PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1916. TEN PAGES For Your Baby. The Signature of CUSTER WILL MEET SNYDER is the only guarantee that you have the Genuine prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company. tjfLeffl&Su l aW tifSsHB Br - f Km Hy 1 ' v " , J ' " I A KEEN OBSERVER SCHUVLEfc WIGGINS SAYS RIDING IN A FLYING MACHINE MAKES A MAN FEEL HIGH-TONED HF HAS.MT GOT ANYTHING ON ME 1 SttOKE Peat To meet Harry Custer in a ten I oxer ami is quite a favor round boxing bout. Young Snyder, Snyder is a rising youn: amateur boxer of this city. 11 10 and has a 'Kirk In both t.i Pitfn FViiljiv 1'iwter w lii?ht. bout with I 'list.'!- will h.' SUED BY HIS NEPHEW PLANT IS DESTROYED, w.inht wKh .1 meritorious re.-. ,r,l as a Interest by his friends. NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS SEWARD NEWSPAPER Harry Custer, clever boxer, who "ill meet local hoy at Pasco on I'riilay evening in a ten round boot. ite in Pasco, j I mit artist hands. Hill iwaited with NEW YORK. Murcn 15 Henry M. Hillis of Seattle sued his uncle. Pr. Newell Dwlght Hillis, for 150.000. al letting he was libeled by the publica tion of a statement that Dr. Hillis paid Henr s bills in lumbvr transactions. V DYSPEPSIA OVERCOME SEWARD, Alaska. March 15. The Plant of the Alaska Evening Post, an afternoon dally newspaper edited by E. O. Sawyer, Jr.. was completely wiped out Monday by a fire which de stroyed the Daggett block, in which the newspaper plant was housed. The general store of S. L. Colwell and two residences were aLso destroyed, the total loss being approximately 1 35.000. i ! block is a total loss. Tone Up the Stomach with Hood's Sarsaparilla. SoO.ikmi Made fit mi Ear in. 3ENE, (ire.. March ltJ. Intelll. I throat. She awoke in a furnished room "somewhere down town " The men threatened to kill her if she raised an outcry, and forced her to drink the content! of a small bot tle. They repeated the process contin ually until several days later when she awoke and found herself alone. She escaped and ran 15 blocks, shej said, before finding a policeman. In Teaneck officials are investigate ! tng the theory that It was an elope-; ment. Osmer E. Smith is Now Formally in Attorneyship Race SENDS DECLARATION Of CANDI DACY 111 SALEM ; AN SOI N't Ks PLATFORM, ! HIGH SCHOOL (NOTES ! - 'i When you have dyspepsia your life Is miserable. You have a bad taste in your mouth, a tenderness at the pit ot your stomach, a feeling of puffy fulness, headache, heartburn, and sometimes nausea. Dyspepsia is difficult digestion that Is what the word means and the only way to get rid of It is to give vitor and tone to the stomach and the whole digestive system. Hood's Sarsaparilla sold by all drug gists, is the one medicine which acts on the stomach through the blood and also directly. Its beneficial ef fects are felt at once. Improvement begins immediately. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, makes the rich red blood that is needed for perfect digestion, and builds up the whole system. No ther medicine can take Its place. might the netted good nd is now Mr McMor- The Court of Last Reaort Around the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court of last re sort, for it finally over-rules all oth ers Chamberlain's Couggi Remedy has been brought before this court in almost every cross roads grocery in this country, and has always received a favorable verdict. It Is In the country where man expects to receive full value for his money that this remedy is most appreciated Obtain able everywhere. Adv. S'TJE IN EVER!' DROP" Dta I Sti 1: m Paush 1 i i : mf. ICocs r. .t frt m p -t to Iks il . i , J .J poita Black Silk a. Stove Polish (iirl of is Is Prisoner, N EW YORK. Marcn 18 Marlon I Artnss. lv years old. told the police' of the West One Honored and Tnen-i ty-flftb street station an exciting tale of being kidnaped in a taxlcab. drug-; ged and locked in a furnished room in Manhattan for several days. Her I father. Joseph Artress. of Teaneck. K.I J. who with his wife is In the down! in I acrobat business with Karnum ! Bailey, refused to acM anything to! i he girl's story. The police Uote the girl as saying 1 that she had been Waning her aunt.' Mrs Mabel otintn. or L'R5 Union "irwt. Jersey city, and was returning' home, when two young men offered to j take h-r in a taxicah to t;ie Fort Lee ferry. 0hfl accepted their offer handkerchief was thrus: down her RtisKian-. Take Offensive. BERLIN, March it. The Austri; official report says that Ruaali troops undertook the offensive on tl tiniester and flessarabian fronts. Their assaults were repelled, the t port sas. A Specific Against ( old-. The nearest thing to a ipei i against colds is a sleeping porch open bed room and a cold sponge ba every morning when you first get I Even then you will occasionally t a cold, especially when coldB are c demic, and when you do you will ti Chamberlain's I'ough Remedy a gr help in enabling you to get rid of Try it. Obtainable everywhere Adv ismer K Smith, well known young j Pendleton attorney. is now a forma, candidate for the republican nomina-1 tlon for district attorney. Yesterday he sent his declaration of candidacy and platform to the secretary of state to be filed. In his formal declaration he prom ises strict enforcement of the prohl-j bltton and all other laws and equal I protection to the rich and poor His' statement of his position is as fol-l lows: Immediately following Mr. Steiwer'sl decision to the effect that he would! not be a candidate to succeed himself! is district attorney of L'matilla coun-1 t.v a number of my friends throughout I the county urged mat I seek the' nomination Howt-ver. I am frank to; admit that I am not entering the race! "nder the guise that others watu me! to make the run but. as is the easel with all candidates. I m in the race 1 becauuse I want the office. There can be onl; one platform for! The athletic carnival scheduled for Thursday night at the high school has been postponed until March 24. Te postponement was due to a dancei to he given on that night and that the program had not been fully ar ranged Wilbur Radley who has charge of the carnival, hopes to make it the best that has ecer been put on at the high school. Track Manager Arnold Mlnnls an nounces the following schedule for the remainder "f the Pendleton high track season, on April 7th, the med ly race will be held April 14th. the four mile relay race will be run. April 2 1 the Inter class meet will be staged The Ashbur cup will be contended ror in this meet. On May 5th a dual meet will he held with Walla Walla in this -lty. May 13th a team will tie sent to Raker to compete for tht eastern Oregon championship vlw, Is in the county hospital here suf fering from starvation. A rancher of the orland country round him lying by his barn simply "all In." The farmer toog him to his home, put him In bebd and tried to feed hlni but he was too far gone to eat. Then the good Samaritan, who did not give his name at the hospital, brought the suffering "moujlk" to this city where Dr. F. M. Iawson county physician advltted him Pavlw wore two btois of underwear, two shirts, two pairs of trousers, tun coats, two hats and two pairs of shoes To achieve the last feat he tlrew a largerr pair over the first and wired them there. Wearing two huts was simplicity itself a large stiff one was worn over a smaller soft hat. After a hot hath the luckless Slav could eat Dr. I.awson said a few more hours' hunger, cold and exposure would have killed him. Pavlw had several dol- lurs In his pocket He said he wanted to save this and thought he could gel through until he found a Job wl'hout eating. General von Hlndenburg, chief of the Herman army, Is an expert chest player. PKNDI.ETON VIsTO WISHED HX SIMPLE Hi X TURK Pendleton people are astonished at the INSTANT action or simple buck thorn, glycerin, etc. as mixed In Adler-l-ka i ink SPOONFUL re moves such surprising foul matter It relieves almost ANY CASK constipa tion, sour stomach or gas. Ilecause-Adleri-ka acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel, a few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis A short treatment helps chronic stomach trou ble. Tillman A COn- Adv rhf in good faith ind Man Has Money; No Food. i'II.LOWS. Cal. Marc h Hi.- A i who says his name is Jack TO REMOVE DANDRUFF it ni't irljF mist Ifli, ! H 0m$ tbrilli d with r Cack 5 k Store PoIUk W ork, Stcr ia. IHinou. NMfc Ml AirDryin m i jru I . i rrstu. rt r-'J ijrr r - . i rvuali mfling, Try It. r'k S.-k Pol. f ,r U -ir'rttickH.i:ti. v ip or L It mrk i "!r, ob.' y and ImM L-:i iitnt mir'.n. It Km Ml ' l . . t jtui'.'.te. Every Girl Should "Know a Job" us are entitled to Ret 25-cent bottle or Dandenn" benefits r am W ,ru s,,,r,' nour ,ltU lnt0 "d I shall conduct I our hand antl rub well Into the flcr in an econom-1 M'alP wi,h the finger lips. Ily morn manner with i lnK moMt if not all. of this awful to all whether ! scurf will have disappeared. Two or r r ihmll endeavor) fhree applications will destroy every hit of dandruff; stop scalp itching ami falling hnlr f shal of Will do my BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use ot some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that Illuminate! the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least sec them? J. L. VAUGHAN 3L LCY LLE CHIKEMt in i: MEMCLXE to. No. ' I I tirsdcn St. Our roots been tesied 10') years. Hfs can cure all chronic diseases or abscesses. Ohm to us if ou are suffer ing from catarrh asthma, lung or bronchial trouble, constipa tion. rfceUBiaUsm, appendicitis, dr ipsy lidsjf T liver, stomach or femitle trouble oleaity. blo'id nd st In dl-eases or nervous iaklltti sufferers from these snd many oth i eHronlc dis,iase hsye kam raexorad lo ' iltfc and fcapplm-ss without poison- l (By Ada Patterson i "Know well what the people inar i. Vntely feel, for the law of heaven itself is dimly written there; nay do nol Maleft, 't '"a have the opportu nity', to ascertain what thev vore and .; , "Carlisle. As you hurry up the street, intent u'-on your individual errand, a srip oi wisdom assaults your ears. It is important because it is the crystaltsed wisdom of some onesfl experience. Nc one hies in vain and no one Should apeak in vain. This overhead wisdom of the streets should not be ignored II r forgotten. The waitress was hurr. in to her work. She was a tall girl. with iear and an honest hear: Her spee h and manner were earnest "It was awful " she said "She was such a nice, quiet little thing, and he a big noisy bully. Many is the time I have YES-IT IS POSSIBLE TO STOP RHEUMATISM Rheumatism is a tormenting and stuUxm malady. In some cases it yields to treatment which is without avail in other cases. The darting pains, lame muscles or stiffened joints only disappear by grad ually expelling die uric add, and so Dtany thousands have been relieved I y the blood-enrithing oil-food in Scott':, bullion that you should give it a (ai'liful trial. Scott's Kmulsionattsas l powerful blood-purifier by in reasing the r d corpuscles id it strengthens tht or ITS US to carry oil the acids which I i Hnr&lakM. Itjaauot harai it li Ipad tbonsaada and amajr fit acU) v.. i. it jou in il. No Alcohol. . i m, k4esssdsis,X,I, iy. jseen tears roll down her cheeks from his nagging And now she's done it j because he would not come home in ' tine for her birthday party He said it was business that kept htii I way. 'she's taken iodine. My heait's Just breaking for her The trouble is she can't stand by herself Every girl ought to know :. Job." It Is as Thomas farlyle says. "The law of heaven is dimly Written" ir. what "the people inarticulately feel " "You have neen her here often," she said with a tremolo of her voice. "She used to sit over there in the cor ner. It was her way to sit in a cof. i ner She seemed to think if she did she might not lie in other people's way Her husband used to nag al her and nag at her until she burst in to tears. I don't know what about but I know that she Is a good, sweet little woman We girls that wait or. , table know folks once I heard them scrapping. She was crying and said 'something about leaving h'tn He sneered at her and said: 'What would you do? Where would vou to'' Who Would want -oiC She I- oked as she would if some one had "truck her dead Her face got white. Jhe had a strange, stary look in her 1 1 She didn't answer him." There was no place for her in the world's market There was no Wttl by which she could command a waio 'hi' WOllid support her even In the simplest way Why hadn't she learn ed io do something the world needed? Why hadn't her parents, with loving foresight, prepared her for such a possibility as this? Why had she been left to shlpwre. k on the commer rtal and Industrial seas? Wanted i raining, she could have uotton work Work and Wages await the skilled v' ryrkei The SaltresM was right. She had ittered one of the "laws of heaven' - very nest to apprehend ami prosecute all violators of the prohibition anc, all other laws and if nominated and elected it will be my earnest desin that the public co-opsTftts with me In their enforcement. M'KAY PROPHET SAYS ANOTHER STORM DUE CHAKLES Itl'DSOK I'ltEDK TS j III VV SNOW IN THE 111. IE MOUNTAIN!, EAT BIG MEALS! NO F ALT'S famous fW A 1A1TIQH Fresh Every Day VIVM TV V lOil OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine, Oean Furnished Room In Connection. Steam Heated. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for KALI'S Sea Foods. (Baal Oregonian Special.) MKAt'HAM. March I. Chart' l VI'E'S 1)1 M'EI'SIV IS QUICK EST. SI It EST STOMACH IIE IJEF KNOttX-THV IT. KIIIIII! sr prophet ironi in Meacham to a tdg snow storm ippear In the nine Hudson, our w i McKay creek. I day. He predl I anil lain will s mountains. J. 1). Casey and daughter .lento went to Ijt Grande on Tuesday when the latter was going to nave her den tal work attended to. Mis. Ed Welch Is reported to he doing fine now Mr Welch, the proud father of the only son, one week old. says the bat.y Is dotBtf floe The slaughtering nuslness Started i Up again on Tuesday. Three hog? were slaughtered, then cut up Int'i i(Uarters and delivered around town. Will C.odct w is delivery man. .1 I). Casey expects to start -me of j his saw mills up about the -Uth ol the month MARINES KILLED 500 HAITIANS IS REPORT WASHINGTON. March II, Secie- ! tary or the Nai Daniels announced that he would have an Investigation ! made of reports that r,00 natives of ' Haiti were killed by American mt- ! rines who occupied the Island recent' ! iy. official reports at Co- lime of Time ic Papa's Dla pepsin win ! I gest anything ou eat and overcome ., sour, gassy or out of order stomach i surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead In your stomach, or If you have i heartburn, that Is a sign of indlges tlon. (let from your phurmaclst a fifty cent case of Cape's Diapepsln and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will he no sour risings in j batching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dtaatMaa or intestinal griping, j This will all go, and, besides, there, will be no sour food lefl over In the f stomach to poisoi nauseous odors Capes Diapepai r breath with a certain cure for out of order stomachs, btcattsn It taken hold of yOUr rood and dlges". it Just the same as If your stomach wasn't there Itellef in five minutes from a!, stomach misery Is waiting for you at any drug store. These large flfty-ient cases contain! enough "Cape's hiapepsln" to keei the entire family free from Momacl North-Side Home For Sale Five room house in (food con dition. Corner lot, facing east Iawn, shade trees; retaining wall; ks and electricity. Only few blocks from Mam street bridge. A snap if taken at once. Telephone 105