called. Mr Kles hiLs petitioned the super i"i court for permission to offer for sale nil of the assets of the hank. Practically nil of the property own ed by the hank, except 125.001 I stock of the Harvey Mining nmpuiv Is heavily mortgaged (By John Corrlgan, Jr.) Independence for America, finan cial and industrial, as complete as the political Independence we now enjoy, is the dream of many scientists and business men of the United States. In accomplishing this result much will depend on the skill of our chemists Present events have demonstrated the Important position of the chemist in peace and war. Our Industries are now crippled for want of dyestuffs sultant from widespread dependence upon foreign sources for a multitude of products vitally essential to the very continuance of sources of gain ful occupation." Professor Norton was one of the first to see the need for building up an aniline dye Industry In this coun try, and has written many authorlta- r aiucies on tne sUDject. He II OREGON AGRICULTURAL OOL LLXJli CorvallU. March 24. "The co- Get a 10-cent box Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse mur I.lver Stomach and Bowels, and you will surely feel great by morning because American cnemlsts have not Tou men and women who have head-1 had the Individual aggressiveness and ache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are! the governmental bacKlng that the bilious nervous, upset, bothered with j Germans have had. We have, there a sick, gassv. disordered stomach, o: fore, been dependent upon Oermany have backache and feel all worn out ! for a vast number of chemical pro- Are you keeping your bowels clean ' uucm. -rt.h n..n.r.l nr merelv forcing a Hi? changes are certain to paasagewav every few davs with salt? . i tne war. They will affect business as """ "wmmmmmi uriu irom tnreai catha'tlc pills or castor oil'' I woil as boundary line. How to meet ; Pne,t dislocation and anamea by tho Cascarets immediately cleanse and them, prepare for them. discount ! Prompt creation upon American soil regulate the stomach ' remove the i them. If possible, is now engaging the ''' thp requisite Industries in such our undigested and fermenting food , attention of all thoughtful men. One rorni " "lUtely an permanently and 'foul gases take the excess Wo the biggest things to be guarded lnsur; ;"e nation's material life from the liver and carrv off the con- -gainst Is dependence upon foreign Trnm aM 'an-r, actual and prospec tlpated waste matter and poison from! "ources of supply for things vitally lIve' the bowels. I needed for ..ur l.idustrles. writing recently In the Scientific caret tonight will -ine lesson mm come suddenly and I imtmin, to wnich he Is a regular bv morning. A brusquely. Uk a blow m the face," I Contributor Professor Norton said: mr druggist means ' -"aid Professor Thomas H. Norton, ex- "For head I ert in chemistry of the United States product Don't department ol foreign and domestic foreign The United States In 1913 sold tl:'. 355 510 worth of goods to Sweden There are more Insane in the Unit ed States than students In colleger and universities. It has been found that under nor-1 operative arrangement w:th the U. 8. mal conditions 10 inches of mow department of agriculture b which yields one inch of water all extension work In Oregon is ad- In Burr Oak. N. Y . a big guessing! tnlntltared through trie extension ser contest was held recently as to how I Vice, has gone far to eliminate duplt. many grains of corn a hungry ami cation Of effort and has brought about unhampered goose would eat. Kstl-ja mor mates ran as high as 3000 but the 20 per cent of the depositors will pay not to exceed 5 per cent more making In all 25 per cent, is the opln- consulted almost dally ny represent.!-1 blrd- to go as rar as she liked, tives of big industries who have felt , "topped short at the count of 431 the pinch of the war shutting off their! grains. sources of foreign supply of necessary 1 Tne P'agat. a ferocious fish, is chemical products. widely cultivated In Slam by people He says this is the dav of opportuni-' Who prepare ,h"m for the "PrlM ty for America. It has nnt m, ,h.J r,nR ' or Pond, where they battle. right hut faces i r.n,H,i a ' ,. 'greatly to the delight of the populace aid in support of several .. led on the law nf mlf.niw.nntl),. . anJ the considerable profit to theiork as follows; King, who gets round sums of license money. 10 000 bottles, oon of the ocean bot- ilte A colleetoln of taining specimen. torn by vessels of coast and goedet lantic. Gulf and I cently been transferred to the sonlan Inattlutlon De Tvende Bra iff urve of the At- cific coasts, has re. 'milh- THEY REFUSE TO EAT At pcriorls in most childrens' lives thcyfail to relish their meals and refuse to eat even the delicacies prepared to tempt their appetites. They lark am- conomical and effective work- bition. and rrowth srems imnedecl. ing plan and a more sympathetic un-, which causcs anxiety and worry. del-standing between the department -r , , ' oi agriculture and tne college offi-l To compel them to eat is a grave cials." says Director it. D HeUci in ' mistake, because nutrition is impaired. : discussing collegeextenalon work. 1 Healthful exercise in fresh air and sun-' ndi used In this cooperative i shine is important, but equally import ant is a spoonful of Scotta Emulsion three limes a day to feed the tissues i and furnish food -energy to improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen theil appeiites. The highly concentrated tmdicinnl foocl in Scott's Kmulsion supplies He very elements children need to build DO their strength. They relish Scott's it is tree from alcohol Scott ft Bowne. Bloomfitld. N. J. LV-J4 worit supp agriculture ed by the department were distributed so as lines "Teaching and distributing publi cations; movable schools and farmers courses, including farmers' and home makers' week; buys- ami girls' clUt) Work; lectures, field demonstration.i and personal advisory work, salaries labor, stationery and small printing, postage, telegraph, telephone, freight and express supplies, tools, machinery Virgin Olive Oil Known as the first oil that ex udes on subjecting the olives to gentle pressure, this portion bs Ing the best, the mil palatable snd the most nutritious A trial of this superior product will convince you that we have the best. Tallman & Co. Leading Drutfiiti Remember, etraighten yoi 10-cent box fri healthy bowel action; a clear and cheerfulness for months forget the children. '.he great mass of chemical Is 11 we have been obliged to seek land sources, chiefly in Germany . i durii de Bh wit in 17S6, England ommerce. and formerly consul gener- There are few industries not depend ermany. 'Time It nt upon a varied supplv of chemicals N Y . essing i how and Esti- In Burr Oak contest was held recently as many grains of corn a hungr unhampered goose would eat. mates ran as high as 3000, but th bird free to go as far as she liked, topped short at the count of 434 grains il at rTiemrntv required for the application of th lesson hut on every hand are evidenc es that it has been well learned tra "The organized productive activities i fti of this land, agricultural and indus-jon 'ral, he continued, "are gradually an annual output worth forming the iron resolve that never inoo- our leather paDer to the lege, re- she this again shall they be exposed anxiety, the uncertainty, the ur agricultural interests were forced to import Chile saltpeter for their ni trates and turned to the mines of Strassfurt for their potash The col ors for our vast textile Industry, with 11,640.000.- pink paint doing now Ik about t eonic ware, just notwithstanding e freedom of th and appliances; eel and traveling expe "Extension work come firmly estahl Is called for by a 1a larming population ill ipparatu : med and varnish branches, with output valued at $1,530,000,000. total Avon, Me., I town with a population of J3S0 in 110, has paid off all the; last of Its municipal indebtedness Which only 16 years ago was $10,000 The burning of the last town bond on town meeting dav will tie the occasion urge part of (he Of the state, and some of the officers or the strongest farm organizations have expressed themselves in favor of this work " College Extension Farmers' co operative agreement with the U. ."I. department of agriculture helps Ore gon ftirmers. and of a celebration. Chinese shipyards may possibly yetj build ships for the United States. as they are building them for European; owners Hongkong Is said to be en- Joying a shipbuilding boom on an un-, precedented scale one yard being pre-1 pared to build steamships up to 10.-; 00 tons I QUESTIONING SUPPOSED MEXICAN BANDITS Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism "Seial badly ill they art me. JL Rhetnx 'o ir i up tl ney Pills! the kl UU tiagu atid r 1 1 IT . swotlei tlegln fn iv, t xiay, an again lie active and Mr. Walsh lads up by em teg "1 bij Ids Mil. lbs beat I have I have ir'ed in veral Mil hen ep arc to us Foley Kidney ever UNed, and dlffen-nl n:n- Voui druggist setli them. Sold F Bungalow Pool Hail Alt A. Ieten, Prop. Buwllng. till, lards Candy and I Clgara Under Ttnipie Theatre. The picture shows three Mexican arrested at Columhus, N. M questioned by the military authorl tlea. Shortly after this picture was t .ken and after the Mexicans had bees released, two of them were found, shut dead. In the outskirts ol the town. WONDERFUL TALE OF AN ACTRESS Struggled with Sickness and Dis couragement; How Relieved. Dayville, Killingly, Conn. "I shall be k'lad 10 have every woman know what I know now, after using Lyuia ft. Finkham's Vege table Compound. Although I am only 24 yean old, 1 have suffered for the past eight years. I hated the doctors, for a doctor told me to give up the stag,; where I was playing with my husband. I had hearing down rminr, my health failed me. and I could not work on the stage, nn'l wasn't able to tend my baby or even get around myself. I wan always downhearted and discontented1 with the world, and only lived for the sake of my little (rirl. The doctor said to move to some quiet little town away from the noisy city, and I might be ahlo to live and feel well, so I went to Day ville in November. At that, time I was so sick I could not walk around, and my husband kept house and I stayed in bed. One day in January I read your adver tisement In a newspaper, and I sent for Iiydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and started taking it. Within two weeks time I was a different wo man, could get around, and felt ho good that it was a pleasure to do my house, work. I felt contented and happy, and now am the picture of health, and am tempted to return to the stage. We appreciate my health as the most pre cious thing on earth." Mrs. H. L. j Klenett, Box 86, Killingly, Conn. Any Time Before April 1st Von (Jin save from $100 to $300 The sale Ehls ,m March 31st Thl sale Is the result of an adver tising campaign of the Steger I'iano Manufacturing Co. of Hteger, 111., a 11,00,000 lnntltiitlon. and the largest exclusive piano manufacturing con cern la Iho world. The Steger piano is one of the most talked of pianos In America today. It is the golden mean between the two extremes of useless cheapness and un necessary expense, as a musical In strument of the highest typo it is all that a goud piano should or can be. sc- Our Window. .See some of the beautiful art style pianos. To those who wish to take advantage of this sale but are not ready to make payments now. we will deliver the piano now anrt wait until fall. Take 30 months time If you wish, or pay a little each month like rent There will never again be an opportunity In I'endletnn to secure such piano value and If the people only knew the unprecedented values offered every piano would be sold In one day. See the new styles In the Kimball. Knnhe, llalnes Hros., and Iteed & Sons, all offered now at wholesale erlces WAIUtKN's Mt'KIC ROUPS, S20 Main St.