East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 13, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ONLY a nickel. The child takes
only a nickel to the grocer for
. a loaf of bread. And only a nickel
from a multitude of homes grows
into one of the largest annual ex
penditures of the American family.
Only a nickel. The passenger
hands only a nickel to the street
car conductor. And from multiplied
nickels arise giant traction com
panies carrying their millions of
Small as a nickel is the owner
of a great nickel business is under
a heavy responsibility. He is re
sponsible to thousands of people
not only to every one who buys his
commodity but every time they
buy it
All this comes close home to us.
We have a nickel business. Our
commodity is purchased millions
of times in the year.
Every time it is bought we are
responsible for its flavor and fra
grance for its easy drawing and
even burning properties.
We are responsible to every
OWL smoker, for every OWL
M. A. GUN ST & CO.
i single g lq0Qm-
she had need to M fm V. 7
1,1 the a yk
more she'd B3 vfli
debated problem ..f H M'S'i:
- I
PendtoUM Tin- Pacemaker.
Mi. liulldogger: You I'endletonl
tins are always boasting of your pro
gressive nplrtt. How do you account
for thf fact that you still have spell
ing beta In your schools und that your
citizens Htm to prefer checker and
horseshoes to bridge and baseball
Your pleasant fllnn. W. W OOmel
at an untimely lime Just last week
read In your home papers that
WlUa Walla has decided to stage a
PelUtl8 contest along the lines fol
lowed In Pendleton, and If you travel
true to form, meth'nks there will be
a nvival of checkers and horseshoes
n your midst In a ear or bo. Ed.
This Didn't Realll Happen.
a teacher in the Pendleton schools
thought lo lest the knowledge of her
Scholar! on current events in con
nection with their i imposition vork.
Thus she directed them to build a
sentence using in It the names of the
governor and the secretary of state of
Oregon, She was surprised to receive
the following Ingenious!) constructed
sentence from one boy: "(leorge
Washington Jackson, the darkey boy
Ifl our class, had bugs In his hair and
we olcott them Wlthycombe."
HMD D. (iray.
An unmarried Hurry named Gray
Lived the life of a bachelor gay,
When asked If he'd wed,
i He emphatically said,
"No, nit, nix, never, nay. nay."
went undraped without
fear Or
Thought that
Twas only whet
That she beca
And found that i
to grapple
With the mud
the nude.
Thereafter she di
Her time and I
Ami that was tl
Reaction s come
Now g rls com
Il would seem th
that's dec
Some one otigl
'round ag.
Bui' Your Own KulMogger.
A man who was too economical to
j subscribe for his home paper sent his
I little boy to borrow the copy taken
I by lus neighbor, In his haste the boy
I run aver I 14 stand of beeB and in
10 minutes looked like a warty sum
mer squash. His cries reached his
I fetter, who ran to his assistance, and.
IfsU'ng to notice a barbed-wire fence.
Iran Into it. breaking it down. cuttimf
in handful of fh-sh from his anatomy
land ruining a tr, pair of pants. The i t im (,f discrimina
I old cow took advantage of the gap in
the feme and got into the cornfield
and killed herself eating green corn.
Healing the racket the wife tan. up.
set a four alhm churn of rich cream'
Into a basket of kittens, drowning the
whole flock. In her hiirr she drop
I ped a $2". set of false teeth. The
baby, left alone, crawled through the
I spilled cream and Into the parlor
rtiinlnn a $30 carpet. During the ex
i cttement the oldest daughter ran
Way with the hired man the dog
j broke up eleven setting hens and the
calves got out and chewed the tails off
four fine shirts. - Kansas Cits Journal.
True sai-rlflcr-.
fleorge Hartman says he thorough
Iv believes In the institutions of Lent
He says he is forgoing parsnips znd
ping pong during the forty days of
kernul Howl to kt-mul Wood.
It must be excruciatingly exasper
atlngly embarassing to the good peo
ple of the metropolis over the hill to
have in their Midst an editor v.hn is
continually offering veiled proposal!
of mil rr age to the leading actresses ot
the nation, through Ihe medium of
h's nefarious sheet.
Anyway, for the general relief of
the long suffering Weston communi
ty. 1 hope he'll eventually succeed,
end to avoid undue disparity In age.
I would suggest he try the dlvtn
Sara. --Athena Press.
The noble red man is still the vie-
a Mutually
Indian was sent to the Walla Walla
pen for merely stealing a pair of silk
stockings when his paleface brother
would also have tried to run away
with the contents. -Weston Leader.
Was Carrying onin a i .-.hi
This wouldn't have happened when
the town was wet. Commissioner Mat
Cockburn of MUton hopped off the
rattlers the other day carrying a grip
so heav) that his right shoulder sag
ged. A friend or two OH the plat-
"Big Debate on March M.
gene, March 13. Which has the besi
debating squad this year. Stanford
University of Oregon or 1'niversity o!
Washington ?
The answer will be heard on the
night of March 21 The three unlver
sltles are then to meet in a triangu
lr contest
"Resolved, that Ihe 1'nited States
should maintain a navy above th'rd
rank in flghtlni: efficiency." is the
The lineups will be: At Palo Alt
Stanford affirmative against Wash
ington negative: at Eugene iri gon
affirmative against Stanford negative
at Seattle. Washington affirmativi
against Oregon negative.
llevt ihe parehednesi of their throats.,
Varj promptly, then, they volunteer.
led lo carry the grip. Mac Is a wise
old owl, He gave the boys a wink
"ContC "ti up to the garage." he st'ld
j'And we'll open her up." Grunting!
under the load the friends carr ed the i
England i Drinking Leas,
LONDON, March 1 1, Replying to
tember. IHI5, to date, 104.1 civilians
im lulling many women and children
kava Imm kitlu.1 or woilmlerl liv hog.
a deputation of the temperance coun- dropped bv
til of Christian churches. David aircraft lii the Belgian mid French
Lloyd George, minister or munition! districts occupied by the Germans,
aid that the police record! ShOWedUhe Overseas News Agency said to-
., reduction of something like i" pai i day
lb" killed during the
lo ,i grip lo tin- gt
'pened t. Inside v
d his automobile.
Apple a- IimIc-
i:d Averlll picked
ag.- where M.i
1 1 Breeder.
up the folio'
Harry Putnam of Rochester, N. Y
trapped a rohin recent' and found
tied to Its legs a note w ritten by Mis"
Beta trice Hinman of Washington
inviting the Under to address her i:
he was under SO, single and good look
ing Mr. Putnam replied at once.
A BCsKiBc Against folds.
The nearest thing to a specif
against colds is a sleeping porch or
open bed room and a cold sponge bath
, every morning when you first get up
cenl In drunkenness throughout th
country- He hoped the nation would
l e convinced that success In war llke
I) depended on removing the draw
upon Its efficiency caused by drink
However successful In war the
country might be, he added, he mu
convinced that victor) in this matter
would be the greatest triumph of ail
onth 01
IVbruaf) Included 17 women and 1"
Children and wounded L'ii male clvi!
luns, 46 women and 'Jl children, tlx
st item- ;it declares.
i verses in the course of his travel am
Isulunts them thinking that they con- j Even then you will occasionally take
I tain a suggestion as to how to use the n cold, especially when colds are rpi
I surplus of the northwest apple crop: Identic and when you no you will fin-1
Tailored Suits
That Are Graceful
These splendid Tailored Suits emphasize in a forceful
manner, the pre-eminence of Alexander's in Women!
Apparel of the Finest Type. Our other ready-to-wear
lines are now complete and we are more than pleased
to have you visit our store and inspect them.
COATS, WAISTS, PETTICOATS, and in our Shoe de
partment you will find the new washable white kid
shoes that harmonize so well with this season's garments.
sol It ffTOMACH,
' Whi
i every pool in Kde
,d unto Eve her
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a great
! help in enabling you to get rid of it.
Try it. Obtainable everywhere
In a good .Near Frame pays ta
n more than s thousand millions
Get a 10-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, head and nose clogged up
with a cold always trace this to tor-1
pid liver; delayed, fermenting food in I
the bowels or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in the In-1
testines. instead of being east out ol
the system is re-absorned Into the
biood When this porson reaches thcl
delicate brain tissue it causes conges
tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken
ing head;. che.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, lemove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess
bile from the liver and carry out all
tne constipated maste matter and poi
sons In the bowels.
A Ciscaret tonight will sure'y
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep a 10 cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet and your liver
e.nd bowels regular for months.
"Booteier to lli- listed.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. March 11.--The
names of all person." arrested for.
Intoxication and the places where
they obtained their liquor . hereafter
will be published by Chief of Police
Robert Schmidts, according to an an
nouncement made by him
"This will be done." he said, "to
discourage drugstore proprietors from
selling atcohol to customers in caseo
Where the druggists are not absolute
ly certain that the buyers want the
alcohol for chemical or mechaniccl
l I and
-;VHeir :
i V, , the '
World s finest Talking MaohiM
EdisonDisc 1
Needs no needles. The diamond I
point makes every record play per
fectly without the bother of chang
ing needles or danger of spoiling
New Machines and New Records
Just RcwlYed.
Waairen's Music
Apron Time
I j bkitkh an p wamrmm r i v " 1
I hf" ' I the 1 1 i-P?!iJie'Bii- jSEr
K'fsrHl r 1 .1... coi rinu Ihelr extra ef- I I.W- -f 3r
Pffi' Jl T . . iiitirUlM ! i Here ire tvpes of Montenegrin w- women are dre-sed In their Suioi.i . the-.
pXlTN. ALv J. Iv. VAUOtlAN I b -st waiting al a depot where rre This li
fti men driven from their homes h the ,0 kfp ftBn from (Ur.CK ,.
invutlcn of Austrian (too pa These valion. icine.
Women start xmd lii't-'
BASEL, Switzerland March 11.
Travelers front Cologne sa- that food ;
riots broke out in the market place I j
The say that women who regard-1
ed the prices as ton hfgh made violent j ;
manifestations and that the police ij
charged the ,rovd Several person!
were injured
And the Popular Caah Store has given special
attention to everv thing new in BUNGALOW
APRONS, HOUSE DRESSES and three piece 5
Bungalow Sets. You can be pleased in style,
s quality and price.
These aprons and dresses are made of select percales
E and ginghams, and are shown in many different styles.
I BUNGALOW APRONS range in price from 49f to 98r 1
I THREE PIECE BUNGALOW SETS including extra large
5 sizes. P. C. S. price $1.49
I HOUSE DRESSES range in price from 98' to $1.49 1
I Also little Bungalow Aprons for children, ages 2 yrs. to 5
I G yrs, 35c ; and 6 yrs. to 12 yrs. 49r.
j Popular Cash Store j
Better Goods for Less Money
Hundreds of people have been re-!
Ileved of the agonies caused by weak
diseased or cldgged-np kidneys by
using Sulvax. the new remedy that
quiikh retv h-s the source of all kid
nev complaints
If you suffer with rains In your!
hack and sides or have any signs ol
kidney or bladder trouble such all
rheumatic pains, purty swellings un-j
dcr the eyes or in the feet and an-t
kles. if you are nervous, tired and
run down, or bothered with urinar)
disorders. Botvaa will quickly audi
surely relieve ou of JTOUr misery
Solvax !s the most potent remed
et devised for ridding the system of
uric acid an.l drivin;: out all the pol
son uis Impurities wnich cause such
troubles It neutralizes, dissolves .in 1
make- the kidnes sirt out all the
uric acid and poisons left by the
blood, and renders the kidnev and
Note the Success Signs
Tallin. til A: Co. the popular .lrua
Myi that no meoiclne ought to
id for unless it does the user
tmiekly relieve the worst CAMA of kid
ney trouble or refund the money Tr
(lepras todUJI and If yon cannot see
I a decided riangt for h.- bet
go lo Tallman & Co 'and tell
ii want Hour mone back and
ill return It without question
the strongest argument in it
offered in hehalf 0 any med i
Newspaper advertis
ing shows which way
the trade is going.
Note the pages of ad
vertising in today's
Kast Oregonian and you
will see at a glance that
the list of merchants,
manuf acturers, and
other advertisers com
prise the most progres
sive and the most suc
cessful business and
professional men in our
Advertising and suc
cess go hand in hand.
You don't see a concern
constantly advertising
in the newspapers un
less it is successful.
Also, the houses that
make the NgfWt suc
cesses nowaday! do so
by satisfying and pleas
ing the public on whom
their lucetu il based
Ami in order to fi ti ''
the public the most 9UC
cessf til busiBflgg and pro
fessional men use news
paper advertisinjf.
Kacb depends
the other.
Good business men
and good newspapers,
working together, spell