DAILY EAST UKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, UKKOUN, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916. PAl 1 PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Mouses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING I'oriln u SM'-UUty. I ni Aooewortca FRAZIER & GERTSON AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone, 203 6S0 Cottonwood St, Op. City HalL '.'--' East Court Phone 177 FAMILY TBADI A HI'ECIAITY Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul llemtnrlgarn. Prop. A IX KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS AND SODAS MOTTLED Olyoipla Oyster Cocktalla a Specialty GHA1LES MILNE ELECTRICAL ( ONTRAOTOIU Estimat . Furnished. Phone C3, 118 W. Court St J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery D. D. PHELPS i l l MHING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 228 E. Court St Phone 443 THE I.VMAX Under New Management. Private comfortable rooms; Mod. em conveniences, with or without board. Close in. Rates reasonaole. .Mm. Tool ft Van Here. 621 Willow Phone JOS if rrs v sn.N we make rr KEM SIGN GO. 806 Cotton wood Street. Phone 171. Pendleton, Ore. Phone 536 EIGHT PAGES Motor.Car Repairs w. J. BURNS WODEKN CYLINDER UBINDER AND OVBH-SIMD P1OT0H. AND BINUS OKOUND. Pbone 71. Neagle's Hleckanltb Bnop. AUTO SUPPLIES TIKES AND AOOBHOKm Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TKU NO. 185. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 338 llama 7. B hmldl Mldg LEMONS IN CHINA. OILS. W ATKK COLOR. TAPMTRT, LKAT1IKH TOOLING. Ilrass stid Copper Crafts. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors hair dressing. manuthing, facial massage, scalp treat ment. SHAMPOOING. Popular Price. Telephone 8W 811 Main Street I SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR rr s GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO BRING BACK COLOR VXD i,i nthi: to h mii You can turn gray faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll got a 5" -cent bot tle of "Wyeth'a Sago and Sulphur Compound'' at any drug store Mil lions of bottle of this- Old famous Sago Ton Keolpe, Improved by Ihe ad dition of other ingredients, are sold annually, rays a well-known lrngglM here, because It dargens the hair so oeturally and evenly that no one can tel, It has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two application the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxur iantly dark and heautlru) Thl Is the age of youth Gray haired, unattractive fidks aren't wsnted around, so get busy with Wy Hh's Sage and Sulphur Compound to night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your outhful appearance within a few oays. This preparation i n tolltt roqulstt and is not Intended for tiro cure. mHI cation ,,r prevention of dioooM MANY CASES OF RHEUMATISM NOW Ml KT KEEP III I DHY, oi I P11-1 i;i ND EAT I BHH ol IT St. iv nff tho damp (round, 0,11,1 ex posure, keep foel dry. eat less meat, drink lids of water and above all take a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid Rheumatism is cnttSwd 1,1 I"' '"" mi toxin, called uric cald. which I L-enerated 111 tho bpw 78 and absorl' d Into the blood, It is tho function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the hlood and cast ft out In the urine The poros of tho skin are also a nioHiis of freeing the blood of this Im purity. In damp and chgllj", cold weather the skin pOI'M are closed, thus forcing the kidney to do double work, ihey become weak and sluggish and fall lo olltnlnale this uric seld which keop.s tccumnlatlni and olr dilating through thl system, eventual ly xrttllng In the Joints and muiclea musing Htlflties. sor is and pain called rheumatism At the first twlns-c ol rheumatism get from anv pharmacy about four ounces of .lad Salts; put a tablespoon fill in a glass of water and drink bo fore breakfast each morning for a week This Is said to eliminate nnc acid by stimulation tho kidneys 10 normal action, thus ridding the Id I of these Impurities. Jad Sails Is Inexpensive harmless and I made from the add or grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sllb lect to rheumatism. Here you have pleasant, effervescent lithla-wnlor drink which overcomes uric m id and Is beneficial to your kidneys as well. CHICHESTER S PILLS UlVMllM lll.M 1'IIJ H, I t Hit Itruerirle vnn k niwn as Hut. Safsnl, Atwty v R elulil SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE l.tsdlrtil Ann yoisr irtss(ii nf A I hi rfcm-trr-H I h sim .Mid TtrBitd I'lllotB Krd ar t I. old RICH XV resiM, iralH sKh ft) i Ril-f-ort. lai.r m olhrr Km of iur w L AU tl I I'lll.K.TFKH CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana filled 10c. Straight aud Perfecto Hbape. Manufactured by PENDLETON l KiAll FAI'TOBY. CLEANING-PRESSING Wist of Hotel Barber Shop. Phone 4 70 ask for Presaery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson & stranalian, Irops. rlrsnHnff. PlUMlug, Repairing, Day or Night. Work Called for at.d Delivered. CLUB RATES. I will koep a man's suit pressed and repaired for 11.50 per month and guarantee the best possible work It HDD, THE TAILOR AM OKt CLEAXER, Wet Weob. Phone 685. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We wtM all klnda of cunt Iron, altinil Us, steel, copper and brass by the Modern Oiy Acetylene Process. Don't Walt for Repairs. Let la Weld It 7i!0 JOHNSON BT, TWO CHAMPIONS-ONE "Kewpio" Ertlo. bantam champion. appeared at the I raining quartan ol Portland's Market Makes Basis Price for Coast Stocks (Courtenv the Journal.) PORTLAND, ore. Prom the itand point i the produoof anii Bhipptr, thin huo been a very Inten-HtltiK week in the Hvestotk tnule at North Port I. in. I portlaiiil iH the ihlel market fur UvOslioOll 01) the OOMM and et i Any this fnet Is being driven hoMlC t" produam and ihlpptnt Interosti, Portland makes Ihe plict of V stot k with itetilHl MtM an ordlnn to tmpplx and demand, while some Ai the other markets are content to now and then follow with similar chants even though no artual sail an 1" ponflrmoda Thin elty, by reason of its lOCfttlOfi (lands siireme in the lIVMtOCk trade of the western slope of the I'nlted Rtatfl and while no market U per iV.'t all the time, the shipper to thi? 1 awawTawawawP A ' ' Bwa LwaV in' 1 eU HBBwaF-ssl' 'SlwawawawJ & jjj FEED YARt S PHONE :4 THE ALTA FEED YARD 7U2 East Alta St FKKD AND SALES STABLE. FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Store On Main St, next to Happy Canyon PHONE Vll. FLORAL DB8I0NR, PLANTS AND SEEDS, agsnl Potilaud Journal. Open Erentuga FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store t'llAK. KOCH. Proa. Thore will be an extra discount of U I'T cent for the next 30 days on all dressers and chiffoniers. 117 W. Webb St. (Hons 888-W GROCERIES I. B.JtHtiSON&SQtS Gnn-ories. Confections and Rakers' Good. Cash paid for Putter, Eggs and MMJ W. Webb St. Phone 671 J 115 POUNDS AND THE Joss tho i wouli Wlllard, heavy weight champion. I ither lay, and announced he i I like to box. Wlllard and he City secures values adequate with va -i ions conditions It is mighty ea.-v to i-lalm hlKher prlt es for livestoc k but actual sales are what eount and l tins regard tht Portlnno market siva bciur net n-turns than nny In the field at this time swtue Trade RxHtptl. With actual sales as niKh M M-M Of a new hinli record for the iresent mo,-nient, and Inatoattoni polnt(tlj tO still greater ndvantes, the market for hogs is about nil that anyone COUld expert Advances have no! only been rapid and Mire here recently, imt a similar fondHton ha been shown throUfcthu; thf American ll estock market . UaOaiptl of hotfs nave baafl ex tremely dltappoltttlna it ail points. This Is equally as true of the eust as of ihe went and even the extrnne price have failed to brine forward additional supplies. The theory Is rapidly saining ground mnt pernarMi rwr all the holdings o? hoy- in the Country .art far less Than expecta tions. The low prices nave stimulated HIDES AND JUNK Pendkton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of nil kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires, Bras. Copper, Sack and Rags. non pelts, wool furs. 206 W. Webb St. Telephone 662 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile. EIRE, Burglary Plate Glass. Liability, -Security Bonds. Accident and Health. Telephone 804. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAU .DRY Phone 173. rough Dm 7i i'i.k La Keep away from ttta washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAY BURN MEAT MARKET 118 W iltt Rod not Ion un hard for satiirdny ID pounds for SMS). V- 0THR HU POUNDS put on the glove, but there was not nun h action except that before tho camera man. consdmptlon to s very remarkable de gree and In some parts of tho conn lr these low values have caused man; to uit Ihe raising of swim The pendulum of prices Is now swinging to the upward reaches ' the hog market just as It swung It tho lower lev ils some month ago tiir all the markets arc nothlns more or leas than the bueslion of 'imply and demand. There may he Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL AITMCATIONS. aa tnej iauuot resell the -out of the disease fa tarrli Is. a oioal illskaae. greatly Influenced 1 oy constitutional cndltlnna. nnd In order ti lewr It roe must 'nke an Isttmal iTnieilj , Hall's CStarTa Cars la taken luternalli and acta thru t ho Mood on the mucous sar faces of tho system. 1 In : - Catarrh run I wa prosci lln.,1 by "tie ofthe Iwst physic! ' utis In Mils cctmtiY tor years. It is com poaad of Boas of i he host toaki known . combined with some of the test blooe puriners lbs perfect esMMaatioa f)k 1 Ingi clients in lislla Uatarrb Cor is what prodnrea such eooderfel results m catnrrha' cnuilltlons. Sen, I for testimonials, free 1 1. J. CRamn CtX, Props . Made, o I All Ih'UgglHtS, , I tail's Family Tills for constipation Phone 32: Res. 60S. Agents for I'E.NINSl'LAK FURNACES. Wodaege & Ardrey I I.l MBINO AND HEATING. Tinning aad Repair Work. 10! W. Webb St., PENDLETON. ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 K. Court Bt Portraits made day or night, rain ( shine. Give us a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 918 Main St.. Tel. 829-W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Poet Card Photos 81.00 Dos. Amateur finishing. An supplies. PAINTS.WALL PAPER PHONE l.'.S. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER, PICTURE MOULDING, GLASS, DECORATING. PAINTING. Job vork Promptly Done. So7 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon. Periods of limited duration when a market may be manipulated either up or down by buying interests. Just as i-up? Iheir requirements, but eventual ly the demand meets the supply with adequate values. General hog market range: Choice light weights .. ".. It 89S.IS Good light weight S. 301? 8.40 Med'um weight S.M9S.II Hough and heavy 7.50fi IT. IS ( atUe lris rv jftod. Reflecting entirely the shortage of cattle in the country and the small movement to markets, was the sharp advance in the price of cattle at North Portland during the week. Re aiMiU continue limited with the per centage of real good qnality unusual ly limited Top pulpfrd stuff sold In the steer division at the start of the week at $7.90 or fully :0c better than similar quality offerings were bring ing during the revious week. Other cattle sold at a proportionate advance. The general cattle market range: Choice pulp-fed steers . . . 17 70 W-7 S Choice grain fed steers.. 7. 60417.70 Ordinary grain fed steers. 7.25?7 5M tTiolce ha fed steers .... 7.00fi7.l5 Good steers 6.9' fff 7,00 Ordinary to common steers 6. On ft 6 IS Choice cows 6. of) fff 6-75 Ordinary to common cows 6iHi'ufi.n Choice heifers 1.78 Ordinary to good heifers. i.OOAl.Ti CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y i ITNEK.M, niUKCTOHx. FEE & KKK ATTORNEYS .VI tTIIKOPlt.UTOK. , law Office in Despaln building JOHN S. BAKER. Fl'NERAL DI- DR. IIBOROI J KINS. UCKNSBO rector aad licensed embalmer. Op- CARTER A SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS Chiropractor Schmidt Bids office poalte poStOfflee. Funeral parlor, two at iaw office In rear of Amerl- Phone. 4T; residence phoa itu funeral cars. Calls responded today can j;ational Bank building. or night. Phone 75. ; I FARM I. '1S. , T BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE ME8 R PERRY, ATTORNEY AT NORTHERNpTw? RAILWAT Funeral director and licenced SB- Jf Tilor Hrdwar' land, in Bastom HonUn. 1 1 1 balmer Most modern funeral par-. Bn'- to $18.00 ier acre suit aide for farm, lor morgue and funeral cars. Calls lng or grajiru. K ir , responded to day or night. Corner PETERSON ft BISHOP. ATTOR- formatlon write or ,ef m .. ,, Main and Water street. Telephone 63 neys at law; room 3 and 4, Smith Miles ,,Uv as , Crawford building. INSURANCE VND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title lo all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. Reference, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C H MARSH, Sec. RENTLEY ft MONTGOMERY, REAI.I estate, fire, life and accident In-1 surance agents. 816 Main street. ! Phone 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS, C. W. I.ASSEN, It. D. V.. COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office telephone, 10. ATTOP.NFYS. RALE Y ft HALEY. ATTORNEYS AI law. Office In American National riank Building. 702 E. Alts Sc. Telephone 447 Moderate Rates White Help Only Employed The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. KHKPARD. Prop. Booms With or Without Hoard. Under New Management. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Clean:d At the PENDLETON RIG AND MATTRESS WORKS , Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed Prices reuooable. Located I OS Water St Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERiES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX- PENSIVF They need the best of care through the winter let I CYRUS BROTHERS 72S Cottonwood St., care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 64 5 AUTO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL REPAIRS .), - SERVICE SSSi STATION Tel. 684. Cor. Main and Water St. which stock was later put on feed here, there would be practically no arrivals in the market at this time. for weeks past far the greater bulk o: the arrivals in the mutton and Iambi trade have been brought forward di rect by killers. For the limited amount of stuff of-, fering "ii the open market only .high-i er values are being offered. Top lambs are easily worth 19.23 and i some w ould forecast 19. IS for the coming week, other lines are quoted strong in proportion General mutton and lamb range: Choice weight lambs IS.SO0S.S8 Good to common lambs.. 8.008.5U Choice yearling wethers . . 8.00 Choice light ewes 6.7J& 7.00 Good to common ewes ... 6.006"J IN-LAWS. Let me see. Tompkins married an, ,, " W orphan, did he not- !" a yma ' 5 y by numb. "He did. but he didn't know until! "T,"!t ? ahoulder made, and I afterward that she had 17 uncles and!"u!d"' "e cmfMr on my beck aums .. The kidney secretions were too fre- liuent in passage. 1 tried several, j well-known medicines, but nothing A nut cracker that will crack three; did me any good until J, used Doani nuts at once is a novelty. . Kidney PHI They relieved the i achee and pains and regulated the Prosperity Hall Hold, HOXABORO, tire. March 11. illsboro welcomed the return of In jstrial activity by a prosperity ball ider the auspices of the Commercial tttb. The feature was tho prcsenta mi of "Mr. and Mrs. Prosperity.'1 presented by HiUsb-iro business ian and his wife, ami liefore I. adm it -land march which opened the all. "Mr Prosperity" expressed his ratif cation upon Iwin permitted to turn to Hillsboro, dwelt on projects Iterrupted by his temporary absence hich sitould be resumed, and touch - DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal court. Rooms 7, and t. Despain building OEOROE W. COUTT8. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, will, deeds- mortgagee and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room IT, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STE1WER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Bmtth-t'raw ford building. 8. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY Ai counsellor at law. Office in De spain building. SECOND HAND DEAI.Klts. V. STROBI.E. DEALER IN N and second-hand goods. Caell paid for all second-hand Meats bought. Cheapest place In Pendle ton to buy household goods. Comi and get our prices. Ill E. OoMl street Pbons 17 1W. SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND BOLES Rl'HBEH HE ELM A SPECIALTY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. I. L'LM. Prop. SHOE REPAIRING ON NCIENTlFIl PRINCIPLES W call for and dellfer. Phone 887. 818 Mala Bt SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladies- Shoe Shining At Mlneria Shoe Shining Parlors. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Hat 612 Main St Pendleton, Ora. ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE CARNEY TAXI CO. Phone 6fi0 ST. GEORGE HOTEL. Prompt service, day stid night Funeral service I3.V. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed. Corner Court and Cottonwood. ed upon new fields ment. Moose Hall, the li 'as filled to capacli ipen for develop- PI VDI KTON MAX'S KNCK. EXPERI- Hosiilts Tell the Tale. Can you doubt the evidence of true Pendleton citixen? You can verify Pendleton endorse ment. Head thi; C. s. Howard, grocer. i(i W. Webb St.. Pendleton, says ""for fif teen year I had a -great deal of mf. fering from a dull pain through the Slnall . mw k-AL , M. - : - i action of my kdneys " (Statement given May 18, 1S10). LATER TESTIMONY. AFTER A LAPSE OF oVF, YEARS. Mr. Howard said have said in praise of Doan s Pills, still holds good They splendid kidney medicine." Price simp: ask Doan's Kidney Pills the same Mr. Howard has twrce publicl orr.mended Ftwter-MIIburn 1 Props.. Buffalo. N Y Al l TIONEEK.o. COL W. F. YOU S K A. A eer. makes a isjuanlalljl ol stock an) machinery sales man that get you the nionei orders at East orex 'nlan ot I I M l I III I I' IVI LADIES K'' -it i ft Of $10 for ion, ork sent pi canvassing 8en i Mfg. Co., St L itsi Mo - 1 I