at EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1916. This Store Stands for More Value Quicker Ser viceThat Means Better Merchandise for the Same Money or the Same Goods at a Lower Price. APPLES APPLES APPLES JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF WINESAP APPLES. This stock is first class, from the J. R. Ross orchard on the Little Walla Walla River. You can order on the phone and be sure of every apple be ing good. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Special. Winesapa per box $1.7 Rome Beauty's, per box SI. 50 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. win Rep Dwr-ning. A. Zeuske has taken out a permit to repair his dwelling on Jackson street. The repairs will cost about I i 100. Trip i- Postponed. Owing to the had condition nf a Por tlon of the road between Weston and Milton a contemplated trip to Milton tonight ly a delegation from Damon Lodge No. . Knights at Pythias has been postponed for I week. A visit will be made to Adams lodge tomor row evening as scheduled. elated with his brother several years ago In conducting the laundry and has had a great deal of practical ex perience as a laundryman. He re. oenlly returned to Pendleton from California. The retiring partner has not yet definitely decided his future business course. , Move to Montana. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Q, Selby are! moving from Pendleton to Selby, Mon- j tana. Reator Tenders Resignation. Issoclnted rlinritir- to Meet. The Associated Charities will holt meeting this evening at 7:30 In the Two Phones. 28. "QUALITY" 823 Main St. the no ninat f dist-I I rlet attorney on the republican ticket I Roacoe t. Keator. for the past few j years the assistant district attorney! under Frederick Btelwer, has tender-j ed his resignation to take effect! March 22. floral court Meets soon. The annual spring session of the federal court for eastern Oregon will convene in Pendleton on Tuesday, April 1 There are several the docket for trial. Mens Hoys' Men's Men's Men'i Men's Men's Men's Mens Mens Moil's Men's Best Quality Hill Overalls Uo nib Overall! Mo, IK Work Shirts too lleayy Baleen shirts 15c (Hid Pants, Spring Patterns... 2.8, $3.98 Corduroy Pants 1.98, $2.98 shirts and Drawers 25o, SBC Union suits 49c, Mc, use Rain Coats $3.98, $1.98. $9.90 Spring Suits $7.90, $9.90. $11.75 Dress shoes S2.98. s:t.:n. s:i.8 Canvas Gloves, Knit W rist 5c Williams' Shaving soap, enke to Colgate's Shaving Ponder, oan I9e sj, silk, pet smm4 to Thread. er sxil 4c Colgate's Toilet Soap. 6 for 250 (illt Bdge BhOe Polish 190 ijidies' soring Collara 25c. 49c, 98c Auto CW 49e, 69c, 98c, $1.19 Boudoir Caps 25c Me, 69c, 98c Lonsdale Huslln, yard 8 I-Sc X. 0, V l eather licking, yard 15c Serpentine Crenes, yard 15c You Can Alwayi Do Better At mm s3 I'll ui' i n mp We Lead, Others Follow spring Arrives officially. Spring Is here in truth and In fact. Today Is the first day of the new sea son Speaking with the almanac as an authority spring really began at 8:39 last night, the sun at that time being directly over the equator on Its trip north. There has been more spring-like weather earlier In the month than the brand at hand today, but. then, spring has varylvng moods like a fickle maid and there are only 21 more days for ases on 1 the books to remain open. Of the to Ital registration 1636 are republicans. ! sn;i democrats, 53 socialists, 45 tnde- Blancetts ro Returning, 'pendents, 1l prohibitionists, nine pro- Dol and Pertha Btancett, well IresstVN and eight of no party. known Round-up performers, are j now at Union, California, visiting with Hurt in Accident. a brother of the former, and will re-1 J t. Nlbper. who IS employed at turn soon to this city, according to a the li. 0, Kurnhart ranch, was card re.-elved hv :i trim here this brought to the city yesterday after- morning. coast. Several vessels are stationed On the Atlantic side and a small squadron is available on the Pacific. 1'poit Intimation that Villa Ib attempt ing to reach either side, marines will be landed to head him off. 1 90T. Ihis since practiced law an l engaged in farming. Married In 1905 In Miss Jennie Haines of Medford. Is now serving second term as mayor of Mhciia. noon with suit of an a badly cut accident. knee as i re- n. CONSTANT EYESTRAIN Often means constant head ache and nervousness. Glasses fitted by my system will give relief. DALE ROTH WELL Exclusive Optician American Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 609. Farm for Rent or Sale. 640 acres near lone. 200 acres ready Hctuodcling Home, to seed, good buildings; also for sale Mrs May O'C.ara Is Hroken Water Main Spouts. People crossing the Main street fishing season Soon to ten. bridM today have observed a fOUn-l The open season for angling will tain like spouting of water about twoi begin April 1 and the local fishermen j hundred yards above the bridge. One are already looking WATTS GIVES VIEW OF DISTRICT ATTORNEYSHIP f the city water mains crosses the to their tackle They expect a good season of their fa- having exten- rjver at that point broke next to the j vorlte sport though it will probably on easy terms, several wheat farms, she Improvements made to her home bank, probably from the pressure of: be delayed a little by tile high water. improved and to 2000 acres. (Adv.) unimproved, from 326 W. & SMITH, lone, Oregon Bungalow Pool Hall Alf. A. Peters, Prop. Bowliag. Billiards Candy Cigars. Under Temple Theatre. and at Aura and Court streetB. A two story addition Is being built on the south side, the north side will be ex tended several feet and a new roof will be put on. A porch running the complete length on the west side will add a finishing touch to the general appearance. The interior also will be remodeled. the high water. P. O, to Become Dining Room. With the removal of the post office from its present site In the Hotel Pen dleton block to the new federal build ing, the present quarters will prob ably become a part of the hotel prop er. The management now has under consideration converting the room In to the dining room and making the present dining room Into a dance and Appraisers Pile Report. Q. W. Runynn, W'. E. Campbell and R. J. Campbell, appraisers of the es tates of Wm. M. Hrace and Bell llrace have filed their report. The estate of the former, consisting of land, is valued at 11600 and the latter consisting of notes, at $1450. All Good Judges will tell you that of all th new temperance drinks now being made by the different Ireweties. none can compare with fm Artesian Well Mn Here. W D. N'ewland, the man who dem onstrated there Is an area of artesian; amusement hall water In Morrow county, Is In Pendle- ton on business. His successful exper- i;nrolitc to Baseball Meeting, lment was greeted as marking a new! g b. Casteel, John R. Pickett and era for Morrow county and he la not . Bert Shock, three Uvewlrs baseball through yet. He Is now engaged In boosters of Pilot Rock, passed through BRAN-NEW drilling a second well and, If it proves! successful, he will drill a third to; complete his theory of the area n! which there is abundant artesian wa ter. Mr Newlan Is an old friend o Senator Cummins, presidential pros-1 pect. and is watching with Interest his campaign. However, while wish ing his old friend well, he expresses the hope that President Wilson will win in a walkaway. Pendleton this morning enroute to Athena for the meeting this after noon to reorganize the Blue Moun tain League. They are very desirous of having Pendleton In the league. Shock will manage the Pilot Rockers this year while Pickett will have his old berth at second. Old Photo of Miss Fisher. When Major Ie Moorhouse notlc. ed that Margarita Fisher was the star of a picture play on at the Pastime, he looked through his collection of photos and found one that he had taken of Miss Fisher when she was starring In stock here seven or eight years ago. He presented It to Man ager Matlock. WILL mom: TO PENDLETON CHOSEN TO OFFICE; WILL MOT M IKE BOBBY OP ANYTHING. II "I expect to do my duty. I will ox tend favoritism to no one and will not make a hobby of anything. If elected 1 will move to Pendleton so as to give my full time to the duties of district attorney." The foregoing constitutes the plat, form of Homer t, Watts, candidate for the" republican nomination for district attorney, as announced today. The following Is a brief biographical sketch. A native son of I'matilla county, born In 1ST6. Educated In the schools at Athena. Graduated from the Weston Normal In 1886. From the Monmouth normal In 1897. Took course In surveying at Throup College, California. Graduated from the University of Oregon in 190S. Graduated from Harvard Col lege In 1907. Admitted to the bar in Organs We have taken In exchange as part payment on pianos during our sale a number of organs, good onee. There Is an Estey, a Kimball, an Netsow and a Pacific Queen. We have no I room for them and would be glad to sell them even on payments of $1 00 I per month. When you got ready we will take them back for what you 1 paid on a piano. WAIUIEVS MTSIO HOCSE. S20 Main street. BREWED M BOTTLED IN BY THE PENDLETON' City Brewery "BRAN'-N'EW" is brewed from hops, barley and corn. When tired and thirsty, or on a warm day. you will find it most invigorating and thirst quenching. It Is pjre and non.intoxicating. Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up quarts or pints. INVESTIGATE OCR SEW DRINKS PEND-0 and PORT O ism out His Brother. Yesterday Ray Paine purchased the half interest of his brother, Sam E. Paine, in the Troy Laundry of this citv and will hereafter he associated in its management with William Pur-1 with illegal cohabitation Indian Pair in Bad Again. Robinson Minthorn and Agner f'raig. well known Indian couple who were caught in the raid of a few weeks ago, were arrested again last night by Officers Scheer and Nash at Ihe Searcey rooming house on Cot tonwood street and were charged They plead- Stelwer to Portland. District Attorney Frederick Stelwer g left today for Portland to take treat- gg ment for a hoarseness with which he j has been afflicted for some time. Dur- sj Ing his absence the office work will EEg he cared for by Former Deputy Kea- 5 tor who has resigned but will never theless take care of any business arls. Ing in the absence of the district attorney. I chase who recently bought a half in-: to guilty this morning in police court terest. The new partner was asso- and paid a fine of 850 each. Run-down ? Tired ? -Weak? Made from pastur zed Tra-Fru K HOLISM. I WD RKT.ML flavors. TELEPHONE BM 'Jllllllltlllllllllllllimillllllllllllllllilllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiii-.:; ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Since 1887. Every spring most people feel "al out of sorts" their vitality is at a low ebb. Through the winter months shut up a great deal in heated house, office, or factory, with little healthy exercise in the great outdoors eating more than necessary the blood be comes eurcharged with poisons ! Tlif best Spring medicine and tonic is one made of herbs and roots without alco holthat was first discovered by Dr. Pierce years ago. Made of Golden Seal root, blood root, with glycerine, it is called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Ingredients on wrapper. It eliminates from the blood disease breeding poisons. It makes the blood rich and pure, and forniihes a founda tion for sound, physical health. Sold by medicine dealers, in liquid or tablet form, or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce'e Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., for a large trial package of tablets. Ih-nnhig Takes New Location. The room on the lower floor of the Qritman Block, formerly occupied by the Olympia liar. Is being remodeled today and a portion of It will be oc cupied by Henry Henning's cigar store which is now located further north on Main street. A partition will divide the front end of the room and Mr. Hennings will take the north room and the entire back room. The other room has not yet been definite ly leased. Irrigating Delayed by Bains. The Irrigating season In the west end of the county will be much de. layed by the present and past rains, according to Henry Sommerer. prom inent Hermiston farmer. Ordinarily the first irrigating Is done late in March or early in April but none will be necessary thus early this year, he states. The February snows left a great deal of In fact Mr. S Indian Wants Divorce. John Thomas, well known young Indlun of the Umatilla reservation, has filed a suit In the circuit court against his wife. Amelia, asking for an absolute divorce. They were mar ried in May, 1915. and the following August, he alleges, she went to Ida ho with John Lllney. another Indian. Ualey & Raley are attorneys for the plaintiff. K.xert Typist Coming. County Judge C. H. Marsh was no tified today that a man named Wlese, typewriter speed artist and efficiency expert, will be In Pendleton tomorrow to give demonstrations. IP- will give at demonstration at 1:30 at the high school and at :i o'clock at the Hart man Abstract Company's office. Sten ographers and others Interested are Invited to attend. He will be accom panied by Manager Waters of the Portland office of the Remington company. Mr. Itonlvn Is Dead. The Portland Journal this morning carried the follow ng story of the Isture In the ground. death of C t. Borden w hose wife was merer states that he formerly Miss Ethel Parsons of this North-Side Home For Sale Five room house in good con dition. Corner lot, facing east. Lawn, shade trees; retaining wall; gas and electricity. Only few blocks from Main street bridge. A snap if taken at once. f Telephone 105 I has never seen the Kround down there; city: wet at such a depth as it is this year Return Prom Rev, J. m. and Philip Jo the Tutiiilla Ihis morning w here they b Pendleton'.- big, busy jew elry store the oldest estab lished jewelry store in the city. Reliable repairing and clean ing of jewelry, watches, clocks and silverware of all kinds. WHEN " RUN-DOWN." Salem, Oregon. "As a spring tonic, to build up a weakened, run-down system, and hi give one an appetite, I found Doctor I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery good. A friend had recom mended it and I found it all that she claimed for it." Mrs. Jake Gi.sdek, lobO S. Bellview Street. Ir ihis Tin ge. Enrol ,-viil, in side Of Le railroad w Indian Meetings, Cornellaon of Tutullla nes, one of the elders of church, arrived home Mom I-apwai. Idaho, tended the special ser Id there. They report I meetings with about ;nlng the temperance me home they saw -s about thirty miles wiston of a ooludburst blocked at one point "Dr. and Mrs. William House have received a telegram from Sidney, X. (V., announcing the sudden death of 'Charles Krwin Horden from a para ' lytic stroke. The Bordens lived in Portland for a lime about three yeurs ago. His wife was Miss Kthel Parsons Mrs. House's sister, and' I daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam Parsons, for merly of Pendleton, In addition to Mrs. Borden, two small sons and Mr. ; Borden's parents survive." and they had ti the barrier. be transferred around VI LUST s DEFEATED. (Continued from page one I Constipation causes and seriously aggravates many diseases. It is thor oughly ennd by I)r. Pierre's Pleas ant rVllets. One a laxative ; tv of three a citliarlic. er. The president and cabinet agreed that the proposals in Carranza's pro tocol for the conduct of the Villa hunt were satisfactory All work guurai perfect satisfacti why we have 0 give that' Two watch makers busy. always aniintiiiiiiiiniiiiiininiiiiiiiiiitiHiMiiniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii? Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. More Rain Delays Plowing. The showers of Sunday and yester day and the more or less steady rain I of today will have the effect of de-1 DOUGLAS, March 21. Half a laying sprlnu plowing for another 'dozen Vllllstas have been executed In I Week or more The ground was Just i Sonora since the Columbus affair. ' to-tting In ' onditlon for Plowing I Thev stated that much Propaganda When the rains started. Spring plow. (already had permeated the districts ing last year was begun In the latter where Villa and Zapata were popular, part nf February so that It will he Miguel Vlncente. Villlxta colonel, was seen that the farmers are unusually ! spreading literature when arrested late. However they are taking eon- near F,l Paso. Army officers here be- olatlon out abundant m their grain and growth. the ha irt that the resulted In healthy color Regfcmaltoo Ptuws 2700. More Ihan r, 'M( voters registered last week and yet even at that rate ror the balance of the time until the books close there would be only about balf Ihe voters In the county register ed before the May prlmar es. The to tal registration last week was 318 of which 172 were women The total registration to date Is 2Tn5. leaving about "500 voters still unregistered, lleved Villa would hide until the sen timent of the peons Is sufficiently ar. ottsed to cause a general uprising against Carrunza and Americans. The seventh and tenth regiments here have voWgd venueanoe against Villa. When Douglas was endangered dur ing the bnltle of Agua Prletn. these troops were nearby while bullets rain ed on American soil. WASHINGTON, March 21. - It was announced lhat the navy department has prepared plans for the fleet to cooperate with the war department should Villa make a dash for either THE UNIVERSAL CAP For service for Ford owners is worth while. Fifty-one Ford branches ; over 8,500 agents all through the country, each with a complete stock of Ford parts and supplies on hand. No delays, no holding up for days to get parts, but prompt, reli able service at a low, fixed cost. Runa bout $442.45; Touring Car $492.45. All prices f. o. b. Pendleton. On sale at ROUND-UP CITY AUTO CO. 812 Garden St. Phone 851 Try our Special Ford Oil. Gas and Accessories. Free water and air.