DAILY EVENING EDITION weather Tonight and Friday pant, .-l.ni 1y : heavy froat tonight. IMflUJUkAYt mCATBKn DATA, Maximum temperature, mini mum temperature, 37; rlnfll. .41, wind. northwest. light; weather., cloudy DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Kat Oregonlan has the largest bona 'I'll- "in! guaranteed palil circulation uf any paper In Oregon, eaat uf I'ortland and by lor the largest circulation In Pendleton of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Till iv. JAY, MARCH 23, 1916. NO. K7r,4 F SO FAR IN HUNT FOR VILLA BAND Americans on Mexican Soil Have as Yet Had no Cause to Engage in Battle Says War Department. REPORTED MILITIA MAY 60 Secretary Baker Does Not Deny He Ha considered nalltaf out Nation al Guard 'or Canxpulgn; Funston Denies Hetiort He Itas Again Called for More Troops. Herrera Is Loyal. BL, PASO, March It. lack 4 Cobb. American collector of customs thla afternoon exhibited a telegram from Governor En- rlquez of Chihuahua, muting he had Just shaken hands with Herrera, and that the general was loyal to Carrunza. The mos- age waa a reply to an Inquiry from Consul (Jarola for Informa- tlon regarding Herrera'a PobI- lion. WASHINGTON, March 23. So far ai war department advices showed, the Ameriians have not fired a single hot In Mexico and there have been no soldiers killed since the expedition started Secretary Haker did not de ny hi- was considering calling the mi litia. Resides almost all the country's mot ile army either In Mexico or on the border, the government still has the coast artillery, the Philippine and Alaska forces an I several thousand marines. The protocol under which the Mexlian operations will be con ducted only awaited Curranza s ap proval today. SAN ANTONIO March 23. "I !" lleve that perahlng may take over the lit I NolthWeCtern railroad from Casas G rn ndes to the ("umbre tunnel, although he hasn't reported here,' PUMtnn said Perilling must obtain the consent of the loon! Mexican com mander Headquarters emphasized the neeo for sliced south of rasas Grande. The Hue runs where Pershvg Is likely to want troops suddenly. Funston sent a wireless to Pershing asking him to report on the Casas Grandes situation for the past 36 hours and to send information about the lost avlarj tors Confirmation hns been received I to the report the other aviator i safe Land wire connection from Colum bus with Pershing's headquarters has, been repaired, restoring communica- Uon. Punston denied tie again was asking for more troops, Intimating the coming reinforcements' would be suf ficient for present needs It is be lieved the use of the militia may be come necessary should the situation grow worse. Eniiston admitted re ceiving Information rrom a military source that the Onrranzlstas had re volted. WASHINGTON March 23 Repre sentative Scott introduced a resolution authorizing the president to offer ir.n.nno r,,r the delivery of Vllla'i body o- the American military author- COLUMBUBi March 23. L eutenaiit I Gorn ii is still lost somewhere in the Country around Casas Grandes. .It was j official) stated. Wireless reports said no trace of the aviator had boon found He oatiied m Safer rations! and on!) one canteen of water, Field I Wireless operations were resumed to day. Flames Sweeping Augusta Finally Got Under Control l oss INTIMVIID T : MILLIONS; KM RESIDENTS or CITY ARE homeless. AI GPTA, On, March 23. -The flames sweeping Augusta were con trolled at noon after burning moral than a square mile. Including ten bus-( Iness and twenty residence blocks , Three thousand are homeless. The loss is estimated at five million dol lars. Several firemen wore Injured NASHVILLE March 23 The firs at East Nashville burned Itself out to. day. The property loss Is a million and a half. Hundreds are homeless one negro perished Oregon produces approximately three and one-third mlllon linear feet but consumes only about oneh-alf a million feet. NO SHOTS 1RED Serbian Patriots Strive to Have Allies Begin Campaign to Drive Foe From the Soil (HV henry wood.) HOMK, Murch 23. Serbia had lout a million of her five million popula tion, Prince Regent Alexander told the United Press today. The remain. Ing four million face starvation. To Have them from the greatest calamity In history, Alexander, Prime Minister Pachltch and the foreign minister have begun a tour of the allied capi tal. They hope to secure military uctlon In the Haitians to assure the restoration of their native country. "The terrible losaea of our army are vastly less thun the civil losses During the first two Austrian Invasi ons prart'rally the entire civilian pop. ulatlon In the devastated districts was massacred or carried Into captivity Then enme the typhus epidemic, tak ing more than a hundred thousand. This was hardh overcome when UM Germans Invaded Serbia last October Hundreds of thousands either fell be. fore the Invaders or fled." Citizens Should to Build Own Homes, Says Rice The following is tne address of G. I number of homes at once at eonsid M. Rice at the community uplift ban-j erably reduced costs. quel at the Hotel Pendleton the first of the week: The Importance or the home, and the need for more homes for Pendle ton, cannot be over-estimated. The better our homes, the better our gov ernment and social conditions We ..oi . . ... , . ... . aw, s".iimem inaoar ai .. , ,,,,T ..... Homes. ;it me enarnc- ter of the people to a great extent. : unwfpw in me Homes. The peo ple who own their own homes are naturally Interested m the develop-1 mom of the Immediate inmoundl oes troll h must result In a more cooper ative Improvement of tne whole com munity In every city there are mam fam ilies who are able to own their own homes who do not and It seems that there might be some Inducements to encourage these people to build and nvn their own homes. Sufficient cheap land and to make possible chesp construction would tend to encourage home building, but the high cost of improved lots, close In. and the lack of transit far out, has a tendency to retard home bulll ing in Pendleton Multiple cottage homes can he con structed to rent or sell and this might be done by cheap loans of cap ital irom pnihintiiioplsts or by build ing and ii in companies that had the1!1"" r''"n Btt,Wto and . Loan there oaoKing oi influential citizens. Co-partnerships nr.- sometimes termed to buy patches of land at re- lu.-ed prices and doveioi.e.l ,,. i atlvely. purchasing materials for Mexican Who May Rule Nation and Bride GENERAL oltltEGON General Obregon has Just been John J Pershing. He was recently named war minister by Carranxu. married obregon Is looked on by and It has been reported that he was most Mexicans as the natural aucces cn his way to Juarex to look person-1 sot- to the presidency of Mexico if ally Into the entrsnoe Into Mexico or j the American soldiers under General Alexander said he realized that only by keeeping Serbia's arm eh Intact could he hope to redeem his country from Its enemies. Therefore every thing else was abandoned during the disastrous retreat Into Albania. King Peter, suffering from hardships has left his forces in command of his son "Thousands of women, children and old men. retreated with the army, remembering the atrocit'es of the In vasions in August. September and No vember, they fled under the most ter rible conditions imaginable. The ene my armies. we have learned, have taken from the Serbian population every means of existence. In whole districts the entire population is dy. It'g from hunger and disease. Refu gees who fled suffered untold tortures during their wanderings. The greater part would have died but for the help from Americans Thanks to this en ergetic assistance, thousands of little children and parents were saved." be Encouraged Every community should have some practical plan of its own for home bulldlng and there Is hut one that I am able to recommend for Pendleton at this time. That is the building; loan plan. The Oregon building Loan Assocla- uon of Pendleton was organized 8 ears ago and has been operated sue- Cossf ally limited way ever! I since. If a man owns a lot or has money enough kuui to buy one. he can borrow trom the Oregon Building Loan Vss.i, lat1on to "build home andl to pa tor it. If he will subscribe f one share of stock for every 1100 he borrows and on this stork he will pay ,"6 1-2 cents per month, also the In terest on the money borrowed, mak ing the total a montn 1. l-2c on each $100 borrowed nnd when the money paid In dues added to the am ount It has earned amounts to $100 the loan is paid and the home Is his There mav lie some objection to the high rate of Interest in connection with the Hullding Loan plan, but after the home is paid for savings can be invested In investment stocks which Will yield good profits and would i ompensate for the high rate paid during the life of the loan. In addition to the loan feature iv I ' "i ui uivosiment stock. It ; costs 65 cents a month to carry one share of this investment stock which nen """"ed will bring $100 in cash. (Continued on Page Eight.) and si:tin OBItERON Cnrrana la compelled to give up power. PERSHING TAKES RAILROAD TO BE USED FOR ARMY Line South of Casas Grandes is Seized to Transport Infantry To ward Villa's Hiding Place. TURNING MOVEMENT PLANNED Alleged Plot to Hum and Loot li Paso frustrated by police Who Ar rest Several; U. S. Troops . Ileitis Given Drill In Machine. Gun Firing; Revolt Plot Is Denied. EL PASO, March II. Pershing has taken control of the Mexican North western railroad south of Casas Gran des. It was reported he Is transport ing Infantry toward Madera in an at tempt to get behind Villa while DoddM cavalry rushes southward. Police here claimed to have Infor mation of a plot of 200 Mexicans to j burp El Paso and loot the city. Eleven suspects have been arrested, including a brother of General Herrera, the Ca ranzlsta leader. As a result of the raid on Columbus which showed that American troops were unaccustomed to handling ma chine guns, night rap'd fire practice has been ordered at Fort Bliss. The men turned out of the bunks at unu sual hours and set to working the weapons. Machine guns and infantry are stationed in the heart of El Paso. Garcia today formally denied the Herrera had revolted. He also cast further doubt on the alleged clash of Villa with Carrunzistas. He declared advices did not mention a fight at Namlqulpa. WASHINGTON. March 23.-For ..... n ..... .... i,rrf uMi.. ,u. . ,.,.!.,, I "wiun iiiiuiiih i nr iVTVinillVIH l v ' vi cx a seriously considered the possibility of the militia being a necessity on the international boundary. If deserting 1 'arranzis-tas reinforce the Villistas, every available regular may be need ed in the field. Punston reported as entirely unau. thentioated the story that Herrera and 1000 men were deserting. Officials admitted the situation presented grave possibilities. The report that Colonel Cano. commanding 100, was parley ing with Villa, increased the concern. Doctor Arrested nix . r-N .1 touowing ueatns of Rich Relatives DISTRHT ATTORNEY TAKES AC TION : U18ENIC POISONING IS OAC8E. NEW TORK, March 23. Following the deaths of three wealthy people, District Attorney Swann ordered the arrest of Dr Arthur Warren Waite John Peck, millionaire father-in-law of Waite. died supposedly from arsenic poisoning. His wife also died at nearly the same time Mrs. Emma P.lng died yesterday, leaving half a million. Wheat Closes Lower at Chicago Today CHICAGO March May July opening 108 I" opening 107 3-S lMrtlnnd. PORTLAND. March !Ui asked; blllostem, 93- 23. Club 81 100 asked Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, March II Wheat Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 13s lOd: No. 2 13s 8d; No. ;:. 13s 4d; No. 2 hard win ter, gulf. 12s 3d; No. 2 red western winter. Ill 4d; No. 1 Durum, 13s 6d In American terms the Liverpool price for Spot No. 1 Manitoba is $2.'M per bushel NEWS SUMMARY GOIlCTJll Half million Russians are SjMftCktnf the Gernaan tinea in the Dvttnk re gion. General ivrslilng lata over rull-' road near Gnsai tirnndo. IR.OOO.tHio of damugv done in i gusUi fire. bsal HoulptOS -ntor advi-rtlMM Round -up In Nov ork. Asil Jury nel Is picked. Doc mauling ordiiuuKV kt riMH-eJixl HALF MILLION RUSSIANS ARE BATTERING THE GERMAN LINE Officers Who Lead in Cart Benjamin d. Fouiois Here are the men who are com manding the operatlona in Mexico against Villa. Most of them have had experiences of like nature, par PROCTOR BOOSTS FOR THE ROUND-UP AM0N6 FRIENDS S Gl EM OK HONOR AT DINNER HE TELLS 11'DIENCE I)l T PENDLETON. Through the medium of A Phi ' mister Proctor, the noted sculptor I whom Pendleton c talma as her own, the Hound-up is receiving some valu able advertising In New York. Mr. ' Poctor is now- visiting In the national ; metropolis and his western work is on exhibit there. Recently Mr. Proctor was the guest of honor at a dinner party given by I W. B. Diminu k. prominent resident of New York and brother-in-law ol I Aldon Hampton, the author who at-, I tended the Kound-up last year. Am- ong the other guests at the dinner were Henry I Simpson, ex-secretary of war. Qeorffe w Wkkersham. for- decline all invitations to speak in pub- Mr Pi s prevailed upon i guests of the )f the Pendleton huaiasm on that ce to his molest ted the bucking Round-up subject lo tongue at. bulldogging and roping si everyone present express. Irresistible desire to con Pendleton this fall On Sunday, March 12 vividly that the oil pan York Herald cd Mr. Proctor ; ui ti. lea were ; of hlmsell, h I Buster" and The story ha he Round-U)i buffalo. Mr. Pro, t,,r sjtptcta to join 1 family here within w weeks will stop a baa-rail cetved a uumLssion. I Merc haul men sunk. London. March 23 Pour ehantmen were reported sunk No loss of life occurring Thi Ish essels were the Seaserpei lllc't- a.clay. and Kannok. tho French Park DoUfain llle. and the Norweg an bark Lind fleld The crew of the Lindefleld. which left Portland In November with a cargo of wheat for England, reach ed Queenstown. I - I Hunt for Bandit Villa f jtBSL II I I UV SK SBBBBKSBSBS gen. jivmes Packer ticularly General Pershing and Gener al Parker who have fought In Arizona and New Mexico against the Indians Both men also fought in the Spanish war. M GARROLL DEFEATED BY AJAX IN WRESTLIN6 BOUT Ray McCarroll. who will f ght ten rounds with Romeo Hagan tonight in this city, last n ght lost in a wrestling mutch at Pilot Rock to Tony AJax. the Lithuanian who is scheduled to meet Walter Miller here soon for the world's championship. He lost in two straight falls, the lirst In 42 minutes on a scissors and bar arm hold and the second In IT minutes on a toe He was not Dinned either time but was so held that he was practically helpless and receiving punishment from the holds. McCarroll has met some of the besi men of the mat hut Miller. AJaX declares McCar the strongest In the shoulders before. McCarroll has resolved to make his home in Pendleton and has his wife and baby with him. Tonight he ex pects to show that he is as good In the ring as n the mat. He and Ha gan are both down to weight, 157. Dm I If is XrrrMcd. PARIS. March 23.---The chancel lor of the American legation at Softs has 1 r. arrested, charged y. ith brlb- ilster has demanded his release. Warship Relieved Isxst ' NORFOLK book, of the March II, Six log British cruiser Cumber- t wftn ttnertcan RL PAW ', Murdered in Movi.-o. 1 d the bods of H J McKinney Xmerlran employed on a Psjonsas ranch, w.is found hanging to a tree b American troos, according to military advices. He was supkosedly murdered by V.l-llstas. LONDON, March II. BaU a mil lion Russians under Kuropatkln are assailing Von Hlnder.Mrs'" termsne along a 150 mile front today. Petrograd announced the attack have dented the fjerman line in six: places. It was unofficially reported that the battle is the most furious 40 miles south of Ovlnsk. It was undetermined here whether this smash was the be ginning of a great Slav offensive or merely a demonstration to relieve the pressure against Verdun. The Post's, Petrograd correspondent declared ft was the - nmmencement of a great Russian move. He declared Kuropatkln had tremendous torcee at his command. Others thought the at tack was an attempt to remove the dangerous German wedge at Dvtnak. removing the threat of a German of fensive there in the spring Northwest of Verdun tne Germans are striving to capture the dominant heights at Avocourt. Bavarian troops have gained a foothold on Harcourt Hill Can Now Take the Muzzles off Dogs COUNCIL REPEALS ORDINANCE AS DANGER OF RAH I EN NOW BELIEVED OVER Fido's release Is at hand. After go ing about for several months with a birdcage over bis mouth, be Is to be permftted to resume his natural ways again. The council last night repeal ed the muzzlng ordinance which la ta ken to mean that the danger from ra bies Is believed to be over. The repeal of the muizllng ordi nance was just about the net result of the meeting last evening. True, the fire escape ordinance came up for a second reading but was referred back to the city attorney for a week in order that a provision could be in serted requiring all doors leading to lire escapes to open outward. The full library board was present last evening to support the request for an appropriation to assist in furnish ing and equipping the new library building. However, Mayor Beet re quested that the board take more time and give the council an itemized list of the furnishings necessary an 1 a statement of the money that will be necessary to defray tne costs. Chairman Murphy of the finance committee made a report in which he indicated the posalblllty of savinf about 12700 in administrating the city's affairs this .. ,r ,,i iIm - - - .-...... ,,, - I ed out that the tax money would be j about $3000 more than last year. He declared a careful eye must be kept I on expenditures, but declared that he . believed It would be round advisable I ot help in equipping the handsome I new library building The oetitl.tn wua -- - - - . j a .. , ,,,r,rmru IOT A ! light in front of the whlnn,. school and the light committee Indi cated It would act favorably The Newport Land St Construction Co reported that It could not complete the Monroe street improvement until Olson & Johnson moved the little of fice building set up temporarily near the library building. However, tho street committee reported that the li brary contractors had been given the use ,,f the street until the building Wa completed JURY PANEL IS DRAWN FOR THE APRIL TERM OF COURT Panel which will tr. th.- cases on the regular April term of ,-,,rt whlob will convene on April in. Thut, one names were dr..wn Twenty thirty are farmers, two ar- in and there is one each ,o ih. ing occupations painter grail transferman. contract..! hoc saddlemaker. blacksmith .h of th D. h. Nelson. Peadleton; Wrc Wright. P. ndleton. U j McAtes Pen dleton E M Kent. t lion R B Freewater; Hans PahL list William Court er, Pendit u n w ii pen mm lleltke. ; Peadleton w H, Steen. Milt. M F L m barter, in. Pendleton. Pel r Hunter id- ams. Duncan McDonald iilc-.v J M Hennings Pendleton I i. li.-nro Freewater. H G P, Kggeis t'endle ton; Isiuls Greenawald. I'-tnlletori James ft Bell. Athena. J B Keeves Stsaifleld. George W li.dg.tt. Nbh dleton. J A. HokIIb. I'klah.