EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916 PAGE FIVE WHERE QUALITY IsTta" REALITY, NOTiA PROMISE The members or the WaakingtOII school Parent-Teachers- Association will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock at the school and an Interesting pro gram has been prepared. It will con sist of the following: Music, boys' chorus: address, f. I Strain; violin solo. Miss Margaret Lowell; discus sion. Music in the School, Mrs. Hoy den, Mrs. Bock with am Miss McCul ly; solo. Miss Nellie Anlbal; discus sion, What I Expe' ' the public School Last Time Today Saved from the Harem "This Isn't the Life" to do fo tendent Miss Lui Cook at: box. the Chit' Huperin i dennteln, or. Miss William Shay Claire Whitney In Addition ANITA STEWART and EARL WILLIAMS in Chapter 5 "THE GODDESS" LOCALS Sb Advertising in Brief KATHB Per line tint Insertion JH Per line, additional laaertlon 5c Per line, per month 1.00 No locale taken for lest than 26c Count 6 ordinary words to Una. Locale will not be taken orer the telephone eiceiit from Baal Oregon tan paid up robaerrbera. Barn for rent. 101 Aura I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. Phone IIMf. Furniture for sale, cheap Phonei 24IJ. "05 Wilson. nressmaklng at home or by day. 1 203 Kast court Phone 260M Wanted To rent 5 or 6 room house. Phone 240W. Kor sale High gTadl piano al bar gain. Phone 446. Man and wife wish Job on ranch. Phone 308W. -. i Penland Pros.' transfer Co. hav storage warehouse Phone Sit. To rent - Modern heated rooms and I apartments. Close In. 617 Willow. For aale 26 head fresh cows ami ; heifers. Inquire Orltman BTOt. Finn girl wants to work in Ameri can family. Apply 774 W. Oood building lot for sale on West Webb street Telephone 624. For gala OOOd Jersey bull Write C If. Cook. Athena, Ore, K. 1 1 haul your garbage and trash, j Phone T.f.HM. 1403 W. Hallmad It For sale, cheap--Oood. sound young horsw. Frank Heald, N. P. depot For sale Complete set of oak house j hold furniture 711 Willow street. Wanted Ily woman, rooking on randh for hired men. B. J, Tel. 34H. ' Wanted 6 to a room house, close! In. unfurnished or pnrtly furnished, by April 1 Phone HIM Konm to rent In private rami!) modern, heat, hot and cold water, close In Phone 193W. Wanted Huff Orpington eggs for , Incubator use. Mrs. Jas Hill. Helix. Ore. For sale cheap--Restaurant and rooming house fixtures, all for 166.' Ill W Wehb Two exper ienced young ladles wish cook house work together Address X this office For rent office room In J rdd building Apply K Be Judd, Anierl. IU National Hank. Wanted Sheep on shares or will buy small flock Address Kd JohMOtl Kamlah. Idaho It F. D. No. t, For sale Two good MllMIng In Cole's addition on North Side qUlrt Warren s Music House. For sale or trade for mules lots In-1 11 head of food work horses Addretl Jas. I1IM. Helix, Ore. old papers lor sale; lied In bun ilea. Oood for starting fires, etc 10c a bundle This office For sale- Full blood White Leghorn eggs for hatching 11.00 for 16. pre paid. Guaranteed fertile it. k. Blackman, Milton Very many people desire to em lands In eastern Oregon What have von to o'fer and price N Herkelev Wanted Younk woman not over "' to do ranch looking Must be A-1 cook, clean and neat Apply P. O Itox 631. Pendleton. Oregon. Prompt automobile taxi service day or night Funerals to cemetery only $3 50 Phone 680. St. George Hotel Carney Taxi Co. Old mattresses made over like new rrew ones made to order upholstering, furniture repaired, city or country Phone 227.T. I.a Dow Bros., Ill Henuregard street. For sale or trade Tor Pendleton property or acreage near Pendleton 10 acres Irrigated unincumbered Itnd at mouth of Taklma river. See V. t (ladwa. To Trade Improved acreage; In come property, on 200 acres of choice wheat land. 7 miles from lone. Ore, for Pendleton residence. Address lock Box 16. Krho, Ore. , Tomorrow WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS The Ruling Passion A Picture with an Oriental Coloring. A Harem, A fata love and the incense of the warm East. yming; lady wishes housework, orj as housekeeper. Address, Box 743. Pendeton. Situation wanted Brother and sis ter wish w ork In the country. Man ex-j partnered and good with etooa, worn an excellent cook Prefer work to-1 gether, no objections to separate work. Phone QJ, I.. Cochron, 400 E. Alta. 1100,000 exchange proposition, my! beautiful and almost new apartment' house containing 26 apts.. furnished tad all rented, together with an ele-l gant residence adjoining, to exchange : for a stock or wheat ranch. Full par ticulars In first letter M. i risen, owner, ill Multnomah St., Portland, Ore. Mrs J, f McLaughlin tnd ( chil l dren of Duncan, were In Pendleton yesterday visiting her s!ster. Ai Th ) I'll kmiu PEOPLE HfSE iiAvrn (iiitLfi IT UVTA LAST VIGH'I Packed out In the rain, the crowd that overflowed the capacity of the Alta theater last nlxht waited to sec' one of the best musical comedy or-, Kunlzations of the season The Otvjrety tilrln sure picked a' winner In the "Love (Jure.'! It is i farce with an abundance of heart ! laitKhs handled b IwrllriK Winstock' The i itrrredy was I scream For over! an hour the llayety Clrls held their! audience and more than please 1 them us could he plainly seen. .Miss How ard the character woman of the com pany wag very good as the lady who! lost her husband. And Mitt Blllltj Bingham, us Daley was sweet and very charming, putting over t coupiu ,f numbers In I very creditable man ner. Mr Crawford did his share of slnK-j in and played his part in a wa th:t' shows him lo uood advantage. Tnniaht the company gppeart in ihelr own special success. "A King for a Day," i Turkish ami Oriental nov elty with their own special scener and promise the most elaborate gtagt setting ever seen In the city. AmonK lire numbers for tonlKht are Bonbon Boy, "i 'nine and Oreain With Me in a Persian Garden," "I Warrt to Go t Toklo," "Chat Wee. Hllnkie China town" and several other new sonKS The price of admission Belhg only 11 ami 'jo centt Ml X l-ol't I, Ml HCKEEJi I Tolt. Plays Indian Prime In "Tile Ktditi- paatlon." William E Shny. popular and ver satile screen actor 'a co-starred With Claire Whitnej in the William Pot stai C ,"th ruling passion" 1 VYIULIW WOK PWOOUCTICM ."THE RULING PASSION" Wilp. i in i, taajaggatj wlllliini I Mag) PbshIoo," at (h liiatlim) Tharadai . , i lit 1 : a I Remember the liable. We are observing National "Baby Week" by arranging a beautiful win dow display of artistic photos of the better kind Of Pendleton's little blos soms See this fine display and then answer to your own satisfaction the question. "Have you a picture bv which you can rememner your baby as a baby?" Old you ever stop to consider that your friends can buy anything you can gne them -except your photograph. Mime the appoint ment today. (Adv ) WHF.KLEH gTTJDIO Hani Tim) Dance The Oood Times Club will give a I Hard Times Irance Frldav night, I March 10. Prize given for best coa tume, both ladies and gents Admis sion 0c. Music ii Sawyer Orohottra I - Adv I not,. drama ol oriental life. ' "he lulling rggtlon. Which was made In Jamaica, Few players are better known thun Mr. shay. Who has won Immense popularity through his splen did portraule of the teadlriK male characters of such successes as "Kreutier Sonata." "The Clemen ceau Case." "Sin" and other big hits of the screen; and few are more ea aerly looked lor. Mr. Shay Is admire by cast in "The Ruling Passion '' He himself dei lares that never hss he bad a play that af forded him greater opportunities for achievement, Past true tomorrow. Hll.l KI MXCk STARS IN Till (VJNQl'EltOIV Hi- l ino. Vigorous M'lirliiMsl Oon truMtrxl witlr i.ind Markcy's Halntl neat in Ttiangle Drama of ijoxe ami Finance. A powerful characterization is that of Wlllard Mink irr the stellar role in "The Conqueror," the tnce-Trlangle plaj a I I be Temple today. Mack plays the pan of an Implacable Wall street magnate, who meets all the cajoleries of so, ietv With frowns anil insults. What add a great deal to the Impres IffveneM ,,( llaok are his nemht and inns, ular tramt. His strong- luce and larKe piercing eyes dominate the more polished worldlnas with whom be Is thrown in contact at receptions, dinners and balls Mack has had a distinguished ca reer both as an actor and author He played these dual roles In such plays as "Kick In." and "So Much for So Much." He has shown much versatil ity in such Trlanale plays as "Aloh i Oe" .mil "The Kdge of the Abyss. "The Cornet-" and this present production. "The Conqueror." nml Claire bitn in "the Killing nml lYUloj. ' ,' -r , i 1 1 , '- ..' 1 About twenty couplet of the hlgh school set were i m, rtalned last ev-l erring at a fllggqlll I mill dancing party it the home of Mlai Vera Temple "n Lewis street, the hoatMtM being IfUM Temple Miss Jean Reber, HUH Ileu lah Smith. Miss Claudlne htcatontea and Miss olga I Fontaine The' looms overhead Were a fluttering mass of of colored terpentine suspend ed from the chaadi llert, the globes in which were shaded ro diffuse the light solily through the room. The guests attended in cottumt whose bright colors added much to the at -1 tractlveness of the scene. Ien Anthony Baker, little son of Mr and Mrs FViin-sr La Koy Baker, accompanied his anal Mrs. Orle Han a van, to Athena last evening Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kathvon who lectured here ast evening on Christian Science, were registered al l he Pendleton. Today begins the Beaton of Lent and itev char let Qulnney nr the church of the Redeemer, announces the I-n-ten services at his I hurch as follows: Aata-iWodneaaay. Holy Communion 10:00 a. m. Built j a Divine Service and .sermon 11:00 a. m and 7:30 p. m Holy Communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays 11.00 a. m. Second and fourth Sundays. 7:30 a. m. Week-days, Tuesdays 4:00 p. m. Wednesdays Evensong and Choir Practice 7:30 p. m Fridays -Matins and Litany 10:00 a m Palm Bandar. Confirmation . . .,-.i 7:30 p. m. (rood Friday. Three Hours ..12:00 m. to 3:00 p. m. Raster Day, Holy Communion 7:00 a. m. Sen, nil Celebration at the 11 o'clock service. Holy Baptltm . 3:00 p m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. The lirthday of Master I John Chloupek yesterday by a by his mother, at their home. was made memorable lelightful party given Mrs. P.. E. Chloupek. 710 Cosble street Wort 'ban twenty of his baby friends were present with their mothers to celebrate the occasion. A pink ano white birthday cake upon which burned two tiny candles was the cen ter piece of the table and about it were toy favor that round enthusias tic appreciation with the little folks Ihilnty refreshments were served to both babies and their mothers, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. Royal M. Sawtelle. Mrs V. P. Temple ano Miss Cora Vidger. The following were the little guests of the occasion. Mary Louise Dickson, Janet Ii Fon taine. Sylvia Knight. Margaret Sn; der. Shirley Thompeon, Peggy Thomp son. Petty Pond. Mary Pond. Doris i liable, Carolyn Fairbanks. Jean Fra-1 aler. Helen Henderson, Jane Kavan augh. Elizabeth Jane and Thomas, Bishop, Evelyn, Billy and Hobby Cresswell Burke Hayes. Hilly Clarke Hilly McKlnnty and Horace Baer. The Royal Neighbors or America. Camp No, -333, met last evening in an enjoyable session. After the ini tiation of a large class. Mrs. Ida Ham blen made a beautiful apeei h of ap preciation In presenting to several workers tokens of the esteem of the lodge To Mrs Mary Etta Jones, or acle, was given a gold ring, to Mrs. Edith Hughes, past oracle, a beauti ful pin, and to Mrs. Zetta Hybee. past usher, a prett handkerchief A banquet given under the direction of Mrs. Sadie Rude, captain No I, doited the evening. S l Morgan of Salem Is a Pendle ton visitor. Mis Win. Tinrtnerman of Helix, is here today, Henr c Means of Cmatilla is spending I he day m the city. William Ktlgore of Athena, is am ong tile Pendleton visitors today. Mr. and Mrs. E, Shaw of Umatilla I were vlaltort in Penaloton yesterday, t R, W. Allen, superintendent of the; experiment station at Hermlston. has been here today. Representative R W. Kttner. who I Is a candidate i"i re-election, left on! No l" today for Portland for a short' visit. Late Lamblrth, w ho has be, n tak- j log a course at the I'niversity of Ida-1 hi . has returned to his home neat are, tins Plnton, a t-rother of Mrs. Qua I La Fountain, is lo-re toda on his Wai to Spokane, lie Is a mlU ng man of Suinptcr. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of The Alta Theatre BIG DOUBLE SHOW The Distinguished Valli Valli in "Her Debt of Honor" another big Metro wonder-play also The Gayety Girls In the Biggest Musical Comedy of the Season. Clever Comedians in Clean Classy Show 2 Shows Tonight 6:30 and 8:30. Come early and secure a seat. Admission 1 0 and 20 cents Tomorrow George Beban in "THE ITALIAN" URGES LXVEBTIGATIOW. (Continued from page one.) Sixth: Do not listen to the claims and comments made by contractors so called road builders cement de tiers or other materially interested parties but be sure you are right before you the 'little bunch' of public spir ited citizens go ahead. "Umatilla cannot afford to bond it self for any amount, before those who are to be obliged to pay the debt, know positively, without a doubt, that for every dollar a full dollar's worth of mad is forthcoming. "Huild a good road' even on bor rowed money, and build it within its real value, and this result will fol low: To the extent that the road is built by home lalsir and homo ma terial, ts cost w ill come back in three ways The road after It is built will be worth the full amount of Its cost of itself; therefote the county in which it is built will have the road as well as the money it cost. In addition it will have at least a full dollar of in crease of economic land value, for even dollar honestly and econom cal. ly spent, on the road. In short, from Ihe construction of a real go,,d ma you have a return of real value of tlirev to "lie. Is that not enough re ward for good road construction But. If a poor or bad road is built, it will not be worth what it cost: much of the money it cost. Ijeing profit or waste, will pass outside of the com munity in which it was spent, and In a total loss, and there will not be i cent of Increase irr land value bill instead, a loss to the extent of tht oUnt spent on the poor mad. So be ware of fools or knaves, or event profit grabbers, being entrusted with what they may style, in their hope of 'getting .something for nothing 'good road." "You have good clean banking merchandising unit manufacture -its merit and value in Pendleton, and why cannot such men. that earn 01 tiose businesses with equality and fr uitfulness. and successfully, ti th best welfare of the community, bi equally as aerv'oeable in directtn : gi od road building 'in their mldat?'' Attention Candida tea Electors' nominating petKotu Indldatee acceptance blanks the East Oregon!. tn Ofllce, They the correct forms and already pi for immediate dellvarr. I cap Year Dan, t T At Makie-Woodman H In Sawyer's Orchtttlt I managers All cordlall) A.h J. D. Beeson CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished and given. Country work a specialty. Phone 306-W. 401 Aura Jgg TEMPLE Children 10c Adults 20c TODAY AND PUNCH MINSTRELS THE SHOW DIFFERENT Singing' Comedy Dancing' S g HF - - s , mm Willard Mack & 11V The Conquer or give food for thought as you watch w ith unabated interest the way one father and mother decide to solve a problem of life, and appeal to their daughter to sacrifice herself. Her answer and tbe way "The Conqueror" accepts her decision cannot fail to impress you in these days when true love is so rare and affection is bought for cash. KEYSTONE C Three Big Features TOMORROW JONES Mafkty I