DAILY EVENING EDITION , Wl VTIII R Tonight gad Saturda fit , fng tonight. DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Kurt Oregonlan has tlir larjcpst boim fide ud KiianmteeU paid circulation of an; paper In Oregon, east of Portland and by far the largest circulation In Pendleton of any other newspaper. Maximum temperature Hi; mini mum temperature. IS. rainfall 0; wind, west, iicht weather, ir COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON., OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1916. NO. H759 i i 1 1 w k m n v i -m. yKjr ONG GUERRILLA WAR PREDICTED Bandit is Making all Haste to Favor ite Haunts in the Mountains of Western Chihuahua. AMERICANS MOVING RAPIDLY 1 Main column Covered is Mile Vf lWln; tary Vanguard Ml I touch Guzman TonlKht; Oirrau-j alata siimis Arc witli the Ameri can! I DeSKTt (VUIIln 111. PASO.'Murih 17, The main COlttflM spent the night at the BOO Grande waterhule. Yesterday ' marih vovered 15 miles. Th cavalry van-1 Kiiard l expected to reach Guzmun tonight H'Ttnni'a Mexican cavalry it till there. impatient over the delay. El l'ao Mormons tire acndlng a special train1 toward l'earson to rescue the refuge I culenlsts Villa wu laa reported at Hucnu Ventura In the South Galena district, Indies ting he does not Inland I to molest the .Mormons Burned bridges may delay the rescue train Civil officers here Htlll are suspicious of the Carranzlstus They want t" know Why the American troops are not allowed tu use the railroad and; yave hard marc lies In the hot desert If the Carrnnalataii do not win th raOe and capture Villa, the Americans must (allow him to hbi favorite haunts ! in the mountainous country of western t 'liihuahiui. observers forecasted ... loaf guerrilla campaign and Mood niKht raids. Iite this aftenio.ui the HlMMI had abandoned their )ilan t special train to Pennon on gceoufll id the Mexicans editing the tal)ay end burning the bridges. 'It in probable that th plUIle which In to toaaMpan) the expedition will not attempt dropping booth, be cause from a helghl it could not tell lb- difference between Carranza and Ilia, men. Gavlra said he would not permit Americans to gairison all) towns dur-1 Ini the pursuit, The expedition is el-1 really costing Americ ans 50 a min- j ute or 172, uu dally. Additional troops arr'ved at Colum bus today. Sam Hess, an Amertcnn employe of a ranch at Corralltos. told a thrilling toh ol seeing the Vllllita murder live Mexicans and kidnap a young girt. He escaped by nlding under a h.ivstack SAN ANTONIO Mar.h 17 The American expedition to Mexico has suffered tic, casualties or encountered oc, Vllllstas. thus far. FUMtOfl an-j pounced today, The twee columns arel still pushing south through the i hi- ru.ihua deeert. One aeroplane and SI OaTraaaa scouts are with the van- guard, officer are still apprehensive regarding the attitude of the peons, who are Moram of the real natur-j id the expedition and may think It .in invasion. Pershing's Mormon scouts also doubt a contact with the Vlllistaa is likelv before tomorrow It was ind! . ated lhat the Vllllstas are hidden in Oalena. The expedition will arrive there Sunday. Bridges on the Mexico Northwest: ern railroad, near San Pedro, have been burned, further nelaying the res . ..1 the Mormons. DOl'QLAB, Marcli 17 Seven bun-; di ed thousand rounds of aiiimunltlon , were trsnspdrted across the bordei Agua PrltS today Consul Lavel-1 lied brand fed as false (he reports thatj troops ..I Cabiillonn were mutinous, i Despite the assurance. uneasiness s felt sin. e the ammunition gol lntoi Hie bunds "t the Mexicans ' Douglas has I n placed uiulerV strlel censorship. Correspondents .1,. put mi their honor not to send in. ensured dispatches even if they ; ,1, vise methods of beating the c ensor i Five hundred Carianza caviiliymen have been sent In Ojltas Pass to pre. I venl Villa slipping through Should he get through, an American eirpedl Hon from Dougtpig is considered like-j lv. snii for 01 voces. Minnie Kinnear-Dcvin today! brought soil in ihe circuit court uain i Iter husband, .lames R Devln. oinetlnos known as .lames B La' land, Tht Wat married at La liraud i September R. 1909 and) plaintiff alleges thai her husband h is treated her cruelly, threatened her and failed I" provide for her II. 1 Wntts of Athena Is her attorney Delegation, to ijipwal. l-ist evening a number of people! Hum the Tutiillla Indian mission left tor lApw'al, Idaho to attend n re nvitl meeting to be held there Those gotlUJ were Rev J. M. Cnrnellson. I Chart Switzler and wife and Phillip' Jones and wife AGAINST VILLA In The HPvaaBr nRnJcLclhnnkV'' JKSb9b raLSM , T BnV' r siBfr Ssay HE9 IJWPanat ' JtP ' :AJh' - "' '- if caaaaai. JfcftAg. Twff e WW . JiaT MT.wafJBHP flL-aal -ttwlBi 3w lEklrTllaTOln H nBBBm3nVwswl " jigPt"ww '.Jy'L Scdpnygay This picture shows Australian u resting after a march ill the shade .if silent scrutiny upon th Marines to Leave on Transport for Mexican Gulf Port liWII.I.s lilMI s VOYAOE Is COV M ti:i wnn MKXK"A SITI VTK)X. WASHINGTON, hundred marines port Hancock will Marc h 17. -Five (hoard the trans sail from Philadel phia tomorrow for Pensacla The war department said the voyage was not connected with the Mexican sltua tlnii Secretary Daniels denied the battleship Minnesota and six destiny ers had been ordered to Mexico. The cruiser lirooklyn is sailing to Manila under scaled orders. no- senate adopted a resolution as suring all Mexicans that the Ameri can cxtceditton Is nut for the purpose Of intervention. NEWS SUMMARY General. i nitod states win Uaveatggate alnk. Ing of Dutch liner. Revolt Ls feared ill Bulgaria. Lang giH'rrilta warfare against Villa1 Is predicted. Local. Big rcpii-M-ntaUon at road nodeiltlg wanted toiiHimm. R. N stanfb-al nnnwusota oandtdai') fut b'glslntiire. Golf club will bin- aTjteaslonal. I Important Questions Will be Discussed Tomorrow at Roads Gathering in The Important quegttStUi raised by the people since the last rea l meet ing, concerning Ihe apportionment oil the fund and Its expenditure undtp proper supervision, win be fully con-1 sldered and discussed at the meeting tomorrow afternoon at ihe court lo use and In the evening John B j Yion. county roadmaster of Multno mah county, will give the people ine benefit of his experleiu e in road building The west end people have appoint ed ,, substantial committee to be present at this meeting as follows Prank Sloan, vice president; a 0 Means se retary west end ass... latlon; ("Ted Ccorge. Col. McNBUght, C, 0 Bniwnell, Henry Sommerer and Ralph Holte. President John p. Robinson ex preset) urges the women to turn out to this feetlng. both m th.. afternoon ind in the evening, nnd has sent a special invitation to the women's CIV. i,- clubs of all Ihe towns In the court-1 ty. Th" first consideration of the after noon will be Ihe apportionment of thl I funds giving all sections an oppcu Hi ndi to present their views and otalntS. Second will l,e the reorganization! of the good roads eommlttee to in clude n vice president for even town and prec inct In the county Then there will be the question ol advisory committees, competent en gineers and directors to supervise the Shadow of The wh,, an- guarding the the lireal Pyramid! of I'heops anil '.he Romans, ,ap. cb LOCAL GOLFERS PLANNING TO RENEW THE PASTIME1 I.1M. W li.l UK IVH'IION EI); IN .n:i roii wil l, in: i Si vc- KD I'OU TWO MONTHS Tl pr,-.- -nt Wiirm weather started the. golf hug to working earnest and. as a result, golf enthiis-1 lasts are planning to put the treat pastime on a better nasis here. The links will be improved and a profes sional Instructor will be hired lor i. ! period "f two months to teach the I I game to beginner i er play ers. and coach th. old- A meeting of the golf club was held this week and the old officers re- elected as follows: Dr. W. D. Mr Narv. president: J. T. Ijimbirth sec- letarv. and Brooke Dickson, treasur er The decision to hire the profes sional met with popular favor A I straight salary will tie paid to hint and Instruction to members will cost nothing. A committee consisting of W, L. Thompson. G. W. Phelps and I J. V. Tollman, was appointed to se cure new members and a grounds committee was instructed to put the links In good condition. It Is the plan to have the city represented al the golf tournament In Walla Walla. AX KXP1. WVTION. ciinic to a minor accident in Hie mis baiiical dMrtnM'iil of the List oniroiiiaii feodaj the iubli caiofl of the paper this evening was unavoidably di-Jami. conse ueitU) patrons of line paper will find the deliver) of the paper ii- ci i lion customary, the Court House actual construction work and I" see to It lhat the county gets a dollar's worth of road tor every dollar ex pended This will be taken up with lhi members of the county court and no doubt a committee will be appoint ed at this meeting to get in touch with the proper foaci authorities "t the state with a view to securing la services of a competent engineer lo begin wiili t the evening meeting there will be :int her dlcussiou or manner of building the roads. Where they shall be built and Hie reason- lor building eac h road In this ope nmeeting Mr Venn will be prepared lo answer auv on stions asked coDeernlng the gene r al subjec t of permanent hard surface, road; the great highways and lie manner in which fhSS roads should be constructed. Following this general dis. UBSlor he will address the meeting on the im portant phase s of the road construc tion and other matters of general i.c President Robinson wants ibis to be an open meeting WD 'li even who has any theorv or road building or where the roads ghOtlM be bul I ciin be present and preSenl the n claims ami they win i,e considered, An especial invitation is extended to the Farmers' t'nion to be present and put their proposition before this meeting for an open discussion and full consideration. Sphinx Sphi Revolt is Near in Bulgaria, is London Report OXDOX, March ilnent In Sulgarii said. Soldiers IT A revolt is' Rome dispatch-1 and populare are it was declared j und under the roj -A number of ar- reported restless, bombs had been f ! a I pa tare at ' rests have be 1- operated I'pon, Charles .Martin of Pilot Rock IS n patient at St. Anthony s hospital, having undergone an operation for the removal of a tumor from his hip. , CONGHGMS IlKADY TO REXRU IX1ZE 111! VR.MV WASHINGTON March 17. Dropping all other considera tions, congress began work of re organizing the army. Cham berlain reported the army in crease bill from committee and announced ,t wcutd :,e ready to considered on Monday. Repre sentative Hay opened with a Speech asking for an armv of 140. Unci. Tremendous applause greeted him He army of Ji'tm 000 Gompulsorj service think the country such a proposition a quarter of BJ COel seven lift) ml annual!) . leclared an ep n army .f on would in do' o e e e , Francis-o ane on the Villa and lil right Object of American Pursuit in Mexico and His Staff GERMANS AGAIN TRY TO CAPTURE E Sene of Vgorous Assaults are Hurled Against Fort and Village : Of VaUX But are RepUlSed. ARTILLERY DUELS CONTINUE cw war Kinigct i- Introduced in (Annan Kexchstag; 1uuiiellor Kc c ciic- Vote of OonOOenoe in His At titude Toward Submarine Warfare; I Irptti i- out. RKRT.rM Vnnh 17 The renulss I . . . .. , , . I .f (wo French attacks against Dead. Man's Hill was officially announced , The first assault reached the German lines but the survivors surrendered when they read ! Artillery halted tanglements. id rush. PARIS. .March 17. The Germans! hurled a series of attacks against the i fort and village of Vaux last night ; The French fire shattered two assaults' ! on the town and two against the for 1 tress Failing there, the Germans un ; der cover of darkness attempted to debouch from a sunken road south- i east of Vaux A terrific French firei forced the abandonment of the effort. t The Germans suffered heavily In the, I , attacks, a communique asserted. The bombardment at Bethin Court i and the Cumieres Woods has slacken-! ' ed. No attacks were made on Dead Man's Hill. Artillery duels were re- i ported in the W'oevre. The French attacked the Hortmare Woods, cap turing some prisoners BERLIN. March 17. Introducing; a new war budget In Cie Reichstag. Treasurer Helfferlch declared that the enettl! agents were spreading reports to hinder subscriptions to the kaiser's fourth war loan. "The campaign of defamation has extended into Germany. Let me re mind you of the great battling at Ver dun Our troops have the right to mui n .. nail or.ivo wurlhc rf them and that every me at home will con- tribute to the victory.- he said. The Herman debt is doubled thl3 year but despite this she is financially' better off than the allies, the imper ial treasurer declared BERLIN. March 17 -Chancellor Von Hollvveg received a vote of con-j fidence from the Bavarian ministry ! Munic h dispatches said. It is under-. stood the chancellor has a large ma-j jorlty in the Reichstag. The United Press was authoritatively Informed that the resignation or Von Tirpitz fol lowed a disagreement with Hullwee over the German-American situation. The Chancellor favors a vigorous sub marine warfare but disagree! with Von Tirpitz over the desirability of disregarding American tights. The Catted Slates naa mo. h the largest known radium bearing depos its in the world, but only about 11 grains of the clement was produced last year STRATEGIC Forces on Way to Relieve the British bm EXGM8H REPORTED TO lit: UFrntr:T FROM BJQUEUEO (. IRRISOW. i ' iNSTANTINl IPLK, March was officially announced the i. ittemntin to relieve Quera beleaguered am.on Kut el Amara were defeated and fori ed to begin a general retreat. Stanfieid Will Try for Speakership It. N. Stanf.eld today formally ir nounced his entrance into the race !' renomination to the position of joi! representative from t'matllla an Morrow counties and It is furth, known that if reelected he will mai- the race for the speakership of the house- Mr Manfield has already served two terms as jo nt representative fn.m thi district. In the last legislature ha was chairman of the eastern Ore- j gon delegation, chairman of the com-, inittee on assessment and taxation and a member of the committees on bank, ing and livestock. As far as la known no other 1'ma-: tilla county man is aspiring for the Joint representativeship. However, there is a candidate from lone and it la said a Heppner man may also be In the race. Wheat Takes Drop at Chicago Today CHICAGO, March t" May. opening 11.10 1-2: July, opening tl.08 1-2 . (Special closing $1 "I. closing ll.gg Portland. PORTLAND. Ore.. March 11 Clnb tl, Mb seism 9. It.lt Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, March 16. Wheat Spot No 2 hard winter, gulf 12s 3 l-2d: No. i red. western winter 12s 8d; No. 1 Durum. 13s d. In American terms the top Liver- 1 ' l" f "; No. 1 annoaa not i:siea on present reports. I niprm entente at T- 1. W Spring improvements are now un- derway at the Peoples Warehouse, The improvements consist in the ae- curing ot additional storage room, the construction of an advertising room I and the installation of new fixture ' without warning. 'The rear rooms, upper and lower, of ' the building in which the Peter Paul-! limthtThood Enjoys Social us tailor shop is located have beeii( Some ij'i local members and gueste fitted up as a grocery warehouse for ' enjoyed a program be the Fraternal the store. A glass-encased room Is; Brotherhood Society ;at evening in being built on the upper floor of the the Odd Fellows halt The program I T. P. W building proper for the ex-J previously published was carried out elusive use of "ad" witters In the in full with the aingle exception that ' grocery department a beautiful com- the illustrated song "Rock of Agee" binat .-.!-. display and bin whs sung b Walter Hose Much of 'counter I is been installed It is dust the musical program was provided by proof, ha tiie ca a !ty of J00 pounds Miss Mae Poulson and her piano pu ami is i , r attractive. :n the caah-lpUa rtefreah meats arere nerved roi- ic-r's effl i pol shed ok desk has lovv iiu thl program. The evening was been ins il -d. 1 i the fixture- enjoyed by all present and member weie ma u th run, ughs mill In of the society are appreciative of th ;:his city. paolstence .ven by mui-members U.S. WILL PROBE SINKING OF THE LINER TUBANTIA Investigation Has Been Ordered to Ascertain Whether Vessel Was Destroyed by a Submarine. REPORTS ARE CONFLICTING Vmerlcaio, Wen- Alsiaril l.iner; tter-111.10- Said to IV Ready foe Disa vowal If It Ls l-nuid Ves-1 Was Sank by TiMrpedi,; teanil that II Pa-M-imcr", IVrl-liiil. WASHINGTON. March 17 An In vestigation has been ordered into the sinking of the Dutch liner Tubant;a, with Americans aboard. Counsellor Polk of the state department an nounced. LONDON, March 17. The Evenlinf. Standard declared It feared t perish ed in the sinking of the Tubanita AMSTERDAM. March 17 Affida vits of the first and fourth officers it the Tubantia declared the vessela was torpedoed. They said they clearly saw the torpedo. None saw a submarine. Papers favoring the allies asserted positively the Tubantia was torpedo eo German sympathisers equally were positive she was mined. BERLIN. March 17. If clearly ; shown that the Tubantia was torpe J noeij, Hermany promptly w ill disavow the act and fully compensate, uutcn dispatches, however, practically agreed the steaimr sank after hitting a float ing mine Admiralty officials refused to comment on the probabilitv of a submarine cru sing nearby. I LONDON. March 17 Lord Robert j Cecil, minister of blockade, stated to iday he had official information that the liner Tubantia was not mined. He declared she was anchored and fully lighted when struck. BERLIN March 1 7 Newspaper attrinuteo tne statement tnai u iu- j fanita sruck a ni ne to American on- . sul Schilling. WASHINGTON March 17 -The i New Tnrwk collector of customs and j the American consul at L soon have been asked to report about the French liner Patria. which arrived at New ' York saying a submarine attacked her