EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON', THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916 PAGE TH 'lltlllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIItllllllllHMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' Saved Her Life A Rare Poem of the War of 1812 Coffee The iial I endorsement ut Kniluda and Travo In a recent letter from Mr. 8. Grtndle, ,mih Mignonette St., PUtabniy, Pa;, will in' of interest to other sufferers from wumuteh ami intestinal troubles. Mn. Griadle. sus: "The doctors had given me up, suylng the only hope left wai an operation. I tried Frultolu and passed hun dreds of gullstonos with the first two bottles. Am now feeling better than have for years past I will be Klad In tell any sufferer how it has helped me, for I owe my life to it." tYultota posses--, properties that an directly upon tbe InteitlnaJ pariN, softening the wmjmmi waste ami disintegrating the harden ed iarticicr. thut oauaa so nun ii suffering1, ami expels the accnmu lation to the great relict of the pain in Traxo is a tonlc-alteratlvc Hint acts on the llier ami kidneys, Stimulates the flow of gastric lubes, to aid digcaUog and removes bile from the general circula tion. It series to build up the weakened, nUI -dOWn sstcin. I or the convenience of the publh', airaiuternenta have been made io suiil FrultoU ami Traxo through representative druggist, in Pendleton tnej can be obtained at Tallmen a Company, (33 Main St. HDITOft BOOtUDS si SOW Thousand Dolars offered tor Deimtc With evangelist BALTIMORE, March 9. "I will give $1000 to any charity organliatlon In Haltlmoro for the privilege of en tering a public debate with Hilly Sun day on the prohibition Issue." said C. A. Wlndle, editor of the Iconoclast, In New York, who spoke in the Mary land theater ut an nntl-prohlbltlon i ally "Th ily difference iietween Billy Sunday and Judos Ih that Sunday lakes In more money, " he said. ' Hilly Sunday sella Christ for more money. Billy Sunday steals his sermons, anil I have, the satisfaction of proving that In connection with some of them The one he stole from Robert Inger ioll almost everybody has heard about." Mr Wlndle expect to see Haiti more go In strong for Sunday, but he said that l'lttshurg and other places where he has been have forgotten all about him except some of his Jokes, which have lingered in the memory of men and women of the city. Mr Wlndle said thut his Is not an Infidel paper ami that he always tried to bo fair to Mr. Sunday. His ony regret, he said. Is thut Mr. Sunday does so much harm to the I ansa of religion and that the men he converts t' a bet ter life do not stick to it. ubout to follow the example of itl bigger neighbor! in Europe by issu ing a book of diplomatic correspond ence on ihe present war. San Marino's main object in laying certain facts before the world Is to square itself with itay Ban Marina will den that lis wireless station has been used by the (lermans and will oiler to put it under the supervision of Italian authorities If luminous slgtiuls have been sent from Its heights to Austrian navigators San Marino will arfUS that these acts have been committed In defiance of government orders. It will admit that it refused to surrender Italian reservists who took refuge within its borders to es cape military service, but will explain that political criminals are not extra ditable from San Marino. It will point out that at least 10 of Its 900 soldiers volunteered for service In the Itallun armies. To clinch the whole argument, San Marino srll tell Italy and the world It has been at war with Austria for 4 5 years. This Is because Austria for got that it had been at war with San Marino and had fulled to sign a pence pact with It after Italy's war of lib eration of 1870. HN hi: MIS MKS. ltl IIISOI.li. SAM M UUHO HAS m N I U Tbaj Republic will issue Placate itai. Hook to ROMS March 9 Sun Marino, the icuiiest republic in the world Ii ii .... hi-1 ,i, i ,,u or oil Magnate Then shiMits ltatiler THHMASVIU-K. C.a.. March 9--Mrs John K. Archbold. daughter-Inlaw cf John I). Arcnbold. of th.' Standard nil Company, was bitten h a rattlesnake while hunting on the An liboi.l estates near here Physicians said her wound would not prove fatal. Mrs. Archbold shit the snake after shs hail been bitten A Leading Food Expert stood before the bitf battery of milling machines in the ! rape-Nuts factories at Battle Creek, Mich., and after inspecting both the wheat anil flour saitl to the miller: "Thai's selected wheat, and no 'patent flour' stunt, cither. That wheat conies out of the rolls as honest and unrefined as it went in. Where did you ever make flour before that retained the true mineral content of the urain?" And the wise miller replied : "I have worked in a jrood many mills, and I am no youngster, but let me tell you, 1 never made whole wheat flour like that until I came with this company. The truth is. white flour is wofully lacking in certain essential mineral elements which are thrown out in the milling to make flour white and pretty, and its use fre quently results in impaired health and activity. The famous pure food. Grape-Nuts is made of honest whole wheat and malted barley; and supplies in splendid proportion all the brain- and nerve makiiiK. bone- and muscle-building elements of the field irrains. including their mineral elements. Rich, nut-like flavour, ease of serving, and quick di gestibility have made Grape-Nuts a household word the country over. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. r ALT'S famous af! A WITIQH Fresh Every Day Vlaf YY T iOll OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Vine. CttM Furnlnhod Kouini In Connection. Strain HMttC The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot In I'cndlcton for FAlPS Sea Foods. (By Jteiji The words were composed by the lute Hon. Charles Miner, an editor and member of congress of Wilkes Hnrre. Fa. and who wrote the first History of Wyoming. James llird wus a volunteer, going with the Kingston Volunteers to Join IVrry ut Uike Erie. He was wounded In battle, and ordered by I'erry to leave the decn. but he Would not go For his bravery he was hon ored, and excited the envy of a young lieutenant Bird was condemned to be shot for desertion The war was over. I'erry was away and Bird arid a young man named Itankin left. It wus supposed, to Join Juckson at New Orleans. They were brought back, and condemned to he shot. A reprieve was sent, two men riding on horse back were Keen in the distance, waving it. but they were too late Thut night the lieutenant ordered guard put In h lent to keep away ntrd's ghost, the Set ond night he committed suicide. 1 have the story from the late James A. Oordon, who was tt ijiRe Erie at th time und saw the three graves, thos or Bird, Rankin and the lieutenant. jamee Bird, Ye sons of freedom listen to me And e daughters, too. give ear; You a sud and mournful story As ever was told "hull hear. Hull you know, his troops surren dered, And left defenceless the west ; We our forces quick assembled The Invaders to resist. Am.itig the troops that marched to Erie Were the Kingston Volunteers: Captain Thomas there commanded To protect our west frontiers Tender were the scenes of parting. Mothers wrung their hands and cried; Maidens wept their swains In sec ret, Fathers strove their tears to hide. There was one among our number Tall and gallant was his mien; Kirm his step his hum undaunted Scarce a nobler youth was seen. One sweet kiss he snatched from Mary, raved bu mothiT-s prayers once ' n( njM (Soon they came Where noble I'erry Hud assembled all his rieet; There the gallant llird enlisted. Hoping soon the roe to meet. Where Is Bird? The battle rages. Is he In the Strife or not? Now the cannon roars tremendous Hare he meet his hostile foe, See! Behold hlu there with I'erry, In the self-sum. ship they fight; Though his messi: atej fall all round him Nothing can Ma soul affright. Hut. behold, a ball has struck him, i See the crimson rurrent flow; "Loses the deck' t xi iaimed brave Perry, "No!" cried Bird " will not go. i Here on deck I took my station, j Ne'er will Bird his colors fly; I I'll stand by you gallant captain, Till we conquer or I die." Still he fought b"'h faint and hleed- lng, I Till the Stars and Stripes arose; Victory having crowned our efforts, All triumphant o-er our foes. And did Bird receive .1 pension? Was he to his friends restored No, he never to his nosom Clasped the maid his heart adored But there came mosl dismal tidings from Luke gjlie'l distant shore; I Better far if Bird had perished Midst the tattle's awful roar j "Dearest parents,' said the letter I "This will bring s.id news to you; j Do not mour your first beloved. Though this brings his last adieu J "I must suffer, for deserting From the Brig Niagara; Read this letter brothers, slaters It's the last you II have from me.' Sad and gloomy wan the morning Bird was ordered out to die. Where's the breast not dead to pity? But for htm Would breathe a sigh Lo! he fought so brave at Erie. rreei nieii ano nooiy narea. Let his murage plead for mercy. Let his precious life be spared. See him march! and hear his fetters Harsh they clung upon the ear; M.lluif'i ten Iher' hand and lelt ! id manly, harbored fear him, Laki Mars tried to say. "Farewell. James.' Waved her hand but nothing spoke. "Qood bye Bird, may neaven protect you Fnon the rest, at parting broke. Bee! be kneels up"ii his coffin. Sure his death can do no good. Spure him! O Go l they've shot him Furewell Bird! Farewell forever Home and frlenis youil see no more; For your mangled -nrpse lies buried. On Lake Frie s .listint shore. How much does good coffee add to your breakfast pleas ure? How much does a good breakfast help your day along? There's charm in Schil ling's Best Coffee; the charm of fine flavor rich, full, satisfying! And all the flavor is kept for you, in airtight tins. Schilling's Best New Spring Ml Shoes We have just received our new grey washable kid lace shoes. We have received more black kid lace shoes in 8V2 in- tops, that, retail for $5.00 the pair. Allow us to show you these shoes while your size is here. ALEXANDERS SHOES ARE BEST. be the largest livestock insuri icy ever Issued. Each horse is insured for $150. Vet erinarians employed by the insurance company accompany each trainload. ALEXANDERS r,IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIir The C0W1 of lAst Resort. Around the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court of last re Bort, for it finally oeer-rules all oth ers Chamberlain's rough Remedy has been brought before this court In almost every cross roads grocery In this country, and has always received a favorable verdict. It Is In the country where man expects to receive full value for his money that this remedy is most appreciated Obtain able everywhere. Adv. started to work, while others have j camp are operating as Is the Wlscon large crews working on the rights of sin camp at Midway. West of Kelso wav which were damaged by the win-, the Inman-Poulsen and Eufaula Log- ler storms. The Ostrander Railway & Timber Company camp and the Multnomah ging companies are rushing rlght-of. way work and soon will start actual logging. CoerHta amp- Resume. KELSO, Wash.. March 9. Most ol the camps in the vicinity of Kelso are rushing construction work and repairs on their logging railways, so as to be ready t" start logging operations as soon as possible. Several of the camps have ealready put on crews and FROM FIFTY-TWO SOLID WEEKS ON GAY MAN HATTAN ISLE, TO THE KEYLOR GRAND THEATRE Walla Walla For Two Mad Evening Frolics and a Jolly Daylight Gambol, COHAN and HARRIS bring their Great Success, "It Pays to Advertise" with the same splendid company which was seen at the GEORGE M. COHAN THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY. C "THE RULING PASSION" J CANT FIND DANDRUFF Every bit of dandruff disappears! after one or two applications of Dan-j derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 23-c.nt bottle of Danderine at any drug store and save your hair. After a few ap- n ations you can't find a particle ol j dandruff or any falling hair, and the seal p will never itch SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS AND SUNDAY MATINEE, MARCH ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH. Price 50c to $2.00. Mail orders now. STOMACH ACTS FINE! . GAS JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIinillllllllC I Popular Cash Store! Trunks. Bass I and I' M l - DIAPEPSIS FIXES SH lv mI , I PSEJ -TOM ( ll IX 1 11 E MINUTES. William pa Presents William H Sll -in. I l.i ire WMtnt) Passion," in the 1'aMlnie Today, The Hub on't want a slow remedy when Macd is bad or an uncertain' a harmful one your stom 10 valuable; you moan't injure Irastlc drugs. Dlapepaln is noted for its ,trr Suit Cases This department has just received another large ship ment and is prepared to take care of your needs of most any kind of luggage. VH TIM NK Kilt SUIMHi. Man in iito rali :il 'a in -outer sue. power company, VAM'DI VEU. Wash.. March . James Pay. injured in an accident at. Sixteenth and Main streets February lu. when a fraiflktcar struck his au-l tomnbie, has sued the North Coast Power company lor ksoo damageel for Injuries gg lost time. $150 dam ages to the mac hine, and 50 medical ai lention He afltfM that Ihe company main tains its tracks a this point in a careless and negligent manner, and that the brfcs laid between and out side of the rails is so rar from the rail that a small automobile drops be tween the tall and brick Me as compelled to turn out to pass a farm ers rig and one wheel dropped be tween the rail and brick, and a frelghtcar struck him when he stop- Swcden V 'II Get ( mil. LONDON, atari h 8. Sweden will be permitted to import larger sup plies ,.l coal from Great firltain than boertnfor under a fresh arrangement with the Hritish government In re turn. Sweden has consented to the exp"H of certain articles, including pit props, to i',i cat Rr:taln. ness; its certain, unfailing action in regulating sick. sour, gassy stomachs. I I Its millions of cures tn indigestion. dyspepata, gastritis and other stomach! I trouble has made it famous the wore! over. ' Keep this perfect stomach doctor in; keep It 7J.IMIO llnrsn insured. DBS M"lNK.v I own. March v. An DOUncemenl was made that u local In surance compau has written a polio) for 110,800,000 for the protection in transportation of 72.0OH horses from Ias Angeles to New Vork for tin French government This is said to something whi h doan't agree with them. If what they eat lays like lead. I ferments and sours and forms gaai Causes headache, dizziness and nau-1 sea. eructations of acid and un digest- stomach prompti relation t" those bo tr "The baM&n," Ointlntr TiioHim to the Alia Theater. Maternity! The Word of Words It is written into 1 fe's expectation that i motherhood is Ihe one sublime accotn- I pllshnirnt. And If MIS is anything, no j matter how Imple, how apparently trivial It may seem, if It can 1 aid, help, assist or in any way comfort ths experts-it motber. It Is a blessing. And such Is a remedy called "Mother's Friend." Yen apply it over the stom.nh MBclaSj It Is gently rubbed on the surface, and makes the miKi'li nli:int- thli relievos the stnln on IfaflMats, natural expansion takes pl.i.v without undue effect upon the nerves. V'ld as the time ap proaches, Hie min I V rone through s pe riod of repose, of ( idle expectancy, and this lias an B'MestJnnsd laBasacs upon the future child. That toil Is true u evidenced by the fact that three generations of mothers imvc used and recommended Mothers Friend." Ask your nearest druggist for a bottle of this splendid remedy, lie will get It for yea, And then write to BradSeld Ho ,--lilillor Co., 407 Laissr Bldg.. Atlanta. 1..1., for a most interesting book of information to prxupertWe HSthen, It Is mallei free. Write today. It Is a !ook you will enjoy. a! LCY LEE CHINESE HERB MEDICIM GO. o. 71 1 Qtsutea st. Our roots have been tested 100 years. We can cure all chronic diseases or abscesses. Come to us If you are suffer ing from catarrh asthma, lung or bronchial trouble, constipa tion, rheumatism, appendicitis, drops. kidney, liver, stomach or female trouble, obesity, blood and skin diseases or nervous debility, Sufferers from these and many other chronic dise.t-. s have been restored to health and happiness without poison ous drugs. by the 1'hinese heihs t onic and si's ns. Suits Cases $1.69 to $8.45 Traveling Bags $2.65 to $11.45 TRUNKS $3.75. 94.50, $5.50. S6.00. S7.50 SIJ.:o. READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. New ("oat.-;. to SI 1.85 Now Suit!, ?14.45 to New Skirt. 83.45 to $7. 15 New Runfralow Aprons, 4i !c New House Uresses. 86f to 91.49 New PetticoAta, 59 tn S.Y.r New Corsets, M)c j 83.."0 I DRY 666DS DEPT. The season's moirt popu- 2 lar mati-rials, sj, h ;ts Tuh E Silks, Silk Poplins. TUffe- I tas, Crepe da Climes. Otto- mon Cloth. Palm Reach g Cloth. Sport Skirting anl New Wash Material-.. All for less at P. C. S. price Popular Cash Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. 3' litiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiih;