East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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For Your Baby.
The Signature of
I ll AW IN 1111 M w
( I Ml TCIii.
: iiiiiiiii wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmrnm
NAP" lUt'KKR s I1 TO Hp , . j ; .' t4- .' S3
is the only guarantee that you have the
mUici- Batter Oondacts Berrtcca;
Widow and Two DauKhters survive
Two Carloads of OMtle Ire Bea
Away to Portland; Ptta Par.
I) Enjoyed i Many,
prepared by him for over 30 years.
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla.
Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company, ChtfjfejSiu mm
Man Burned to rxnili
while starting a fire The house was
completely destroyed. T. Caaaell. a Tuesday
(Bast oregonian Bpacuu.)
STANFIBLD, ore . March IS. -The,
funeral earvlces of the late Thoma
Oonaelley were iiia Wednesday morn
ing at the Catholic church. Father
Butler saying mass. The deceased
leaves a widow ami iwo daughters, i
Miss Mary Donnelley of Stanfleld and
Mrs s. P, Norton of Union. The re
mains wcer laid to rest in the net
eemeterj The bereaved family have
the sympathy of a host of friends
A. J. Walton of Portland is spend
ing a few dayl here.
Mrs T. 0. Yates spent a couple Ol
days in I'endleton the rtrst of the
Mrs. C. W, Connor. Mrs Mary spen
cer. Mrs Alexander Held and Mrs F.
B. Stuart were shipping In Pendleton
I F. E. ltoper of Portland w is look
Ing after business affairs here Mon-
A. L Gordon of Jefferson. Ore
was in town saturaay
W H Lytic, state veterinarian, WM
in town the last of the week.
Mrs. W. H Hall and children were
in Pendleton on Saturday
Mrs. V. H. Conway was an Echo vis-
itor Tuesday.
Dr. Henry Waldo Coe returned to
Portland Sunday after spending the
week here.
Ed Marshall of Pendleton was here
Mylar was burned to death when he neighbor, was burned while rescuing
threw kerosene into a kitchen stove the wife and three children.
Helps you up
"On High"
5&.icu wruwn
pur? the "hop" into your car, give? you the
qui, "get-awav", and the "pick-up on the
hill). It's btCSUS Red Crown i the unmixed,
rerinerv cas, witli extra power in every drop.
At dealfrs everywhere and at our SERVICE
Standard Oil Company
8 P. Nolton of Union, came down
Tuesday to attend the funeral of the
late Thomas Connelley.
Miss Viola drevelle left Saturday
for Pendleton where she will make
her home.
R. N. Adams left yesterday for
Portland with two carloads of fat cat
tle. H. A. Moffit of Pendleton, came
down Tuesday to attend the meeting
of the Yeoman lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. J P. Lowthlan are
spending the Lenten season in Port
land A. E. Willmet of Perrlan Wash .
was here the first of the week.
Frank Sloan. H. A Holte and Lloyd
Riches attended the good roads meet
ing In Pendleton Saturday.
Mrs. F. C. Fulton entertained a
number Of her friends Saturday aft
ernoon at a St. Patrick party. The
guests were Mrs Chas Boggard. Mrs
Ivan Dunning. Mrs Rex Sanford. Mrs.
H W. Weasel. Miss Bernlce Walker,
Miss Mar Connelley A delightful
j afternoon wasspent and most delicious
refreshments were served.
Ball players In the National league
admit that Napoleon Backer of the
Brooklyn! is in a class by himself
when it comes to delivering a slow
curve. Rucker's arm went back 0.1
him three years ago and he lost h's
speed. But he retained the gray mat.
ter In his head "and began to develop
a new delivery. In time he mastered
control of the slow ball which, bats
men say. Is harder to hit than a
speeder. Kucker soon was able to
put the leather over the middle or cor
ner of the plate at will He studied
the weak points of the opposing hit
ters until he knew Just what would
fool them. Last year Itucker's pitch
ing was confined entirely to slow
balls. He did not deliver a fast one
all season and his arm. as a result,
gradually became stronger. The fa
mous southpaw Is beginning another
campaign with the Brooklyn! at Day
tona. His arm is in excellent shape
and he is prepared to resume the
task of serving up the ' teasers." !
Romeo Hagen
Of Seattle, Wash.
Middleweight Champion of Northwest
Ray McCarrol
Of Dillon, Mont.
Strong Contender for Middleweight Honors.
10 ROUNDS 10
Ringside seats $1.50; Reserved Seats $1.00; Balcony 75c.
First Preliminary Starts at 8 :30 Sharp.
Seats on Sale at Welch's Cigar Store, Tuesday March 21.
a i w igers INTTM VI I
a REICH WAS To spy
With both fighters in great form
for their ten round bout this evening
at the Oregon Theater, local fans are
eagerly antic pating I mixup that will
be good to watch. They have seen
enomrh of both Romeo Hagan and
Ray McCarrol in action to expect
iheir meeting to be a slambang affair.
Hagan took his final workout last
evening In the gymnasium before a
Packed house while McCarroll finish-
Every bit of dandruff disappears
after one or two applications of Dan-
I derlne rubbed well into the scalp
with the finger tips. Oet a 25-c.;nt
bottle of Dan lurine at any drug store
! and save your hair. After a few ap
plications you can't find a particle o(
1 dandruff or any falling hair and the
j scalp will never Itch
f ALT'S famous rn a W1TKH
Frock Fverv Pi VIVA f V IvJlI
Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection.
Steam Heated.
The Quelle Restaurant
illusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FALTS Sea Foods.
M il ILL ISTI!i:ss (.OI
is assured by the use of some
of these beautiful fixture of
ours. They give a light that
illuminates the room perfectly,
but that does not tire or strain
the eyes. They are not expen
sive considering their extra ef
ficiency and extra beauty. Why
not at least see them?
NEW V'ORK, March 23 -The many
conflicting statements by noted pug
ilists and trainers on the condition Ol
Je.s Wlllgrd has brought I rather
fierv response from Tom Jones and
lack Ourle, managers of Jess Wll-
following the Hume routine as was
carrtad out when he prepared for the
Johnson fight and that he will be in
perfect condition on Man-h '.:, and
will also win.
Regarding the troutde with Reich,
the managers sa that Wlllald Is not
training for the accommodation ol
others He does not have to give the
VarlotM heavyweights around hero
"Members of n man's training
c amp staff should bp ID-carat staunch
and a servant to the champion, and
surely not an unwelcome employe or
a spy," says the statement In part
Had JO&BS been In good health St
urday and leen present at the PSonadfl
Sporting Club. Wlllafir would hav;
unquestionably added fteleh to hm
training staff."
.1 .
Do some roodi yon eat hit back -
taste good but work badly: ferment
oito stubborn lumps and cause a sick,
sour, gassy t.,maoh? Now. Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down Papas
CHa papain digests everything. Waving
nothing to soor and upset you There
never whs anything so safely quick,
so certain!) effective. No dlferetne
how badly your stomncn Is disorder
ed yon will get hOPPy relief in five
minutes, but what pleases you most
is that It strengthens and regulates
your stomach so you can
vorlte foods without fear.
Most remedial give you reiiio
sometimes- they are slow, but n"t
sure "Pape's Dlapepsln" is QUlck,
positive and outs our stomach In
AeaKlty condition so the misery
von i corns back.
You fei different as soon Bl
"Papa's Dla pa pasts" comes in contact
with ih.. stomach distress Just vanishes-
your stomach gets sweet. ni
gases, no bell hlng, no eructations o(
undigested food, your head clears and
yOU feel fine
Co now, make the best Investment
you ever made by getting a large fifty-vent
case of pnDa'S Dlapepsln from
any drug store. You realise In five
minutes how needles It I to suffer
from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder.
Jciard & Temple, of Pendleton, Oregon, agents for the Harris Manufactur
ing Company, of Stockton, California, have received their first shipment of Side
Hill Harvesters, a sample of which will be on exhibition in Pendleton.
They wish to notify all the farmers or users of combined harvesters to call
ami see them, with reference to what they may need for the coming season's
use, the sample machine is set up and ready for operation and can be operated
to show the working points and all advantages of this wonderful gas com
bined Side Hill Harvester.
The machines are made Side Hill and Standard. The Side Hill is of one
size 30 in. cylinder, 42 -j in. separator, with 40 h. p. engine. The three stand
ard rigs are of three different sizes, 30 in. cylinder, 42 separator, 40 h. p. en
gine; 85 in. cylinder, 48 Vs separator, 45 h. p. engine; 40 in. cylinder, 5412 sep
arator. 50 h. p. engine, therefore, before placing your orders for any other make
of machine, do not overlook the opportunity of seeing one of the strongest and
best built combined harvesters on the Pacific Coast.
ed yesterday afternoon also before j ranged for some Interesting prel ml
manv spectators. McCarroll has been , nai ies to the main bout. Ed Williams
down to weight for some lime and j and Soldier Stevens will
Hinn expects to meet the we gilt l j rounds and another pair
3 o'clock this afternoon. I weights will put on another. The flrsi
Promoter Budd) Stevens has ar-1 prelimlnar will start at s:S0.
step four
of heavy
Suffered For Years
There aro many iieoplc who wilt is Intonated in Use experience
of Mrs. Julia Hyard. rrt Bettton, Mont. She writes:
"1 suffered for years with gall-stones. A friend
wrote me about Frultola and Truxo. 1 started taklnn
it and am completely cured now and feel better than
I have felt for t .veno years."
Mra. lHanCs teatlmon) 1- similar to thai of many whit haw
given this remedy a ohance u help them, i riiiioia is a powerful
lubricant for the intestinal irgans. softening the hardened lar
Uclea thai cause so much suffering ami expefllnjl Uie omgcNtil
waste In an easy, natural A lni;l- done Is iiMiallt sufficient
to clearly Indicate lis efficacy. Traxo Is a splendid lniile-uItcnttlo
that acts on the liver ami kidney, stimulates the now of gastric
htlcoa to aid digestion, and rCtnovee Ule from the Keneral ctrcn-
latlon. , ,
IVultokt and Trao an- prepared In Hw linn- luls.rnUtric-. al
Monticellp, III., and arrangements Iism- Ikh-ii made to supply them
through lepreaentaUre ilriiggi-t.-. In Pendleton the ran i- ob
tained at Tallman A Coniiany. 6TA Main M.
No. 7U Uradcn M.
Our roots have been teatad
100 years. We can cure all
chronic diseasea or abscesses.
Come to us If you are suffer
ing from catarrh, asthma, lung
or bronchial trouble, constipa
tion, rheumatism, appendicitis,
dropsy, kidney, liver, stomach
or female trouble, obesity, blood
and skin diseases or nervous
Sufferers from these and
many other chronic dlseasoa
hsve been restored to health
and happiness without poison
ous drugs, by the Chinese
herbs. Come nnd see us.
The Reason for
Dress-Up Week
VVHY every man, woman
and child should get be
hind the Dress-Up movement
in Pendleton, on March 27th.
The Dress Up idea grew out of tne
fact that with the coming of the war
in Europe the American people lost
something of their usual confidence
and, because they did not know what
effect the situation there might have
upon American industries, a large pro
portion of the American public at once
entered upon a course of rigid econo
my. When people set out to econo
mize, one of the first things they do is
to cut down on what they usually
spend for clothes.
Many Industries Affected
The apparel industries rank among
the five great industries of this coun
try and when one considers the mil
lions of people engaged in growing the
raw textile materials, in spinning and
weaving the fibre into cloth, cutting
and making garments and distributing
them to the public, as well as the great
army of men and women designers
and others, who are directly depend
ent upon the garment industries, it
will be seen that so staggering a blow
as that dealt the apparel trades in the
first months of the European war
must make its effect felt in every part
of the country.
A Herald of Prosperity
As it proved, the war in Europe
brought prosperity to Americans and
when this prosperity had advanced
to such a point that it needed only
something to crystalize in the public
mind the fact that this country was
prosperous, the Dress Up campaign
was launched. The Dress Up propa
ganda of last fall urged Americans to
open their eyes and look at the situ
ation as it was. To feel confidence
in American prosperity and in the
soundness of our industries and then
to express that optimism and confi
dence by wearing the better clothe
that they could afford to wear, but
which, through their uncertainly,
many of them had refrained from buy
ing. The Importance of Clothes
But while It was to cause this recog
nition of national prosperity, the
DRESS UP campaign hatl another
idea behind it. That was to lay em
phasis upon the importance of clothes.
To overcome, so far as possible, the
wrong impression, created by the mis
guided use of retail advertising space
that clothes were to be regarded by
the public only in the light of so much
protection and covering to be pur
chased invariably at the lowest pos
sible price.
What Dress Up Really Means
The DRESS UP movement aims to
make the public realize how much of
one's success and happiness in life,
under our present social system, real
ly depends upon our wearing of the
right sort of clothes. It emphasizes
the psychological effect of clothes not
only on those with whom we come in
business and social contact but upon
the wearer. And yet the Dress Up
idea is not in any sense a bid for snobbery.
Drett-Up Week in Pendleton Will Be March 27 to April 3rd.
a xvi vse vji wi vrn wiWt W "M Hri na vblvui fit Ml Wl w wi iwi i