EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1916. SWITCH OIM THE LIGHT! There are a lot of things about the coffee business that the public doesn't know. There are a lot of cut tees of the "ten -karat" variety masquerading as the "eighteen karat" kind. There can be no better coffee than Royal Club Super-Quality Coffee It sells regularly at 40c. No "first quality" coffee should sell for more. There miht be times when a higher price would be justified but not now. "Green coffee" prices fluctuate just as does sugar or flour and any other staples. Due to a decreased demand in Europe, coffee has been "down" for a whole ear past. During part of this time the "best" coffee could be retailed, with a reasonable profit, at 35c in the home market and 40c in distant markets. During that time we sold ROYAL CLUB at the reduced price. Recently prices have advanced the regular price of ROYAL CLUB is now 40c, and it's worth it. The coffee roaster who maintained a price of 40c to 45c, during this "low market" period, charged you too much he robbed the public of thousands of dollars. They were entitled to share in this saving just as they do on sugar and flour and other staples. The Coffee Roaster who charges you an unreasonable price fifty one weeks out of the year, for coffee no better than ROYAL CLUB, and then reduces his price for one week to what it should have been all the year does not deserve your patronage. We will challenge all competition. ROYAL CLUB has no equal in qualit) or price. We will not be undersold no, not for a single day. We will allow no "outside" coffee roaster to unload his surplus stock .'ii the unsuspecting public at what he claims to be a marvel ous reduction. For two weeks you may buy ROYAL CLUB at reduced' prices to meet all competition. Buy it in any quantity at these prices. You know it is the best that money can buy. You know it is fresh for it's roasted daily in Portland and deliv ered to your grocer in small quanti- ties just as he needs it. You can be certain that it has not lost its strength in warehouses or in transit ! kith -e9iFy LANG & CO The "Royal Club" House PORTLAND, OREGON 500 TONS OF HAY BIG BAILED A) ECHO FOR SHIPMENT FEED WS TO ti:Kl POINTS IX ORBQOSi AXD WASHIN. TOM STATE, I - Car of .VMMI ISiim-l order of I lour Milled Out tor i'lrjadilpliia from Ika Fho MM; Two QfcM ol Wheal M o shipped in OiiimIiu: CHbcr -k of iiio. i W Andrews, Jo Bartholomew Mr, Tyaehfl baa ship out the hay. I oum points Id Ore ton Yesterday the la I arrcl order of fi from thin place t Jos. Cunha of the Tlii- mlllM are beli, capacity. Mr. t'unha Is al i'hiladelphla by ho flour mlliK. un to their full nipping two 'ATM of wheat to Omaha this week. Mrs Kthel Lehman or here visiting her paren Mis L II. Wells Mr.1-. Roy Norm for Huhl. Idaho. Pendleton a few di er while en route already in Huhi wi ad a position in a Parrj ;ouid let for Seattle, Wash It, Pi-Ili! Teft here tmlav ' will visit In with her moth Mr. Norman is WOMEN OF OREGON I ft omen Everywhere Eodone tbls "Favorite " Lent, Oregon. "In my younger aay i wan greatly troubled with gag on my stomach ; it gave me lots ol yffl trouble. I began using nr. rierce s medicines and received such relief t at I can recomrt.'nd ttieia to others. " t have raised a iarve family and am a great grand mother and have always insisted that toy daughters-in-law us'j Lit. Pierce's Favorite Prescription when expecting to become a mother." Mrs. B. b. Skklev, .Mil 9Uh Strut, 8. E. Thousands of women WnO are now blessed with robust heaitli cannot understand why thousands of other women continue to worrj and suffer from ailments peculiar to women when they can obtain for a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery "and restore the womanly functions to perfect health. Young mothers who preserve the charms of face and figure in spite of an increasing family and the care of growing children are always to be envied. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pte scription gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood de pends. It practically does away with the pains of maternity. It enables the mother to n mrish tlie infant life de pending on her, and enjoy the hourly happiness of watching trie develop ment of a perfectly healthy child. miiiiMHiiHiHiiiiMnMiiiHiimMiiiiimiMiMiiiiiiHimiimiiiimimmniiMmiiiiiiii'' New Arrivals! WHICH WILL SAVE YOU MONEY AND ASSURE PRO- PER STYLES AND MATERIALS. iwportast raciAL nrrER TO REAUKKN OF THIN l'AI'l;K.Any per son dwiriiur copy of The People s Common Senae Maiiral Adviier before die edition hi STMWiatail should lend Oils notice toretherlwith three dime (or Itampi ) to Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y and copy will be tent by return mail, all charge prepaid. MORE NEW SPRING MORE NEW SPRING ? COATS SUITS P. C. S. Price $7.95 to P. C. S. Price $14.45 to $14.95. $32.50. WHITE CHINCHILLA COATS $12.95 NEW SPRING New Kid Gloves. SKIRTS Bat . c New Neckwear NEW SPRING aj w ,. Wictc New Muslinwear. 3,3 New Silk Petticoats. New Fancy Silk Hose. New House Dresses. NEW W. B. FRONT LACE CORSETS $1.50 TO $3.50 New Ginghams, 10c and 12V2c New Uce Embroider- New Percales !e TrirnrninKa, Hand- 5c and 10c kerchiefs, Purses, Belt- New Summer Wash Ma- ln' etc- at P- C- S- s terials 5c to 30c yd. Pnces Method! ( hurt h. wilt ITC LAST OF ROCK IS LAID ON MILTON END OF NEW ROAD SHOE SPECIALS ALL THIS WEEK. I Popular Cash Store I BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. Tllllililllilllllllilllllllllllilllllllltllilllllllllllllliiiiiliiiitlliiiiilllltitlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii! pre the hind assisting meetings. A small gasoline com n been received after som the pooring iif concrete city hull was begun today. Mrs S. A. Oliver of Pendleton. Is here visiting with lira, llosa Web) and Miss llene Webb. George Saling. an Kciio high school student, has accepted the position of night operator In the toeal telephone office. MAI AUXM IIK.IIU XV FROM Pi DLETO.N In ) VEARIXd COMPLETION. Last Monday the lasr ol the rock was laid on the Milton end of the Weston-Milton stretch ol the macad am road from Pendleton- This would have been completed last fall but for several delays due to bad weather. t HAIR COMING OUT? Dandruff causes a feverish Irrita tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dan druff, get a 25-cent bottle of Dander- little in Then the exceptionally heav y winter Une at any drug store, pour your hand and rub it Into tne scatp. After a few applications the hair SHAFT IS RESCUED AT MONIHAX, WHILE KJIHXti WIT I: t VTTLK ll As HAR ROWING ADVF-XTi'KE Becomes Bewildered in Pog and Falls lllto old Mine Where He I- I naliP in (jet Out; You iu; Woman. Ills Int. Hari CHea for Help ami Sue opetfg in Rescuing Him. ldered help as si I ICaM Oregonlan Special.) til KDANE. ure.. March 7 Pat M"iiih.in. while riding after cattle a few nights ago l.ecume a dense fog and wan for several hours, he abandoned mining sha: able to get out. Fortunately, a young passing near, heard Ins she went at once to his after considerable trouble hi efforts were rewarded By his SOME DON'TS FOR STOMACH AM) LIVER SUF FERS. Don't take medicine for your stom ach ailments morning, noon and night, as usually such medicines only give temporary relief and simply di gest the food that happens to be In the stomach Don't permit a surgical operation. There Is always serious danger In operations and In many cases of stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments the knife can be avoided If the right remedy is taken in time. Don't go around with a foul smell- i ing breath caused by a disordered sti.n ach and liver, to the discomfort ot those you come In contact with. If you are a stomach sufferer, don't think you can not he helped; probab ly worse cases than yours have been permanently restored by Mayr'S Won derful Remedy. Most Stomach ailments are mainly caused by a catarrhal condition. Mail's Wonderful Remedy not only removes the catarrhal mucus, but al lays the chronic Inflammation and . sns:.s in rendering the entire ali mentary nnd Intestinal! tract antisep tic and this Is the secret of its mar velous success. Don't suffer agony and alb ments to phys: made It Impossible to do any work un til a couple of weeks sgn. and con struction has been pushed as rapidly as possible since that time. When the remhining part of the-Weston-Milton stretch or the road, about a mile and a half. Is complet ed, there will he continuous macad am from Pendleton. Oregon, to Waits burg. Washington. Construction Is under way between Waitsburg and Dayton. Washington, and will soon be from Pendleton to Pilot Rock Junc tion, and it is hoped that it will be only a matter of a few years until will he continuous macadam or surfaced roads from Spokane through the great Pa 10 Use country, through Walla Walla. Milton. Pendle ton, and down the Columbia to con nect with the Columbia highway. (Jood roads from Walla Walla to the Columbia anil from Pendleton to the Columbia are practically assured within the next two or three years Milton Eagle. stops coming out and you can't any dandruff. find IS CROSS. FEVERISH. there hard IF TONGUE IS COATED, BREATH 15 U. STOMACH SOl'R. CLiEAJf LJVER AM) BOWEI. Rubber Shipper imiiitiil. NEW yORK March 7. Mrs Elsie els are Schroeder "f Berlin and Heinrich Pazman. a Swiss, were Indicted by the grand Jury charged with trying lo ship rubber to Germany under the guise of personal baggage The total leld of mine gold ii ifornla In 1H14 was ItO.ISI 4m!. : crease of $:!46.;;3i over that of With the exception of one year, the mine gold output of the sta 1914 was higher than it has been ISfit. id years ago. 1S13 Give "California Syrup of Figs" at once a teaspoonful today often saves a sick child tomorrow If your little one is out-of-sorts. half-sick, isn't resting, eating and act ing naturally look. Mother: see tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that its little stomach, liver and bow- logged with waste. v hen cross, irritable. levensn. stomal n snur. breath bad or has stomach-ache. diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold. I WEDDING AND give a teaspoonful of "California Figs. " and in a few hours mstipated poison, undigested . nd sour bile gently moves out i little bowels without griping. Well, playful child j LOY LEE CHINESE HERB MEDICINE CO. No. 714 Gradra St. Our roots have been tested 100 years. We can cure all chronic diseases or abscesses. Come to us if you are suffer ing from catarrh, asthma, lung or bronchial trouble, constipa tion, rheumatism, appendicitis, dropsy, kidney, liver, stomach or female trouble, obesity, blood and skin diseases or nervous debility. Sufferers from these and many other chronic disease have been restored to health and happiness without poison ous drugs, by the Chinese herbs. Come and we as. Syrup of ail the c it i WRITE TO YOrR FRIENDS ON Monogram Stationery w. 6. smith & CO. VISITING CARD ' ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR of Itl ; and : again NURSE PASSES 1 1 AT 0 Wl GETTS Sl'O.WOO s ally ant pain and ir stomach all undermine your health. No matter how severe your case may be or how long you haw suffered one doa of Mayr's Won derful Remedy should convince you that you can be restored to health again. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has been taken and is highly recom mended by members of congress. Jus tice of the supreme court, educators, lawyers, merchants, bankers, doctors, druggists. nurses, manufacturers, priests ministers, farmers and peo ple In all walks of life. Send for FR BK valuable booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. II. Mayr, 154-H6 Whiting St, Chicago, 111. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by leading ArugaiaH everywhere wlt:i tbe positive understanding that your money will be refunded without que s tlon or Mlbbla if ONE bottle falls to give you almoin have a well, p s can rest easy after giving less "fruit laxative." because alls to cleanse the little one's Is and sweeten the hey dearly love its taste Full directions for hildren of all ages and fori printed on each bottle, f counterfeit fig syrups. boWl ind liver an i stomach pleasant babies. grown-up: Reware Ask your druggist for a 10 Cl bottle' ' of "California Syrup of Figs: theni see that it is made by tne "California! ; Fig Syrup Company." afflicted tears streamed down tho faces of her listeners. She is in tho ! j country on a two months.' leave of ab-! sence to raise funds lo maintain a ' Serbian hospital caring for more than i six tboasand patients nnd conducted exclusively by women. . t HLAn F.T IFFFu FROM CATARRH OR A COLD t Says Cream Applied in Nostrils t Opens Air Passages Right I' p. "A SHINE IN EVERY DROP" Bli k Si it Stive Poll IS dtffrrfnt. It docs n ( I dry out; eafl (- uv 1 to ih I bit 4nr: liqcM ! put I ore qu : ahwLtdjr rm I twt: rot tcrd-rt. You I get your rx..ii jf 'i Hur.h, I Black Silk 1 Stove Polish f lack Silt Store Poluh Vorkj. Star&ag, HiiooL. ur n reely s.itlsfactlon. WH KAThL ECU BVKKU. VlVJfl, PALM REACH. March. 7 Miss Kathleen Hurke. a young Kngllsh war nurse, has collected more than 0. MO for the relief of Serb. an war suf ferers. Most of this was In , hecks and cash dropped into a hat passed after her appeal durtng a meeting prescribe.) over by K. T Stotesburv of Philadelphia, Mucn more monev was subscribed. Miss Uurke is a gifted speaker As she told her story of the woes of the instant relief clogged nostrils air passages of you can breath h iwking. snuffl ache, dryness, breath at night disappears. Get a small ltalm from your a little ot this cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stav stuffejl-i p with a cold ST nasty catarrh . iting. Your Ight up; the, ad clear an i No more wlng. head niggling fo' ld or catarrh 'ottle of Ely's Cream druggist now Appiv fragrant, antiseptic, : A Bargain 1000 Shares EMPIRE MFG. CO. STOCK (Pendleton. Ore.) 55 CENTS PER SHARF Must be sold at once. Address P. O. Box 1747 Spokane, Wash. -Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'IIIIM. I NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES KWONG HONG LOW 116 Wwt Alia St.. Upstairs, Phono 4)1 ihNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUMIIMIIIIIIIIhlli? GOEY'S