PAGE EIGHT DAILY KAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916. EIGHT PAGES Just Received Another Shipment Strawberries & Raspberries Strawberries 6 Cans $1 .00 Case $3.75 Raspberries 5 Cans $1.00 Case $4.00 Phone Us Your Order Gray Bros. Grocery Co. "QUALITY" Two Phones. 28. 823 Main St. SotiliiiK V itig yyiate. .James H. E. Scott, well known Mil ton attorney, is now in Forth Worth, Texas, representing C. W. Harder of Milton, in settling up the estate of i Adam Harder, a son of the Milton man who died recently leaving his father as the sole heir to an estate (valued from J100.000 to 1300,000. Mnv lluiUI WtlOB Garage. It is reported that Lowell Rogers one of Cmatllla county's largest and most successful farmers. Is preparing to invest in Weston property to the extent of building a concrete garage on the Dupuls corner, which is well located for the purpose. The building will be occupied by H. L. Hedrick, the local garage man. Weston Leader. Meacliarn sawmill shut Down. J l Casey, who is down from Me.u'ham today, states that the mil-.- ing business of which he is the head is temporarily at a standstill on a - count of weather conditions. A lure- 2jE amount of logging worjt was done earlier in the season, but the deep snow Interfered to such an extent that operations were closed down un- 'til the weather situation is more fa- vorahle.- La Grande Observer. McNarj to Portland, Dr, W: D. McNary. superintendent of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital left on No. 17 today for ivrtland m a short visit. You can Buy the New at "The Golden Rule" for Less Than You Buy the Old Elsewhere on Sale Prices New Spring shipments of bright, crisp new goods being received now every day cn each freight and express train for this store. New, clean stock of ginghams, per cales, sheeting and muslins, towels, towelings, linens, silks, wool dress goods, wash goods, muslin underwear, waists, suits, coats, etc. just received and now on display at our extremely low prices. Ma, .loin tioroian Vrmv Detlef Schumacher, who formerly resided near Pilot Rock and who has made his home in I'endleton since leaving here about a year ago, has decided to move again and possi'o'y may go to Germany if he can get by I'nele Sam's guard. He wanted to join the kaiser's forces nt the time of leaving here, but his friends advised him to stay as he was too good a Dutchman to be fed to bullets. Pilot Kock Record. Has Bab) Window. Advertising "Better Babies" week, Carl s. Wheeler, photographer, has today a window of baby pictures which he has taken. Divorce Is G nutted, A decree of d vorce was granted by Judge Phelps yesterday at the conclu sion of the trial of the ease of E. F. Q rattan vs. Sophia Q rattan, SPECIALS For Sunday Dinners and Parties BRICK ICE CREAM Plain, any flavor, quart ... 50 TwrJ colors, quart 50 Three Colors, "Neopolitan" qaart :. 65c Fruit Nut, quart 75c Maple Mousse, quart 75c Frozen Punches, quart 81.00 Oriental Sherbets. Maple Pecan Sundae 15 Fox Trot Sundae 15t Predicts I tension of Road. John R Jordan of Riverside. Mai-; heur county, is in the city today en route home from Freewater River-, side is on the new line being extend. (4 from Ontario through Malheur county and Mr. Jordan states that thej road has now almost reached Harney county. He states that the feeling down there Is that the road will be extended on to Bend and down the Deschutes to give direct connection With the Columbia basin. Set Out Trees at Cemetery, The cemetery committee of the council Is today having a row of shade trees set out along the front of Olnev cemetery, as one of the first steps to ward improving the. burial ground. Dale Rothwetl rJ OPTICAL SPECIALIST Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. ' American National Bank Building, Pendleton, Phone 609. Ad m- wants iog Ordinance, T. A. Ueuallen, one of the Adams city officials, Is In the city today looking over the Pendleton dog-muzzling ordinance with a view to having such an ordinance Introduced in the Adams coucll. Milton Defeats Ilermislon. Accompanied by Principal A. T Park, the Hermiston hieh school bas ketball team is in Pendleton today en route home from Milton where last night the Milton high won from them at basket! all by the close score of 11 to 10. I Bad weather Predicted. The local forestry office today re ceived the following weather warn ing bulletin for stockmen: Unsettled, continuous old, weather with rain or snow, winds not strong for Sunday. Monday and probably Tuesday. Colder tonight. 620 Main Phone 103 Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. ifcoton Organizes nail Team, Preparing to enter whatever league is most advantageous to her, Weston has already begun the organization of a baseball team for the coming sea son, according to reports reaching Pendleton. At a recent meeting F. O, Lucas was elected manager and will be assisted by Marvin Price. A subscrip tion fund will be raised to finance the team and the town expects to turn out a winning team. Indian Workers to Kamiali. To attend special evangelistic ser vices at the second church of Kamlah. Idaho, the following members and i workers of the Tutuilla Indian church left last evening: Klders Allen Pata i wa antl Philip Jones and Parsons Mo 1 tanlc, president of the temperance so i dev. and his wife. Bariler In the week Julia Mlnthorn. Lizzie Patawa and Its-ka-ka left for the same place, .IJKt 7.T J. J Tl7 7-1 77T n 7 I 7 l"t TnTTTT mrmTTTTTTTT - , . , , , , . , . , . , .. ,.,,,iu,uvuwu. 'a.wa.w. . . . . ,v , The Mainspring Export Watch Rapmlring ped without apparent cause. You intuitively attempt to wind it. Th crown turns with a new sense of ease, but the operation ;s endless. Then you learn that a fickle mainspring concluded to resign Its task and simply broke. Whv? Here is a query that may stand In the com pany of Who Wrote the Ie'ters of Junius .' Who Was the Han with the Iron Mask? and other unanswerable in terrogations of profane The best mainspring have maintained their right to break ever since modern watches were invented, arid (hey will do so until some secret of nature for which scientists are still searching Is re vealed turbances of tbf atmos phere, extreme change of temperature or con tact with ei,ld sub stance, wilt occasional ly result In a broken mainspring. Such con- e. . .. - are i l! un- What is not so well understood Is why a spring will sometimes snap In twain or in twenty pieces In spite of the best of care. You may ascribe it to a fit of temper or to the dog days, or give any other reason that does not sound logical, or horo loglcal. The fact and the mystery remain. This spring is a p;ece of lower plates of the n.ovement It is the motive pow er of the watch. It Is made in degrees of strength, width and thickness suitable to '.r highest tension ban fully wound, to that of comparative rest when the watch is run down, and It Is con stantly undergoing a change in resist sniH aii Its coils unfold, this spring Is the only part of the watch subject to casualties against which even careful use can not always provide. .Urn Blydenstein Cax up Monday. The case of the State vs. H. Q, Hly j denstein will come up for trial Mon ! day and it will be followed by the ! State vs. Colesworthy. Both cases in- volve alleged use of incorrect weights. The case of the State vs. Basil Parr ' and that of Peringer vs. Carney et al, ' set to follow, have been postponed i owing to the throat trouble from , which District Attorney Hteiwer is ! sufferng and instead the equity case i of Bott vs. Campbell has been moved ' up on the docket. All watches of a giv en make and size do not properly take the same strength of spring. A variation n thick ness of only two one thousandths of an inch may be the measure of the difference between the right and the wrong mainspring for your watch. This again Is th field of the qualified workman. To select a proper spring calls for experience and Judg. ment. If your watch Is worthy of a spring at all. pay what a compe tent watchmaker con siders a proper charge for a good one. All Hallmark watches are standardized and uniform ly of the size of the mainspring Is a notable feature. We liae two wao huiakors aluajH btSJf, Royal M. Sawtelle Inarn to nane. Guaranteed. Three private lessons Merryman, at Warren"e Music House Phone 624 Adv. I Lost F. O. K watch charm, with claw, return this office, lleward Found Ford tube May have same j by calling at office and paying for ad For sale or trade, 20 acres land. I all fenced, acres In alfalfa. 4 room J house, good well and windmill. 2 1-2 j miles frotn Hermiston Will consider I automobile In part payment, time on i balance. Address Box 354, Hermls 1 ton. Toweling 5c. .o. ' (. 10t 12L. India Linon 81 if, Si c, 10, 12' ami 15c Fruit of the Loom Muslin IO4 Lonsdale Muslin 8xt Good Bleached Muslin 5o 36 inch Cambric 10 Long Cloth... Gi, si ;o. IOC I2i.. Percales 6 14c 10c lU'jO Ginghams for Aprons 5c 01,0 inch Dross Cambric 6' ,0 Roth Towels, the pair 25c 39f, IOC Mercerized Poplins, all colors WC Serpentine crepes 15 Roys' Knit Wrist Canvas Cloves 5 .Men's Knit Wrist Canvas Cloves 5 Williams' Shaving Soap 4 Colgate's Shaving Powder .... 10c Men's Dress Socks 10 Men's Wool Socks Wit Men's Cotton Work Socks 5 Men's Work Shirts :Kc 98 Roys' Every Day Shirts 25), 38f , I5 Shoe Laces, per dozen 10 Men's Slimmer Shoes 81.49, $1.98 Roys' Dress Shoes $1;39, 91.49, $1.69 Baby stiff Sole shoes 9t 9c OSc Vou Can Always Do Better At J i '. fVnneuCn In 8J VlVMU.l We Lead, Others Follow Ilillllllllllllll SUNDAY MENU The Kopper Kettle "The Purity Sweet Shop." Cream of Tomato Soup . Chicken Noodle Soup ''reamed Chicken on Hot Hiscuit Hoast lieef Sandwich Ilrown (iravy Kopper Kettle Plum Pudding, with Hard .10 ..10 .13 15 Specials Afternoon and Evening i'ies with Whipped Cream. Apple, Pumpkin. Chocolate Cream ID Baked Apple with Cream Pie a la Mode Home Made Cake MT. HOOD ICE CREAM Neapolitan Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry Sherbets Coffee, Milk, Buttermilk Tea. cup 5c, Pot 10 16 in 10 .10 ''reamed shrimp on Toast I 'reamed Chicken Toast Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Kopper Kettle rrab Salad Kopper Kettle Fruit Salad 15 20 30 30 M NDAV'S FOUNTAIN BPEOIAIj PR08TKD COFFEE Noon banoheon 11:80 V M. to J P M. MAKE SUNDAY A DAY OF REST IN THE HOME. Women to ,oin Club. At the suggestion of C. M. Mshop last night the name of the proposed republican club was changed to The Young Men and Young Women's He publican Club, admitting the women with eual rights and responsibilities. Constitution and by-laws were prepar ed and discussed The nominating committee after an extended session asked for further time and will meet airtin tonight to further consider the matter. It was derided last night that president and assistant secre tary should be women and nomina tions will be made accordingly. The final meeting will be held next week when John McCourt, president of the 'regon Republican Club, will be the speaker. There was a good attend ance last night rind all were very en thusiastic over the possibilities of the Buy Your Buick NOW Attention. v. O. W. At their regular meeting on Mon day evenlrg. March Sth Pendleton ('ami) No 41. W. O W. will have Ini tiation of candid st ea followed by a luncheon. A good time assured. All members urged to be present. OF.O. F. PHCLP8, .1 P WALK BR. Consul Com- Clerk. (Adv. i Little Sixes Now Here. Purchasers May Have Immediate Delivery WHAT THE NAME BUICK ON A MOTOR CAR MEANS TO YOU. More power, more comfort, more economy, easier riding, easier driving, more reliable ami more of that elusive quality called class than you can get in any automobile near the BUICK price. ItHMITMISliK There are more IM'ICKS on the road to day that have run over 100,000 miles than of any other make. And there are fewer second-hand Ilulcks for sale. Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED 117, 119, 121, 123 West Court St. Telephone 468