DAILY EVENING EDITION I tBP . V DAILY EVENING EDITION FunrM for HMn ircgon bj the foiled state Weather Observer at Portland. TO AD V K IITLM&! tH. The Eftit Oregon Ian bai the largest paid clrrulatlou of any paper In Oregon, eaat of 1'ortlaod and orer twice the circulation Id 1'endletoo of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1916. NO. 8749 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ' V-JP S . V t " ' -- - - A THREE FORTS AT I Germans Shatter Outlying Defenses With Heavy Artillery But French are Still Holding Them. FORCE OF 10,000 REPULSED leutons Attempt to Swing Pontootu Across the Meiiso Hut Are llcuvllj Slaughtered i i vouch Fire: Num ber f lot-, iii lioih Armies Sam Placed at over 200,000. LONDON, March 6. -Amsterdam dispatches toduy declured thut the fi rt Devaux, Detavennes ami Moul a nvlllo, defending Verdun have been almost oompletely destroyed, though not captured. It ' ulso reported 10,000 Hermans were heavily repulsed with considerable slaughter In at. tempting tu throw pontoon! aoroiis the Meuse In the vicinity of Sumoicnenx. Berlin official diapatcheH early today did not confirm the report that fort Dieppe had been stormed and captur ed after an artillery preparation had mined It. The latent estimates place the com bined losses of the two armies at over . DO.QOO, The dead are believed to number over 50.00U. Herlln declared the Hermann captured between ninety and a hundred square milcH of terri tory in the Verdun offensive. Sunday Hinting wa tlx Hareaat atj I epper I'lateau. Following two hours) it unprecedented artillery fire, three ' tarnUUI brigades advanced in a head bmit i harire. French rifle, niKnille use and artillery fire met the Her mann.. The foremost ranks were rid dled The others. Pari declared halted In the rear In confusion pre venting the advance Of, reinforce. n.ents. (aught thus, tne uermaasi wire slaughtered where they crouch-! ed unable to advance and refusing to I i ' treat. LONDON, March Official an ' nouacamanta from Parti and Berlin Indicated that following the repulse I of the Hermans at Hoiiniiiiiont Plu-j taaU, thev withdrew and did not at tempt fresh assault last night It la believed they are waiting for heav. artillery to support the Infantry In irthi-r rushes. Klsewhere, infantn rittht Ins has al-1 moat ceased . Berlin reported minor J p. -rations north of Verdun, raaultlng! In the capture of U French officers, ind M4 men, l'arls did not mention i this saying all Infantry' engagement were unimportant The French heav-, ilv bombarded the Herman position ill night. Plans Are Being Made to Observe Baby WeekinCity M AN8 MEETING W ITH PORTLAND SPEAKERS is BEING vie RANGED FOR HERE This Is Baby Week in Pendleton as well as In some 200U other cities and 'owns In the United States It has been set aside for general ob servance of a character that will Im press upon the public the need of bet ter care of Infants. In this city the full plans have not yet peen formulat e.l but the Civic Club end other or ganizations are working them out. Tha plans Include general publicity mass meeting some time during tbej week at which (here will bf Portland speakers and sermons next Sunday by practically every minister In the cltv. stomeihlng oT (he significance of ' Ha by Week" CM be secured from (Continued on Page Eight.) NEWS SUMMARY VERDUN AID N RUINS BY GUNS (icneral. II are killed In air raid oil Kiigll-di low IIS. Three fori guarding Verdun an- rr-hii-(oI t have uimmi wn-eked b (icr mail guns. t'letcland mail b named for ISO rctary of war. total, National Itaby Week bring oln-crv. el here. Judgv directs erdlet of not K"Ht.' against nlidensteln. Is ill fanners will try out plan to handle wheal ill bulk. IiIit. tors of county lo mm't here Friday, Mr. Teal Urges Provide Without Highway to The e Urging that the bond proposal when .submitted to the people In this coun ty carry a provision for at least one complete hard surfaced road to the Columbia, and preferably two, Joseph N Teal, prominent Portlandcr and "Father" Of the open river movement, has written to County Judge Marsh upon the subject. In his letter Mr. Teal sets forth the fact the river can not be of service unless there are roads connecting with the waterway and ho predicts that such roads when built will actually pay for themselves through savings in freight costs. Mr. Teel's letter Is as follow: March 4, 1916. Hon fj II Marsh, County Judge, Pendleton, Oregon. Dear Sir: I have been observing with considerable Interest the good roads movement in Umatilla county and have noted the proposed appor tionment of funds for construction purposes to bo raised by a bond is sue. For many years l have taken the keenest personal Interest In the devel opment not only of Umatilla county, but of the Interior generally, and feel that 1 am Justified in making some suggestions In connection with a mat ter that will o vitally affect Umatilla couty as good roads and their loca tion. , Umatilla county being a great pro ducing section, largely or farm pro dints in which the freight rate is a vital factor, one would nuturally as sume that the first consideration would b given roads that would prove of the greatest benefit In this direc tion (Continued on 1'age Four Colonel House Reports on His Trip to Europe OHMKitl )Tlos IN WARRING NA TIONS IRE RKIiATKD TO THE PRESIDES I WASHINGTON, Match Preai-j dent Wilson and Colonel House had breaktall together today. House re porting about his tour ol the bellige-' rent countries in Europe. It is un. deratuod they conferred In regard t" conditions In the warring nations. , House Informally reporting the re-1 suits of his observations in 1-ondon. Paris ami Herlln. Uuer he will con- fi i with the cabinet for a more de- tailed rep, hi. House lived up to (he rharacterlza- tlon of European editors us the Sphinx in the felt hat" He refused to say nut thing In regard to his trip or on international affairs. He denied he would establish his residence ill Washington. He will probably go tJ New York tomorrow or Wednesduy. Pete Bharid well known are In the ettl an am: Butter today. Heisled Moore, creek ranchers j Searchlights Light Up Battlefields at Night i EaMgaBBjMnaajM WENCH SEARCHLIGHT AUTC Modern warfare pays small heed to.iief the darkness of night, many uttacks being launched during the darkness. As an utd to these nttacks and a a That Bond Plan Fail For One Open Columbia Gen. Diaz, Said to Head Revolt According to dispatches from Mexi co. Ceir. Felix Diaz, nephew of the late President Porfirio Diaz, is at tempting to start another revolution iKamst the c'arranza government, us iug bis native state. Oaxaca. as a base for operations. It is thought that Diaz ean muster ''... nun troops but the will be poorly equipped. COMMITTEE SAYS WATER TO BE PROVIDED FOR FLOWERS Pendleton. Ore.. March 6. the Bdttor of the East Oregonian: We the cemetery committee, wish announce to the Itllhtlp nm eunee. to I tally to those who own lots In the (il- net cemetery, w ho w ish to beautify them, that If they wll; improve their lots with flowers or grass and take out a "water permit" we will see that as long as Pendleton has city water your lots will be property watered and further, we will allow you to lay pipes from waln to jrour lota at your own expense, and under the supervision 01 the cemetery We earnestly ask of you that are Interested in seeing tha cemetery beauifnl to help us. W would gladly receive any done-1 tions of flowers or roses for beautify ing tha cemetery H. J. TAYLOIt 1 D PHELPS, RALPH POLSOM, Committee. against them, huge search lights have been put Into use. This Picture shows one of the latest type of French searchlights mounted upon LINES DRAWN IN E Plans are Practically Completed to Act on Resolution Warning Amer icans off Armed Vessels. BRYAN IS AT THE CAPITAL However, He win ot Interfere! said. In preparedni-- nnt Document l-mgram Import-! rc Awaited Tend.; lin; to Show Tlun British dm rultt Ordered Vessels to Shoot. WASHINGTON March 6 Plans nractlcallv have Keen comnleted for a show down in the house tomorrow on the resolution warning Amerlcani against sailing on armed belllgerenl vessels. Photographic copies of the nlleged British admiralty orders for armed merchantmen to attack subma rines are due to arrive at the state de partment These documents were sent bv Germany to Justify the order for submarines to torpedo armed shipi without warning. Bryan Is at the capital and ha! Planned to entertain eight represen-1 lativ.-s at luncheon bill Ms friends He. , nled he plana to open opposition t" Wilson's preparedness program Sub marine policies will be the topic for discussion. He leaves late today for Wilmington, then westward on a lec ture tour. It became certuln today the vote in the house will be on the proposition of tabling the Md,emore resolution Ultimately, leaders nelieve. a ballot strictly on the merits of the warning will be unavoidable. I Ui;UT'IV M r. . . HOUS FOR SHOW DOWN TUESDAY j" LiT i ' .. . tights to prohibit th i canvassed the altuatlon. reported to day that the aeeeue vote on tabling slamP" and euupo"" 'the Gore resolution materially lessen-j led the possibility of a German-Ameri-! ! can break in the sdbmarlne issue. Ber-' J lln newspapers differ on the interpre. ; : tntions of the vote. Most of them I agree the senate would not' interfere I iln the administration's plans unless I i negotiations seemed leading straight j to war. The Cologne Gazette asserted I the vote was without meaning. BERLIN, March 6. --(Via Amster dam . "Armed merchantmen are snipers of the sea. The British ad- mifalty la Instructing Its merchantmen I Moewe actually eluded the British to fire on submarines, began francti- blockade and returned safely to W'ii reur warfare of the seas" declared Dr. helmhsaven. They believed the story was circulated to throw pursuing war- (Continued on page eight.) ! ships off the trail. The Times war expert, however, accepted the Berlin FRANPIn NflMINoTr-il FflR statement as true. He said: The rnHrlUIU HUIiIIUMICU lUn nnmlhilltv of an entemrlslns cantain RUSSIAN AMBASSADORSHIP wash 1 vqti . March I. Th prettdIt1 iinniimitd David Kruno s of St. Ixiuif. ambassndor to Kushu Francis. f.irmtTlv Kovornor of Missouri was secre tary of the interior under Cleve land and prestdtnt of the I Loui siana purchase centennial In 1904. QNiL fits Weassasl I terminals an automobile, si.ch searchlights arei , ... .w u .w in connection with the shortage the being used in the defense of the po- Farmers I nion grain agency has a let sltlons around Verdun where the Ger-'ter from C, W Nelson, terminal agent mans have been attacking with vigor. TS7SL,Wmm k"!- TAKES P0S1 OF CIVIC (M l! OTARTS MOVEMENT FOR PURPOSE OF BEAUTI FYING CITY. To arrange for a tree planting day tor pendiaton la one of the objecta oi tne civic Club for the near futur and steps towards arranging for the event were taken up at a meeting Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. James Johns was appointed to head tho committee on the subject and has already enter ed upon her duties. Though a definite date has not yet ''f n ,Mt- " PPOo to have tho V w ,"oul 'lpr" '-" tnft av in 4uestlo' every local family will be asked to plant at least one tree They may be planted in the parkings! or in yards. The selection of the son of tree to plant will rest with the in dividual However, some Informa- tlon a8 t0 the best ,rf"es to Plan wl ue secured and also advice will 1 sl en " lo now lo set ou' Tees. ranies naving auvice to orfer on the subject are asked to give the com mittee the benefit of their knowledge The general idea back of the tree planting move is that Pendleton may be greatly beautified by the setting out of additional trees. r . i . . . , . - T4TK HAVP RIGHT Tfl " 1 " 1 ""IL tllUM IU PROHIBIT TRADING STAMPS Sl'PREME COURT UPHOLDS FLORIDA VM WASHINGTON STATU LAW'S. WASHINGTON, March . Uphold- nK lne lorlaa ana Washington the supreme court handed down a de cision practically maintaining state of trading Some Doubt is Cast on Fact the Moewe Actually Returned Safely to a German Seaport LONDON, March everal news- papers expressed doum that the I l.M....l.ln . k. Uuh-A- fnn-n a ...nil "ii MMiifl in win. iv.n.r uin.iin .xa ,,-,, as outward, frequently has been dem- onstnued. The Moewe captain cer- tainit executed his desperate adven ture with skill and ou.rage. BERLIN, March I. Within a few weeks the raider Moewe will main de fy the British navy and put to sea to renew her attacks on trading vesseN. it wa stated today She will oarr the same crew as the Tast expedition which resulted in the capture and sinking of 15 allied merchantmen The vessel appeared today in remark ably good shape, though bearing the marks of heavy storms and shell stars. SchoWini that her armed vic- llnli-li ON. Mar hi was sunk and iknon n wheth d. Torpedo Boats Haiti lurks. ' PETROGRAD, March I -Kuaaiaa torpedo boats raided the Turkish ship- lung harbor of Treblaond, sinking set eral vessels. Local Farmers Will Try Out Handling Grain in the Bulk Inent local far their Intentioa :r grain in bulk of try ng to handle th M as 10 eliminate tne use 01 SACKS I this tear. There is a MestMMt) mailt other farmers will follow suit. At present the farmers are between the devil and the deep sea on the suck i question. On one hand thet ire con- fronted with a scarcity of sacks and almost prohibitive prices and on th. other a threat from some of the brok- ers that if wheat is not sacked on th tarms it w It hate to be sacked at tbr at Scuttle, saying that the English WAR SECRETARY, Newton D. Baker Announces He Has Accepted Offer of Portfolio in Cabinet of President Wilson. FORMER MAYOR OF OHIO CITY Made Fight Against Unit Hide at Baltimore contention Which alM I'd Nomination of vibn; Appointee ( 45 Years Okd and Served Four Year- A Mayor or Cleveland. CLEVELAND, March Newton u. BaKer announced today he had ac-; ers killed II and injured 33 in attack cepted Wilson's offer of the portfolio ' inK northeast England last nlaht it of secretary of war. WASHINGTON, March t Newton D Baker, former mayor of Cleveland, will be named secretary of war, it was learned today from an authority believed absolutely reliable. The an nouncement of the nomination Is ex pected very soon. It Is understood the attorney general has advised the president that General Scott could not be retained longer than Saturdav when his 30-day term expires Later the White Hoense admitted Baker was the president's choice. He! In ,he ruln nt a wrecked dwelling, twice declined the secretaryship of j an aged womn. bed ridden for aeven the Interior when Wilson formed his years- wa" found uninjured. A few cabinet Baker retired frtm the ',oor awa' a fire-boom crashed Into mayorship of Cleveland on January jtne rof of a lodging house All es 1, after four years' service. He was;caped except one man .aged 90. who private secretary to Postmaster Gen-'waa to wtk t0 nn eral Wilson In Cleveland's second ad-! The alr n4 changed its course re- ministration. During; the Baltimore convention he made a fight against unit rule, practically assuring Wil son's nomination He led the minor ity in the Ohio delegation. He Is 4 j years old. . . Wheat IVIarket is Up in Chicago Pit CHICAOO, March 6. May 112 3.4 opening. 115 July 114 opening. HI 3-4 (Special ) 7-8 closing: closing. Pi inland. 1, March 6. . 99 asked: PORTLAN1 (Special, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, March 4 Spot. No. 1 Manitoba. 14s . i hard winter, gulf, 12s 1 ne ,!i assistant manager. The evidence ed western w inter, 13c Id. j "f the state was to the effect that J. lean terms the highest A Y-aK"r -"l"" sealer of weights mt 1 y.nimk, ,t ii,-.!and measures, weighed the grain at .12 2-f. per bushel. I mm ' TI the c LAWMAKERS FORCED TO W M.h MGTON, March I. and representatives, utomobllaa, walked to I. A strike halted .1 congrenanien prepar- loni demandihg imme- ed resolutions demi dlate irbitratlon. itne 1 art n ore. government has requisitioned 75 pet I cent of the Jute crop of India Thi has brought on .1 scarcity and sack 4 m Seattle are n w selling at 13 to 14 Cents, Few sales are made however because of the high price Mr Nel-i Son is go ng east vert soon to invest!, gate the possibihtt of uning cotton basj instead of Jute bags for handling wheat. He believes cotton bags mat he secured at prices now asked foi jute bags but is not sure upon that Point. Meanwhile the Sentiment for hand! lag grain in bulk ts itrowln and evl- Qently would sweep the northwest II the farmers could be assured of safety n selling unsucked wheat. .pproximutelt luu farmers attend ed the meeting Saturday. The chiel speakers were W. W. Harrah and Ed. gar V Smith 12 ARE KILLED IN AIR KMD ON BRITISH COAST Three Zeppelins are Believed to Have Taken Part in Attack; Five Children Among the Victims. THIRTY-THREE ARE INJURED Northeasl Soxions arc ., of I laid I a-1 Si.. tit Where ID Itomlw are Dfopped by the GMmm; Munition Maniifw-turlng Town-. Are Within the Stricken Area. LONDON. March Zeppelin raid- was officially announced. It is be lieved three raiders participated. Bombs were dropped In Yorkshire. Lincolnshire. Hutland. Huntingdon Cambridge, Norfolk. Essex and Kent Three men, four Women and five children were killed. Forty bombs were dropped. The raid's extent was the greatest in the war's history. This was tha 21st and brought total killed by air bombs to 242 and 42S injured. Sever al munitions manufacturing towns are I wit"in the affected area. Peateaiy. tinally soaring In a hug circle, eviaentiy uncertain of Its po sition. One detached itself from the squadron and hovered motionless ov er the village, dumping; a veritable hail of exploelvea. It rose suddenly ft) a gTeat height and vanished VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY RETURNED IN WEI6HT CASE COURT INSTRtOTSJl KY It)LLW. ING MOTION P, ATTORN m HALEY. I'pon instructions from Judgn Phelps the Jury In the case of the States vs. H J Blydenstein. charged with misrepresenting weights. . this afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty. The directed verdict followed a motion of J. Boy Kale v. attornev for the defendant, based upon the grounds that, under the law. Blyden stein, who did not do the weighing and who is only a fellow servant of the I man who did was in n., mm.,n. - sible for the alleged offense The Indictment charged the defend, ant with having made a false state 1 ment concerning weights to Ben Fix. Wheat Ironi whom he purchased what for d: No. 3 , ,ne Pendleton Roller Mills of which the mlH weighed ihortely ol Billy Welch and that it 15.440 pounds. and that fterwards it wa weighed in at the roller mills at 15. 1.10 pounds. The evidence of Yeager and of Bob erts the mill we:gher, was to the ef feet thut the scales of the milling company were correct while Robert! testified that he gate the weight lust as thev were recorded Blydenstein himself had no part In the transaction and Judge Phelps held that, under the law. he could not be held respons hie He referred tha matter back to the grand 1'ir-. to is certain w hether or not the 00 moral - (put this s not neceaaarj fbr ! tion. Deputy District Attorni I Keator contended for the Mi ' BUdenstein beta - 'he man i,,, Lumber Vessel Being Towed in (. IttK Rim snip 1MH. 1 LI V of Ttt RM I w RI MEM! KD li III sIT-' IKATTUC Much n caught In a Kale, the lumber whoonr Thoa Wand Is reported breaking up off Ta. (oosh slan t t'hr s;. irpt-r t-i((lifrt Dew et has a line aboard and is jw Ing the Wand toward th.- it raits Part of the m hooper! deostoad in or t'.ird and two inaats h i - been lost t 't-mtle gale 1 report-d off Cape Flat tery. The Wand carrlea a rew of 20 All are believed safe