EIGHT PAGE PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1916 s Just Received Another Shipment Strawberries & Raspberries Strawberries 6 Cans 81.00 Case $3.75 Raspberries 5 Cans $1.00 Case $4.00 Phone Us Your Order Gray Bros. Grocery Co. "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St. REMEMBER! Boy Is Born. A son iiiis born hist Friday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs Alfred Hamuli who live east of the city. Commercial club Meeting. The monthly Commercial associa tion meeting will be held tomorrow evening at which time the newly elect ed officers will be inducted into of- Taken to Hospital, V. K. Ogle formerly employed by the Warren Construction Co., has been taken to St. Anthony's hospital suf fering from an abscess or the hip. He will probably undergo an operation interest rates is shown by the sale ot (100,000 Walla Walla school bond) n few das ago. The bonds sold at par and draw four and a quarter per cent interest. The bonds were bought by the state of Washington. The Lum bermen's Trust Co. of Portland Mil 4 1 '.' per cent for the bonds. Kansas is very iry. That Kansas is surfering from I shortage in the rainfall is the report brought back by u Lebee of Dayton who stopped over hero yesterday en route home from a Mslt in the Sun. flower state. Die From Convulsions. Mrs. V. V. Hall, wife of a linker county farmer, died last night at St. Anthony's hospital of convulsions brought about by complications at tending confinement. The body is be Itlg prepared for shipment buck to Baker where interment w 111 be made. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR WANTS, WHEN IT COMES TO WEARING APPAR EL, THE GOLDEN RULE STORE HAS IT FOR LESS. Look us up compare our price the quality and the patterns then you will be convinced. Buying for 83 Big Busy Stores cutting overhead expenses having less than sale prices every day of the year are several good reasons why you can buy for less here. Moies to BagaMi J N. Chambers, formerly with the Alexander department store in this city and who was also formerly a member of the firm of Chambers & McCune of Albany, recently moved to Eugene to take a position with the Golden Kule Store there. One of Three Held. J. H. Clarke, one of the trio of men arrested recently In La Crande and brought back here on a charge of stealing hats from the Max Itaer store, has been held to the grand Jury by Justice of the Peace Joe II. Parke I but Arthur and Emmett Russell, the other two. were released today, there being no evidence to connect them I w:th the offense. Ladies' Spring Waists !Sc 1.98, $2.9 Ladies' Kinumas 8 $1.-19, $1.98, $2.98. Ladies' Gingham Dresses 98o Ladies' Bungalow Aprons 49 I, aiiies' Waist Aprons 25? Ladies' Gingham Petticoats 2.V, 39. 49 Ladies' Sateen Petticoats 4f) 69c, 98f Ladies' Silk Petticoats ... $1.98. $2.98 Ladies' Press Skirts $2.98, $3.98 and $4.9S. Ladies' Rain Coats $3.98, $4.98. $6.90 to $14.75. Ladies' Spring Coats $5.90. $6.90, $7.90 to $22.50. Ladies' Spring Suits $12.50. $14.75, $17.50. Men's New E. and W. Dress Shirts !8, $1.19. Men's Work Shirts Men's Heavy Sateen Shirts 39 H 15t g Men's "Milton and Goodman" Shirts 98 j Men's Leather Faced Gloves 15 Men's Heavy Canvas Gloves, .", pair ,'25f g Boys' Colored Shirts 25f 39, -I5 g Boys' Blouses 2.V, 15f jjj Boy' New Norfolk Suits $1.98. $2.98, $3.98. Men's Suits $7.90, $9.90., $12.50 s Men's Work Shoes $1.98, $2.49. $2.98, $3.50. Men's Crossett Shoes, $ti value $4.50 M DiCCCalrL.DC AIM PQCIAJ UAV Tlnclpa de tatoriaa art AOOLrlOLriO AllU UntTl Ifl A I issing. They are believed to have HAVE BEEN LOST IN WRECK French Decorate Kitchener. UMJDON, March 6 Reports from iiNTxx, March 6. Field Marshal Santos. Brazil, declared 440 passen. g. Kitchener. British Secretary oi gers and the crew of the Spanish j state for War recelved ,ne, grand cor- don of the Legion or Honor from ' ; the French ambassador at the war of ii i 1 ' eras officially announced. Expert repairing "TT Dale Rothwell and Jewelry. f , OPTICAL Satisfaction guaranteed SPECIALIST Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses NVCi, HanSCOlTl American National Bank Building, THE Jeweler. Pendleton. Phone 109. Bean of Brothers' Death. Mrs H. C. Schumann received news Saturday Of the sudden death of her, brother, G. W. Colby of Lake Mills, j Iowa Mrs. Schumann's little son. Hubert, has been seriously ill for some time but is reported slightly im. proved today. However, ne is still at the hospital. State Leader Here. Paul V. Marls, state leader in the county agent and extension work In I Oregon. Is here today. Mr. Maris is j Interested in the subject of a county j expert for I'matilla county and says, that 'f there is sufficient interest to justify some meetings will be held here this fall for the purpose of thoroughly explaining the alms of the work and the methods followed. You Can Alwayi Do Better At 40m g3 1 i'iiii i i i i tMP We Lead, Others Follow Brother Is Killed. Charles Rohrman received a tele gram Saturday morning telling ot th death of his brother George on the Flathead reservation in Montana. Ho was killed by a falling tree, the tele gram stated, but no further particu lars were given. The local Mr. Rohrman left Saturday evening for Montana to attend the funeral. Ill Judgment Handed Down. In the case of J. A. Fee vs. Dr. M V. Turley. plaintiff has been given judgment for $341.95 and $14:'. 65 and a mortgage securing the indebtedness Is ordered foreclosed. In the case of Waldemar Seton, administrator of the estate of Jakob Relin. vs. August E. Ring et al. plaintiff has been given judgment for 11650 against Ring and the First National Bank of this city 1 has been given judgment against him' for $2041.32. Mortgages securing the i same are ordered foreclosed. this city next Friday to discuss school taxes and other matters of general in terest to the men who Handle school affairs. The principal speaker ut the meeting will be Supt. Klemme of tho Ellensburg schools, but supt. Young is arranging for other speakers who will make up a good program On Saturday Supt. Young and Supt. Klemme will go to Milton where i meeting of all of the teachers Of the east end districts will be held. Marriage License lamed. A marriage license was issued t, Lee Uoy Logsdon of Grant county itn Sarah C. Miller, uf Weston today. which Violate! the city ordinance lim iting entertainments on that day to sacred and educational music lec tures, addresses and recitations Suit wus filed against the largest theater In MOW York. alleging on February It) a performance was given which Included "tragedy, comedy, op era, ballet, farce, negro minstrels, dancing and other prohibited avhlbl-lions." I IM S DRAWN IX HOUSE. Training Each turning. Buddy Stevens, who will meet Kid Saltmarsh in a ten round bout Thurs day evening, is working out each ev- j ening in the rear of the Taylor cigar store and invites all fans to watch him. Saltmarsh is getting In shape, for the go In the old Commercial gymnasium. Both boys are down to : weight now. Poultry Poultry Bone Shell Grit Poultry Foods and Tonics FRESH FROM THE FACTORY CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED It's what makes the cackle and the cackle makes the eggs. Also CHICK FOODS FOR THE LITTLE ONES, WHEAT, CORN, BARLEY, OATS, BRAN, ETC. Shady Brook Dairy Feed Make More Milk. Shady Brook Horse Feed More Strength. COLESWORTHY'S Falls III on Arrival Here. Arriving here Saturday from heri home In Pennsylvania to visit her. son. the mother of Will Moore, welt known grain buyer, became very 111 with pneumonia. Mr Moore was in Portland on business and arrive! home yesterday morning upon receipt of a message telling of his mother's illness. She is reported a little im proved today. er Inch of Rain Already, Though this Is but the sixth day of! March, already 1.02 Inches of mnlstuit j has been precipitated according to! the official records. The sleet and j two Inch snow of Saturday night anj! Sunday morning carried .44 of an Inch of moisture and last night there! was a precipitation or 06 The re mainder came prior to Sunday. The' normal for the month Is but 1.62 ,1 The snow of yesterday morning was ' verv damn and under the wind that came up during the day and contin ued most of the night, vanished Mies t,, Recover IMfers. Alleging that O. W. Carpenter has unlawfully kept possession of four heifers, valued at $75 each, since Jan. 30, Matilda Woodruff today filed suit to recover the animals or $300. Hur spool & Benson of Walla Walla are h. r attorney!. Alta and Cottonwood. Phone 134 Will More curio Ooilectlou, Major Lee Moorhouse. who will ! soon move his Insurance office from the present location to the room In the Eagle-Woodman building former ly occupied by the Electric studio will install his famous collection and I Indian curios in his new office. Most of the collection Ii now at bis home on i Water street. The major plans to move within the next two weeks and. meanwhile, workmen are preparing his new quarters Baker Wool Sold. Baker papers carry reports of the contracting of 500.000 pounds of Ba ker wool to Portland and eastern firms. The prices are given at 'Jo and 21 cents. if the wool sold at such Priced the Bakerttel took prices ma teriallv lower than hnve been offered been offered for good fine wool here. The Baker men reported as selFnC were Orson Moody, 90,600 pounds; M. F Cundlff, 20.onn pounds; A. H. Hampton. 96,000 pounds and K. John si. n. 36,000 pounds. The contracting v. as by Berthold and Qereon Nenbef' ger. WckmIsum Ca tehee lire. While thawing out the pipes of the WOOdaaw owned by Hen Burroughs this morning, workmen accidental) set fire to the machine and a fire al arm was turned In. The machine wa.i on Locust Hill at the time. Little dif ficulty was encountered In extinguish ing the flanies and the damage did not Fortune lefl to urs-s. I'LAINVIHW. Tex. Man h 6. Aft er having nursed during n fatal Ill ness a laborer, apparently lacking means of support. Mrs J. I. Karnest and her daughters hnve learned that their patient. J M Tnggl" Of Macon 8a., before his death nnd bequeathed to them 110,000 life Insurance. Toggle It Is said, hafl no near rel atives, He arrived here recently seek- jvork and was said to be a of several fraternal orders. (Continued from page one.) Hacksher before the reichatag today His position was similar to that o' Senator Stone, chairman of the for-1 elgn relations committee. He discuss- j ed the German-A mrlcan situation it some length "The submarine Is our legal WOap-l on ns Lansing himself admits. A sul-1 marine that attempts to warn armed merchantman, puts Itself in grave' danger since It Is easily damaged. America savs she wants to settle the Herman controversy before taking op trade relations with Kngland, hold ing the ouestlons affecting human lives to be first. Hoes America real-j Ize how many thousands of WCtncn and children In (lermany and Poland! lack norlshment today? America does not Insist on the right 10 send milk and food to the licrman people la not that a question nf lives, ton?" to H!m;r f iimiv i i k (Oontlhued from page nne.) ing men Ii I Market is Good. That the bond market bond ssues mav be sold Directors to convene Here. County Superintendent I. K. Young has called a eonventlon of the school 'directors of the count to be held In Gotham Sundaj Ud shaky NKW YORK. March 6. A cam paign w:us begun by the corporation counsel In bafialf of the city against the Sunday theatrical performances, WOULD USE LOBBYISTS IN CONGRESS NOT SUFFRAGE 511 Export Watch Repairing A gpoc'srjr 5 Royal M. Sawtelle Since 1887 Two Watchmakers Always Busy mmwr- ' Jnmmmm mWm" BLk Mmwk''' ' :mmmmm M hA Ml WsM Hbw9n 'Jjjp' gat i ffl nail i 1 v . -, the following statement Issued bv Julia c Utthrop. inief of the chil dren! bureau Of the r. S. department of labor: For the three 'ears the bureau hai been in existence it has put a consid erable share of Its energy In'" a sta tistical study of the social ami eco nomic causes of Infant mortality, plan ned with the greatest care and con ducted by trained field agents with all possible precision The results ot this Inquiry are being published, as the law requires. In a series of reports which consist of statistical tabulations accompanied by descriptive text. There are many million fathers ant mothers in the I'nlted Stntes. Includ ing many of the best educated fathers and mothers, who have never read a statistical table and never will Yet hidden within the figures of the bu reau s reports on Infant mortality, thu leading of which they will : . cessfulU evade, lie stern facts snout th dan gers which beset American babies These figures give a clue to tho rea sons why, on the great average, ons baby In eight dies Iwfore the first year of life. They show that this average obscures a wide gamut with compar ative immunity from infant Iosm at one end and with fearrul infant wast-i at the other. The Baby Week emphasizes tho constructive tide of Infant care. It addresses not only individual parents but rommunltlea The beat test of its value will be the work that follows ft Undoubtedly every state board of health should secure what only six states have at present - a special dl vision of child hygiene No city or town should fall to provide Instruc tive nursing service and to pay con stant heeil to the problems of hygiene and sanitation, of proper housing and or recreation spaces, since all theeu Immediately affect the welfare of In fants There nre 3009 counties In the Uni ted states. In every rounty seat there should be a center for the health work of that county - a station for ex amining babies, and idder children, ami for furnishing expert advice for keeping them well in short, a health teaching center We must have complete birth reg istration. All these will be institutions for the common uso no more revolutionary no more eleemosynary, than public si hools and weather bureaus and ag ricultural experiment stations The New Zealand Inrant mnrtalit ,' rale Is less than one-half of ours and Is being further reduced Why take less pains Tor Americas babies than New Zealand takes ' i.Mf 1 J A Bargain 1 1000 Shares EMPIRE MFG. CO. STOCK (Pendleton, Ore.) 55 CENTS PER SHARE Must be sold at once. Address P. O. Box 1747 Spokane, Wash. -7A?S CHUM CHA PflAM CflTT m&s noKf'JM dcr whitehovsc:. KW YORK March 4 Taking a leaf from the male politicians, the I suffragettes are advocating lobbyists! in congress to force the passage of' the Susan H. Anthony amendment. Mrs. Carrie t.'hastnan '.'att. presl-j dent of the National Woman Suffrage Associat on, speaking batata the Fed-' eral Conference of the .New York toman Suffrage party, where she! was Introduced by Mrs. Norman de it Whitehouw. chairman of the confer ence said tine trouble with the women of .'.iioriea." she said, "Is that they are not working seriously enough In Washington We should have lob byists there Another fault right In this state was the feeling of coming defeat n the midst of the fight " "There were Just enough of you women.'' the speaker went on. "who fell that you had no chance of victory and who had resignedly went to coun try and seashore, to bridge parlies and to dances. Instead of fighting, to throw the balance the other way. "If we women had that momentum that goes with the faith and absolute conviction that we are going to win, we would have polled enough extra votes In the last election to have ear lied the state." s Accessories and Extra Parts The new successful attachments for PORD enrs are now on d splay at our show room. Among them are: 1 w d.o. and OCSItr acting brakes lot l ords. QeeVrVaS differential for Ford. nti .rattlers for Ftorda, ITif Min" hcafWfdal ragufaators for i vinK I ,a U. for Fords. Amber eye proUs-lors for windshields. White -tar oil. used by the Foul tadorj and all lt liranctH' Kvcry extrn part ever needed on a Ford car Is to be had at this exclusive Ford garag". Only Ford cars repaired and stored. Our expert mechanic direct from the Ford factory insures you better work for less. Round-Up City Auto Co. 812 Garden St. Phone 651