East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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methods. We do not say this t
.make war on the man elected
if Am
t dealing with the merits "i
dividual but with the meth
Is of the boaxd. The selec
m of a city superintendent
( I I,.
i . latino tion 01
Mttw '' rush tactics is open to cen
: sure. It is a public affair, not
OM I iLt;
iTilcagr. Bureau, t :
WkthlBctcri. 1 1 !-'.
teee.Ui Street. N W.
private matter.
So is the board mist
seeking a low salaried
head of the Pendleton
i I M AlAV Ki
(ellj .tit- mi ii mall
laillf. ail oi'ttMi. by mill
Daily, three months, li) mall.
telly. oe munii, bj Dull M
Uaily, cat year, by carrier
oally, a. i Booth, bj i arrler
Ually, throe moat ha. by carrier
Isauj, une mooth. by carrier
Beml Weekly, one year. .i mall
seed Weekly, all mootha. by mall
eesat Weekly, four aiuatha. uy mall
roor is our pride that Pendleton
is the leading town in eastern I
i Oregon, and that we have ft
jjorjgood school system. We can-
?jVir't maintain that standard by
.ao'inaKing me superintenuency ft
cheap position, we are nav-1
t so
S 75
-HB mg $1800 per year, while The
... 1 40
IT l
Till. bPlR
W h:
la hie win
He keepa for the
Hid in the chamber of
There he has built a
where he
Ma) in high BIOlMli,
with thee.
Arid serve thee, aa a
Bgjawlng thou alt lnile
Th sun bright pinions
Illume my visiuna a
I've heard thy vone o
swept seas.
In fleeting winds In w
Or when larks in
Their music pour
sings whe
Dalles pays $2500 and La !
Grande and Baker pay their
superintendents $2400 each.'
It is not a situation to give pres
tige to our town or to our.
: - : j
HalaSaK "V ' MHHnHH
place apart
if his heart.
hurles W". Hubner
i c tii riitanT TMi) ami Tomorrow,
Morn a rosy
fir HERE are features in con-
nection with the school
board's action that seem
open to question and the wel-
HERE is good news in the
announcement that Ma
jor Moorhouse has plac
, ed his great collection of In
idian curios and pictures on ex-;
hibit in his new office on East
Court street. That exhibit is
something of which Pendleton
has long been proud and justly g concerned first of all with
so. Few men have taken such misrepresenting and belittling
interest as Major Moorhouse in our national administration,
the subject of Indian lore and The following from a Portland
in the art of Indian photo-1 anti-Wilson sheet is noted:
graphy. His fayne is nation- "Funston it seems must
wide and many visitors to Pen- knock on the door and be bid
dleton desire to meet the man den to enter."
and view his collection. Fit- Funston is not stopping to
tingly exhibited in the new knock on the door but instead
quarters the collection will be to get his forces in shape to do;
a source of great interest to lo-ia first class job of Villa hunt
cal people and particularly tOjing. but what of that,
tourists. jne subsidized party organ
THF TPAfiYPrTwnMArj Presumably must earn its keep.
TRAINED WOMAN but when the nation-s soldiers
HERE is splendid argu- :are De,n& se" I0I?n 10 1W
mPtit for .Inmovvrin nL a ouiraKe nne uie attach 011
ence instruction in the Columbia it would be a fit time
10 lay aside partisan snapping
at the president and manifest
a higher grade of American-!
James Crane, a full blooded Indian
of the rmatilla resell it... n, has Just
entered the hiarh school ax a sopho
more. Mr. Crane has been Attending
t'arllsle for the past few years.
As a means of promoting hih
school activities., a new club was
started last evening b aeveral of the
boyi in the school. They met at Hen-
ilssed thi
Get This $1.80
Kettle For Only
Without Grease and Without Water
A Delicious Pot Roast From the
Windsor Kettle
(Note Adjeataklr Rail.)
Place the kettle empty over a low flame.
In the heated kettle, sear the roast on all
sides; then turn the fire down to a mere
flicker. When half done turn the meat
Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be
made as palatable as more expensive cuts.
The 'Wear-Ever" Windsor Kettle may
be used for many purposes every day in
the year. dip the Coupon -get
your Kettle today for only
$1.07 1
The four-quart Windsor Kettl.
which regularly aella for 11.80 la
offered for a limited time at thi
apecial price so you can aee f-.i
youraelf, if you do not already
know, the difference between
"Weal In' and other kinds of
aluminum and enameled utensils
Oet the kettle at the apecial price,
on or before March tl, UK. and
you will underatand hy so main
women prefer MWi-i:in" to othei
.."king warea.
Fill out the coupon
bring it to us today!
THE T wis lit HARDW RE
"Wear-Ever" Coupon
We will nccept this coupon and 11.07 In payment
for one "Wear-Ever" four-quart Windsor Kettle,
which Bella regularly for 11.80, provided you pre
sent the coupon In person at atore on or before
March II, 1Mb, and write on the coupon your
name, address and date of purchaae. Tinly one
kettle la to be sold to a cuatomer.
Date .
I he I n lor lliuiluare '
following from Ida Tarbell:
"It is generally accepted
I Mill-
A daily paper was recently
on a train between the cities
neapolis and Spokane.
The number Of aviators In the world
In now estimated at ju 000, and the
number is growiiiK dally
in be pro-
that have
. rr.nnnfartiiror fVio nlhar on nn. hitherto been thrown away in brewer-
board has decided the election !?killfd buyer nd salesman
hefnrp nsnnia .v.n irno. nnmi.itr.v to run a plant on equal
nations were in order. It is like I term?-. G,ive th? Jfirl a chance
fare of the c.imm.mitv r-IU fr!that a ma" has no right to mar
.Mime discussion of the subject. TJ untl! he 'can support a wife.'
Whv was such hasty and se- Vm the siMrt hls training is
cretive action taken on a mat-1 c evoted . to m,akln2 him pro
ter of such moment to the city? ductlvt order that he may
Why was not an announcement i marry and, rear famil'- He
made of the coming vacancy so '" or.,e8S f skllled Person
as to leave an open field "for .ut ?irl who must handle
applicants with a view to ob-1 hls ,i!kll,ed earnings and no
taining the best man to be had. ! i"11'"1 peon. wlU de"y
The country La large and a hostjthat. ""function is every whit
of very desirable men might be aa important economically as
ij i.. i iv . n.ji. his is unskilled. It is unfair
ton position if they knew there I toL both of them- as unfair as "ilr " 18 aiu' 01
wi, an rvnonino- kae. When two men One a Skilled I '1'i' ed tn.m refuse hops t
w-U HI! WpVllltllj llVlbl
By the course taken
A serious effort in being mud
India to revive the natural Indigi
I dUftry and more than lol.OOO acres
iWiriino- u rs Kfn iu ,n ' n01 10 learn nox making or ""
ueticiing a race betore tne run- . ... , . . Thf. miurioU a cot en e ut horses is,
ner? have gotten upon the'J?e4wnVn8r. oru. bookkeePin? J.hown by th. rapidity with which
track Arc mirk iurtina nrlvia-!DUt ' do the things she must I cavalry horses learn the atgniflcance Of
l,l,. n,. at u.. ..i.do."
":. W'J mcj nut anui OUl
wholesome competition? Do
they breed confidence and har
mony with reference to the
choola? N the very day of the Villa
In the view of the East On- U tJ raid on CA
gonian the school board has were given for American ! f
blundered. They should have 'troops to bring about the cap-1
acted more in the open and ture of the outlaw and General lL
should have let people know Funston was given a free hand!
a new superintendent was to be i as to procedure. Various an-j
elected. Such a course would nouncements from Washington
have been only fair to the peo-;have emphasized the fact that
pie, to other applicants and to 'the fullest authority is given
the new superintendent who is the commanding officer,
now under the reproach of hav-j Yet these facts mean noth
ing been chosen by sub rosaiing to the scalawag press that
i- in the hlth iiool
i. it rossmi.K?
i B
endleton. dr.;
tally suffering
nad Bttempt
ll a box of as.
any relief for
lir K. li Hash. p.
"( h doct.ii," said n
a sever.- headache, vh
e.l to do a day's work
perln tablets, , "Is then
Indeed there is relief anil without
asperin, too." When a headache in
caused by pelvic congestion and
sometimes bowel disturbance, the re
alization i omes that even drugging
rhe system dosj
what a frightful i
gained, purchased
action or. the bod;
freely people use
bring relief. At
t is this relief, II
! ? The after re
ells the tale How
w:iat physicians
trumpet calls.
In the Japanese variety of the com
mon pheasants the splendid green
which decorates th
English pheasant. I
C'inese species, j ci
th. whole breast.
neck only of the
would administer most sparingly'
However, there is relief from head
ache aside from using sedatives, os
teopathy relieves congestion and can
aiwns locate the cause of a headache
by the tender nerve trunks that sup
ply the organ affected Adv
Mill Ntol- ifi soils
KAI.AMA. Wash. March 1 4 Trial
of ii suits for collection of insurance
policies In as many companies. In
volving a loss of $i't;7.noo on the
burning of' the big mill of the Moun
tain Timber companj July B li'll
were Mopped Saturday pending appe.il
of another case Involving the same is
sues when (he iurv relumed a verdict
for the plaintiff In the case of the
Mountain Timber company against
the Pacific States Kire insurance com
pany. The specific action on trial invoh
ed a 110.000 policy held By, the mill
The total 27 suits were brought hv
the timber company for collection on
the pollcle when a dispute arose as
to the amount of the company loan
In the trial of the action against the
Ueneral Assurance company of Paris,
on a t:'r.00 policy, tne timber on -pany
Action waa then brought by the
compeny to stop trial on the other
suits, pending a decision from the su
preme court In the first case, contend
ing that the issues Involved were prac
tically the same anil that the policies
all covered the same loss.
The Insurance company presented
requests for 31 instructions to the
Jury, each being denied by the court.
The jury, after deliberating two hours
returned the verdict ror the timber
com pany.
were won by the republicans The
only Democratic success was In Hld
dleford. where Leopold A. Ulrard was
The lilt I Half III republican mayors
are: Blaine S. Vlles. In Augusta, Jo'in
( Woodman in Bangor: Prank H.
Nlckerson, in llrewer; and William K.
K.-.-ne in lleltast
Republicans In Malm- In.
PORTLAND, ore. March 14. Tout
out of the five cltv elections in Maine
JI NKAt'. Alaska. March 14 The j
Wlckernham-Shackleford forces ap
parently ire in rontrol of the repub-1
Mean machine In Alaska. If results of
last week's primaries may be accept
ed as a guide to the political sltua- I
tion In practically every district
victor!) for the Wickeraham-Shack-,
el ford Cohorts were returned and Hi
Is evident that this combination will
control the republican territorial con
vention at Seward in April.
The heavy republican vote cast
throughout the territory Indicates a I
party strength that In more or lessj
alarming to political I'-adcrs wbo affil
iate with other parties.
Hong Kong Cafe
Chop Suey
(in wide Tmay Order tyaciatty.
Botes for tadlea and gentlemen
Special Chicken Dinner
54&Main Street
Next to E 0. Bldg. Phon 101
Preparedness, Not Militarism
i li.. .p.hn SI
North-Side Home
For Sale
Five room hous in kxh con
dition. Corner lot, facing past.
Lawn, shade trees; retaining
wall ; gas aad electricity.
Only few blocks from Main
street hridtfe.
A snap if taken at once.
Telephone 105
Williams. IT, Sen
ator from Mississippi. I
We hae made up our mind to pre.
pare We are netting about this bus,
MM of naional safeguards with a;
growing conviction that we must
make a pretty thorough Job of it.
To be honest with ourselves we m ly
as well admit that we are the most
egotistical people in the world, as we
art the most wonderful In lelf-de-pendence,
initiative, audacity, Invm
Hon and enterprise.
Our forefathers, bequeathed us that
heritage; our environment has fur
nished the incentive, fof generations
We have been receiving the tide .
n en who dissatisfied with candltlona
holds nations that
cultivated. In the
the graces of model
arts; but no natloi
that basic social CI
plied in the den
how touch, and.
the real strength
With all the mill
come to us we rental
of old; we remain a
der pioneer conditio!
blood running In our
more highly
sense that Impllej
pn manners and the
rj approaches us in
jlture which Is im
niatic. elbow -to-ei
fter all. constitutes
if a. people.
ns who havi
the Americans
eople bred un
the pioneer
veins, the plo-
tralli Melting hH aa w are roi the
Wor'd'a differing Ideals languages
arid cum aos ..ur pioneers of the pren-
Mtt, gl of the
ote,-- IP the Inb
t!:em to reek th
or the exercise
has given them
Aside from t
b. iter than any
resemble one an
force which drive
ew and free areni
itie strength Owl
genius we ale ni
else. Rurop
V"J ulll greatly aiipreciate the co-
ope ration offered you by a prom pi
trial of
Stomach Bitters
when the stomach Is bad. liver lazy
and bowels clogged
No people thai has been pioneer
bred reared In habits of caution an
; well as courage as the price of safe
ty. Is a rash people. Among all KriK
lieh-npeaking peoples none Is itmn
cautious and conservative ns a nation
than we are.
Th'-re are still m'-n enough of the
pioneer race among on to call a halt
I on folly, as there have been to call
the halt on nonrue when Bryan
pruied of his mllliqn defenders be
tween sunrise and sunset.
America dues not want to be pre
pare. I o whip the world; she hns.
within her own limits nature enough
to connnef without dealrlng to con
I quer men.
Hut America does want to be amply
prepared to prevent any' nation or
1 group of n 'tlonn from asserting and
j consummating a world domination
j The last people In 1M world to sub
mlt to a new Roman Empire are the
I American people, as we would be the
last to air at entai l1-hlng ourselves In
anv mo h OVeriofdsillp
N'n people Underatafld be'ter than
we do that every dollar we npend on
the navy and army In a dollar nub
1 trailed from sorm-thliir which In Ideal -j
ly worth no re; on th.- other hand, IW
people can mderatand attar than we
j that, without adequate safeguards, we
" innot build up our Heal within our
1 own boundaries free from any Inter
'feren. e from Europe
u MTTfcivlnMiFM
alafllaV . H -j . V F W Hv W 1 1
(Fourth Ad of the Sent,)