EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916. !!!!i!ilII!ilI!lll!!!!!tll!!lll!lllll!llllllP Sale of New Spring DRESSES at $10.75 Here is I bargain opportunity for Saturday. During the mild Spring days you will need a cloth dress that you l mi wear without your coat. While in New York city recently our buyer purchased these new Spring frocks at a concession that makes this remarkable sale price pos- Tht styles are the newest Spring effects, made of light weight but good quality serge or poplin in black, navy or Copenhagen blue, tan or mulberry. One model is of black serge combined with satin stripe taffeta with the new shoulder cape and military collar. Every dress is an extraordinary value that would ordi narily sell up to $22.50. During this special offer the price will be $10.75 PEARL BUTTONS A vast assortment "Mother of Pearl" Buttons. All sizes, lots of new shapes. Expressly for the trimming of waists, dresses and skirts. The dozen 5 to 81.00. PALM BEACH SUITING Comes in several qualities, 36 to 56 inches wide. Is popular on account of shade. Very practical for dresses, skirts and suits. The yard 500 to $1.25 LADIES' NECKWEAR Another lot ladies neckwear, such as collars and ties. Those new fancy crepe de chine ties with slide loop is proving quite a hit. Collars of organdie. Geor gette crepe and waxed voile in all styles. The prices range from ... 50c to 62.00 APRIL DELINEATOR The April Delineator is here for you. Patrons having cards, present and get same. BLACK SILKS There isn't any question as to black silks being worn this season, whether in suit, dress or skirt. In fact its always in good taste. You'll find a full and complete line of black silks at all times here. Black Taffeta. 36-in 98 to $2.00 Peau de Soie, 36-in $1.50 to $2.00 Trepe de Chine, 40-in. $1.25 to $2.00 Pussv Willow. 40-in $2.00 Ottoman. 36-in $2.00 ETC. ETC. Bargain Basement Bargains Coat For Spring Wear We have just sent to the Bargain Basement a new lot of the prettiest Spring Coats ever displayed in this department. For those who like the better things and wish to pay the lower price these garments exact ly meet your needs. They come in the newest silks and wollens and every gar ment bears the highest mark of class. Bargain Basement pr. $6.50 to $11.25 SATURDAY'S BIG SPECIALS Men's Overall All sizes, brown stripe, heavy weight, full bib, cost whole sale today, $1.15. Bargain Basement price 590 Men' Shirt Grey ginghams, collar attached, full chest and length. Regu lar 50c; Bargain Basement price 29c Women's Drew Skirt New Spring models in full flare styles of shepherd checks, black and navy blue, poplin and serge; regular $5.00 varae $3.49 Pretty Spring Suits at Attractive Prices. I "T. P. W. Pure Food Shop" 3 Phones All 15 CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE SATURDAY'S SHOPPERS will find a wonderful stock of FRESH FRUITS, VEGE TABLES and TABLE SUPPLIES in our SANITARY BASEMENT. Not only will you find the best assortment of strictly high grade groceries, but the CLEANEST, MOST SANITARY store in Pendleton. "If its from our store its clean." H CANDY SPECIALS For Saturday's H trade. New, bright candies that are pure and wholesome at popular prices. jjj ROSE BRAND ORANGES Fully ripen- ed fruit, the dozen 50c H ORANGE JUICE EXTRACTORS Large glass extractors, each lOr FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT Fancy, H heavy fruit, large size, each 15c H EGGS Strictly fresh ranch eggs, the dozen 25c APPLES Fancy Winesaps and Red cheeks, the box $1.75 WATER GLASSES Set of 6 30c to 85c RAISIN BREAD Freshly baked for to day's shoppers, loaf 10c MAPLEWEAR LUNCH SETS For pic nics or Dutch lunches, the set. .. 25c PEANUT BUTTER The pound. . 20c Delivered in our sanitary paper bot tles. T. P. W. SPECIAL, the BEST 35c COF FEE on earth. The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade mi'iiiuiitriiiiifiiimiiMiitimiiiiiiiiimiiHiiuinti Mr tad Mrs. C. S. Jackson celebrat-1 ed their 30th wedding anniversary last night, by entertaining with a banquet; at their home, followed by an evening! of Impromptu entertainment Their j guests were old time Mends from , eastern Oregon, who parsed several! davs with the Jackson as house guests. The table decorations and appoint-! meats were unusually artistic and; novel; a large vase filled with ex-1 ipiisite pink Ophelia roses was sur-j rounded with smaller vases contain lag buds of the Ophelia rows, this in turn being circled by a wreath of cor sage bouquet of pink buds, pink sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Each bouquet was tied to a pink Hb- Don, extending to the places, and as1 the guests pulled their ribbons theyj captured one of the dainty bouquets. : Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs F. E Judd, Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Hoose-j velt, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Robinson, DT. and Mrs. F. W. Vincent. Mr. andj Mrs. Leon Cohen. Miss Neva Lane. Mr .md Mrs H. F. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Taylor and the celebrants Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will further entertain their guests during their visit here with a theater party to night, motor trips and dinner at the Crown Point Chalet to lie included In the program of festivities. Portland i iregonlun. The boys of the christian church In rendleton have organised a local chapter of an Inter-draotnlattlonai and international order for boys be tween the ages of ten and twenty years. The new order Is called "Kap pa Sigma PI,'' or "The Knights of Saint Paul." It Is an organization whose purpose is to train the boys in right habits and religious Instruc tion based on the experiences of Paul The work is secret and comprises three degrees, according to the age of the boys The activities of the club can be made to Include all the right ful activities of boy life The local chapter is starting out with 16 char ter members. They meet every Fri day evening at the Christian church. COUNTY HOLD UP WELL .1. P. ROHINSDN, INVESTIGATING PAVING, IMPRESSED BY WHAT HE SEES. 1 President J F. Robinson of I'ma i tilla County Good Roads Association who is now in Portland looking over the road situation down there has the following to say regarding the hard, surface roads of Multnomah county; "By virtue of its recent bond issue, Multnomah county tiard surfaced in the most permanent way 10 miles of main trunk roads. Despite the stress of weather of the past two month'-, when unusual conditions prevailed. Multnomah's trunk roads are in splen ! did condition. Not only were the i roads otien for all sorts of traffic throughout the heaviest weather of the winter but the damage they sus-1 j taitied is trifling. Roadmuster Yeoh estimates alter 'going over the various trunk lines that 'all slides that came down during the ! heavy storms on the Columbia river highway und the other hard surfac ed roads of the county can be remov ed, at a cost not to exceed H!00. j Nor is this ail The roads perma-j ! nently improved were of such sub- stantial construction that not a fill ! settled, there was no washing away of j earth from beneath the hard surface j anywhere and at no point were i streams of water t unning over the ! road because careful attention had , been given to prevent just such a contingency and drainage was per-( , feet. i This is indeed a high tribute to i Roadmaster Yeun and his construc tion forces who had an eye single to ' permanent work that should serve the , future. Under old conditions, miles , of earth and macadam roads would have been Lmpan&blt Tor weeks fol lowing the severe weather of the win ter. Repairs would have amounted to a considerable sum. on top of which Would have been added the annual maintenance charge of $lm.io ! per mile, which Is in addition lo the 1 iirst cott of the roads. "Hard surface main trunk high ways not only Increase the comfort and well being of the public genera! ly by a percentage hard to esiimate but certainly running In to the hun dreds, but It Is also good business certain to appeal to the man who flg rres the annual cost of maintaining ihe old roads, which at their best were )Ut indltferent transportation medi ums as contrasted with the new ami perfect highways running throughout the county. "Almost the whole Interest charge on the county's bond issue was saved in the difference in the cost of main tenance. Besides, the public had the enjoyment and use of perfect roads during that time.'' It MARCH SAVE we DtoIIX A POUND m jWtjfjl I 1 Recipe for a good fi Bfegjg of good fresh air. m sj3 j Recipe for a Good OBI It-, r- l HL fbreaklast: Volga i I ra SEND OR Golden Gate Coffee. I TELEPHONE "SST SET f Sto S I ORDER TO 2H " 1.00 .76 J M YOUR 6 " 2.00 1.50 m DEALER Grocers will collect M . y Ihe difference porous, jj m V J. A. Folger 4 Co. M Ssn Frucuce COFFEE OUAUTY REPLY ON SEIZURE OF Clam a, ,-w and a MAILS IS ON THE WAY ! '!la, norn,al pa,-k '" an! the season. COU8 QUICKLY RELIEVED. Many people cough and cough from the beginning of Fall right through to Spring. Others get Mid alter c old Take Dr. King's New Dis covery and you will get almost inline-; diate relief. It checks your cold. I stops the racking, rasping, tissue-1 tearing cough, heals the Inflamma tion, soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take. Antiseptic and Healing. Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery today. "It Is certainly a great: medicine and I keep a bottle of it continually on hand.'- writes W. C. ! Jesseman, Fraconla.-N. H. Money back if not satisfied Adv. Cabinet May nmMni. ItoMK, March 9.--The cabinet was discussing the advisabllty of resign-, ing as the direct result of the resent I criticism. It finally was decided to leave the' question to King Victor Emmanuel II Emmanuel decides against the cab. inet it Is believed that a reorganlza-, Hon will be effec ted, Premier Salan j dra remaining at the nead of the new' cabinet. LONDON, March S The Anglo French joint reply to the American protest against the seizure of mails was sent to Ambassador Spring-EUC al Washington The British reply tec the American note on the bookade controversies is completed and goes to Washington on the next mail It con tains X000 words No hint of III con tents was given. Burglars Eye Farrrannt. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 8. Making I his rounds, speclul officer Lodge cap tured an armed man near the Fair mont hotel and later discovered tW" burglars trying to pry their way In-1 to a hotel window. The two escaped after returning Lodge's fire. Resinoj imlveMlt Armory BOM I.AFA YKTTK. Ind , March 9. The three-inc h field guns of Battery B of Purdue I'lilverslty. 1200 Kr.ig rifles and 7000 rounds of ammunition of the Purdue Cadel Corps were destroyed by fire at a loss of :n,noo when the Purdue armory burned here. The cause of the fire has not been determined. Mailing Craft Blown I'p. BOSTON, March 9. The fishing schooner Mary c. Santos, with 23 men on board, was blown up In the harbor by an explosion of gasoline that was being taken aboard .'rum an oil barge Harry Fisher and Preecott Bent were killed and 10 others of the crew were injured. Joseph Lewis was unac counted for late, and Is believed to I have been drowned. The schooner I sank soon after a rescue fleet of tugs and dories h id taken off those of the nun escaped injury. I'W win MOUNTAINEER STARTLED THE FRENCH 1 A$ 1 $ure to rise the Sun; i You can't always make everything "just so." Sometimes you will get in more shortening than usual; or make the batter a little thin; or it may not be convenient to put a cake in the oven the moment It is mixed; or your oven may not bake evenly and it is necessary to turn the pan around-none of these little uncertainties make the slightest diflcrence in results n you use Ms Baking Powder This modem, double-raise baking powder has unusual strength and I absolutely certain to raise your biscuits, cakes and pastry light and leathery. It generates an abundance of leavening gas both in the mix ing bowl and in the oven. The raising is sustained until the dough is cooked through. Housewives who use K C never have "bad luck" with their baking. Try K C at our ritk. Your grocer will refund your money if you are nut pleased in everv way. ST 7nn 1 1 iiiuw DESPEJ! VI E BIT! VI tOJf, "George, dear." she murmured soft ly. with the lovelight shining in he eyes, "do yotl know that this is lea "Vis. I do," replied George, "an If you look at me like that ag-on I n going to leap nut or the window." Your Freckles Need ileiition in Marc h or tine Mat Stay Cmvrert. Now Is the time to take special c ure of the complexion if you wish It to look well the rest of the year. Th Marc h winds have a strong tendency to bring out freckles that may sta all Summer unless removed Now Is the time to use othlne double strenglh This prescription for the removal of fre klei was written by a prominent phsieian and is usually so successful that It Is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund tile money if it j tails. Get an ounce of o thine dou ble strength, and even a few applica tions should show a wonderful Im provement, some of the smaller free k les even vanishing entirely. clams Few; Price Soars. ABERDEEN, Wash., March I. The Sea Beach Packing Company an nounced thnt it will pay c lam diggers $2.25 a hundred pounds for clams on the beaches, an Increase of f,0 cents over the prices offered last year, and the highest price by cents ever paid here CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature certainly does heal eczema In on r fi le of reports, envertn g s pert -1 of twcniy years, literally thousands U ihyticumt tell how successful the He hol treatment is for enema and similar gUn troubles. The first use of Resin. Ointment and UrnirKil&mpusually stops the itching and Niniini;, and they a clear away all trace ol the eruption, K'i tllicr treatment for the skin now before the public can show such a record of pnifcssional oiimvaL Sold brt'l sww "i.e. ' GLADDENS E, TIRED FEE! TMS" is GRAND itB MHING sWOI.I.IA. TENDER, CAX IXH'SED EEET oit CORNS, "Happy H.ppr! negro was the ch ef guard of Ktni Nicholas), who (led frorti nls country v hen the Austrian swept through it He was at Ihe sjda of the I ing end hif Eemll as the; made the r M through Italy and Pri nce ; I.; on". This photoKraph shows him beside a French soldier, above whom he towers. The smaller Frenchmen were startled when they beheld the savage looking i lotintatn man armed lo the teeth. Now he ii aii accepted character In Lyons aacl the Frenchmen have taken to hint, Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES c.r HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON CARNE spamsii 8TTLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date FIRST CIARH SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Tor Webb and Cottonwood Ht Phone 67. Pendleton, Ore. Ah! what relief. No more tired feel' no more burning feel, no more swollen, aching, tender, sweaty feet. No more soreness In corns, callouses, bunions I No matter what afts your feet what under the sun you've tried with-' out getting relief, just use "Til." "Tht" Is the only remedy that clrccws' out all Ihe poisonous exudations which I puff up your face In pain. Your! shoes won t seem tight and your feel! will never, never hurt or get sore and swollen. Think of It. no more root misery, no more agony from corns, callouses off bunions. flet a 2.1 cent box at any drug store or department slore nnd get Instant relief. Wear smaller shoes Just once try "Ma." (let a whole year's foot comfort for only 20 cents Think of it. RTJBBm When ynu buy anything In rubber ynu have to rely on the druggiKi regarding Its quality. The only safeguard vou have Is to buy you, rubber goods at a reliable tnre than carries only reliable makes. Huy your Rubber floods from us--we ""er you . better qnaj tty for less monej Tallman & Go. Ldta Dmggltu