TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1916. PAGE FIVE ., OIL TODAY William Fox Presents VIVIAN MARTIN WHERE QUALITY IS A REALITY, NOT A PROMISE in "Merely Mary Ann" THE WONDERFUL STORY OF A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE MAID WHO BECOMES A RICH SOCIETY LEADER. INTRODUCING A LOVELY LITTLE STAR TO WILLIAM FOX AUDIENCES. Israel Lang-well's Masterpiece. In Addition ANITA STEWART and EARLE WILLIAMS in Chapter 6 of "THE GODDESS" III iiuiuiiiiEitiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LOCALS Advertising in Brief KATB8 Per line flmt Insertion -IOC I'rr list, additional Insertion 6c Or line, iter month $1 00 .v. -als tsken for less than 26c Coonl ordinary words t line. Locals will not be liken orer lbs telephone ricept from Hut Oregon len paid up subscribers. ldy wishes position cooking In country too K. Alta Phone 290J. Fashionable dreas making Hooni 11, Kant OrtgonllW building, or phone Nice applet lor sale Address Jus. Porter. Pendleton, or at place at Itlv . erslde. K"i rem Two furnished i ' 1 ke. plug rooms tlose iii. innuiie "n office. For sale cheap -Olalniers-Dotrolt roadster, ('alt at Room 5, American National Bank HldK or phone 842. Vary many people desire to buy .ands In eastern Oregon. What have rou to offer, anil price? N. Berkeley. For sale Full blood White Leghorn eggs for hutching 11.00 for 16, pre- fertile R. K. Dance at German Hull iaturday evening, March II. Adv. location mii nniim-. The fourth social meeting of Btl reka. No. 32. Integrity, No. !i2, and I Pauline Hcheckah Lodges. 1 o c. K. ' will he held at t O. O. F. hall March ISth. at I p. m. All Odd Fellows and families and all KeTtevkahR and vis-I lling members are cordially Invited. ( Light refreshments will he served. By order of H. J. TAYLOR, (Adv. I Chairman I'ommitteo . I j Kplscnpal recto... Adolph R. Entflo i and Miss Freda. M Seller, b .th or this !' . were unite. I in marriage; !y Ilev. j Chnr es Qulnney. Only the r.ecessar! j j w'im sses were present. Thtv will 1 1 make their home in this city. i The Current Literature dub will j meet tomorrow afternoon at th" home , of Mrs. I. U. Temple, (DO West ' 'our iatre't, with Mrs Temple and Mrs. A. jC, Hampton as hostesses. Mrs. 0 8- Jerard Ih visiting with her j j sister in Pasco. S I It. II. S'anfleld. Echo banker, is in : ! Pendleton today ! Mrs. Fred Fullirnnon of I'matilla 1 j j In Pendleton today, i Mayor Hugh l. Smith of Echo is Hup from his home. Sum Spencer i.f Athena is among i ' the visitors In the city. ! Ed Oelss of Helix came In this j ! morning from hi home, j Eric Johnson "I Vansycle is among : ! the visitors in Pendleton today, j E. Pearson, Wallula sheepman, Is 1 numbered among the visitors In the r city today. H Mr, and Mrs. M. J Moran oi II - rick station came In on the N P ! train this morning. l Dr and Mrs. F. I). Watts of Wes ton, spent yeaterday in the city, hav ing come down for n law suit i Mr. and Mrs. K. B, Stunfield mo . tored in from Echo today. They re i port the roads In fine condltlbn. I Dr. and Mrs. C. J Whitteaker, for-1 matly of this city, are visiting here I en route to their home In Cambridge ! Idaho from a visit :n the Willamette j valley Bnrn for rent, 401 Aura For sale Tent bouse, 107 Widow. For tree spraying, phone I. C Sny der Paid. liuaranteed Furniture for sale, cheap. Phone j Blackman. Milton 248J. 705 Wilson. Old mattresses made over like new Han. h hand, Herman, wants work. I new ones made to order, upholstering Impure II this office. Dance e hall, Friday March Fuelling, 17, admisrii hall ladles free, Good music All cordially Invited -Adv. rntreraity v M, Helpful, I NIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene. March 16 - Four thousand one hi. lulled and eighty-six dollars Is the amount that the University Y. M. r A. has secured for the men students since last September through its free employment agency. This sum rep resents what has been so far earned ! In 150 Jobs, some steady, some occa i sional. It is almost double the am ' ount so earned all last year. The Jobs are varied, washing dishes. I watting on table, stenography, garden- The Alta Theatre TODAY TODAY THE BRILLIANT AND CHARMING SCREEN STAR Marguerite Snow IN "The UPSTART" THIS EXCELLENT METRO FEATURE WILL BE SHOWN TODAY ONLY DONT MISS IT. ALSO Young Hackenschmidt & Comp'y Brother of Geo. Hackenschmidt, the "Russian Lion," in his Gladiator production, "Sports of Old Rome" WITH A $300 SPECIAL ROMAN ARENA STAGE SETTING. 3 PEOPLE 3 TOMORROW HAZEL DAWN IN "MY LADY INCOG.' SUNDAY MARGUERITE CLARK, IN "MICE AND MEN.' he left home he sent her a ticket to! fish and hunt in the state during the her people's home in Mississippi and balance of the calendar year, when she reached there, wrote to hei j Gus Koretesos and Gus Katslos. two to stay there. Mistrusting him she Greeks, pleaded kullty Tuesday to came hack and .tracing him to this having guns without an alien license city, came here to search him out She claims she has six children by him The woman, who has been living here with him as his wife, claims to have been married to him in Nelson. B. C. within the last year. The offl- For rent Furnished s-room house. Inquire Pendleton Woolen Mills. For rent Modern fc-room cottage Furniture lor sale. 913 W. Alta. To rent--Modern heated rooms and apartments. I'loae In. 617 Willow. Penland Pros.' transfer Co. hav storage warehouse Phone JJ. Good building lot for sale on West Webb street Telephone 124. For sale II head fresh cows and heifers. Inquire (irltman Bros For sale or trade for mules furniture repaired, Phone 227J. Ia Beauregard street. city or country Dow Bros., 115 Mtr Cycle for sale. Indian Twin, fully equipped, m? chunlcally guaranteed. City Auto Co Between i and p. m. Address Attention tsniildatcs, Electors' nominating petltons and candidates' acceptance blanks, com plete, for either republican or demo cratic party, are carried In stock at the East Oregoninn office. They ar II the correct forms and already printed i.uard lils KtiilnH'iH. SALK.M. (ire, March 16. Twenty-i one additional Springfield rifles, am munition, entrenching tools and shel ter tents are being shipped to Com- j pany M. Third Regiment. Oregon Na tional Guard, this city. CaptHln Qel-1 har announced. With a membership of 106. the largest In the state. Company M is j I eing put in the highest state of ef- j fleienoy as to equipment so it will be ' ready If called to serve in Mexico. Ing. canvassing for magazines andjeers, invest gating, learned of a third stocks, carpentering. Installing electric j woman with whom he had been llvins bells, house cleaning, serving punch land whom he had introduced as his at .lances, tutoring, reading to sick j wife. professors, ushering, serving as night-j . watchmen, shoveling snow, doing of fice work and Jat.lt. .ring are typical ones They were fined J25 each and forfeit ed their guns. PRKXCH DEW GAINS. (Continued from page one ) assistant head of good work horses Jas. Hill, Helix, Ore. Competent woman wants work housekeeper In hotel cook Address S this office Old papers for sale; tied In bun Ilea Hood for starting firea, etc. I Or bundle This office. Wanted Buff Orpington eggs for Incubator use. Mrs. Jas Hill. Helix, Or 1 haul your garbage and trash Phone 5r.3M. 1403 W. Railroad at For rent-office room In f..r immediate delivery. umn captured two salients of about Juu yards. Counter attacks recap, lured the territory. .1.1 Flowers Blooming ! HOOD RJVBR. ore.. March 16 ! Blue bells and dog tooth violets arc blouwlng in profusion in the pro tected coves of Hood River valley hlll- Although snow still rills tree-bordered ravines, children of the com munities have begun picking large bouquets of the early wild flow.-rs Violators of the Game Laws Forced to Pay Big Fines CONSTITUTIONALITY OF DRY LAW TO BE TESTEO SUPREME TOIHT FIXES DATE FOR HEARING MAUD A MVS SUIT AT SALEM SALEM, ore.. March 16 The su preme court has fixed Marcn 24 as the date for a hearing In the manda mus suit brought by Wadhara.- A Co. of Portland against the San Francis co Steamship company to compel the. delivery of two barrels or ethyl alco hol ordered from the Wearern Distrib uters company from san Frar.clsco. The constitutionality of the prohibition- law of Oregon is attacked in the suit, the plaintiffs contes ting t'r.i' the proviilcn which requires th? pui-chas of alcohol for mechanical purposes) from registered pharmacists ta Ore gon and makes it possible for regis tered pharmacists only to buy ethvl alcohol in large quantities from out side vhe state, will make It o expen sive that the manufacture f flavor ing extracts at a prtce that will per mit competition with manufacturers elsewhere will be mposslble. knd that business will be destroyed. It is h sorted that this constitutes an unlaw ful confiscation of property jn.l an, unjust and unlawful Interferes with, interstate commerce. IH.PI Tl WARDEN TONKIN MAKES CLEAX-CF IN TIIF. GIBBON DISTRICT. M.xlorn Home for sale. On account of moving to Spokane 1 1 stormed the German trenches east desire to sell my modern nnme at S'.'j Jane street For particulars inquire at H. 0. office or address 8. S. BlTI.EIt. 1113 W Indiana Ave Spokane Wash (Adv.l Farm for Rent or gale, 640 acres near lone. :00 acres ready to seed, good buildings; also for sale Jjdd on easy terms, several wheat farms, building Apply F National Bank. E. Judd. American! Improved and to 2000 acres. (Adv i For sale Good two story, 7-rooisl house. lOS Ann street Delightful lo cation and price right Apply to W. H Davidson. Helix. Ore. unimproved, from 326 W, S. SMITH, lone, Oregon PARIS, March 16. French troops I the Apremont Forest, and south of Verdun last night, capturing some prlssoners it was officially announc ed. There were no infantry attacks north of Verdun. A seere bombard ment on both banks f the Meuse continued, especially directed against the French lines west of Douaumont In Belgium the French hurled shells into the GermM trenches, hilling great numbers. A German attack III the Voyages (ailed. Officers Looking for Man Alleged to be Polygamist A. I). LONG, SWITCHMAN VI .U NCTION. FLKKS HKN WIFE NO. 1 X Hit IVES. Known to have two wives, suspect ed hi having three and perhaps hav ing others. A I. Long, a switchman at Pilot Rock Junction, felt it incum. bent upon himself to desert all Deputy Game Warden George Ton kin's dragnet Tuesday hauled in six violators of the game laws at Gib bon, all of whom have within the past two days pleaded guilty and paid fines. A total of ill's,. was collect ed from them, half or which goes to the county. Four of the six. Jerry St Iennis William Adams. Millard Thompson and Oeorge Gray, entered pleas of guilty yesterday. They were charged with unlawfully having grouse in thiii possession. St Dennis, who is a mixed blood, admitted killing all 0( the birds but declared he had tribal rights. However, he decided to plead UatlffUUty and was fined I2a and costs. XtK'llUon t-l)CXH. Pauline Rebecca lodge No. 13 will hold a business meeting and Initiation Prompt automobile taxi service, Friday evening March 17 A good at day or night Funerals to cemetery tendance desired Visiting sisters we' only 13.60 Phone M0 St. George come. By order of Noble Grand Hotel Carney Taxi Co. Adv. -French at- uin positions been repuls. There was H3D MMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ORPHEUM Carter De Haven in The Wrong Door" BLUE BIRD FEATURE 5 Reels 5 I Tonight and Friday March 16 and 17 HMiHIHHIHIHIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHHIHinnimilllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinH 1 I hkklin. March i- tacks HKu iiM th' Jen i n Dn4mmiii HH1 have ' 'ti. haadauarteti itated no chans ramalndar of the ! Verdun front South of N t druspurh I the iermans penetrated French works. Some prltonera and much booty was taken. KEKUN. March ifi. Some clrclei , believe that Von Tirpfta' resignation ! wan connected with the kaiser's de- daton not to extend aubmaiitla oper ations, beyond the limits announced in the recent memorandum. Anothei I pOaaiMe reason was the kaiser's re fusal to direct submarine attack I agSifUrt neutral ships. niffht when he f.und that twe of the I Adaraa who received birds from 0L Dennia, was fftvan a like sentence. 1 Thompson and Gray were arrested for warning the other two o" the approach of the frame warden They were each fined Ur. and costs but the pay-; ment ot the fines were susended pro-1 ! Woman to whom he had been married , were in the city. He made his et away and the officers, with a warrant charring h m with polygamy, are now searching for him He had been WOtfttng here for tomal time and for the past several weeks; had been staying at apartments hens) with b woman purporting to be his wife. Yeeterda another woman, ao companied bv children, arrived in the I city and began a search for him. He saw her first, however, and hurrying to hta borne told the woman there that his former w'fe hat! reached the city and it was up to him to "beat it.' Wife No. t, being the one who ar rived yesterda . last lived With Nine in Pocatello, Idaho, she says. After Green Carnations Let Your St Patricks Day Greeting be a box of Green Carnations G. W. Hooker Florist riding they pay the costs. All four of the men. under section 4 7 of the laws of tS. forfeit their rights til 544 Main St. Phone S2Z v TIME MAS 1X)X PUTI'ltF i "i in nonii s lire Paatlme todai Vivian M.inin In Israel l.nnR inaslerpleee "Merely Mary William Fox, noted for his dramatic productions, is ihe r The stor is a ilireet tap condition! In the lamer rlttes. Martin is IntrodUcad for the wills Ann." tr. oik prod Hi nt vice Vivian first time to Fox audiences. Anita Stewart and Karle Williams will also he shown In chapter six oi the Vltatjruph serial, "The Uoildcss." This Is a Pig double iironram. con sisting of eight reels and will be shown at the usual feature prices Adults. 16c. children. Sc. ALTA THEATER ll As lilt; snow TODAI presi'llte'l this Miss a lad de- dalBt) Tomorrow an. I Satunlai VatlltC Hazel lan will b in "My I,ady Incog." In Dawn assumes the role of tective and the play la a io of laughs and ihrills. Sunday an.l Monday thf Marguerite dark will appear In a bewitchlni plrtuiiaatton of the fatnom Comedy drama. "MU'e anil Men." The Temple Theater has heeii suc cessful n holding over the Wlck ham's Merry Makers until tomorrow night when th" are tn terminate their Pendleton enmi want with a special B1C 10c aS DOUBLE BILL Today and Tomorrow 20c f St. Patrick's "'V program. MIhs. (ioldle Taylor In her "Sweet Kentucky Lady" was encored several times last night A Complete change of program Ih announced for today. The program for tomorrow Is violin solo, "A Little Hit of Heaven" Mr. Karl Cray; Moth er Uachree," b the trio. Canflddlca With the chartntni and brilliant j with one string Miss liolille Taylor tags star. Margarita snow, in the r.- singing. "She s the Daughter ai reel Metro wcnd rplay, "The rpstart." Mother Kachre." sung by Miss r.old and the special vaudeville attraction ie Tavl.tr: oaro.lv on lilver sh.tti. r Young HackMiachnaMl i t'o.. In . non," b) liairv Qtboa, "When l gladiatorial production, "Sports Dream of hm i:rin I'm Drennimr oi f Old Home, the Alia Is presenting j You; " lo the trio, two bsnjo anil ROther big double show today. Miss Ooldle Taylor singing. Wickham's Merry lakers IN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM KEYSTONE COMEDY plt in "Love Will Conqueror" A LAUGH A MINUTE Coming Saturday 6 Sunday Billie Burke in ' PEGGY" TEMPLE