DAILY EVENING EDITION I rt s ftttp DAILY EVENING EDITION Til ADVERTISERS WEATHER Tonight ana Sunday r.ilr fvndlctn Tom'raltires yixii-nUr. Maximum T4, minimum tz. rain full 0; wlnil wear, light, weather clear, The Kant Ori'gonlan ban the i mhi ald circuit t tun of uhj paper tu OrtagOO- paat ot 'ortlati.l and oftr lwlt! th Mri-iilatlon Id reodlotoo uf any utht-r ufwapaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916. NO. 87M COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER lVJPty How Pendleton Observed Starting of Work on Blewett Harvester Factory J " " "-' ". " a . alaWB'B ' ' ' " ' '" 5 Baaaaaaail tlata iBiiLflLiVBVLwlBii aaaaaaaW I n Xjim LbK -LaaalBfi aH bbibbV j AwTavla MBraaaaaaWwjaaaaaaal mt' taaaaaTaataaaW MBW aaaaaTtaaal IF I fl M laaaaM taaaaT iiaaaal aaaaw iaal-iaay " tm Photo by w The ftbovt pli tun- by nun Wfti tak. n durlrt brjkinf cormnons for UarvMtvr Oompftny'i ji Afternoon in the ptctu man, former orwldeni Bowman r ndtat Que Dash to Be Made hito Mexico S. l!ov. met'la ground on the Blewett ii c. Thursday Lansda t r -rer H. E. Blewett, VC McCook, secre- eting was held by the nm' mm-i president. iv and directors were chosen us ; tary. : A R. Blewett, h c. Blew On the Round-up grandstand, shown L s Btntley, E C. McCook and j in the background f the picture ar-i ft, Kale.v. The officers of the com- i pear the dates for the great ahOW to! iv will be A it. Hiewett. president I b '-.eld here thla fall. honor to Inform the constitutionals chief that "reafter. The j plain English ust lie written In Spanish and sent 3 i n is iw W Ml n AMERICANS REPORTED ABOARD FRENCH MAY BE MII(. ION Mali Ii 1 I - I.i-.m !m -aid ihM tile nrr- gtan sieamcr Mlin-. iorMilnNt near Havre ( i-grried seven Inter 1 1 tut k and wa sunk without warn ing, Three of the or wi-n lirownOd, la- tnicr'niii wnc saved. iinniiiliiitcl upon - - - i i nf dtapait-he, the iate uneiit mroi annMiiKrd tin erica mwM iiiMd io strict eoconnl the nation whose KUbmBiiue made the at luck, pnovldod the miriiljii r-ie'ri xiii confirmed ThU ras- may Im- the nit n'l'lniu oon fronted during the itubtnMinr dl- )MIC if the attitude of the ndmintatra' tion has nnt ( h.uued. America muat in-isi en the Immedlatr disavowal of the torpedoing of the siiius. a repara tion and punishment of the offending submarine eommuinler if this is de manded It Is behaved ll will he grant ed without hesitation and without all erehange of notes. Kven though the submarine made sure of the passen gers' safely, America would not be satisfied. The tflllus wbji en route from New fork t" Havre with a cargo of wheat The Norwegian eonsulate said this iftemeon that four Americans were among the crew of 17 aboard the Stilus. FORCED BACK ON COLUMBUS, Kareb 11 "The Am erican invasion of Mexico will make Villa a national hero." Captain Far- ing Thursday s raid, declared today iearned with regret the lamentable I censorship "Villa probably w ill retire before I Incident at Columbus on account ot the Americans for a time but in the the assault suffered from bandits led' by Villa. Although mere have been a number of forces In Chihuahua to reestablish order and afford protec tion to nationals and foreigners, ever since Villa appeared in the mountains, the first chief ordered the tlmelv departure of 2500 men with Instruc- 'amiliar territory against desperate' Hons to actively pursue the bandits ind treacherous foe. there ig no doubt , who had Just crossed the line into 'EASl UK PItOVIORS FOR MOX Amerlran? probably would suffer. American territory, which thev un-' 1,74 iw rVTO THK schism j Interior he will be strengthened a ! hundred fold. All Mexicans will re iSent the invasion." To minimize AnierU-an losses. Gen- eral Ftinston has been directed to I strike hard and qmevty. Facing a campaign of guerilla warfare in un- Chamberlain Bill Endorsed by the County Directors r j . IS---' "" heavi, casualties. By an overwhelm-! douhtedly dhl compefted by the ins ano suuuen envelopment or anicious pursuit of our fors. FIND IUE MEUSE LI Villa's Plan to Massacre Mormons Foiled; U.S. Troops Will be Ready to Move on SMm Tlmst 0 ,he Ge,mas Bandits Monday, Reported Zteme III:. n the Mexican Northwestern thej had positive Information I Villa planned to intercept the Mor- I mon at Ousraan umi massacre ail I They left Ascension ut dn break for jOuiman with 104 followers. A siriet oensorshlp is being main I tallied here, it was reliablv reported the Wyomlni gnrtisons have been or dered to the border. No movements of American troops are apparent here. FUnston is remaining at San Antonio, and Pershing probabl) win have ac tive charge of the invasion. Troops are not likely to enter Mexico before I Monday, The soldiers ure highli Villa's plan pleased at the prospect of real action, in Mormons j Carranaistas are preparing to aid the been f .11 d I American forces. .. .. . The death of another wounded sol dier at Fort Rllss made the total Am B lerican dead In the Columbus raid In. , Vllllstaa raided a ranch at MalpalS, New Mexico last night. Troops were SAN FRANCISCO, Mar 11 Every soldier :n the Western department of the army are under orders to be rend) for field service In Mexico. The In. itructions came from Washington, DOUdLAS, March 1 1 - The I'ariini zislas cooperating with the Americans will wear a red bund around their arms to distinguish them from the Villlstas. according to orders General CalleS issued todnv. Wheat Prices Drop in Chicago Today CHICAGO, March 11. (Special.) May, opening price. $111 it; cdoalng price. $1.09 3-8: July, opening. $1 OV 7 -I, . losing. $1.08 1-2. PorUsind. PORTLAND, ore., March 11 (Special I Merehants' Exchange prlees today, club. bid. SO. asked, 96: bluestem, US bid. It.tl usked fivesspooL UtVIhHlOOLi March 10, Wheat Spot No 1 Manitoba, 14s ltd; No. t hard winter, gulf. 12s ltd; No. 2 red western winter" Us. In American terms the Uverpool top price for Spot No. 1 Manitoba Is $.' 11 per bushel. Special Room is Arranged for Care of the Children NEWS SUMMARY General. Mennior Is sunk without warning Is report. Unertisnua ald t have hr'n ii ha Mini. Iml HegtOOt directors endorse Chamber lain . ft C. Itlll. ysrmY depatjr wanlw clianrcd with killing dm-. That ti" mother In the city ma' have an excuse to remain aw-uy from the "Better Babies" mass meeting next Monday afternoon because of her children, the ladles In charge having arranged for u special room for the care of children during the meetlne and will have rnmnetent It -1 dies In charge of the room The only thing asked of the mothers Is thai they bring one toy with them The meeting is to be held in the Moose Hall, beginning at :! o'clock and everv parent Is asked to attend. Mrs. George W. McMath of Portland, president of the Oregon Congress 0j Mothers, will be the principal speak er. DC, Guy L Hoyden will speak on the proper care of children and Miss Alice Htitler, head of the domestic science department, will discuss und Illustrate, the proper playthings for Children M USClnl numbers will be furnished by Misses Kdna Zlmmei man and Edna Coutts. A social hour and refreshments will follow the general meeting. Lit erature upon the subject of "Better Babies" will be distributed The mass meeting has bean arrang ed by the club ladles of the city with the Civic Club taking the Initiative The committee on arrangement from the Civic club Is headed by Mrs Roy T. Bishop. Mrs. F B Aldrlch and Mrs. c S. Jerafd, Mrs. George H. Clark and Mrs. Chartes Bond. From the Thursda) Afternoon Club Mrs Wilson I) McNary. Mrs. W. c Mc Kinney ami Mrs, Roy T. Bishop were appointed in addition Mrs. John k Montgom ery, vice president of the Oregon con gress of Mothers. Rev. W. IV McNary. chairman of the advisory board of the Pendleton Parent-Teachers' Council. Mrs. C. C. Whlteman. Mrs E. I.. Smith and Mrs R H. Wilcoy. presidents respectively of the parent teachers' association of the Lincoln, Hawthorne and Washington schools have given vulunble service In pre paring for the meeting BRITISH SEIZE LONDON, March 11 A sudden German thrust at the Corbeaux Woods imperilled the French on a five mile front west of the Meuse, dispatches said. The Germans are reported to be wasting lives recxlessly in an at tempt to advance to the Forges-Cum-ieres road. Success would force Gen eral Joffre to evacuate the trenches on Goose HIM and at Bethincoutt. Paris admitted a German gain, but declared counter attacks recaptured the positions. Reports are contradic tory regarding the results of the in tense fighting at Vaux last night. The French admitted the Germans occu pied a few houses In the village nt Vaux I Zouaves and sengetese fought des perately in the streets of Vaux Thev j rushed the Germans from the town at' the point of bayonets. Pails reported "These troops drove their bayonets home with an overarm! plunging stroke entirely unlike th" method of the llritlsh or French In fantrymen The Germans suffered heavily from artillery and machine guns. Yet. when whole companies of Teutons were being swept into eter-, nlty, the kaiser's ureas bureau an nounced they h id captured the fort ress Pe Vaux "After a bombardment the Ger-j mans charged between Troyon and i Barryaobac. The! were repulsed I Successftilh counter-attacking', the l French drove the Germans from! communication trenches southeast of Bethlncourt Fast of the Meuse. th! Germans made desperate efforts to1 capture De VaUl and the village ot Vaux They seized a few houses of the church but elsewhere were re pulsed. Cannonading in the Woevrs district continued the bandits, however, the army hopes to prevent extensive fighting. If Vil la is not crushed qurckly and decis ively, the administration believes mil itary operations on a larger scale will be necessary, WASHINGTON, March 11 The senate foreign committee today unani mously approved the president's ac tion In regard to Mexico after Stone submitted the official news Carranza's foreign minister tele graphed Washington without definite. Iv approving the expedition to pursue Villa. In turn he asked permission to send Mexican troops to American ! territory in case of a repetition of the raids. The note refers to the similarity of t. Wi,h onlv on dissenting vote, the the Geronimos Indian raids from the I'matllla county directors. In their 30 years session yesterday afternoon went on record as endorsing the Chamberlain "Recalling these incidents and the!bi" now hfore congress which pro- imo.t raenit. rr K,v, ..io. i ioes mat rortv ner cent of iho mvn,- united States into Sonora ago. count of the agreement of troops to;derived from th aaie of O. C. cross the border in pursuit of thejrant landa be Put in,n 'he state Irre. bandits, the first chief addresses the,duciMe 80,1001 fund. government of the United States re- The motin to end-orse the hill was questing permission for Mexican for-i d' Dv Erank Rack, a well known ces to cross into American territory i republican "f Riverside, and It was if the incursion into Cotumhus unfnr-j 0 ni1ed T. Reeves of Stan tunately should be repeated at any field. The sentiment m -,.,...r . ther part of the boundary line " I ravorable to the schoolmen that Secretary of War Baker said the'wnen ,ne resolution was voted upon General Funst rders with con' te will make his has expedition would be best described as a defensive expedition Funston can draw "n the forces of his department at will The war department, will strengthen the border parol. A against there It. The I'matilla county directors thus take a decided stand for a measure that is calculated to give to th. squadron of eight aeroplanes at San shools of the state a proper share of will dash across the boundar? everal different places. Funston': enients are being guarded secret mgress obliterated all partisan and promised to keep hands oft Republican Club is Organized at Spirited Meeting .lOHX McCOl'RT or POIlTLXD ni l O ERS UiBRESS or THE EVEXIXG. be called upon Immedi OLUMBL'8, March ll prisoners released b the mone to be derlver from the sal-. or the big tracts of timber and other land, known as the o ft c. grant : lands. mx Meal-1 the 13th i esterday were found dead to- Turks iv lictreatliu 1 east of town Their hod- PETRncRAD. March 11 Trebi rl. Idled with rifle bullets nd will be surrendered with little fed the prisoners were or- s stance. Tlflis dispatches said. Gum leave the city Some were 'n the harbor district have been .In. the rn ged to have been among the VII i raiders. Civil and n rities are investigatiiij American ranches south Junction. Arizona, were raided, live stock killed and property damaged it was reported today. This was sup poaedly the work of drunken Carran zista soldiers. El Paso police are ar resting former Vllllstaa, Genera Banda has been Jailed, charged wi;h vagrancy. A dozen of lesser rank have been eaugh-. One woundec VHUeta raider died last night at Co lumbus, reducing the prisoners P six. mantled and all valuables removed. The russlans are within a day's march. The fleet :s harrassing the retreuling ALLEGED LIQUOR THIEVES RUN DOWN AND ARRESTED At a verv enthusiastic meeting in "a,r "r"' "" wounueu : . " airswr won minks he can the curt room at the court house l ist vn! ' ""- dtd ' nht at Co- 'nvade the cellar of H,,ier I. Watts, night the Young Meal and Y.mr.g lunrbue, reducing the prisoners to !'r of Athena and caadidata f.,r Women's Republican club was per- ?i district attorney, and get awai with manently organised and John McCourt I - I" "h "if referring t his nrtvau president of the Oregon Republican' WASHINGTON. March 1 1. Repre-' tor,s' has I ne more guess Moling Club, delivered a very timely address sentative Hay, after a conference with Sald H"n,fr I this week demons rat on the subject of the part the Indi- I-snsing. declared the belief that Am- d thit hl" 'here with a truly H"- VldUa voters should take in politics, erienn troops are now well across the m'rlc vengeance when sach an He urged It as the duty of everv clt- ''order In pursuit of Villa The min- Perpetrated izen and voter to give all the time pos- ister- nf Argentine. Braxil. Colombia' Recently someone stole four , sible to the study of politics and po- nd Peru conferred with Lansing this "f P"rfectl good prohlbitian Iquor iltical questions for the voters were afternoon. j from Watts' cellar, three ,f wblekey primartlS responsible for the conduct Crrrnnza's proposal to allow Mexl- and ,HW wine The tther an Ho of the entire government He also can troops to enter American sell in M once swore to trail the Ihlef touched upon the various important pursuit of bandits probably will phases of national politics now in the granted. It became known today the limelight. His address was received administration favors the plan Ar- with Riany marks of appreciation and my aviators will probably have their there Was considerable applause dur Itfat real tryout In this campaign. t Ing the course of his remarks was reported that aeroplanes fr n The meeting was called to order by San Antonio ,md San Piego are ore to his den. Getting his firs- . the number of Jags emanating from a certain quarter, he proceeded find a to..) that he stool, in the p,-r- den he found one with kale and verv AMERICAN SHIP WASHINGTON. March 11. -Seizure of the Anier can steamer Stredna. for merlv the Mexican merchantman Ma zutlun by u British cruiser was con firmed today, It was taken Into port at the Falkland Islands. It carried a cargo of nitrate. No reason for the seizure was assigned It Is presumed the British wanted the cargo. BERLIN March 11 Making an j unexpected attack near Rhelms. the ! Germans penetrated the French lines for two-thirds .: , mile, on a 140. i yard front, headquarters announced. In the fighting iround Rhelms the Germans claimed the captured 73 7 men 12 machine guns and 13 mine throwers The French were cleared from Corbeaux and the Cumleres woods. The French attack on the village of Belanze was repulsed It was semi-officlnlly claimed the French losses to March totalled I, 500. .000. Or M S. Kern, temporal? chairmin i pare and the constitution and by -laws prepared by the committee were r to leave immediately for ,he hack with s front These will he used for scout- I Ing purposes and probably will prove. ; valuable In locating the bandits' rem - desvous If guerilla fighting predoml- lid "take Into of Fred Cat Upptted Kr.. I a Fre.i name a bottle Homes n own He had Purchased it froiii Ed McKitcheny, an employe of Uv. er stable McKHchrnv was Brotnei- w hlskev J he and adopted without anv diss voice. The officers elected Wi loiiows rrestdent, It. i Gray; vice nates, president Mrs G. 1 Ii DoW; serre-l tary. Bert Jerard: assistant Secretary, I SAN FRANCISCO March 11 I n Mrs William Courier treasurer, Qeo. route to the Mexican border, the First C Baer Members of the executive cav.ilrv stationed at Monterey, start committee Ben Burroughs, chair- ed south on a special train Anion man: C I- A Lonergan; Dr M s. lance detachments and a commls-aiy Kern. Pave ( Kelson, nr. I I . Tern- ouun were taken along. nr ITl'- i I p pie and Clarence tRSnop. The due,. PORTLAND "re V.rch 11 were fixed at $1 per year same charge NF.W YORK. March 11 Cable price of sugar Jumped II Sgplg g applying to both men and women. .companies announced today that all drrd wholesale 'oda ly haled before soon wrung a confess u result of the eonfe F.d Po.vf.ll was also a are being held In j. I also, to having stole, fore from Watt" sugar ITb-v PORTLAND "re tayof who vrr. " from klSS ion "iu-ml rested und both i't,e enf eased, . ' a-e on'e Im- fka