East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 13, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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I'ubllahwl Oallr Hi Sem. eeklj t l-ta
dletoti itregus. bj the
kast orbuo.ni as irm.isniNu co,
Official (Vunty
Mrratier Halted lYeaa
Kriic-ir ', at tlie poauiffl
Oregon, a aeeoml lasn me
Helepl i
at Pendleton,
ON ti
Innerta) Hotel Newa Stand.
lioMiban News 0., Portland, t
ON i 1 1 i. AT
OMOM Hureau. Ml Sev'urttf
viaihlngtoa. 1' C . llureai; 5i
teenth Street. N '
Building I
opening of the mighty river by
the federal government. The
waterway will not help us un
Whether we, build
roads by means of a bond is-
or by levying a special tax
matter of connecting with
Columbia river will be of
utmost importance and the
possibility of rate reductions
as a consequence of river con
IK ctiona will afford
argument for road
tures by the people.
Dttty, one rear, hj mail
I'ally, all month, by mall
Oallj. three mouth, by mil
I'aiiy. one month, hy mail
I'ally, one rear, by carrier
liallj, li month, by carrier
I'ally. three moatliK. hy carrier
Dally, one month, by iarrler
Semi eet ly . one year, uy man -
Semi Weeaiv. ill m.nth. by mall ...
Hemt Weekli. four months, by mail...
2.50 i
7.60 '
3 75
1.95 i
Will I III RJ 'S so on
litre if a lyric of sharing and
haring .iliKe. hy o J Coffin. In
The Charlotte observer:
Whoso liveth for himself
Gains naught by living.
What hoot it tame, warm place
When the
what is It
"Pleasure unshared
worth I
A song no singer.
Old age alone, no fire on hearth
But beck'ning finger
"Of grisly white calls Over Yon
A small soul knowing
Not even how to been pay on
The debt that's owing.''
tion. even when amended by
its author to confuse the issue,
as a thing unfit. The manifest
we nave a way ot reaching intent ot the majority was to
wipe out the entire obnoxious
good proposition by the sweeping
process of tabling. The minor
ity claims that the matter
should have been held open
for future discussion : the ma
jority had heard enough of it,
and was not willing that there
should be any further delay.
the best ' It was a case in which the thing
expendi- to be done, if done well, should
be done quickly. Only those
desirous of deceiving them
selves are in doubt as to the
meaning of the Senate action,
Christian Xeipneo Mnnitvr
FORE Henry Cabot! .
Lodge, republican, of! The action of the Umatilla
t I i -a a a
.Massacnuseus, ana jonn county school directors in en
Sharp Williams, democrat, ofidorsing the Senator Chamber
Mississippi, in the senate chain-1 lain idea of getting 40 per cent
ler on Thursday morning. 'of the 0. & C. land grant
threw partisanship and facti- .money for the school fund wal
the law of supply and demand has lees
to do with the price of crude oil at
the well and of oil distillates on the,
market than Standard Oil's own prl-
vate amendments to that law
The matter Is one for whu It refu
tation run cosily furnish a remedy.
Some part of the present unearned in-,
crement In the high cost of gaioUttol
and other oil products can be t.ikcnl
out hy making pipe line rates uni
form, other ways of taking out a fur
ther fraction of the unearned incre
ment undoubtedly ran also be found.
sorxiu:i i'iiwu;
enahsm and petty personality 'certainly timelv.
to the winds and sprang to the known this was
lefense ot the president of the
As far as is
the first or
ganized effort by school forces
"What is your nam,
foreign tourist
The negro bow
"Mv name's Geo
at your service."
"Washington? Washington
tered the tourist. "It seems
have heard the name before
"Shouldn't wonder, sah,"
the negro in a delightful 1
been here doing this sort o
the last 10 years."
1 in a pleaaa
:e WashingU
m tu
rns i
United States, his prerogative, to aid the plan and shows Uma-
P.is foreign policy and especi- tilla county is awake to the sit-
ally his attitude toward
'German submarine decree
servance of which would con
cede the right of another pow-,
er to dictate the terms upon i
which citizens of the United;
States might travel on the high
seas, the best looked for and
hoped for by friends of the ad- j
ministration was that the Gore !
resolution of compliance and
advance condonation might be j
tabled by a vote of 2 to 1. The
vote by which it was tabled j
yesterdav was practically 5 to
The meaning of this may be
Oregon 'hidden from those senators;
the uation
runston is exactly the man
for the job. if his reputation
means anything.
i ten n
; isoi.im:
Weary Waggles, having
hearty lunch, turned to say
to his hostess.
What!" she cried. "doing
Why. you haven't more tli
mowed the lawn "
"No, mam." said Weary.
see. lady, I kind o' thought some
er poor feller wantln' a Job might be
comln' along soon, and If I done It all
there wouldn't be nothln' left for
him "
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch.)
The Trade Commission report on
petroleum pipe lines has new points
for a public already familiarised with
Standard (Ml methods by the most
voluminous literature extant relating
to a single industry.
It narrates with fresh details the
old story of an almost nncannv stand.
This is distinctly ipathize with them; we t h in K . I ard on ingenuity in utilizing its su
of northeastern j however, it is perfectly clear to - Perior resources for an unfair sup-
V all eastern
Op? towns Pendleton's "place iwho cast their votes in the neg
in the sun" is the most ative, and from those who sym-
the hub city
Oregon, that title
' Isn't it funny?" said Gladys curi
ously to her chum. Phyllis. "Father
has promised to give me a pair or
diamond earrings If I will stop having
music lessons. I wonder why?"
"That's strange!" agreed Phyllis
"But you've never worn earrings,
have you ?"
"No. I shall have to get my ears
"That explains it." said Phyllis, an
innocent smile curving her ruby lips.
"He wants to pay you back in your
own coin."
I'endleton because oi its geo
graphical location and its won
derful railroad connections.
On many occasions has the
location of this place been rec
ognized as supreme in eastern
Oregon. Such recognition was
shown in the selection of Pen-
ieton as the place for the east
ern Oregon session of the state
supreme court. It was shown
in the designation of this town
us headquarters for the federal
court in eastern Oregon. It
was strikingly shown when
the Eastern Oregon State Hos
pital was located here after a
rnmnlete investigation had
demonstrated this place to be
the logical location because of
economy of administration and
the healthfulness of our cli
mate. Another tribute was paid
to our territorial position when
the United States forestry of
fice was moved here.
As in the past so in the fu
ture will Pendleton's location
prove an important factor in
connection with local growth
and development. At times
new blessings will come to us
almost in the nature of sur
prises. The freight terminal
w as located near here without
effort on the part of the city.
Six weeks ago no one knew we
were soon to have a harvester
factory in course of construc
tion. Rut we have it underway
p.nd it will soon be in success
ful operation giving employ
ment to many people.
There will be further oppor
tunities open to us in the fu
ture beyond question. "Unto
those that hath, shall be given'
is a motto that covers our case.
We have a live and busy town
fend business begets business,
People see that we have a
"place in the sun" and that is
the sort of town they seek.
The only essential is that the
town maintain an open door
policy toward worthy new en
terprises and be ready to get
a rope on all good
that come our way.
falling to the great mass of the electorate prVf'n of
lM 6 . . . . . Of five Miu Unas In
C t flVA Blk. K-, i V, I . 1 . 1
,1 T , m a I wa. HIT j'l i'l' IllltV 111 LI IV III Hit. Willi-
of the country. In the homely ; nemal regln the thTee lea(1ing t0 the
phraseology SO often employed j most important oil refining centers are
during the present week, the ! controlled by Standard Oil. The oth-
time had come for a show- er ,w" are n" -omPetit;ve la the sam.
j i i . , territory.
down. At length was it ne-1 comml8sion r.portil ln;lt tho
cessarv to recognize the issue. transportation costs are a large factor
The hour of compromise, tlk-:'n the price of crude oil delivered at
ing for effect, and postpone- ,ne r?flner' B' a est-m f "lri-
. , , , T . , , . mum shipment requirements and dls-
rnent had passed. It had t Crtmlntory charges the independent
last become imperative for sen- i producers are handicapped in utilizing
ators to Choose sides ; with the economical pipe line transport In get-
"resident and his nolicv. or ! tin th,ir 011 10 tne ig refining plant.
against them. And the affirm
ative decision w as registered in
a vote of 68 to 14.
I Just how great the discrimination is
appears from the computation that if
' Standard oil's products had paid the
! same rates as independents
Pendleton. Or ,
the Osteopath
(By Dr. E R Haslop
How wonderfully
lifts the load
So shines the light of this new
n a trouriieit worm. sot,
llnnk statement Called Por.
WASHINGTON. March 13. The
comptroller of the currency today
culled for a statement ot the condi
tion Of the national banks at the
close of business March
Much eomnlaint is heineithe ulPe llne!l profits would average
mnHfl hv unolnr. in tho minnr. I 41 P" tent a
muu mi jvaiuvvAaj ail wiv iililivi .r. r,r.tnn
ity regarding the procedure! we are thus shown
that branded the Gore resolu- been so many times in the past, that i strength. Adv.
strength comes from well digested
and thoroughly assimilated food
products i Hood's Sarsapai llla tones the diges
tive organs, and thus nullds up the
instead of about strength. If you are getting 'run
I down." begin taking Hood's at once.
we have It gives nerve, mental and digestive
Livestock Sale
At Public Auction
Sat. Mar. 18, 1916
Mules range in weight from 1150 to 1400 and from I! to 7 years old, Horses from
1300 to 1500 and from 4 to 7 years old. All good straight, sound stock, with lota ol
bone and quality. Stock can be seen at Walla Walla Fair Grounds three days before
sale. Absolute sale. No by-bidding; no boosters. A fair deal to all. Don't forget
the place and date.
TERMS Time will be given until October 1. 1916, on approved note bearing 8
per cent interest. Three per cent discount for cash. It's worth your time to see this
stock, whether you buy or not.
J. H. LUCK Owner
W. D. BARCLAY, Auctioneer
Paxton Bros. Clerk
"I don't believe you'd be able to
stand the punishment," said the pug
ilist to the man who had applied for
a Job as sparring partner "Have
you had any experience "
"Sure I have " replied the applicant
"I used to play next to Charlie Chap
lin in the movies.
F. B. Walker of Kuhy, Alaaka. who
Is visiting relatives In Walllngford,
Vt., owns the third largest nugget
ever found In Alaska It weighs 7 1-2
Sixteen Big League Managers Have Their Clubs Training in the Sunny South
ROM a host of people the!
Kast Oregonian is receiv- j
ing congratulations oni
the stand it has taken in favor
of road connections with the i
open Columbia river. People!
are able to see the economic
advantage of gettinu in posi
tion to make use of the great
transpuration artery that has
brought us freight rate reduc-j
tions in the past and will do so ;
to an even greater extent in the
future if we take intelligent
action. They are aware that
we must assert ourselves if we j
are to get the benefits from the i
BILL Cfi8mANZ JL ',"'".rj O W T M JSfw
CLWLtND f j(BK 1 U WmimJ' 7 -wL ca ROUK
fjjk Aix 5PRING$ U- V, MACON SFl Y"
Detroit VrfARUWCg) Xsl X VTONA
J sr. lous wr. GUi- HrrMoeM f isasm tor.
I me. x. flvtLd. Ntr. imfm L I
pounds. It WM found In the clean
up" In th mud and dirt taken from
the bed of the river. The value of
the nugget Is 11914
S. S. Gives Quick Relief by
Toning Up the Blood.
tint bow? natursJ aaMtlaa
Tho annwM g I hat VOU IVMltt clean n
your MonO hy MtlnnilntlnR It t
healthy, vinorntis urtlou. to (hut It wilt
throw "ff tne rnu hh-i impuritica thai
i iiiiPf Hh'Minwitlum The ftctlon of th
ronderfal blood purlfltr, B. B. 8.. In to
pnftctlcftll) renew tht life blood, (rlvlnw
It vinni. nt)mulate flow. runklnK 't
throw out th ki "i" th po&on
Impurltlei Tha excruciating pinn nf
nheumatlpm, whvthffr it i Hit thot-
ntf, MliihldTiK Bolftttlt, th1 Kfippln
iiicony RVUOCUlltr n h f U imvl 1 1WL "
nrhinK brtna ftnd -k? th.it k up
lecp, win be enttrl rVllovod by f i
s. !tn't tint noitrttm ind drusi, Tithtj
th blood hut h nitturo'i blood tonh .
aS. s. k Qt it iit (tn drugv ltt4 ltu(
tnnlfit tipnrt S H H l.ft ue tHt r0U
ithout blood rtlf tlfiii Sftul for tooklt.
"WJimt th- Mirror Telln." or If Toon
U a j."- ul .11 write Swift BptolMc
Co., Atlanta, Oa,, but begin treatment
ttt onoe.
When he was young '
He gn-w hlg and strong
On "BHAN-NKW," the little dear.
And grown-upa too,
Will like "1IIIAN-NKW."
It's made and bottled here.
it home,
City Brewery
Telephone tin