EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 21. 1916. laillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllli; i njinii , ".. i .'1 .,'ji.:'j-'i.'':s!r,i..a. ". Imi- . Get the BEST Groceries FOR LOWER PRICES BY COMING HERE AND PAYING ' Cash Everything new, clean, spic-and-span. Up-to-date in every depart ment. Every article that is on the market and that you need can be had here for less. Try our cash system for a week and you will never go back to the old "charge it" idea. i Dean Tatom Co. Pendleton's big Cash grocery. 749 Main St. D. S. TATOM. Telephone 688 nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllr JUNIORS OF MILTON IN CLEVER PLAYLET llli: PRIVATE SECRET ART" BEEN BT liAIMJE AC DIENOE THERE. FOLKS ill WESTON BEGINNING TO PUT IN IS OTHER HEWS NOTBH V.M PER SONAL MENTION Of Till; WESTON viocoTre. Bern Local Talent PUy Given, Is Vircllcit: Dr. IKs,t .1. T. Hrown, of piiidKtun Are VWkon; Plans ground In and for New Ulirary Htdlcllng Are For- good condition warded t Oarttefie, (East Oregonlaa special.) WESTON, Ore., March 20.- jund (.iirrlmm New York lawyer. I New York bar will practice law here ,.,. ,. T ,-rt,-v! ;i - mcnitur of fie firm of Hornblow Y0RK' MarCh -Lln,ley!t.r Mlller, Polu & Bane. It wo an II. Garrison, former secretary of war BMMa by tha, flrm. Mr. Garrison has become a resident of Sew York ' w;ia formerly a vice chancellor of New city and as soon as admitted to thsj Jersey. . . ... The Fallacy of Paraffine Base: Eastern oil manufac turers have long extolled the superior virtues of paraffine base motor oils. But Pacific Coast motorists have proved that Zero lene, made from selected Califor nia crude, asphalt -base, gave best results. Their experience is now supported by the testimony of in ternational experts. Lieut. Bryan stated before the Am. Soc. of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon forming proclivities are concerned, than are paraf fine -base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene received highest competitive awards, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ZEROLENE the Standard Oil for Motor Cars (East Oregonian Special.) MII.TON fire. March 21 Before a crowded house Milton high Juniors and seniors gave their play, "The Pri vate Secretary," last Friday night In the college auditorium. The play proved to be one of the beet ever pre setted by local talent. W. B. Jones of the Milton Oarage, returned Saturday from Cortland where he attended a convention nl Studehaker dealers. Dr. J A. Rent and J. T. Brown of Pendleton were In the Twin Cities the last of the week looking after their political Interests. Dennis Grooms has moved his fam ily from Crockett to Milton. Mr and Mm J H. Boles and daughter of PreKoott. Wash., Is visit lD Mrs. J. M. Hicks. Mrs R, c; still and Mrs. H. A. Wil liams have returned home from Tex as where they have been visiting B. F. Williams returned home to day from the Walla Walla hospital. .1. N. ijtone and family who have been residing In Walla Walla the past winter, have returned to their horn in Milton. Rev H. B, Shangle has returned from a two months trip Into Montana :md southern Idaho Claud Price and the Misses Ruby Price and Josle I.avendar of Weston, visited friends In Milton Sunday. Henry Beckers, the village black smith. Is building a new residence. Plans for the new library brilidlns have been forwarded to Carnegie Foundation and as soon as notice of much plowing fori gardens la being done, and every garden seedB planted. Ernest Cooper and family started for Rockland, Id;. ho Saturday, where they Intend to remain and engage in farming. Mrs, L. R. Vanwlnkle has purchas ed a new Ford car of Homer Hedrlck. Miss Edna I("SS of Walla Walla. Il In the city visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs Hamp Booher spent Sunday In Athena visiting relatives. H. B. Lee anil family of Milton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Scott Bannister near Weston Sunday. Lowell Rogers and Tamily were In the city during the week. MIbs Eliza Morrison entertained 16 of her friend- at a St. Patrick social at her home on Water street on March 17. Green was the predomi nating color. lames were played, afer which refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. Marvel Watts and Mrs. R. A Thompson of Athena, visited friends in Westnn Friday. Mrs. Rebecca Culley of Walla Walla was the guest of Mrs. Jamen Stanfleld during the week. Mr. and Mrs Joe Wurzer and Mrs. Charles Pinkenon motored to Walla Walla Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. t"5. Lucas were In Athena on business during the week. Prof. E. E. Geisa and wife are up from Pendleton spending the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs L H Van Winkle. E. M. Smith banker, made a bus Iness trip to Pendleton Saturday. Quite a number of Weston's young people went to Pendleton Friday ev- I Alexander's Grocery Pendleton's Biggest and Best Department Store Fish Specialties for the Lenten Season Fancy Boneless Codfish, per package Bf Fancy Boneless Codfish, per 2 lb. brick 25c Golden Bloaters, each 5; 6 for S6f Large Alaska Herring, 6 fo 2.V Imported Holland Herring, per keg fSMW Salmon Bellies, per lb 20; 8 lbs. r0r Tuna Fish Chicken of the Sea per can ... 20 and 35 Deep Sea Crab Meat, per can - 35 Royal Club Salmon Steak, per can 20f and 30 Bay View Salmon, tall cans, 2 for 25 N'ippin Brand Norway Sardines, 2 for 25 Rock Brand Norway Sardines, extra fancy, 3 for. .. 50 Anchovies in Ring Glass, each 50 Lobsters, Shrimp, Mince Clams, Whole Clams, Oysters, Etc. Alexander's Grocery HIS AEROPLANES WILL FIND VILLA the county court are received, con struction work will begin F. E. Hodgson of Bnterprlse is vis iting his father. S. R. Hudson, who is seriously ill. ntntr In attend social riven bv Miss plans and authority Of Rpst Mrs. James Price entertained tin Saturday afternoon rrub on last Sat urday. A few visitors from Ath"na were present. After a short muslral program, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Rev Stockton of the Baptist church of Adams, preached in the Baptist church in Weston Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs Will Brown motored to their ranch near Pendleton during the week. A. J. Harnett and Miss Alma Bar nett. spent Wednesday afternoon in Athena. Mrs, D. McDonald of Walla Walla, is the guest of Grandma Bannister Herman Goodwin, local druggist, is spending the week in Pendleton vis iting relatives and friends Miss c;!ads Smith entertained number of friends at her home on Main street Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes werf nut of town guests at the home o' Mr and Mrs. Robert Blomgren. Oils Soothe . Skin Disease Oil of wlntergreen. thymol, glycerine snd other healing ingredients compounded In prepef proportion Into the 1. 1. D. ! Prescription has now become the universal favorite of skin sufferers. In relieving skin I disease. It is a mild wast thnt pdn trates ' the i.re and gives Instant relief from all burning snd Itching. It kills and washes orr tae gnawing uvmmm inw mm o soothing oils quickly heal the liiilaned tissues. Iirugglsts are glnd to recommend this soothing, cooling liquid 2r,c. Me and 11.00. Come to lis and era will tell von more about this rctnarkahle remedy Your money hack unless the first bottle relieves you. I. D. I. Soap keeps your skin bealtby. Ask about It. DY For IS Tears jLfc Standard i,n , Skin Remedy 1A1,1..V1AN 1HICG CO. a W HITE TO TOUR FRIENDS ON Monogram Stationery W. 6. SMITH & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG.. PORTLAND, OR WIRE YOUR HOME NOW This Is What You Get 1. THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. 2. THE VERY BEST WORK. 3. THE VERY EASIEST TERMS, AND 4. A STANDARD "RITE HEAT" IRON, $2.65 ABSOLUTELY FREE. Nova scotia is Voted Dry. HALIFAX. N. S., March It, The Nova Scotia legislature passed the prohibition bill by a vote of 28 to 3. Our observation Is that as a rule the autolst who drives in the greatest hurry is the least welcome when he gets there The Boy is Father to the Man Old sayings like this are fraught with & most important mcming. Ana what will aid the expectant mother in conserving her health, her strength, ber mental repose and the ab sence of vexntioufi pain is a subject of Mft nmment. Among Hi.. r..-.w.nir,.,l h.!n I BW a remedy ' i t AIT. KEN.IAM IN l ACIDS III STOMACH SOUR 1 FOOD AND E II "PATE'S D1APEPSTH FIXES -l R, (. ISBY, 1 PSBl OTOM U H IN I I VI. MINI Tt. If what you Just ate Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dldneee. heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taate In mouth and stomach headache, you can surely get relief tn five minutes. Ask your pharmactst to show you the formula, plainly printed on theao fifty-cent "cases of Pape's Diapepsln, then you will understand why dyspep tic troubles of all kinds must go, and why it relieves sour, out of ordef stomachs or indigestion In five min utes. "Pape's Diapepsln" Is harm less; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for as similation into the, blood all the food you Pat; besides. It makes you go te the table with a healthy appetite, but what will please you most. Is that you will feel that your stomach and intestines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for biliousness or consti pation. This city will have msny "Pane's Diapepsln'' cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthu siastic about this splendid stomach preparalon, too. If you ever take It for Indigestion, gasea. heartburn, sour ness. dyspepsia, or any stomach mis ery. Get some now. this minute, and rid yourself of stomach misery and Indi gestion in five minute. nt San Antonio. Is preparing for now t al pa h. ' First fight into Mexico to find Villa for General Funstnn's troops. 'aptain Foulois has okla. nil i ipated in the flight r Squadron from I est November, when Fort Si! the Rich Woman iduWS a MM KM ORLEANS. La., March 21 It became known here that Mrs Louise c Thomas. 7J years old and reputed to be one of the somh's weal thiest .women, had adopted as her son and heir the Rev. Peter Scottl. for merly chancellor of the Roman Cath olic diocese of New Orleans. Mri Thomas is the widow of Stanley O Thomas, a cotton factor who left an estate of several million dollars The adoption papers were rtled las. A gust In St Louis ten officers VALUE This Offer Good Only to April 15th NOT A DAY LATER. NO HOUSE IS TOO OLD, TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL TO BE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY. Pacific Power Cf Light Company 'ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. PHONE 40 J. L. Vaughan, Electrical Contractor Phone 139 Cha. Milne, Electrical Contractor Phone 636 i Friend." Applied to the muscles It sinks la deeply ti make them firm and pliant, it thut a " It; tlic strain on I ligaments th.it produce picin. it UghtSBf the! j burden on tho nervous system, lnduca calm. restful nlirbts of health-giving sleep and . makes the din sunny and l...ppy. Cet a : bottle of "Mother's Friend" of tit; druggist I nnd you will then realize why It hsi baa considered true to Its name in our best home through three generations. It Is perfectly , harmless but so effective that ones, used it Is hNowncnded to all expectant mothers by those wise went through the ordeal with surprising ease. By writing to rtmdlield Regulator Co.. 412 Lamar Dldg., Atlanta, tUu, you can have a free copy of a wonderful stork Isiok that unfolds those things which all expectant mothers delight to read. Write today. as "Mother's under him who comprise the "fliers' squadron was transferred to Fort Sam Houston, The squadron uses biplanes, with motors of from 80 to 100-hnrse pow- ICaTl RaaJMa ' TmCOMA, March 21 istraion of 25.575, the ,h Miu.rl poo and the eightv troop- er Ea, h machine weighs about 1350 closed. me tola, .s a ers completing the .detachment Most: pounds ind will carry 450 pounds, or than the registration of 1914 wh 1' ,,f them are veteran aviators. Sever-ion ooserver witn eacn pilot. i s. . names were on me ouua. IM0SJP With a reg clty books .Ut 'lft' 1- -1 -ffi" HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Splendid Laxative for Elderly People HEADACH E STOPS 111 hi cho NEURALG IA GONE Dr. James' Headache Powders give instant relief Oort dime a package. Nerve-racking. snlitting or dull, throbbing: headaches yield in just a few , iritmcnU to Dr. James' Headache Pow- ders which cost only 10 cents a psck ' age st any drug .store. Hit the quick -J est, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the ' agony and distress now 1 You can. ' Millions of men snd women have I found that headache snd neuralgia I misery is neediest. Get what you ask 1 far. I will be substituted. One Is to take up schcool at eight o'clock and go I through the eight sessions without the I noon hour; the other places six pc i rioda before noon and two after noon H doing either way the students hope to avoid study during the warm afternoons. Besides this, several stu dents who work their way througb high school would be able to secure e. better paving job. an several local business men want help fTom among the students The annual high school athletic carnival will be held on Friday night II ts HI I V 1'IUX RIISF.D BY ELL KNOWN l'HYSH'IAN FOR MANY SEARS. The Infirmities of age are especially manifest in tendency to constipation. anl call tor treatment that will afford relief In an easy, natural manner The rapid action of cathartic remedies and purgatives that shock the system should DC avoided, more eseclall as the relief they offer Is only tvmporarv and is Usually more than offset by' tUrtttrbailCS to the vital organs caus ed by their violent action. Heart thirty years ago Ir W. R 1 i'i I well, Montlcello. III., prescribed a Compound of simple laxative herbs that ha since become the standard household remedy In thousands of homes It acta easily and gently, yet with positive effect without griping Mi' - r in I March 24 Wilbur Padley who has r ,,ther pain or discomfort. Mra charge of the program Is working Rachel Allen, tialeeburg. Kans., Is hard to make It a big success for the I gjaveafy-ons years old. and after using school. lasses of sports will be put on, Drugs if is Pepsin for a splertdnl ;l All such as rope climbing, boxing, ling and biscuit shooting. wrest- . bottl.. It n t ,nd should bt In a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep- every beats V Blal bOHM sin, wrote that It had done her a charge, can be obttnd by writing te 4,4 Wiwbiasioe world of good and that she intends to Dr. W R Caldwell, keen. It In the house always. Bt . Montlcello, IU