EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 13, !Stf6. SUGGESTIONSTO SICK WOMEN How Many Are Restored To Health. Sleeping Man is Attacked by Thug at Terminal Yards V M UtSH l I EMP1 n ED HV OONTRACnXG FIRM. STRVCK on Tin; HKvn. "I'M THE GUY" By GOLDBERG First. Almost every operation in our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms M backache, irregular and painful periods, displacements, pain in the siiie, hurning sensation in the stomach, hearing down pains, nervous ness, dizziness and sleeplessness. SwotmI. Themedicine most success ful in relieving female Ufa is Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound. It regulates and strengthens the organism; it overcomes disease. For forty years it has been making women stiong and well, relieving back ache, nervousness, ulceration and in flammation, w 'hkness. dist .aeeuents, irregularity and periodic pains. It has also proved invaluable in prepar ing for childbirth and the Change of Life. Thirii. The great number of unso licited testimonials on file at the Pink ham Laboratory at Lynn. Mass.. many of which are frc m time to time published by permission, are proof of the value of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com pound, in the treatment of female ills. Fourt h. Every ailing woman in the United States is cordially invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free, will bring you bealth and may save your life. Makes Your Stuffed, Germ-Laden. Catarrhal Head Clear as a Bell When you wake In lagued with the torn morning of hea4 lose and g.-.l with obnoxious catarrhal dis charge that have collected during the night and you can hardly breath just put a little Hyomel Pocket In haler chargtd with the pleasant heal, ins "11 of Hyomel between your lips. Hold it there while dressing and breathe the medicated. antiseptic, germ killing air deep Into your nose throat and lungs with every breath you draw. By the timeyou are dressed Jrour head will be clear as a bell, you will breathe with ease and comfort, eat your breakfast with n relish and f" about your day's work with a clear brain and steady eye. This clean smelling germ destroying air of Hyomel penetrates deep down into every fold and crevice of the membranous linings or your nose throat and lungs where no liquid spray could possibly get and absolute, hf kills and drives nut or your systen, every germ it finds there, heals th inflamed swollen tissues and after th very fldat trial you notice a wonder ful improvement. A few weeks" use and every catarrhal germ is killed a if driven out of your system. Druggists even where think so w ell Of Hyomei that they agree to give you a guarantee with every complete inhaler set you purchase that If it does not satisfy they will gladly re turn every cent you paid for it. but If using for the first time be sure to ask for the complete Hyomei Pocket ny other re idly supply Hlmit Weapon is Vsnl, Oittlng Vglv Qftsh; No Motor I- Known lor the VI t ark; No Evidence of Robbery; Injur) i WW Not Proc Serious: Other Junction Xoies tEast Oregonlan Special.) PILOT HOOK Jl'NVTION. Ore., March 13 W A. Marshall, who has been employed by Moore Bros., contractors here, was assaulted some time early Sunday morning while as leep in his tent near trie round house IThe miscreant cut a hole throilgh the tent amid struck Marsnall a hard blow! on the head with sme blunt weapon as he lay in his bunk. It is not known what the motive Tor the attack could have been as there was no evi dence of robbery and Marshall had no enemies so far as known. It is not thought the injury will result In any thing serious. Professor Oopeland went to Hepp ner Friday morning on business, re turning on No 2 Sunday evening. Chas Weaver, formerly hostler at the round-house here, has returned to I'matllla and will be located there again. Clifford McNnrlen. hostler's helper has been transferred to the station force and Is now working the car desk nights In rlace of F. J. Martin, promoted to day worn. R. D. Bun nell takes the position as manifest clerk, relieving W T Marten. 0. H. Campbell, formerly employ ed in the store department, has ta ken outside work as car repairer in the yard Foreman r w. Jackson has re ceived and distributed about 25 gar bage cans to the various outfit ears and cabooses occupied by employes and their families, for the purpose of keeping sanitary conditions to what they should be. The ordinary garbage from witchens must not be thrown out on the ground to decay and cause sickness. This feature will be watched closely and parties guilty of such unsanitary carelessness will be reminded of it In no gentle terms when the "super" shows up. no doubt These beautiful moonlight nights with the gentle breezes of springtime takes us bac k to the days of our I youth when spooning was the chief I pastime during the long. pleasant evenmis. It s time now for a little social element to be injected into the life of our city. W'e heard it rumor ed there was to be a "get acquainted' caiheri'ig at the school house some evening this week but as yet we have no invite, possibly they don't want a correspondent around to tell on them Dnn'u fear, ladies We know a pretty gown whenever we set our lamps OH one and will take great pleasure In describing it and award ing the blue ribbon to the lady that bakes the best cake. P. 8. Don't forget the eats. IKi TMfclWG- f SMOWM n .Me ) ll0Tvxe!rf t I UTILE, OFF JL 1 V wefol op nrnebo' ioMtr booogh real I up I ( OF shokg, Gv,k twst liflv clr3 -me BRfuJ -TVUMWKK5 "rc y V ft yfr.-TfTio uiho rRYoo? 7 Trt W J When you get puffing along at a Smile-a-Minute gait behind a pipe ful of mild, mellow, good-for-a-fellow "Tux" you're bound to become the Cheer Leader on the road to Success, Tuxedo Tuxedo develops Romeo Hagen umber Company beginning 5, according to an announce r Superintendent O. H. Gar- J. D. Beeson CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished and given. Country work a specialty. Phone 308-W. 401 Aura Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cv; HOT TAALES CHILLI DON CARNE KPAMSII STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date F1KST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Packme Under State Hotel Or Webb and Co'lonwood 8t Phonr & Pendleton, Ore ' Kelly I 1 .March ' ' ; ment I I J "j CHRISTY MATHEWSON Famous Baseball Pitcher, says: " Tuxedo gets to me in a natural, pleasant way. It's what I call good, honest, companionable tobacco the knd to stick to. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette more joy-power to the pipeful than any other tobacco why? Because it's the only tobacco made that will not "bite" nor even try to 'bite" the most sensitive tongue and throat. Tuxedo is made by the original, secret "Tuxedo Process" the only process that removes all sting and harshness from tobacco. And the tobacco used in Tuxedo is the ripest, mildest leaf grown aged 3 to 5 years to delightful fragrance and mellowness. Tuxedo is widely imitated (did you ever hear of anything original and worth while that wasn't?), but when you call for a show-down in your pipe, imitation brands will quickly bite their way out and leave you and Tuxedo together in peace. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glastine wrapped, J? moisture-proof pouch . . . OC Fair.ou i'raen tin with gold lettering, curved to fit pocket In Tin Ilurrudors, 40c and 80c. In Class Humidors, 50c and 90c. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY IlillBIIIIHIIIIIIIilll IlililliljiilililllilB Mrs. jeeae Sutherland nai retnrn- ed to her home in Canby. Ore. Ra) Pierce moved to the Stanton homeatead Tuesday Mrs M letllli; week Jese McKee en Ferret hiis returned W t flrover, was. kieke ;he Bprlnsneld the order. NAMPS NEW DESTROYER cauilng intinrti! injury ie He WllIkH with (Till unil Mm. Jameii O. Bryai i Wednesday avenlni to mile pshnients served. i'he. gave thel. i and Those Present were Mr. anil Mrs Hryan. Mr and Mrs, Cbiirles Smith. Mrs I). Ken- dail; MiHeF rna Vsatne( Brna ituih sr, Berths Ruther, Irene Ruther; M'ssrs Clifford Ktndall, MsnnlS Hry an. Walter Cramer and as orlswold Proper Treatment for BlHonsncsH. For a long time Mlfs Lula Skelton. Ihurelivtlla, N. Y . was hilloua and ad sick headache and dizzy spells. hamberlaln'S Tablets were the only "ins that gave her permanent relief Ibulnabla evervwhere. Adv. Helix Church Aid Honors (Mrs. Scolt With Linen Shower III i UESHMENTS Mil: SERVElJ AtTERW AIS; fTHKlf JTEWS Mill s dl' HEIjIX, KnniH. Hagen. well kr.onn middle-w.-iL-ht fiah.er. la In Pendleton today .-n r-itlte to Wall. Walla to vl'dt friends Hagn la Will'M to meet any middleweight or lights eight in thee parts. Loeal fann remember him the beet :: the man who Stopped J --k t -irpenter In eight rounds In Walla Walla a eonpte of rears aco. Hagen v. - ii New York training with Packy -' rland '" M Sepu.nitier wbn he w.ia ailed to Seattle ty he neers that hii brotbei Ed, who fouglit !n pen- Melon once, had (,e,-n idiot by a bin -uli r His brother is a poll, . man mil hi eicjierieni wtih the housebreaker baa Incapacitated him 'or, any furth er ring aerv a M Ii Gives (Taste IUW. si'iti.v.DKj.ii. ore. March n - new wage Scale, avi raging 10 per cent b.-her th. n the one now in force, will be established by the Rooth- i East Orefonlan special.) HELIX, Ore.. March 11. The I.a-) lea Aid of the t'hrlstlan church all ie conclusion of their regular meet- ig yesterday gave to Mrs Ira Scott shower of fine linen. Afterward MlllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllltlllllllPIIIIU'- I HOODI ES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES I J rCSVY' KWONG HONG LOW S JfVaW W 6 Weit Alts St. Uprtairi. Phone 431 wtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllMiiMniminiii' niiiMtMiiilllimiMpf i. . charles Alapach, Mrs. Robert I'arllnger, Mrs. E. ISeOSke, Mrs. John p, ersn, Mis. BrvtnC King. Mrs. In Hill. Mrs. A L flrover. Mrs. .1 EMC-j we'd. Mrs. John Wyrlck, Mra A. J. TltSWorth. Mrs. J. fir;swold. Miss Montao'iist, Miss Millie nuniiington The Baptist Missionary Circle me' yesterday st the home Of Mrs E. o Suffered The Agony Of a Dozen Deaths PROMINENT PARMBH IN CAN- mm DEsoniwrs his iieoov- BR AND ESCAPE PROM Tilt: OPERATING TABLE. In a letter to friends at Saskatoon. Mr. V. Glfford. of the Hall Hock Farm. Ma.unofit, Saskatchewan. Can ada. says: "Thanks to Prultola nnd Traxo 1 am alive tav on my back for sixteen days, suffering lb" ago nles of a dozen deaths 1 bean tak ing Krultola and was relieved of a great many gall-stones. My health Is now fully restored, Eruitoin possesses properties thai act directly upon the Intestinal pints. It Is a great system cleanser, softening the congested waste and disintegrat ing the hardened particles that cause so much suffering, and quickly ex pels the accumulation tO Vha great re lief of the patient. Traxo Is a tonic- iilternntlve that acts on the llvei and kidneys, Stimulates the flow or gasl Juices to aid digestion and removes lillu from the general circulation, serves to build up ann strengthen the weakened, run down system. Prilitotg and TraXO are prepared In the I'lniis laboratories at gtpntlcel rrangement been mnde to supply them through rei In Pendleton they can be obi, lined m Tallinn n C ' " mmmmimmmmmmmmmii ill niiiaiiiwg(iggggpaaiKNnMHI V. m ts this after Mrs. J. nrls- noon at the hom wold. Mrs Hazel Kennedy went to Wal la Walla Wednesday to visit a few areata with her sister. Mrs H II. Ilkhmond. When IN U S. Torpedo boat da has a breadth of 2 ft feet in Inches and Btroyer, Sampson, left the ways at the a depth of IS feet Inches. Her Fore Hiver Yards at Qulncy, Mass. speed Is expected lo be not less than Miss Majorie Unith grnnddaiighler of 29 1-2 nautical miles ;er hour Ths the Uite-Hear Admiral Sampson, for builders expect to make delivery to whom the boat 1 nameii, wan sponsor the government In April next, or for the craft. about seven months In advance of the The Sampson ia 315 reel long and contract date. llllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIP-. MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Farm Property. Current Rate NO COMMISSIONS, NO BONUSES, or other expenses. Just like getting it from a bank. Large or small amounts. Loan quickly closed. If you need money COME and SEE US. MATLQCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. 5 112 Enat Pourt St. 3 I'-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiimMimniiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiii