DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916 KtfM Motion Picture (News: EIGHT PAGES wm Lb HA r r . ill mi m WHERE QUALITY IS A REALITY, NOT A PROMISE Today Only Today Only Pretty Mary Anderson And All-Star Cast of Vitagraphers in the Western Mining Camp Feature "BILL PETER'S KID" Kalem Presents Ham & Bud in "WARRA-WARRA" Vitagraph Comedy 'When Two Play a Game' im i.in nil OHIUBEJi ' Tomorrow, Sunday and Monday V. L. S. E. BIG FOUR PRESENTS Henry Walthall and Edna Mayo -IN Presenting the Marts Em field of the Screen Misleading Lady" I I V 4 ilt& W tuuAMAYO 1 Resenting the most THE misleadiiiii LADY1 M beautiful woman ESSANfcY , 1 in pictuitdom x... i.wi v.l I K IT THE MAJESTIC THEATIIE, PORTLAND, nillll I.IN(i 1HIAMA Ol I 'AVE MAN HETHOOH INTHOIIl'l'KI) INTO MODUiN SOCIETY. It .i ii ,n h'-un love Btor) lhat reacheg ever1) heart: a whirlwind Wooing thai lifts you off oiir teet with it a bMens't; and rapid action. Denied in love, the roan Kidnaps the gift, chains her in the mountain lodge -.nil wins her love 1 . f man Mr l t hi ittn In Addition Herst-Vitagraph News Weekly -i vi i: en i t i:i news -i:i: n K Mil i 1 l.'.r 'Nil. mil a ii iwm iw i'n"i mi i , im n'i itt irii. nnim t - t nut ion t tiiMi i fmiih, a ) iff nn Christian Science will Th.. al V "i,i i net ttau Tempi Theater. Much th UnUn season will be giver, n i 1 :,h ' " Admlwhw rre.-Adv. kIp-Wuh iman Hall Saturday evening March Btra a I llm ami nr. r In this COtMtrj electricity : a 11,- assured Alv OW.OOO.MO Industry. Sunday a mm El I it TEMPLE LOCALS i Advertising in Brief katkiT I'er Itaa ilmt Insertion Hie I'it line, additional Insertloa lie Per liti-. par mouth ...$t 00 N.i locals tnki'u for less tlian JOc. Count 8 ordinary vorda to llae. I mais will not In1 taken over the telephone 11001 front i:ust Oregon- i :!'. i n. ! j 'am paid-op 20M a Imlasion What tin- Picture Thi-aters Have to Ti-ll You. W a thai ( rnuis Nn Hole In "Tin Mlidillng Lady," Henry B. Walthal. who appeara In thi rule of Jark Cralgan, the mortem cave-man in Besaoayj rive act pho toplay, "The Mini ending Lady," th drama by Charhs W. rioddard and Paul Dickey, which swept the country a Hhort time ao, haw successfully es. saved and rendered a charai terliattog wholly new to him. The. part of Cralgen ts a difficult one. ah the play develops, he changes slowly from the conventional man, very tliouKhtf ill. slightly bloody and extremely di.-tt . ; of women, Into a poHahed brute, conaumad by the flames of a desire which in thi Itroagar for beina ri-presaed a Ion? a time Walthal, in the photoplay, has beCOEM identified with the char acterization of a dignity, tinged with I thoUKhtftilnesa and often verging "tt I melancholy. He is the poet of the' screen and the portrayer of poetic motions. Hig things, elemental! things patriotism, idealized love, sac rifles, ambition of the Macbeth type, those are the things which Henry i Walthal has pictured in the past. Hut In Cralgen he has a normal.. 1 modem man, who has been pushed! by his nature Into the wilderness and i I the waste places. Hut the prompting?! of this nature and the emotions that It engenders are hidden beneath thel i conventional exterior. Such la Mr. Walthal'a versatility I i that he wins a distinct triumph In j He has shaded it; ind it hard to be 10 flaunted a mur. I playing this p. so that one dot Ml' ild man, who win her. Pastime .tela GoraldtaM l arrar in 'ivnipuuion" hi aiui Tomorrow, "The Temptation." the second Las ky production starring the celebrated Operatic prima donna, Qerajdins Ear-. j far. will lie the attraction at the Altai tomorrow and Monday, in this thrill -t ing photodrama Miss Fanar is seen' j In an entirely different charaeteriz.i Itlon than that in vthich she scored) I such a success in Carmen " MlSSI I Farrar is surrounded by a cast of un I usual excellence, including such prominent persons as Theodore Ho i I ens, lvdro de t'ordoba. Elsie Jane Wilson Raymond h ttton, .mta iring, I Ernest Joy and other members "(' the Las ley all-Mar company. I In addition two big new vaudeville nets and the Paramount travelogue I will he offered. rhi lif lii ALTA THEATRE y-watr- -- TODAY The Fascinating TODAY Pauline Frederick IN A VERY THRILLING PICTURIZATION OF LYDIA GILMORE tt Two Bi Vaudeville Acts 1 "Tiii; WOOD NYMPH" At i.ea-t. Marie Dora CbuajM Hands and sununon-. Him Handsome gtmnger Win- Her Heart. A play that Elnglea very beautiful-1 .15 the atmosprftre'ot aestheth Qreek life with the life of today .s the Fire ! Arts-Triangle "The Wood Nymph.' I I This shows Marie Doro to great ad vantage in her initial appearance as ii Triangle star. The locale of the place is placed among the redwoods of California, A, -! cording to the tale. Miss roro as the' Nymph has grown up under the care of a mother , lyj ha.- forsaken civil-1 ii'.hn to pvr in nm' furrclahed log house in the timber. There is a j ttalwart Aniazou-like servant, who guards the girl jealous!... The Nymph has k&OWn nothing of mi n's boi i- Sunday and Monday The Famous Grand Opera and Metropolitan Star Geraldine Farrar "TEMPTATION" Produced By Cecil B. De Mille Great American star who appeared in "Carmen" again re vealed in big photodramatic part in thrilling Lasky feature play. The photoplay's most noted artiste. 2 Big New Vaudeville Acts 2 Clans 6 Radcliffe Billy and Ada White Singing, Talking, Character Change Singing Dancing Paramount Travelogue Continuous Gome Early Attend the Matinee if Possible For sale or trade for Pendleton attend the regular Saturday night Attention Candidate property or acreage near Pendleton. dance tonight In Moose hall. Music Electors' nominating petltons and 10 acres irrigated unincumbered land by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission candidates' acceptance blanks corn it mouth of Yakima river. See W. I. 60 cents. Adv j plete. for either republican or demo Qadwa, cratic party, are carried in Sat t Public Dancp Tonight. Moose Hall. The public Is cordialy invited to i Christian Science will the East Oregonian office. They are mple Theater, March j the correct forms and already prnted, Admission free. Adv. j for immediate delivery, A & A A A : iAi.s BIG DOUBLE Florence E3 . 0 " MarieDoro in TheWood Nymph This marvelous TRIANGLE PLAY has that indefinable touch of wonderful charm that makes you forget every thing else in rapturous admiration of its beauty and atmosphere. Marie Doro, as the star, faithfully pre sents a character so sweet with the brightness and freshness of innocence that it is impossible to fail to admire this delightful production. So magnifi cent is it in presentation that you will be ally thrilled KEYSTONE FUNFEST, "PERILS OF THE PARK" Prompt automobile taxi t-eni. , otel Carney Taxi Co. Very many peoytc dettrrj to ou I i. in . astern Oregon What hav i ou 'o offer, nd price? N. Berkeley Ulldlng APply F. E. .III. Id. Alllerl, n C' 1 ational Hank. I 1 e given at Temple Theater, March let Oood for starting fires, etc Phone SOSW. He a bundle. This office. , w nti ! BU I I "Vulgar of marrer, ovsffcd; ; hordie in Mammon's msh; IC of iitiman fleh, t avarice, lust and rum, name's Delirium. Uellablr d wife want good rsferen 1 1 ror sale kuii blood white Leghors eccs for hatching, (1 .00 for 15. pre paid. Cunrantecd fertile. R. E. Blackmaa, Miitnn Wanted A woman for a b USUI OSS house, one who haw been a practical nurse and can leave Pendleton. Ad dress Nome. East nresonlnn. Old mattrensen made over like new new one.i made to order, upholstering, furniture repaired, city or country Phone I27J. in Dow Brag,, ju Heauregnrd street. Wanted Lady of fair education to di vote few hours each day to pleas ant work. One Interested in church or educational work Salarv $1 50 per la State address and phOTSS Ad dress "F" this office. - room house i Ii ir parth fnrnlsht !' :'StiM ltowset usoi oie air nartlet1 tank 109 1 11 le, ' street Kor sale ot tt , le : head of good worg h Jas Hill. Helix Or. Wanted -S to in. unfnrnlahed by April 1. Ph K(ir sale On pump and tank pounds pressnri Athena, Ore Wanted Votinfc woman not ovc .". to do ranch dOOwIng Must he A-l cook, clean and neat Apply P 0 Box 631, Pendleton, Oregon ("or trade A new, modern 110 bbl tleerWc flour null located In valley town 20.000 population, will trade for eastern Oregon or Washington wheat land. Price 000 For par tlcttlafr write 56i Trade dtreet. Sa m, Ora Perfectly Ventilated. Theatre Comfortable COMING SUNDAY MARIE DORO IN "THE WOOD NYMPH." AND A KEYSTONE FUNFEST "PERILS OF THE PARK- BILL Era 'h? Fearless Flm Star in A.ND THE GAME."