PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916. EIGHT PAGES llllllllllllllllllllllll SEAL-SHIPT jj :mmmmm' "MIMgEMM' OYSTERS JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT OF THIS BRAND. SOLE AGENTS IN PENDLETON. Salt Fish Smoked Fish Canned Fish Complete line of every thing for the Lenton Seal Shipt Oysters Per Pint 50c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 'QUALITY" Two Phones, 28. Spring Opening II Saturday, Mar. II j j You will see the most pop ular creations in new spring hats at this millinery FIRST. Our styles are the best. Our new Spring hats are the most beautiful we have ever shown. Extreme or conventional. All are invited. W 1 Our new Spring hat are the most I fej H 9 Ko.utiful we have ever shown. k i ! Is I Extreme or conventional. !p J Mason's Millinery 10 Nv 521 Main Street Telephone 322 til Ex part Watch Royal M. Since Two Watchmakers Season. ii 823 Main St. Repairing Sawtelle 1887 Always Busy i 1 ' Partitioning off Room. A building permit to put In parti tions In the hall over the Working men's Clothing Store was Issued to day to the C. C. Hendricks estate. Funeral or Baby Tomorrow. The funeral of the baby sc anil Mrs. h c. Schumann, yesterday, will be held tonioi i Deputy Fruit Inspector. appointed bj the county com fruit inspector upon the pet' sttuty of a West chili of Taxes In. be paid thi: the sheriff I puty Sherll I collections ed at yunt- Dr. l.itlc improved. Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian , has almost entirely recovered his ! health, according to a li tter received from him this morning by his father-In-law, John F Hill. He is now back at his office in Salem after spending several weeks in California. Milton Bagie sold. Charles F. Lake has purchased the I Milton Eagle from Bruce Shangle. j postmaster at Milton, and took charge 1 Tuesday. Mr. Lake has announced that the paper will be independent. He has conducted puolicatlons in the I Palouse country for the past 30 years. Probably Postpone Cleanup. Cleanup days In Pendleton will I probably come later this year than ordinarily owing to the softness ot the ground at the city dump yards. The moisture has made the ground so soft that it is only with difficulty that wagons can lie pulled into the yards, according to Councilman Penland. Millinery Opening Saturday. Mason's Millinery will hold its spring opening on Saturday afternoon I and evening of this week and the management has provided special mu sic for the occasion Miss Carmen 1 Davenport, the new manicurist and 1 h.lMlrAMM ,.f th milhnon- hau ar.' rived from Portland. Congratulate the Jackaons. The Ijoard of directors of the Round-up today sent a telegram of congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson of Portland who are today- celebrating their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Jackson, as publish, er of the Oregon Journal, has been one of the biggest boosters the Round up has had. K. of O. U Have Big Chw-.. The Pendleton council of the Knights of Columbus will initiate an other large class next Sunday. Forty five candidates have been secured to take the degrees, most of them com ing from this city and about Condon. The La Grande. Walla Walla and Portland councils will send over dele gates to assist in the ceremonies. WU1 Uve in SHkane. J. K. Shellenberger has taken his family to Spokane where they will make their home. He Is the Inventor of an Intermediate gear for Ford cars and has formed a corporation which will have a factory in Spokane for assembling the parts. The parts will be manufactured in the east. Mr. Kellenberger perfected the invention while living in Pendleton. .In. A. ROSI Dies in Iortland. James A. Ross, for many years a resident of Helix, and also a former resident of Pendleton, died this mor ning in Portland, according to a message received from Milton Ross, his brother, who went down several days ago Deceased had been in Cal ifornia for his health and had only returned to Portland Tuesday night. The body will be brought to Helix for interment. Hi from Feared (liartvai-i. Determined to escape the charivari threatened by their friends in Walla Walla. Fred Pitt of Lowden. Wash., nid M o- Bowman of Walla Walla, ar rived in Pendleton yesterday for the purpose of getting married. How ever, they could not get a license here, owing to the fact that the wom an is not a resident of this county, and left during the afternoon for Pasco. "We won't get married in Walla Wal la if we have to go ns far as Van- j louver, sain tne iiriae. inai ciaui : rati would be awful." Motanic Spoke for T'-miwrani-e. Parsons Motanle, prominent Indlar. and president of the Tutullla temper lance society, and his wife arrived ! home last es-ening from Kamlah, Ida ho, where they attended and assisted in the special services among the n Idians there Motanic spoke on the question of temperance there, telling ' of the evils of liquor and of the great i benefits to be derived from prohibition. , Reports coming back have it that he i made quite an impression, Among i those who came forward and signed i the pledge were three of the old and prominent men of the Nez Perce. The other local Indians who were at tending the SSI1 rices there, will arrive lAegsad IVHilwr Nablmd. Just In the act of delivering a hot tl of llqoof to Bd Chapman and I- lor.- Whitehall, two Indians, Wil li, mi 8 S) user well known local char- r wa" yesterday afternoon detect ed i,.. rhief of Police Ourdane. T-l save himself. Swltxer dashed the bot tle to the ground, breaking It, but the chief secured enough to identify the contents as liquor. He was charged in police court this morning with an attempt to sell liquor and sentenced to pay a fine or serve 12 days In Jal'. He is still In Jail. IS I ate, mil Portland d'd not arrive 15 this niornini; owing to the West end ot the line. l Veil Woman at Hospital. Mrs. J. H. b'ranklin ot Cecil, Ore underwent an operation this morning at St. Anthony's hospital. t hi Id Hat Pneumonia The little daughter Ot Mr. and I Mrs. Q, U Richards of Stanfteld was brought to St Anthony's hospital to day suffering from pneumonia. Cndergoes Oiieratlon. Mrs. C. M. Sherman of this city un derwent an operation this mornin 'he hospital, initial Church Hull-Call. The annual and banquet of the Baptist church w ill be held in the church parlors tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. New Hospital Open. -Mrs. James Spiers has just opened a hospital in Byers' Grove which is to be known as the Protestant General Hospital. Among the first patients are Mrs. K. T. Scott and Mrs. Van Pearson. Mm Vavln Qeta Divorce, Judge Phelps has signed a decree giving Mrs. Olive M. Navln a divorce j from her husband, James P. Navln. I and also giving her a one.third Inter-1 est in the ISO acre farm of her hus band. Navln. It will be remembered.! fled from the county after being ar rested on a charge ol highway rob bery near Helix. "Spring Has came." It's here at last. At least the In dications are such anil everybody is trying to persuade themselves that gentle spring has really come to abide. The day is ideal and all are trying to take advantage of it. Fires in the stoves have been permitted to die and the doors have been opened to let In the spring air. Autolsts are on the road, the kids are playing baseball and the golf bugs are lim bering up their musctes. Quite Incl dently but another sure sign of the springtide, a man and a maid were seen walking down Main street today holding hands unasnamed. Strikes at Clgarwie. At the meeting of the Washington parent-teachers' association last eve ning. Supt. A. C. Hampton urged upon the parents and citizens in general to co-operate In securing the enforce ment of the state law against the use of cigarettes and tohacco by minora He stated that his attention had been called to the fact that some school boys habitually smoked cigarettes on i the streets but he declared the school I administration was powerless to stamp lout the practice without the activ support and co-operation of the com munity. The meeting last evening was well attended. Among the other speakers was C. P. strain, a member lot the school board. Man Dies In Cabin. Coroner J. T. Brown this morning received word by telephone that the body of a dead man had been dis covered on fteed and Haivley Moun tain out from Weston and left in the Frank Murphy car at once. Tele I honic information received this af ternoon at the Bast Oregonlan office is to the effect thai the deceased man h Henry Goldberg. 0 years old, a bachelor resident of the Finnish sct- tb ment ten miles southeast of Wes ton. He had been living alone there, ii. his cabin on a forty acre tract and recently had been suffering from as thma which is supposed to have been the cause of his death. The body was discovered yesterday by neighbors. He was a native ,,f Finland and had no By Installing electric power in nearly every mining camp of Import' ance in Montana it has been made possible for operators to resume work on properties which otherwise would have been idle. This has done more to reduce the cost or mining than anv other thing I WAMHINOTON, March 9 Declar ' ing that the recent state department announcements indicate Americans J w III lie effective!., warned. KcCumbsf of North Dakota, withdrew his reso lution for warning Amer cans from armed merchantmen. Ianlng today denied that the government will short ly warn Americans riot to travel on vessels carrying guns. He declared the story false, and asked to be quoted d.-nylng it. This afternoon Lansing reiterated emphatically he would not Issue a warning for Amero ans to avoid armed ships. DkWOas'Bg 'he difference bt I Ween offsltSirel) and defensively armed merchantmen, he admitted LANSING DENIES WARHING RUMORS This Store Has a Purpose To give you great values great bargains every day at extreme rock bottom prices, placing the best of goods in your hands at very little money making it possible for you to supply your needs within your income, no matter how small. Buying for our 83 stores in cash cutting deliveries credits and other overhead expenses allows us to do this for you. Ladles' Vests 8 I..V. 10c, 12 1 .2c. 18c, 19c Ladies' I'nioni 25c, Mo, Ladles' Hose, fleeced 15c, 25c l adles' Silk Hose 25c, lllc, 9c Ladles' White Kid Oloves 8o Infants' I'aslunere Hose, silk heels ltc (fane; Silk Hibbens. slse 100 to 200 . . lllc, 2.V Ladies' Wash Waists IISV, $1,111 Ladies' White I'oats $0.00, SI2.50 Uidies' Gingham Dresses Mo You Can Alwayi Do Better At that should a vessel enter an Ameri can port with guns Intended obviously for offensive purposes It would be classed an an auxiliary cruiser, and ordered to leave within a day or ill' terne. This would constitute the only warn hg ever issued. PKXDLHTON CHOSEN. (Continued from page one.) yesterday and Dr H. B. McQuary ofl Milton was chosen vice president! Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell or this city: was chosen secretary-treasurer, which position she held for a period of ten years before. For the past few years! she has been vice president. The various superintendents cho sen are as follows: Supt. Adult Department Rev. M.J G. Bently, Athena. Supt. Home Department Mrs. Minnie Walker, Weston Supt. Elementary Department Mrs. Edward deist, Helix. Supt Teacher Training Dept. Prof. F. K Noordhoff, Freewuter Supt. Temperance Department Mrs, Walter Smith, Pilot Kock. Supt Missionary Dept. Claud price Weston. Supt. Secondary Dept. S G ReeU Pendeton. Supt. Evangelism Rev. E. W. War rington. Freewater. The convention w as a big success I from every standpoint. In all there were 160 active delegates present and the evening session Tuesday was at-1 tended by 500 people The ways and means committee rec- unamended that the county pay 200 ourlng the coming year to the state association, the money to be raised by an apportionment among the schools. The convention voted the money and ! decided to levy a tax of six cents up-j on each member enrolled The following resolutions were ad opter at the close of the convention: Whereas, We are profoundly grate ful to our Heavenly Father for the many blessings and the spirit of suc- cess which have been ours during the year. Therefore be it Resolved, FIrBt, that we lift our! hearts In gratitude to Him from whomi all blessings flow. Second, that we congratulate and extend our thanks to the committee for the splendid program; to each speaker for the splendid and Inspiring addresses to which we have been prlv-, lleged to listen and to every one who; has taken part In such a way as to make our convention a real success. Third, That we express our slmere thanks and hearty appreciation to the: I pie of Milton and Freewater for i the spendid entertainment and kind, hospitality which they have given and shown us during our stay among them." Mrn. rhiirlen ill f'tr MVftfft tack Ot Krlpp. Morphs Mrs Alice Sheridan left at noon t day for Portland where she expects to I remain for several months with her daughter. Mrs. William Lyons. AD Grover Is In from Helix today. Rev. otto came in from Helix this morning. C, A. Galloway of Elgin, Is regis tered at the Bowman J K Pollock was In yesterday from his home at Pilot Rock John Anderson of Pasco, came over this morning on the N p, train C. B. Harvey of I'malilla. was up from the seaport town yesterday. Mrs Gi law old was among the Helix residents coming In on the morning train William Dalzell. stall spector, paid Pendleton terday. H. C. Branstetter of story llsit Echo and daughter Myrtle, are up from th"lr home. Mr. and Mrs. William 6, Fetes ot Walla Walla, are registered at the Ho tel Pendleton. O H. Warner, prominent prise stockman, Is a guest Golden Rule. I C. l-ens. head of the I Biter-1 of the Roller Mills. Is down rr on a brief business visit. Spokane j ?IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIUIIIhe':UllllllMIIIIIII nil illilllllllll MM , HI " illllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIWillllllllllllllllllinillHIIIIIIIIlllllllll Men's Ventilated Shirts Men s Sateen Shirts . . Men's Pros Mats Men s Raincoat. Men's Suits Men s odd Pants . Men's Wor Shoes Men's Dress Shirts G. F. Webb left for Spokane todaj on a business trip Mrs. Paul Kraft und little son ar rived home last evening from a visit in The Dulles ,and Portland. Harvey Hadley, a former Eugene boy, has arrived in Pendleton to take a position with The Delta. E. F. Averill. federal Inspector ot predatory animals, lert this morning for lone on a short Inspection trip. Miss Kdith Dodge went out to the Umatilla agency this morning to take charge of the domestic science work temporarily. Prof. e. J. Klemms, superintendent of the Elleusburg schools, arrived this morning via the .V. P. to spend a few days on school work in tne county. A. W. Daubner Is leaving today for' Gooding, Idaho, where he has farm holdings His family will follow as soon as school closes for the sum mer. Charles A. Phlpps, field secretary, of the state Sunday school associa tion, spent Inst night In the city en route from the county convention at Milton. THE SEEMING HOPE. (By Dr E B. Haslop. Pendleton, Or.) Some people Jump at straws where health Is concerned. Think of an anemic, thin, weakly person being told by a physician that all needed to restore heath was Ro man meal and port wine Yes. eggs, butter and materials of a fattening nature to be crowded as well on an already badly functioning digestive tract. I suppose the port wine by Its stimulating effects will make the pa tient seem better at times Two things are necessary to con sider In a case of this kind: Weight and strength. Weight may be obtain ed by absolute rest In bed. for mark you, tne patient is weak to start i with, under forced reeding with, proper preparation of the digestive j tract for at least six days before the forced diet Is commenced. Then aft- c snd -Wrtedr II w ' , tho Vow FHison. hi E S Buick D-45, $1150 F. O. B. Pendleton f: mm gHgssssssHoa, kit 1 Before Buying a Gar the things to consider Only buy from a good reliable Pendleton dealer it will pay in the long run. Buy a standard car; a car proven to be built for our rough country. Don't buy a car that is only good to look at. Go inside and look at the ma chinery that is what takes you through dust and mud and over the hills. Before buying investigate the Little Buick Six, 45 horse power. Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED Telephone 448 i.ui'.i 1,Ni:lmi;.liii..ii!n .,i :;,:;ii, ,::,.:.;.. : Sllllilsi -tHh IHiilflNIIIHfln . , B8c, SI. '.IS. S-J.IIH Sg ST.HO, SII.IMI, S -2 .Ml jjs IIS, . l.40, $1.08 si lis, S2. ID. S2.IIH 3 8c, 11.40 31 We Lead, Others Follow er two or three weeks the patient is allowed up Osteopathe treatment Is advised during the stay In bed to keep the bowels active and assist In assimilation of food. Strength and energy are not ob tained by regulated exercises, but ta ken In the open sir, moderately at first, but consistently, Tor never will strength be gained unless worked for Tho blood will be enriched by fresh air and a proper diet. Tonics and Pills do not make the blood, unless It Is bad blood, but food does. Adv. Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. Dale Rothwell OPTICAL SPECIALIST Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building, Pendleton, Phone 609. World's Finest Talking Machine EdisonDisc Needs no needles. The diamond point makes every record play per fectly without the bother of chang ing needles or danger of spoiling records. New Machines anil 5fes Itisnrds .lut Hiivlicd. Ill S m m m warrens music House Dodge 35 h. p., $880 Pendleton 117,119, 121.123 Weit Court St.