PAGE SEVEN EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, .SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916. PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public nvvwaiNVYAft .V, ;w.f; .n-; twm vtim wm " " AUTO REPAIRING Fords a Specialty. rrd Accessories) FRIZIER & GERTSON AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone, 203 ISO Cottonwood St., Op. City H1L Motor.Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODERN CYLlNDBIt (IIUNDKR AND OVBRBIZKU PISTON AND BINUs (WOUND. Pbont 71. NeeKle'a lllacUraltb Hnop. AUTO SUPPLIES TIKES AND ACCE8SORIW Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEIi. NO. IS. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone JM Room 7. Schmidt Uldf. LESSONS IN CHINA. OILS. WATS" COLOR. TAPESTRY. LEATUER TOOLING. Hrase and Copper Craft. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors HAIR DBESSINO, MANIITRING, FACIAL MASSAGE. SCALP TREAT MENT, SHAMPOOING. Popular Price Telephone III Main Street. Appam !hel Not lilsmissMl. WASHINGTON. March J. The state department transmitted the de rision of the ailmlnlstratlon In the Ap pam case to Ambassador von Bcrn storff It Is understood the libel suit holding the vessel In an American port win not i. dismissed Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, an they anO't tenrh the sent of the disease. Ca arrh l a local dleeime, greatly Influenced . . i..n..i ,.n,ni i,.nb na tn order to lire It sea mint tnke n Internal remedy, Hall's Catarrh dire in tuken internally and acts thru the hl.nrfl on the DOES snr ( e h. imim ll.: . - Cntarrh Cure ... .inlhil hv one of the best iihyslrl i n In thin country lei years It Is BOS- l.ose.1 of some nf the hest tonics k"""0; ., I , , i ,h some of the lct blood l.nrlfle The perfect combination of the mgredlentu In Hulls ( atsrrli Cure la hat predoreaaseh wooderfol re.ult In raurrhsl .ondltlori" Send for testimonial", free I ' J CII I'M V A CO, Props. Toledo. O. ill Prnnglsts. 7.V. Hall's Famllj Pills ft constipation Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the system aeh mornlnfl and wish away the poisonous, stagnant matter. Those of us who are accustomed tu feel dull and henvy when we arise: splitting headache, stuffy from a cold Toul tongue, nasty breath, add stom ach, lame back, can, Instead, both look md feel SS fresh as 1 dis al ways by washing the pole ins from the body with hot water each morning ns and tox- phosphaten e breakfast. We should drink. bf a glass Ol real hot water with a tea spoonful ol limestone phosphate In I1 to flush from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pr, vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour Idle and poisonous toxins; thus clean Ing, sweetening and purifying lite etj tire alimentary tract before patting more food Into the stomach. The action of limestone phosphate and hot water on an empty stomach is Wonderfully Invigorating, it elesm ail the sour fermentations, gases waste and acidity and gives one I splendid appetite for breakfast and It Is said to be but I llttls while unci the roses begin to appear In the cheeks A qUaVtlaf pound of limestone phosphate will root very little nt the drug store, hut Is sufficient to make anyone who is bothered with billons nese. constipation, stomach trouble 01 rheumatism a real enthusiast 011 the subject of Internal sanitation Trv it and you re assured that you win look better and feel better In .or way shortly. CHICHESTER S PILLS WeiT "nr. oiAimno iiband. a lalr-tll nmm jssr i"sgin rhl-r hpvlrr'si IMumoeiti HraasL rillaiB, Rrtl n. (.old rr.rts.llK. I ,r .eiie t with Ulist V TaLa su etkrs flu mt eSMiP lHnt. Av.r wf in i iiVH-TRtrt' DIAMONR MHM I'll.l -,( flft cwrt . nowri s Hft. Ssfsnt. AtaM Relist'ttj SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE THg OLD RS.UA BL.K" REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST. -w,-W ;mgWAWftMwawltWW 1 iwb ima imb ! im BOTTLING WORKS Kait Court Phone 1T7 FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Work$ I'aul llemmelgarn. Prop. ALL KINDS OK SOFT I M! INKS AND HODAH BUTTLED. Olyuipla Oyster Cocktails a Specialty CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS llarana filled 10c. Straight and I'erfe, to Shape. Manufartured hy PENDLETON ClOAB FACTORY. CLEANING-PRESSING West of Hotel Harber Shop. Phone 470 ask for Pressery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson A ScnuiaJian. Prop. Cleaning, Preying, Repairing, Day or Night Work Called for and Delivered. CLUB RATES. I will keep a man's suit pressed and repaired for 11.60 per month and guarantee the best possible fork lit DI). THE TAILOR ANI DRY CLEANER, 310 West WeDb. Phone 686. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We weld all klndi of caat Iron, aluml num. steel, copper and hrasa by the Modern Oiy Acetylene Process. Don't Walt for Repairs, Let Ua Weld It 720 JOHNSON ST. Market Situation at Portland Shows o Marked Change PORTLAND, ore. The delay shipments of stoc k during late vaster-1 dav were not reporti-il in until the morning The geiienit market situa tion Is showing practically no change. PUlp cattle came forward from Idaho In liberal supply, but the entire shipment was I direct purchase in tt interior by farsten or Tacoma and only rested here The shipment COO- flsteil of 1 lOstda Willi a Kprlnklini of J sheep among them. i Cattle niarket was slow In starting ; although some rather good stuff came forward from Umatilla county The .enersl cattle market range: ,. ! ITlolcc pulp fed steers... . I Choice grain fed steers... 7. 254 7 3.' jordintiiy grain fed steers. T.OOtg T.l.'i eh.. I,,, haj fed I ra 6.90(P6.?5 Oood steers 6.75 'it 6. sr. Ordutarj to common steers 6 DO G 6.60 Choice cows 6 50 t 6 75 Ordinary to good heifers., t on w 5 75 Choice bulls 3.75474. 5 Oood to fair bulls 3.0043 ordinary to common bulls 2 00 iff 2 1 Hest light calves vOtl Oood calves 7.00 f 7 5a nog Market is Steady, Uarkel for hogs Is steady at North Portland There was a rather fa'r run In the yards overnight, hut the bulk of the stuff came from Willam ette VftUsi points am) on guaranteed price at K for best. General hog market range: Choice light weights ....IS.SO0S.1I Good lightweights 7.S57 9o Medium weights 7.7HW7.7; Itough and heavy 7.50r 611 ENGINE AND TWO CARS BLOWN ACROSS ROADBED IN NEW HAVEN A la passenger saeh blown clear and a freight "ar were across the roadbed of the New Haven tmm amm mm am j-im - ' ELECTRICIANS CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Estlmat J Furnished. Phone 636, 118 W. Court St FEED YARDS I'HONB 540 THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Kaat Alt St. KKKD AND SALES 8TA1II.B. FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Store On Main St , neit to Happy Canyon I'HUNK b'S2. FLORAL DESIGNS, PLANTS AND SEEDS. Agent Portland Journal: open Evening. FURNITURE if Koch Furniture Store CHA8 KOCH. Pro. There will be an extra discount of 10 per cent for the next 30 days on all dressers and chiffoniers. 117 W. Webb St. t'Uone 335-W GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOUS Groceries, Confections and Bakers' Goods. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 202 W. Webb t. Phone 671 No Mutton for Market. While there was a small run ol I mutton reported In the yards over nitrht ih. lit, lit, .1 M . ASHl forward m wiiera, on,- hunch being tor io- CSl concern and the other for Tacomn. General mutton and Limb range: Choice weight lambs ll.SS9l.0l Oood t mmon lambs. I 00 c5cl Choice yearling wethers Good to common yearlin Old wethers Choice light ewes Good tu common ewes . 6 754i 7.0S 6.dli 'd 6 IS Erfda) livestock Shipper. Hogs Pacific Cold Storage Co., Stan(tetd, 1 load; F H. Ferguson. Am Itv. I load; J K. PrOtfltt, DaMon. 1 load. Cattle H. R. Peacock, Caldwell, Idaho. 2 loads; Pacific Cold Btttrafl CO., Stanfield. 1 load; Dixon Bros, 4 loads Mixed stuff J 1). Jensen. Sugar City. Idaho. 12 loads cattle and sheep direct to Carstens; H '. Iiavidson, Emmett. Idaho. 1 load cattle and hogs; J D. Hurilick. Alliny. 1 load alvf and hogs; c E. LucMe, Molalla, hogs anil sheep; J. I). Pins West Si io. 1 load cattle and more, hogs Woman Sou lis alimony, CHICAGO. March S. Mrs. Crystnl Rastman Beneold a suffragist, pnci .:u 1st, business woman, wife of Wal- laoe Benedict, electrical engineer, is suing fur divorce.. She cites actloM o' Benedict and an unidentified wom an as causes for the suit. No alimony is sought, as Mrs. Ben-hom i''ei asserts that a real feminist doe j as a l ot think of alimony and does notltion. have to be supported by men. 1 stun. 1 railroad m the 1 Conn., F'eb. Ten person more Injun w ere d. The killed and mam Wi M WW 'JBI Ml WM VJiYVXUMYJiY7EXTB Wf GROCERIES J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone 536 HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash price, paid for 2nd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires. Bruss. Copper, Sac its and Hags. HIDES. PELTS. WOOL A FURS. 206 W. Webb St. Telephone 662 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile. FIRE, Burglary Plate Glass, Liability. Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 601. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. ROUGH DRY 7c PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAY BURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WEBB. Reduction on lard for Saturday 10 pounds lor i oo. IX)NFE88E8 HE SLEW WOM- AN WHO UDEI) HIM, s NEW YORK. March (.Joseph E Hanel. self confessed murderer ul -Mis. Julia Heilner. his inval A em ployer, on April 23. 1115. is now held without bail In a Brooklyn jail fot xammalion. Hnnel confess. , 1 he killed Mrs. Heil ner when she found him robbing the into which he had been taken tiller to save h.m from star He said his Baltimore confes in which he Implicated an ac- with h Is ma took a wait f. ster He was not hurt, but he position high in the debris to r h s muster's call YJf lUI V7 YJi YJt ,Ufi YIU YJi Wit yttm twm va v. PLUMBING-HEATING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 228 E. Court St Phone 448 Phone 32 1 Re. 509. Agenta for PENINSULAR Fl'RNACEB. Wotfaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HKATINO. Tinning and Repair Work. 109 W. Webb St., PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 B. Court St Portrait made day or night rain or sbtne. Give us a ealL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 916 Main St.. Tel. 329-W. IIIliR GRADE COMMERCIAL POKTBAIT WORK. Post Card Photoa 61.00 Dos. Amateur finishing. Ansco Supplies. AND PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER. PICTURE MOULDING, GLASS, DECORATING, PAINTING. Job Viork Promptly Done. Mi7 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon. complice, was false. He admitted to 'ultimate heir to the share of Charles the District Attorney that he had'l". Preston in the Summit ranch near , worked alone! j Waitsburg. Hanel, according to an employee of This property is in the best wheat ( the district attorney's office who was country in Walla Walla county, and; present during the confession, said is worth at least $200,000. At the j he had no intention of slaying Mrs. , death of Charles Preston Whitman Heilner when he planned to rob the College will get the property, and the. j,ouge I Income will be used to furnish free I u.i la ,,,i.,td as savina-.'scholarships for needy students. j I had cleaned out the upstairs and ! had the 111 worth of jewels and silverware on me ready to go when Mrs. Heilner came into the kitchen. "I was frishtened. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run, but 1 I was afraid she's scream. Then be Ifore I knew It 1 threw the bottle of i beer at her and it struck her on the , head. She fell to the floor, and then I I strangled her with the rope. Then I quietly left the house, made Phila delphia without trouble and there i pawned the jewels. After that thing? j were easy." The prisoner said he had served a term of one year in 1906 for a theft I in Baltimore. Three years after that I he had joined the Salvation Army , working for that body for three ! years. He was sent, he said, to Black, 'well's Island for three months In 1912 I for a theft in East 120th street, and I from April 1913. to November 1914. he w as in the Holmesburg prison. Philadelphia for robbery. He ap ! plied for help to the Seamen's Mis sion early In 1915. They sent him to the He liter home. Whitman to .et SSSS.006. WHITMAN COLLEGE. Walla Wal la. Wash.. March 3. When the Will nf the late W. Q. Preston of WaltS- j burs, w as filed for probate it became know n that W hitman College was tin CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FI NERAI, IHIUXTORS. 1 JOHN S. BAKER, FCNEBAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofrice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars Calls responded today or night. Phone 75. it t BROWlfg TORNITURK STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer Most modern funeral par 1 lor. morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Corner Ma n an.! Water streets Telephone 6;i 1NS1 KANtT. N1 LAND BCTOTBW HAHTNIAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES i reliable abstracts of title to an lends In I'matiUa county. Buys and 1 sells all kinds of real estate. Does I a general brokerage business. Pays , taxes and makes investment! for non ' residents. Writes fire, life and aecl- dent insurance. Reference, any baBk In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C H MAKSH. Sec j BENTLEY MONTGOMERY. REAL! estate, fire, life and accident In- , 1 surance agent 816 Main treet j Phone 404. VFTKHIN ARY gCRGBONS, ' C. W. LASSEN. M D. V COTJWT1 eeterlnarlnn Residence telephom 17; office telephone, JO. ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National I Bank Building. ROOMS AND BOARD THE LYMAN Under New Management. Private comfortable rooms; Mod. em conveniences, with or without board. Close In. Rates reasonable. Mrs. Tccl & Van Cleve. 621 Willow Phone 305 702 E. Alt St. Telephone 447 Moderate Rate Whit Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE lira. J. SHEPARD. Prop. Boom With or Wlthoot Board. Under New Management RUGS CLEANED Get Your Fugs Steam Qeaned At the PENDLETON RUG AND MATTRESS WORKS CphoUrterlng and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Price reasonable. Located 103 Water St Phone 67S. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the best of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St.. care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 646 AUTO OVERHAULING AND GENEH AL REPAIRS. SERVICE STATION Tel. 684 Cor. Main and Water St. Sugar Trains Cross Gulf. PHILADELPHIA. March 3. For 1 the first time railroads are competing An electric process ni arjing iuio with the steamship lines for the Cu-iber in piles of unbarked logs has been lg trade, bringing su- ECZEMA CAN BE CURED Free Proof To You All 1 want is your name and address so I enn send M l rlee.tlSli.twat. nw-nt I want Vou jn-t to try tlni treatment Hut a..-ut try It. That's my only argument I'Teheen in thedrur business in Fort War knows about mv successful treatment, uvor nr. P""f Wayne have, aecnrdiug to their own .tattmcnU, been cured by Bah treatment amce made this offer public. If you h .v.- Eczema. Itch, Salt Rheum. Tetter never mind how bad my tl cured Uie woist cases I ever saw-rv me a chance to prov my claim. Send mt I IWt asassaiwl addresson the coupon helnw and ret thetrcil treatment I want ti roe PRFE. 1 lie w onders accomplished in your own case i. I be proof. l 11 mill Maaeaai amaair CUT AND mul todat J. C. MUTZELL, Druggist, 899 West Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Please tend wiuwut coat or obligation to at your Free Proof ............ Name Foal Office gtioet'aiid No FEE ft FEE. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in Despain building. I CARTER & SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS at law tlfflce In rear of Ameri can National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardwire . company. PETERSON BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4. Smith Crawford budding. Dol'GLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts Rooms 7. $ and , Despsln building GEORGE W. COrTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block FREDERICK STEIWER ATTOR ney at law. Office in Smith -Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in De spa, n building. SECONH HAND MTIiliaTttt V. STROBLE. DEALER IN N I P, and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand good bought Cheapest place In Fend'c ton to buy household goods Con 1 and get our price. 11 E. Courl street. Phons t71W. SIGN PAINTING IF IT'S A Sl(-N WE MAKE IT KEM SIGN CO. 806 Cottonwood Strew. Phone 173. Pendleton, Or. SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND SOLES. RUBBER HEELS A SPECIALTY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital L. ULM. Prop. SHOE REPAIRING ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES W rail for and deliver. Phone 337. ttl Mala St SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shining At Minerva Shoe Shining Parlor. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Bats, 112 Main St Pendleton, Ore. ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE CARNEY TAXI CO. Phone 680 ST. GEORGE HOTEL. Prompt service, day and night Funeral service 13.50. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed. Corner Court and Cottonwood. gar from the plantations direct to Philadelphia. The first train arrived at the Franklin sugar refinery. The cars were loaded at the plantation, brought to Havana, put on the new ferry steamer Henry M. Flagler and landed at Key West. From there the cars were brought north by rail. The consignees of the cargo said the rall- roads had issued, a special schedule and the freight ocean rates. was lower than the I perfected in France. for ?0 je. nearly everyone knows ire and Fort tint . Ae... I I M M l 1111 P W IVTKD, FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIEi to travel, demonstrate ami sell daSsL ers. tl to $50 per week Railroad fare paid. OoodrtOfa Drug Cotnpipy, Dept ill. OmsJIa, Neb. CHlltOPB iCTOM. DR. GBORGX I KINZ. LICEN8BO Chiropractor. Temple mug. Offtos n 1"0. residence phone 170 FARM LAMM NORTHERN PACIFIC P.AII.WAT lands tn Eastern Montana it IJ 5 to JIS.DO per acre, suit able for farm Ing or grazing Easy term Saf in formation write or see. W E Holt, Miles City, Montana. ACmO.NEKRS, COL w f fOFTNKA Al i'tion eer. make a apecialtv or "armerr stock and machinery sale "Th man that gets you the munev " Leavt order at East Dregoolas off! J.C. Hetotn. R e