EIGHT PAGES PACE Fl WHERE QUALITY IS A REALITY. NOT A PROMISE A Dandy Picture Last Time Today Henry Walthall and Edna Mayo t m -IN Presenting the Mans field of the Screen "The Misleading Lady" Presenting the most beautiful woman in picturedom The members ol tbe Friday Brl'lgo Club were entertained On Saturday afternoon by Mrh C K. Cranston. High wore honors were won by Mrs. W H. M OConnmach, other beside the members present were Mrs. John VaiiKban and Mrs iiarry Medernach Mr. and Mrs. Lowell L. Kugers and daughter, Miss Lola Hogers, left last evening for Portland for a brief visit Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Judd will leave tomorrow ror Portland where on Thursday they will attend the anniversary celebration of the wedding of Mr and Mrs. C, 8, Jack" son. mi i-eoia rem marriage yes ime of Mr. and Lincoln street, the Christian In Addition Hearst-Vitagraph News Weekly Kay Kdwaid Pierce : Wuest were united In p rday at noon at the h Mrs. I". & Farley. I In Ilev. il. H. Hubbell ill church performed the i I couple are from Helix. Joe Hagwell of Hells, is a I'eniil visitor today. John Walker of Athena is In city for a few days. I', r. Huter, Echo O.-W. agent in the city yesterday. i in Mtn and Jiihnsn NO, it Illi iiM.i II'-TO-IJATE P1CTTIIHK NEWS SEHVK'K. in from Vansycle today. Alll I I S l,V IIII.DItI N .( hli LOCALS 8b Advertising in Brief nATKs Per line flrnt Instrtloa 10c Per line, additional Insertion &e Per tln. sr month 11.00 No limit inken (of less than 25c. Count 0 ordinary words to Hoe. 1oraln will But Is taken orer the telephone ,-icept fium ham iirttfun tan paid tip hiitMrritieri. 1.' st V it. I watch charm, with claw, return this office. Keward. Kinn girl wants to work In Anterl i family. Apply "74 W. For sale Good Jersey bull Write C M. Cook. Athena, lire. R, l 1 haul your garbage and trash I'll . tie (SIM, 1403 W. Railroad st Fur salt 1 head fresh cows lad heifers, inquire Crltajsan Bros Man nml wife wish Job an ranch Phone 308W. Wanted Buff Orplniton egg for Incubator use. Mrs. Jas.'HIII. Helix, Ham for rent, 401 Aura I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep, I'tioin II1M Furniture for 'ale. cheap Phom :48J. 700 Wilson. Dreaefptklni si home or by day 111! But Court Phone 2hom Wanted - To rent ; or ti foOn house. Phone f40W Peniand pros ' transfer Co. hav storage warehouse I'bnne U! Found ford tub Mai have sami by rnlllng al office and pa' inn; for ad A lecture on Christian Science wi! be given at Temple Theater Msrcl 7th. s p, ni Admission free. Adv, To rent Modern heated rooms an, apartment:. Close In HI? Willow Found Automobile license Mn have sstna by calllni at this office an paying fur ad. d PI) moul h !90 Long head Ol good work horses Add res I Jas Hill, Helix, Ore. Just received, car seed spuds Bee ! Conroy before you buy. Wanted Iidy to solicit orders In ! city. Room 7. State hotel. For sale, cheap Hood, sound young horse. Prank Heald. N. P. depot. I For sale CJomplete set of oak house hold furniture 711 Willow street, i Wanted By woman, cooking mi ' ranch for hired men. 11. J Tel. 34M1 Wanted Man with team or car to canvass country. Room 7. State hu i tel. Wanted 6 to room house, close In. unfurnished or partly furnished, by April 1 Phone 3K6M For rent A moving picture theater, f ii 11 equipped. Condon, Oregon. I.oi k Frank Hardy Is in today tanch on Coombs Canyon. Mrs. Fred T. Hloch left Saturday for Portland for a short visit Mrs. J. Halstead of E ho is regis tered at ths Pendleton today. Col. J. H. Haley :s in I,u Qrande to day trying a case in court there lion Iewis of the Helix Advocate came in on the N. I', train today. Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Casey went mil to their Helix ranch this afternoon. Paul V. Maris of ihe Oregon Agri cultural college is in the city today. H. E. Hltt and C. B Percey of Her mlston were BtUtda) visitors in th" city. C. S. Jerard, local Implement deal er, will leave this evening for Spo kane to look after business interests took! ALTA mM THEATRE Today Geraldine Farrar Today TOQfUmt OF "CARMEN" FAME "TEMPTATION" Don't miss seeing the world's greatest Metropolitan star in her second great triumph, 2 Big New Vaudeville Acts 2 BILLY AND ADA WHITE in their Monkey Dance. Positively a riot. STARTING TOMORROW The Gayety Girls 12 PEOPLE 12 IN THE LATEST MUSICAL COMEDIES. CLEVER COMEDIANS, IN CLEAN, CLAS SY SHOWS. SONGS, DANCES, FUN. 94. Jum this lecture on christian Science will in .ii Temple Tneater, March I p. in Admission Tree. Adv. j paper 'or sale; Med in bun- a lor Malting fires, etc. , sttn This office. ling man wants work on stock- i Not afraid of hard work. VP P. Neumann Pendleton in. ilox 343. ; ill mi : bl i white Let born mi hatching $1.09 for 16. pre- ; laranteed fertile R. K. emnn Milton BIG DOUBLE BILL TODAY TEMPLE soon to rent in private family., modern, heat, hot and cold water, . lose in Phone 1MW. Wanted - Younk woman tioi over E5 to do ranch cooking Must be A-l eook. dean and neat Apply P. O. ' Box (31. Pendleton. I iregon. A lecture on Christian Science will be Blven at Temple Theater. March 7th s p. m Admission rree Adv. Prompt automobile taxi service, dsv or night Funerals to cemetery only 13 50 Phone 980. St. George Hotel. Carney Taxi Co. Very many people desire to ouy ands In eastern Oregon What have rou to offer, and price? N. Berkeley lade o ( r like new i irnler. upholstering, city or country Dow Bros, 119 Mrs. Edith M. Hodge City, a cook who has W0 several occasions, has Pendleton for a time. Jack Schaffer. forniei by the Hohbach dJake, but now a commercial traveler. Is at the Golden Rule for a week. Qlen Scott spent Sunday In tji city and returned to his Cold Sprll farm this morning, taking with him Peter Neater, who uill work for hit Otto Malshock and Christ Moehuki of Nolln and William F. Blulm Canada, arrived yeaterday from south ern Idaho, where they had been to gether, John D, Atikeny, J. M Ross, A. .1 Kimball, C. F. Dement, Q. G. Tayloi and W. 1. Allen, all of Walls Walla spent last night at the Hotel .-t. George. ALIMONY KKIdC OF llRK AGES" SAYS SUFFRAGIST Old mnttr'ssts new innde tf fumHurc ropalr sJflH sMjey LB VsaVisai Jnyn ILXJI , . ' 4 22TJ. lle.iuregard Wanted- 1 levote few l La it reet. Learn to nance. Guaranteed. Tlire prlvat .Merryman, at Warren's Mus Phons 624 Adv. of fair education to s each day to pleas Interested In church rk Salary $1.50 per e.s .itid phone. Ad- i dress "f" this office. Solicitors wanted Catholic, to in-1 troduce best Catholic proposition unl the parket Big money can he made h hustlers Renziger Brothers. 3g-l! Par. lay St . New York Cltv. For sale or trade for Pendleton property or acreage near Pendleton 10 acres Irrigated unincumbered land it mouth of lak.ma river, see . I A lecture on Christian Science will It 1 1 II M - M NIMH. BOY l - WATS PREPARED FOR G A S FUMES e w Ml PKTUE TflMlTO ASTIMI II v IiM PKTl "RE TIIK MI-l.KAIHM. LADY." The Misleading Lady.'' as a photo Play featured at Tally's Broad Ira Theater this week is an excellent ve hicle for Henry B. Walthal. There are a number of excellent actors now appearing on the screen, but it Is doubtful ii" any of them excells Wal thal in depth, nuality and vers 'tilitv. or as a pleasing and sympathetic fig ure. The transla rained with Mi ;ee these ihotoplay utoplay Is almost a literal n of the play that hag enter oisands of meater-goers thr ver since it registered its in--ss on Broadway a few sea Bdna Mayo, wno co-stars Walthal. gives a most pleas- mnnce and it Is safe to say p who have seen the "Mis ady" as a play will want to two screen favorites in thN which gives them both lortunltlee hr excellent act- played for more than one week The Gayety company was there four times last season. The company carries some verv pretty costumes for the shows and has several of the best musical plays In their repertoire. The opening play Is a tuneful musi cal farce. "The Love Cure" one hour of singing, dancing and fun. Among the principals is Muu Blllle Bingham, singing "Way Down Yon der." with the pickinlny chorus. Mr. Ralph Crawford in "Why Can't You Be a Soldier,"' and six other popular song hits The comedy is good, clean amt wholesome and lota of It. and alto gether the Gayety company gives an entertainment far above the averago musical show making the northwest. They will be at the Alta five daye, commencing Tuesday. March 7 Impl property or trade, 20 acres bind. 6 acres in alfalfa. 4 room I well and windmill. 1-2 Hcrmlston Will consider In part payment, time on .ddress ltox n o 4 . Hernil'- MarieDoro The Wood Nymph This marvelous TRIANGLE PLAY has that indefinable touch of wonderful charm that makes you forget every thing else in rapturous admiration of its beauty and atmosphere. Marie Doro, as the star, faithfully pre sents a character so sweet with the brightness and freshness of innocence that it is impossible to fail to admire this delightful production. So magnifi cent is it in presentation that you will be 'eally thrillM. KEYSTONE Fl'NFEST. 'PERILS OF THE PARK" Attention candidates. Electors' nominating petltons and .candidates' acceptance blanks, com- Plata, for either republican or demo- I cratic party, are carried in stock at1 the Baal Oregonian office. They are the correct forms and already printed , for immediate deliverv. Attention. W. O. TV, t their regular meeting on Men- dny evening, March 6th Pendleton Camp No, II. W O W. will ha tlatton of candidates, followed nj j luncheon. A good time nnsurod i members urged to be present. GEO. r PHKI.PS. .1 P WALKEP,. Consul Com Clerk. i Adv i mi ni AH j Remember the iiaiW. We are observing N'atlonal "Baby Week" by arranging s beautiful wdn dow dlaplay of artistic photos of the better kind of Pendletoa'i little bios-' sums See this fine display and then' answer to our own satisfaction the question, "Have you a picture by which you can remember yon? baby I as a baby'" pt.l you eve? stop to! consider that your friends can buy' anything you can gyve them except your photograph Mntte the appoint ment today. (AdV.) WHEKLER HTlTJlO ' ifiiii 31 I BHUMS SCHOOL Ooy ! H tTHICAOO, Miir. h mini Benedict, suffragist ate .in. i formt r member rk Industrial Commb 'lees what she preacnes Ing Wallace Benedict, cloi rvst.il peace MI'SR l -HOW WITH A REPI I VTION ( OMES Hi ALTA The Gayety ilirls' Musical Fane Come.h Snow of 10 clever people, hea led by Winstock and Darling in Jew and Dutch idiiieily, are to open a 5-day engagement at the Alta tomor row night (Tuesday). The company hits played all the first lass h uaei in the largest cities ol the cast and northwest and will be remembered as the only show the Hippodrome Theater In Spokane ever TOIiDS Ql'ICKLY RELIEVED Many people cough and cough- from the beginning of Fall right through to Spring others get COM after cold Take Dr. King's New Dis covery and you will get almoat imme diate relief. It checks your cold, stops the racking. ra.plng. tissue tearing cough, heals tile inflamma tion. take. Ant 30c bottlf cry today aw tubes. Baa) to mi Healing Get a Kings New Discov certalnly a great 4 DAYS COMING . tit . i it i i i i i i I.-' i ami A i'oi 'vi. A HSl HA 'ai '.tit is 4 DAYS unconcerned aboui the grave ger which always threatens Ithotms schooling cafrlei bis p gas mask and attend! school i Knch hov bi trained to adjust lion Is also in, staff. WEDNESDAY March 8, 9,10, PUNCH JONE'S MINSTRELS TEMPLE Perfectly Ventilated. Theatre Comfortable.