EIGHT PAGES SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916. Here's A 'Tip' On Rheumatism Follow It AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION Whe fata trm or your leg feels "all knot ted" with thounialism, when .vou (eel as though .i;r isc M vera "tied up with a rop," yon i:.-.t.hing your pains accurately. It! t irmttf.nl iB a condition of the body when amis ami oiher depostta of impurities are ac tually ': icing np" the strands of muscles in out b. '-, M Mranghng the nerves and thus ng the awful shooting pains of sciatica, lumbago, etc. Medical authorities agree that these arid deposits are carried and deposited by the blood in the various parts of the body. It stands to reason, therefore, that local appli cation such as nibbing w ith so-called remedies an't do any permanent good. At best they iHove the pain a little and only for a The only way to effect a real cure i to ,u;aek the real cause the blood. It is leaased from the troublesome deposits by 8 8 S, the reliable blood purifier that is now ains and healing the tils of the third generation S. 8. S. "goes after" the Impurities in the blood as relentlessly, as eagerly and as thoroughly as a ferret goes after rats; pursuing the noison into every vein and artery. Into every nook and corner of the body, and chasing the troublesome substances on) of the system. The blood thas cleansed, carries off the acid and other injurious deposits and "filters" them out of the body through the kidney S B is not a drug. It is a purely Vegetable blood purifier. I . i i .in get B. 8. & at every drug store. But if in addition you should Like to hae the advice of the doctors in charge of our laboratory, do not ... titate to w rite us. You will receive free, conscientious ar.d confidential advice, This i.- la line with our policy to make every effort to Insure the peal results from S. 3. B. to every sufferer. Get a bottle at your drug i today If you wish s:ec;ai advice, write to Medical Department, Room 4f. Swift Specific Company. Atlanta, Georgia. U "mcswiTSKcincco. I'i ATLAS' C. u rrtrt sTwriTLnle. ' j7-V''' lit? HVky rVW. J! 7S rWeWtlt ENGINES COLLIDE AT JUNCTION WHILE Al WORK IN IDE YARDS I'll.OT or ONE I- SMASHED; OTH KKW ISE 1 VM ;t is SO ri; GREAT. MANY CONVERTED AT MEETINGS AT ADAMS Roj and Frank. Mrs. Hunch. Mr. ar.d Mrs Henry, Ralph Wallen, Will Boy- irlow an,! daughter Lucy and sons a it, er.and daughters Welma and Helen. ' ' ' i tram MarUls. Mrs. UU Taylor. ADAMS, Ore March I. The meet-: Ah(V gtoj and Louise Des Voigne. inss which were being held in Ad-1 Mrs oharles Achats and son ataa closed Sunday night Those who Chartai r(,,Urned Monday from Port Mare converted diving Bw meeting- ... . ., hrp she has ben visitina rel- were r.s follows Mr. and Mrs. Frank lenr:. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Bunch. Mr and Mrs. Fob Marlon. Mr. and Mrs. Cob Jones. Mr. and Mrs. K rk. Mrs. Hong Kong Cafe (M) XOOIH.K PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey HOT TAMALES 15c Outside Tray Orders a Specialty. Boxes (H ladies and gentlemen OPEN" DAT AND ALL NIGHT MEALS 250 AND UP. Special Chicken Dinner undays 548,Main Street Next tr E. O. Bldg Phone 0 atives. Mr. and Mrs. C. L Woodward re turned Monday from Walla Walla here they have been visiting. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.Harp last Saturday, weight 9 Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hales of Pen dleton were In Adams Monday on bus J. T. Lieuallen of Walla Walla was in Adams Sunday. Miss Nellie Nelson of WeatOB was ii- Adams Sunday visiting friends. Mrs. Murry who has been sick for some time is reported no better. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer were vis Kora at the county seat Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mar- 'luis a 9 pound boy last Friday. Cram Marqu's left Monday for Dal. laa w here he expects to start to work. ! KIDNEY TROUBLE LEADS TO TERRIBLE TORTURES Buateaas i Baoaatag at Tet wtnalj OpetatOI llright Will BMd Tent on Leased Land A ni tka Rivet; Sii BO Is slightly Injured by rating nook. , Baal Orecontan special.) PILOT ROCK JUNCTION, Ore., March S. Business is rushing in town Nothing but oara In both di-1 recti one as far as one can see. Thisj means plenty of work Tor everybody and good "circulation" about pay day. Lee Webb, machinist helper, tried the old time worn Trick of making two engines pass on single track with i the usual result that Engine 503 had' her pilot mashed off and other dam-1 age to the front end. A new pilot i was sent for and repairs quickly made as the loss of one engine from the; regular assignment means a whole lot just now. I K. Thomas, division master meehan ! ic from La drande. came in Monday for a few hours' inspection at the. shot's and roundhouse. Mr. Balding, watch Inspector, was' I with us Monday looking over the I boys' watches and trying to induce' ' some of them to purchase new watch-1 es from the stock he carries with him. j Operator I. M. Dotal took 1 little i run out to Hinkle Saturdav along with Operator Sinclair, wno has been assigned to the Hinkle office which I will be opened with three operator i on duty within a few days. Mrs F. J Martin. Mrs. F. N. Lose, Mrs R. D. Bumwell. Mrs. R. A. Rudd, Mrs. J. E. Bassett and Mrs. c. Powell, went to Pendleton Saturday. John Hannum. special agent, spen' part of Monday in the Junction. Operator H D. Bright has leased a small lot in Mr. Harrison's orchard across the river and will erect a dou ble tent to live in. Mrs. Bright has not yet arrived, but is expected as soon as the "bungalow" is ready for occu pancy. J F. Dunn, suppry boy at the roundhouse, was slightly injured Sat urday evening when a fire cleaner threw a large clinker hook off an engine, hitting Dunn on the head. The Injury, while not serious, necessi tated a trip to the doctor for atten tion. E B. Grant, formerly section fore man in the yard here, came down from Barnhart Monday on business. Mr. Grant now is employed by the J. E Smith L S. Co. at that place. That Camel blend turns the trick! Get the new flavor and new satisfaction the blending of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos provides in Camel Ciga rettes. You'll prefer that blend to either kind smoked straight ! Prove this to yourself by comparing Camels with any cigarette at any price! Smoke Camels to your heart's content because they are freed from tongue-bite and throat-parch; because they leave no un pleasant cigaretty after-taste. Quality is so apparent in each puff, smokers do not look for or expect premiums or coupons. That new mellow-mildness, that new "body" puts an entirely new idea of cigarette satisfac tion into your mindl , , B 7i L 1 at. II TURKISH & DOMESTIC BLEND CIGARETTES Prevents roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skiu tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cents Koeppen's The Drug 'Store That Serves You Best Hundreds of sufferers from pains in the back and sides, bladder and urinary disorders, lumbago, rheuma tism, dizziness, puffy swellings under Ihe eyes or in the feet and ankles. nervousness, tired or worn-out or headachy feeling, don't seem to reul-i ize that the greater jiart of all sick- i npss today can be avoided by keep ing the kidneys working properly. Ill you suffer from any or the many ag onies that accompany weak, clogged-1' up r diseased kidneys you h"Uld not: neglect yourself anotrier day and run j the risk of serious complications S core a package of Solvax the won-i derful new kidney remedy which is Very inexpensive yet a ts Ulckly and ureiy on the seat of the trouble. Jotl'll lie surprised how entirely dif- ferent you'll feel in a very short time, j It doesn't .matter how long you have suffered, how old you are. or what you have used. The very pr!n-l ciple of Borraj is such that it is prac tically Impossible to take it Into the' human system without "oeneficial re- j suits. Solvax is pleasant to take, gives 'juick relief nnd has been so uniform- ACCOMPLISHES GOOD WORK (Continued fron, page one. An effort to secure the building, bj ie federal government anil the couri , combined, of bridges across the matilla river at Mission and Thorn The ifamp placmd or and nJ thm pArftatfe. whnmh k outair, fjMr bv praMTVfn4 tho quthtyofth bhytxi 0dtobcro Bytn- r i',- fingmrm m illutratd. thm atmtnpmati ly break m wtthout i' thm tin foil, which fold back into itm pac Cigarettes Cames art sold everywhere in scientifically sealed packages, 20 for 10c; or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glassine-papercovered carton for $1.00. We etron$Iy recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. BIG. LITTLE AND MRS. SIX" OFF FOR SOUTH secutio of the and pool Park. n to a successful wrk of raising building the ! and natatoiium th idc Hollow. The pr mination money for swimming Round-ap The rem ! the 0. a forestry from Heppner to i Pendleton. Appropriated tluU and supplied i 1 lustrations and text for a space in the I booklet issued by the Portland Ad Iclub for distribution at the Panama, I Pacific International Exposition. Appropriated 1100 and supplied 1' ! lustrations and text for space In a j booklet issued by the Portland Auto mobile Club for distribution at the Panama-Pacific International Expos1 tion - m Btnifia P& paw wi w I jBaal j ?IajB ajp Chinese l Wounded. SAN FRANCISCO, March ".In re. Ivenge for the shooting lu the Chinese Lyceum Theater a month ago, a Hop ; sing gunman this morning shot ami severely wounded Wong uoy, a load er of the Sueny on Tung. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOBODY CAN TELL HEN vol DARKEN GRAY, FADED HAIR WITH SAGE TEA A Bargain 1000 Shares EMPIRE MFG. CO. STOCK (Pendleton, Ore.) 55 CENTS PER SHARE Must be sold at once. Addreaa P. O. Box 1747 Spokane, Wash. ly mires.ful that Taliman & Co. will Joined the people 01 I matilla in future sell it under a positive guar-' promotion of a celebration of the o antee ,,f relief or refund the money.lcning of the Celilo canal. No other kidney r-medy ever had a Managed the elebratmn Incident large enough percentage of euren so I the passage of the Liberty 15 that it could be sold in this manner, through Pendleton. The veteran i ewson. the "llix ; accompanied by I Christy, Jr. is ' York fjlailtl "n campaign I "Little thi .o her Christy Math-er's footsteps ix'- of baseball fana, haa anything to aa al hi -ife and son. says that the lad has hxiMf-nntna ihe N'ew i promise and he devotes ibelr uorliiE training' portion of each day to teaching the ; youngster the mastery ,r curves Jr.. is' shoots and drops. teran twirler ut It. Chrtsty shown some certain Grandmother kept her hair beau, tifully darkened, glossy and attractive, with a brew of Sage Tea ami Sulphur ; Whenever her hair took on that dull, failed or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied With wonderful effect. Hy asking at any, drug store for "Wyetn'a Sage andi Sulphur Compound, you win get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other In-1 gradients, all ready to use, for about SO cents. Tills simple mixture can be dapandad upon to restore natural co1 or and beauty to the nalr. A well-known downtown druggltt says everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell :t has been g -plied It's so eas to use, too. You imply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time By morning tho gray hair diaappaara; after anoth er application or two it Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. This preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite. Ii U not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cr HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON GARNE SPANISH STYTjE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean nnd up-to-date F1KST CLASS BKRVICI TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor Webb nnd Cottonwool st. Phone f67. Pendleton, Ore. at Marl In, Tex Six." .is Chris L'oinir to follow out- guarantee like this speaks volumes r the merit of Solvax. There is no time like the present do a thing 'hat ought to be done, aayoaa has kidney trouble today is ie best time to begin curing it. BOXING CONTEST OREGON THEATRE THURSDAY, Mar. 9 Buddy" Stevens of Pendleton VS. Kid" Saltm&rsh Champion Lightweight of Philippine Islands. 10--ROUNDS-10 3 Good Preliminaries 3 2 Four Round Bouts and 1 Six Round. Ringside Seats $1.50; Reserve $1.00; Balcony 75c. First Preliminary Starts at 8:30 Sharp. SeaU on Sale at Welch Cigar Store. Appropriated 1100 toward the nata torium fund. St.iged the Happy Canyon evening show during the Round-Up week with' I a net gain in revenue thereby of about tlDOO. Promoted and assisted the first nn- nual County Horse and Mule show j Managed the staging or an exhibi-j Hon game of baseball between the American aad the National league.; Including a miniature Round-up for ' ATLANTA. 2 in. high WHITBY, VA la. hlih add rvvv i IX l w vv aa b OLLARS t (or 29 cbI ClaHI. Nithaair A C., U.itn III l I ER AND SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use of some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that illuminates Ihe room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering I heir extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN Why Not Get Rid of Eczema? If your flkin itches and burns with eczema or any such tormenting, un sightly skin disease, simply wash the sore places with Ibsinol Soap and hot water, dry, and apply a little lb sinol Ointment. Usually the itching stops ISliTAST l.Y, you no lunger have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible, ana healing Ugins. That is because the sooth ing, antiseptic Kcsi- nol medication arrests the action of the disease, and almost always restores the tortured, inflamed skin to perfect health ijuickly, easily, and at little cost, rrescrilnti hy doctors for over 20 years, and sold hy every druggist. What the Right Soap Does for Your Skin Money cannot liU7 a purer, more dcansing toilet soap than RMlao) Soap. And the healing Resinol medication in it lelp- to keep the complexion clear, fresh, and beautiful. Appropriated 175 toward tenance of the depot parR. Provided a, convention h annual meeting "I the S'"i Association and entettamei gates at a dinner during th Appropriated $190 "or mark national highwav by the Auti Trail Biasing Association. Assisted the COUttty teacher vontfnn and appropriated (IS for musk- for the session. Helped in Ihe eniertainmi Conarasantan it. I' Hobaon dm visit and reception, Assumed the management m i be ; municipal Christmas tree and holiday," celebration and itreel d i n 1 lllf 1 1 1 IIII If II IIIIIIIMI llllllllllllllll llllllll ! II I1III2IIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIII 1 1 1 III II till lllllllll III I lllllllllll I IIII1MIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I H Mesldes the mailers, Just reviewed. 1 ! which claimed formal consideration, a vast number or subjects received in formal attention by the orfleers and committees. A large volume or correspondence s las been handled, much of which consisted of letters of Inquiry on al- S most every conceivable subject from s every part of the country. - Membership Stationary. The statement of membership j; showed that the clur began the io;ir S lilt with exactly the same numberlS of members as on January 1. Ill G, II namely. 177 Thirty-four new mem-jS bers were added during the year bet 13 five were lost by removal, three hy g death and lit by lefusal to pay dues I making the gain and loss equal. g The financial statement showed IS that the total receipt for the year, In-iS (ludlng $2292 dues and ir40.76. netjS profits of the Happy Canyon enter- 's tainment, amounted to 14793.25. Thi 5 total expenditures. Including a trans- far of 11048 to an interest bearing I fund, were 14411 12. - The association now rias ,'J4, on S deposit In the banks, bearing four per cent interest. j A Few Things to Do Today I First Call up Phone 5 and order a load of mill-ends for kindling. All short lengths and the best thing in the world to start your fire. A big load for a dollar and a half. Second Order enough of our Rock Springs coal to fill your bin. Third Build a good big red hot fire. Fourth Congratulate yourself that you have the best s fuel in Pendleton. Fifth Resolve to do it again. B. L. BURROUGHS, Inc. . Cor. Webb 6 College Phone 5 - mm m i lumiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiimmiiiiiiiiiii imimiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiimiiiiiiimimT