East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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The Kant Oregon Ian has the largest bona
fide and guaranteed paid clrculatlou of any
paper In Oregon, east or Tortland and by
far the largest circulation In 1'eudleton of
any other newspaper.
W I VI Mi l;
YESTERD Y's wrwiilit DATA,
Maximum temperature. ,'; nttnl
mum temperature. 4i; rainfall, .II;
wind. southwest. freh; Weather ,-te.ir
VOL. 28
NO. 8762
- - i i
Victories at Both Ends of 800 Mile
Line Overshadow Gains of the
Germans Before Verdun.
Slav Fire Compel Evacuation of Sa.
lient South of Naroco Lake; Aus
Iriaus arc Forced to GDo up
Bridgehead gainst Russian At
tacks Along tile Dneister.
LONDON, March 21 Russian vic
tories ut both ends of their Sou mile
line overshadowed the Germtin gaim
at Verdun. Kuropntkln has forced
Von Hlndcnburg to withdraw from n
iallent south of Naroco Lake. Uerlln
admitted this Ml MMMW) to avoid
annihilation by a circle fire. Berlin
claimed the Slav attacks were repuls
ed south of Ulna, west of Jucofstadt
and northwest of I'ostawy. The Rub
aians are suffering heavily, It was
BERLIN, March 21. The Austri
an have evacuated the L'aclecvzo
Bridgehead, Vienna admitted. The
Positions were defended six month
against heavy Russian attacks. This
position Is on the south bank of the
Dnelster, 35 miles northwest of Cs
rnuwltz. The Itusslan fire blasted a
breach JOO yards wide. Vienna said
and Colonel Planch decided to evacu
ate The Austrlans destroyed the
trenches. Small detachments with !
the wounded gained the south hank I
of the Dnelster In boats, but soon the
enemy's concentrated fire made a,
crossing Impossible. Austrian sap-,
pers and dragoons fought on the
north hunk through Cscleczvo and
Joined the Austrian troops establish
ed In Ihe heights north or Zaleyzcz
ykl LONDON, Match II. Four ISrltlsh
destroyers engaged three Herman de
stroyers off the llelg an coast yester
day, the admiralty announced. Two
of the Teuton ships were struck,
four British sailors were wounded.
The Hermans escaped Into Zeebrugge.
(iemian admiralty stated the Teu
ton destroyers scored several hits and
thm the British vessels fled.
ROME, March 21 Russian war
hips arrived off Treblzond are be
selglng It. dispatches asserted. A
large force of Turks are defending the
PSTHOOBAD, March II. Russian
troops occup'ed Ispahan on Snndiiy.
Teheran advices today said.
Attacks at Verdun
Lack Force; German
Advances Admitted
(. lv ssl i I s VRK IlK
PARIS, March 21 Herman attacks
gained more groiinii on wic wesi umum
It was orricialiy admit-
Assaults were renewed last
at the Abancnurt-Mallncourt
The ilerntans occupied the
stern part of the Mnllncotirt
The attacks, however, lacked
A heavy bombardment with
fire preceded the lnfnntrv as
Elsewhere the Verdun front
nlitl i
sotit h
li.pr 1
snu It
wns quiet
Tii,. Oermans are npplvlng "nut
cm gar" tactics to the narrow se tor
northwest of Verdin. Simultaneous'
thev made a thrust at Mnllncourt and
lt,'gni uvllle. Teutons marching I
southward from Regneitvllle were
swamped In the flooded lowlands
where they were shelled severely,
suffering heavy losses Flnmtng li
quids were being used In rinse fight
ing. The ground was gained only aft
er terrific bomhnrdment
Driving the French from the villag
es ..f funileres and fhnttnnr ijrt
to uld force a retirement from the
northwaatern defenses.
BERUN, March II,- The capture
if French positions 11 miles north
west of Verdun and northeast of
Avoncourt, with 2632 prisoner! and
a Quantity of booty was claimed
Go to rasas QrajMlea,
.11 A UK.. Mexico. March 21. Two
hundred Cnrrnnzlstns. accompanied
by a machine gun squad, entrained
for Casus tlrandes. One hundred and
fifty horses for cavalry purposes will
follow Immediately. It Is reported
that the San Pedro bridge has been
First Photos
IKS" "r
aiilcL- 1 ' 1
city Ml, Where Nineteen Men -re
These are the first photographs out
of COlumbUt, N M.. smce the raid
of Villa, where seventeen Americans
were killed in the city Jail trier
were nineteen men burned when the
raiders set fire to It. Mr. Miller was
In front of this store when the raiders
fired on him He was Instantly kill
ed Man Burned to Death.
CHKHAI.IS.' Wash. March 21. L
Metcglf, a farmer, was burned to
death when a fire destroyed the hotel
Handle this morning. The building
and eon Mais were total loss
I In -inn i, lories on the eastern
front force Gemina to abandon line
of titwdiea,
llllstas defi-ated in battle with Car-
F. ,1. Donaldson, druggist.
Ulfle Club will In- organlred lien-.
t warm unit problems discussed al
banquet In t nit; lit.
Italic- delay plow lint. Irrigating and
Italian Gun Used to Shell Austrian Positions
iv, i,, , , . ju 'lit, 8,
The ph i lire here gives a good
of the gigantic site of the modern
weapons used In the titanic struggle
showing where
I I"'
I !: '
la. I- "
MttAFa Drug
Republicans Adjourn.
CHICAGii. March 21. Without se
lecting a temporary chairman, the
cominitlee of arranging of the repub.
liean national convention adjourned
today. It probably will name a chair
man at the next meeting. April 2.
12 Km
In I'm ope. It shows
Italian II
Inch howitzer, and the men who serve
whuh 1JeJ ,o he ,ho
Austrian positions.
Villa's Men Killed Americ. ns
Miller? Dnrjc siore
R - H
store, where Proprietor Was Killed.
Community Problems Discussed
at Local Dinner Last Evening
Reports on work in progress or con
templated b) various local organiza
tions were given at an enjoyable din
ner given last evening at the Hotel
Pendleton with Clarence M. Bishop,
vice president of the Commercial As
sociation, as the host. The program
as previously published was followed
with the exceptions that W. L.
Thompson was unable to be present
and William Lowell supplanted J. P
McManua Upon the program. A trio
composed ol Mrs. Pruitt. Miss Bald
win and Mr. steelhammer provided
music for the occasion and their play
ing added much to the pleasure ol
the occasion.
Ceorge M Hyland of Portland w a--invited
I .Mr Bishop to serve as
toast master and did so In most cred
itable manner In an enthusiastic
talk Mr. Hyland said he had just
heard Pendleton praived bj a world
traveler as the cleanest small cit ho
had ever visited. He emphasized
the necessity of active work in order
to foster the growth that will natur
ally come as the result of Pendleton'
geographical position, which he char
acterized as the best of any inland city
Spokane not excepted.
The talks by the vurtous speakers
contained information and suggestions
of , such value to the community that
Hi, Baal i iregonlaa win paibllsh most
of them in full, one being used each
day The following is a synopsis ot
the talk by Mayor J. A. Best:
tBy Mayor Best.)
Mr. Toast master. Ladles and Qantle-
To sive you a complete outline of
the city administration In five min
utes the time allotted for each l peak
Si Mould be impossible. I will there,
fore mention a few or the ni"st Im
portant facts
In the first place, ns long as the
good people of Pendleton use the
same judgment In selecting council
inen like we h ive at the present time.
I would be opposed to commission
form of government why Mr Toaet
master, it would cost the taxpayers
of Pendleton not less ttlan I II'. 000 .1
year to procure the services of these
men. My plan Is to be careful In se
lecting en h committee, and then
place the burden of the responsibility
on the committees, and each member
of the council is a cnalrman of some
one of the committees In that way
we have an eight cornered working
machine, and If you don't think they
work Just visit the city council Wed
nesday evenings and see for yourselt.
The city revenue has been dimin
ished some 111,000 this year, hut we
are confident that Pendleton will go
forward Just the same with the same
enthusiasm, energy and spirit that it
has always shown.
The street improvement work Is
getting under way: parting and beau,
tlfylng the homes will be encouraged.
A scheme is on hand to build a
iurnace or crematory to take cure of
the debris. Our fire cntef is ever on
the alert to see that proper care is
taken in his department and Is also
looking after the sanitary condition
which I hope in the near future will
be above censure.
1'nder Mr. Taylors supervision the
cemetery Is being beautified and in
the near future will he a credit lo
Pendleton, something that has here
tofore been overlooked.
We intend repairing the levee this
summer, so there will be comparative
ly no danger of floods In the future.
The natat. rium committee will con-
I eletlhitit., it,.! ..l.,..,t-i- I, ..I.. ,
- ...... .i..,,,, i.-h t'eofie
place Pendleton's systems second to
none on the coast, and I have received
between Ihe clly administration atij
the other associations or Pendleton. A
move to that effect is started ai d I
am sure we will succeed.
Pendleton has the best people, baa)
banks, the best business men, the
cleanest and most up-to-date huel teas
methods In the state and during nit
administration I expect to make pen
(Baton model, and It ts already be
ing recognized as such, "ur laws are
he lag enforced and tney are going Id
be, and at the end of 1917 Pendleton
will be the biggest, cleanest, most up-to-date
and happiest place In Oregon.
Carranzistas Rout Bandits in Pitched Battle;
American Aviator is Injured in Fall While
Scouting; But Few Details of Expedition Be
come Publicly Known; Carranza Believed
Disposed to Let Americans Use Railroads.
General Funston announced he
had asked the war department to
give him additional troops o he.
could adequately protect Per
shing's "dangerously thin" lines
of communication. He refused to
make public the number of troops
needed. He preferred that Wash
ington should furnish that Infor
mation. EL PASO, March 21. General Per
shing wirelessed headquarters at Co
lumbus today that the Carranzistas
yesterday severely defeated the Villis
tas In a pitched battle. Villa has re
treated to the Santa Clara mountains.
Oavlra had heard nothing of the
outcome of the Namlqulpa engage
ment this morning.
"I think it is only a matter of time
until Villa Is taken, dead or alive.
Wires are down, but I have reason to
believe the Villlstas are entirely sur
rounded by Americans and Carranzis
taa" Lieutenant Bowen, an aviator, was
seriously injured "somewhere In Mex
ico." it was announced. The aero
plane fell while scouting. This is the
first time on record an American av
iator has been injured in active ser
vice Bowen Joined the expedition at
San Antonio. '
Pershing is bo close to Villa that he
has stopped reports to army head
quarters here, officers believed. Ab
solutely no word from the manhunt
era has been received The pursuit is
believed to be hot through the moun
tains south of Elvale. Fifty-four ad
ditional motor trucks are en route to
Columbus. Factory experts are at
tending them and will operate them
in the field. It is expected they will
relieve transportation troubles between
Columbus and the front.
Dodd's Cavalry was reported on a
forced march toward ' Namlqulpa.
where the Carranzistas engaged Villa
Villa apparently is making a desperate
effort to reach Santa Clara Canyon In
the Guerrero mountains, east ot
Namlqulpa The long absence of news
after the battle led to the belief the
bandit had cut his way through to
safety. Aeroplanes spent the night
near Ascension.
Oavlra pointed to the battle as i
concrete denial of reports that Car
ranza was disposed to Jet Villa escape, i
He intimate ! the American base was
near Casas Grandes . Reports that
the Carranza garrison there had mov.
ed to Juarez were unconfirmed, but
Inn on the bonier sa protection ! app,ndl hl""r ruptured before the
against the implied threat. Appar. Th"r'' w,r" ",h"r
entlv Carranza is disposed to allow'". r" 'hat made hi, re
the Americans to use the railroads, re-1 . "1 dou,,tf'" '"" the first. He
elproeaUng for the assistance at the "f v"r 'a" "'. 'he phy.
battle of Vc ia Prleta Other Ameri
can troops are leaving Columbus The
number now pursuing Villa is esti-
NIO. March 21. "On
, ks as if Villa Is in hot
t"ti said. 'The next few
ell the story. We must
hours may
not forget however, ne still has free
movement In a big country where hs
knows every trail and cowpath "
A wireless received at headquarters
after Villa's first hrusn with the con-
Btltutlonallstl indicated he was near
l.ascrucies with the American cavalry
closing in II Mna is moving norm orug business at K,.r
he mils' bt hard pressed it Is believ- after which he return,
sd His original plan apparently was spent two year more
flight strf
Gavira at
ight south
.f iarez was without news
of fighting al Namlqulpa. An atmos-
phere of suspense was noticeable at
El Paso it was believed the reported
Wheat Prices Drop
in Chicago Market
l" mland.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Mart
6-sl; bluestem -10l.
I Herj'l
Sp,,t No 1 Manitoba, Its I0d; o
ISa Sd; No, J Us td; No. 2 hard win-
ler. glllt l-'s 3d; No, red w eaten,
winter. Ita td; No 1 Durum 13s d.
In American terms the Liverpool
price for Spot No 1 Manitoba U 13 01
par bushel.
engagement was undecisive. Gavlra
said Villa had not been allied or cap
; tured. Communication with Nam!
, : quipa has been severed, preventing
the arrival of news from the battla
( field Train dispatchers had received
; no word since last bight. Much Villa
I propaganda literature has been taken,
showing he Is attempting to arouse the
j Mexlcana It was reported that Villa
! has formed a secret organisation sim-
nar to the Ku Klux.
DOUGLAS, March 21. -American
mining Interests are anxiously await
ing the ruling of Enrique Moreno, da
facto secretary of state at Sonora. on
the order of Calles that American
owned mines, secured under grants
from the Huerta administration, shall
revert back to the state Moreno la
expected to Issue a statement soon
from Hermoslllo The action does
not affect federal grants from Diaa
Confirmation was received today
that Villa Is retreating toward the
Guerrero mountains southwest of
Namlqulpa Gutierrez, the Carranza
commander at Chihuahua, confirmed
the reports. He did not mention any
WASHINGTON. March 21 Car
ranza has asked how many soldiers
compose the American expedition
hunting Villa. The American consul
at Queretaro forwarded the question
It is expected the state department
will reply that the forces only are
sufficient to capture Villa and do not
intend to pursue operations thereaft-
(Continued on Psge Eight.)
Fred J. Donaldson
Dies at Hospital
After Operation
His constitution too enfeebled to
enable him la rally from his recent
operation. Fred J. Donaldson, well
known druggist of this city died this
j morning at in o'clock al St n.
thony 's hospital.
He underwent an operation .satur
day for acute appendicitis and was ,n
i a critical condition ,
.. . umr. use
" n,t- ui nine nop
The funeral will be held tomorrow
tfternoon at I :. at the family h.mi
on Water .treet. The Masonic arr
'i wntcn he was a iiiemh
charge of the funeral.
I 'eceased w as pal '.
having been born in New
w'll hav-
ears old.
i'ork, J.ic
he m
V !;. While
:th hi
parents to Detroit. Ml. ',
here he was xradiiaied from I
hinh school j iif j,,,,,,,,
j ploymenl at once with a firm
afaeturtng pharmacists ,,,,,i
continuously sinee had heei
ed with the drug busini
For five years he
line. He next moved
where he na , , .
he came to Orogui
short time at P ..
Pendleton in i.-
Store I
for a
Went t
drug b
In lint he
and purchased
'h Cross Drug s,
I since been th-
.c tl ,h,
land -' i,,f.,,l . -lyie
survived i,y bis wife
who is a daughter of ('ass Matlock
and to whom he was married on
'hrlstmss day. last IU Is survived
by tw,. brothers and one -!ster sbw
but they do not liv In this state