PAGE EIGfiT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916. EIGHT PAGES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy ii --K A 0 L 0-- FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING JEWELRY, GOLD, SILVER AND ALL METALS, GLASS AND GLASSWARE. WILL NOT SCRATCH. For Friday Only - We will give one pack, ere FREE with any One Dollar order of the goods listed in this ad. California Home Brand of Pickles, Sweet Mix, Sliced Sweet, Sliced Sour, Plain Sweet, Plain Sour. 5 CANS FOR $1.00. Fr.mco-Anierican Soup, Full Pints 6 FOR $1.00 Assorted Extract:., 2 oz. size Schillings or D. W. 6 FOR $1.00 Bulk Macaroni. 12 lbs. for $1.00 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Dr. Batai lo Seattle. Dr. Guy U Boyden left last evening for Seattle for u short vacation. OMmbom OnrralVM A. T. Tilley of th a city yesterday afternoon underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital. Will Build Garage. R C, Hasmussen has permit to hulld a garage on Haley street. taken out n at his home Amu laundry Wsgon The Troy laundry has Just receiv ed a new Ford auto delivery wagon for use In delivering and collecting laundry. that the weather forecasts Mng in j out hy the weather bureau In Portland H to the different forestry offices, ai H warnings to the stockmen, will prove of big value to the stockmen and hta H office will cooperate In even i- E possible. Another Large Shipment of Ladies' Coats and Suits Just received from the Eastern Markets. Every one new. Every one at the lowest price. To the lady who has been looking and waiting who wants something that is just right, now is your chance. l p IV. Bayer Hack. Charles lilomberg. head of I he la- I lieds parunent of the Peonies Ware. nouse, has returned from New York and, other eastt where he made purchase! spring trade. Vosnag Bab) iio. The five days 0) Mr.- Charles Xlarsl Two Phones, 28. 'QUALITY" 823 Main St. f .Mr. and I yesterday th a after- and Attention Candidates. Electors' nominating petlton candidates' acceptance blanks, com plete, for either republican or demo cratic party, are earned in stock at the East Oregonlan office. They are the correct forms and already printed for immediate delivery. Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. "Mystery plane" num.. ni'H'TH March 3 The "mysteri ous aeroplane" which for several nights has been soaring over big grain elevators here, causing city au thorities to order an investigation, burst into flames and fell un the docks. It was found to be a toy balloon of peculiar construction. Divorce cast- Being Tried. The divorce suit of B. F. Grattan If Sophia Q rattan tame tip for trial this ufteruoon in the c rcuit court The case is not contested. HOMER I. WATTS OF ATHENA ENTERS RACE FOR OFFICE 1 COATS MEN'S SUITS 95.90, 99.80,- 12.50. f 16.50. 7.M), SJMM), 912.50, $1-1.75 SUITS BOYS' SUITS $12.50. $11.75, $17.50. $22.50 $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98. DRESSES MEN'S WORK SHOES $1.!S. 86.90, $9.90. 811.75. $2.49, $2.8. $3.50, $3.98. Get Five nays. "Ten dollars or five days" was the sentence Imposed upon Ed Chapman the Indian arrested yesterday for be ing drunk. He still lingers with the police New Districts Created. The county boundary board yester day afternoon passed favorably upon the petitions to create new school dls. tricts, one south of Pilot Rock and other 15 miles north of Pendleton. MARLEY li IN. DEVON ZVj IN. ARROW Bays New Caterpillar. J. N. Scott, prominent young Athe na farmer, is in the city today. He Just recently disposed of his mules j and purchased a 75 horsepower Holt! caterpillar engine which he will use on his farm. , Y.Wol NCKMK.NT MADE WIIX SEEK NOMINA Hi in I UK DISTRICT ATTOKNE Homer 1. Watts, well known A;lo -tm attorney and mayor of that town, yesterday afternoon announced his candidacy for the republican nomi nation for district attorney. He ex pects to Me his formal declaration next week. Mr. Watts Is a native son of I'mii. tilla county and has spent most of his life about Athena. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon and later of the Harvard law school. Admitted to the Oregon bar In 1907. he has since been practicing at Athena. With the announcement of Mr. Watts, there are now two avowed candidates for the republican nomi nation for this office. Osmer E. .Smith of Pendleton having cast his hat Into the ring yesterday. Deputy j District Attorney R. I. Keator has not I yet announced himself but stated this morning that he was Itro&gly consid ering making the race and would come to a decision next week You Can Alwayi Do Better At We Lead, Others Follow tl!lll!ljU!!!l!ll!ll!llllilI JERKY rilAVEKs Wont hi r'KXD OPEN GOLF TITLE mm The members of the Standard Hearers of the Methodist church will hold a social and reception tomorrow night at the parsonage eo honor Miss I Hefty, a returned missionary from china She will occupy the pulpit of the Methodlsh church on Sunday moraine an,l tell of her experiences In the far east She has worked In Chi na five years and will return again j to her duties In August. Mrs. J. Edwin Sharp was a charm ing hostess to the W. C n. M of the Christian church yesterday afternoon at her home on Riverside Boulevard A very Inierestlng program was giver COLLARS a FOR Is, CENTS CLUETT PEABODV 5 CO. IMC TaOY NY. Poultry Poultry Bone Shell Grit Poultry Foods and Tonics FRESH FROM THE FACTORY CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED It's what makes the cackle and the cackle makes the eggs. Also CHICK FOODS FOR THE LITTLE ONES, WHEAT, CORN, BARLEY, OATS, BRAN, ETC. Shady Brook Dairy Feed Makes More Milk. Shady Brook Horse Feed More Strength. COLESWORTHY'S Alta and Cottonwood. Phone 134 No Soring About This. Alligators Hout Women. Following a violent wind storm! JACKSO.VV1LLE, Fl.i.. March during the night a sleet tiegan fall-1 W'unien attending the State Daughters consisting of the readies Ing over the county this morning and i of the American Revolution conven-!by the president. Mrs. H H. Huhbcll has continued intermittently all day . I Hon In a local hotel here were given ; a reading by Mrs M U Peters, a duetj In the foothills snow Is reported to be 1 a fright when a number of alligators , hy Haroldlne Horton and Martha! fall ng. j which had been placed in one of thejllogue. a reading by Shirley Peters, a I goldfish ponds in the convention hall! song y several small girls and' loan Estate Appraised. j brasenly poked their noses over the I Edwin John Sharp Another! edge and started to crawl out on the feature of the meeting was the hidden, floor. I answer contest by the four divisions One of the speakers s ,w the reptiles The guests were Mesdnmes Deuel 1. ' filed their report fixing the value of) "la -"ne almost reti in a swoon Into a Mathews. Weatherhee. llrlggs. King.; the estate at 110,726.90. All of the!tns,r "n tne rtatrorm. Tne incident Orny. Fergus. Hutchinson. Welton. property Is personal, the largest item came near breaking Op the meeting. Brown. Blue Conders. King Cole c-niv me quick arrival or men to han- Avers. Miss Anlhal. Miss parsons. Miss ,11.. tllO ..ii'.... ,.r. ... I . ...I. r . ... . . ... . ,., ..,oru luiwie, avi Ts. miss l odd and tne members ot trouble. The reptiles had already eaten up all the goldfish in the pond. W. U Thompson. F. E. Judd and J. P. McCook. appraisers of the es tate of the late Adln D. Sloan, have being sixty shares of stock American National Rank. in the AlhWl burglars ,ct Hearing. James Frank Clark. Harry Ford and Wiliam Murphy, arrested here re cently by Sherlf Taylor upon suspic ion that theey were connected with the burglary of the Cove postoffiee are being given a hearing this after noon before V. S. Commissioner Newberry. Deputy 1". S. Marshal Swanson has them In charge. Cimw Bay Seek Mllllla. MAltsllFIKLD, ore.. March 3. There is a movement on here to re organize the naval militia, of which Coos Bay at one time had two com panies. Bandon also had a company. and if the reorganisation is successful j the city by the sea will doubtless I maintain a oompany, Port Orford and I'ntes County League. vicinity would furnish another com- C J. Miller, secretary of the Pilot ' l any. making from four to six units Rock Commercial Club, writes to the in this district. Pendleton Commercial association i When the militia flourished here urging 'he formation of a county several years ago there was much en. baseball league with clubs in Pendle-1 th.usi.ism. and the members were ton. Pilot Rock, Athena and Weston. faithful In their drilling work and and asks that Pendleton take the ' other duties, matter up with Athena and Weston.' The matter will be submitted to th association at the regular meetin next week. A vers the society making slxtv In nil. Di vision one had charge of the program At the conclusion a social hour was enjoyed and dainty refreshments served. Invitations are nut today for a St. Patrick's dancing party on the even ing of Frldnv, March seventeenth, at the Eagle-Woodman Hall, to he given by the young ladles of the Phoenix Club. Ten Dollars Reward. Ixist. from tho Marion Jack ranch near Havana, one black two year old mule filly, branded J B. on left shoulder. Will pay above reward tor return or Information leading to Its recovery John Bain, Adams Ore Adv. A lecture on Christian Science will be given at Temple Theater, March "th, 8 p. m. Admission free - Adr IttetMlOa lrinrrs. Meeting tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 at Farmers Ciraln Agency. Pen dleton, to discuss subject of bulk wheat Everyone Interested Invited Adv. IMuhv Ylua Night. The Knights of Columbus will give a social dance on Friday night, March 3 at Eagle-Woodman Hall. All In vited. COMMITTBH f Adv ) Qki Hallmark Watches $14 to $125 Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler since 1 887 laci officers. John Mumm, well known younf farmer was last night elected exalted ruler of Pendleton lodge No 2S8. 13. P. O. at the annual election C C, VInler was sleeted esteemed lead-j ing knight. Volney R. By bee, esteemed 'oval knieht and James R Howler es- turned lecturing knight. Thomas Fitz Gerald and R. M. Mayberry werei re-elected secretary and treasurer, re-j speetively. J V, Tallman was cho sen trustee. Jack A Gibson was se lected as representative at the grand! lodge and D. B. Bailey as alternate. Ili-piiblli-au- l"et TotiUflit. The final preliminary meeting ol I the young republicans preparatory to 'the permanent organization of the lo !cal club will be held this evening in : the office of W C. E. Pruitt. The nominating committee will report the leers proposed for election at the meeting next week and the committee on constitution and by-laws will have those instruments drafted and ready for consideration. Also preparations .will in. completed for the big meeting at which Hon John McCourt, presi dent of the Oregon Republican dub, a 111 be the principal speaker All re publicans are urged to be present at this meeting. I'riiltgiiiMim (ict SSfKlft. Hi ii di RIVER. Ore , March 3. Th Fruitgrowers' Exchange made a dis tribution of cents a box, aggregat ing approximately I'lOOO, on Newton apples. Formerly a 15-cent distribu tion was made. Manager Kenneth McKay said that with the exception of a few boxes of Newtons, the Exchange's stock for the season is closed out. "We bops to be able to make final returns on everyth'ng but Newtons before our annual meeting, which will be held on March 27." he said. Mrs Thomas Thompson will h hostess this evening to the member,, of the Evening Bridge Cluh. A masquerade dancing party Is to be given on the evening of March 7 at the home of Miss Vera Temple on I.cw1s street, the hostesses being Miss, es Olga In Fiitinta'n. Bulah Smith ClaUdlne MoMonles and Jeane Reber W H. Morrison of Helix Is In the city. I.. D Butler of Tji (irande. Is reg. Itered at the St Ceorge. Emory Stagg. wife and mother are Pendleton visitors today. Dr Aleiinder Reid of Stanfleld Is a visitor in Pendleton today. W. W Whitworth of Echo Is n visitor in Pendleton today. C, T. W Hollister or c.urdane Is among the visitors In the city. John C Walter of Adams Is am ong the Pendleton visitors today Mr. and Mrs A. McKensle of Will- visiting In Pendleton to. NEW York. March 3. -Jerrj Tracers announces that he will not go to Minneapolis In June and defend the open golf title he won last ear at Baltimore. The four times former amateur title holder says he Is not re tiring from all competitions, nut that his cotton exchange business will pre vent him this summer from taking long trips. Trevers and Francis Oul trent. who defeated Vardon and Ray, the English champions. In the me. morable play-off at Brookline in 1H13, are the only amateurs who ever wot. the open championship in this coun try. Travers, after playing niagn fl OSnt golf at Baltimore, finished with a total of 2H6. one stroke better than Tommy MeNainara. A lecture on christian Science will kg given at Temple Theater, March Tth, H p. m, Admission free Adr St. George Cafe MI NI FOR SATURDAY M MM II I. 19IS. Soup. it Tomato 'onsomme Fish Starter Baked Halibut Enttaes, Pork Sparerllie and Sauer Kraut Roast Veal Heart with Dressing Calves I.lver and Bacon Roast Leg of Ijtmb' With Jelly Apple Pie i toffs or Milk fea Dale Rothwell OPTICAL SPECIALIST Glasses ground and fitted. Leasee For Sale or U by Owner. Three sections wbeat land four , miles from R R. Running water practically level. S2& per acre. 1-3 ; ,iunilct.d cash, good terms on balance, or will make attractive lease with right party 1 A",f'nn Nntlna Rank Building, for term of years. Further Informs I Pendleton, Phone 60J. tlon write J. w. HAYS, , ' i Adv , Idaho Falls, Ida ., I publishers 'lark, livestock agent of the Sc N . Is making Pendleton ST. l one Negro Rous Hank. LO.t'IB, Mo. March A n-tT-d the Mechanics' Hut Rank here and after forcing the cash-I Mrs .1 I' r and two clerks into the vault ob tained HUOu and escaped A sheriffs posse In stared In pursuit. rid Mn visit w r Knit p Wlllamet back rsllsl lor America first WASHINGTON, March 3 -Assur ance that Cerman-Amerti ans are for i America first was given President a Wall Wilson here by Paul F. Muller, edit- ,tay r,f A' ,h.,u.. l.nri,.,,., ..I Vtc.a : of an organization of 400 German-Am- ,, ', a visit. Mr i from a points. E N. Comptoii of Weston iuss igh Pendleton this morning I Any to Idaho, lj; eiabrlelson of Kalein. pronil- ! nent and well known Insurance agent, is at the Pendleton Mr mid Mrs Wlllurd White wlll ksglN Hi i week for Idaho, Mr. Whltr B has bei n Stnptoysd for some Mine at B the Tgytof Kar dwarf Co, I H Ims, Alliee funnel truiisacte'l business here yesterday. While In PeiMtlston Mi Wwi puFiihassd is bi nd of sours from Oritmnfl Bros. Miss Hei.i, ii Rsmstsll, Clurlsi In- Ilium, I I Rw,n and Edward Fronrom, all of coe, are here today dor cars Rritlsli -lom. r Is Sunk. LONDON, March 3. Acourd ng lo Uord's, the British steamer South ford, formerly the -Indbad. has gggfl j sunk. Eleven of the vessel's crew the1 ' ere saved. Two were killed. l thro n tier C, l. .ewsel of Forest Siis'rl-sT Back. W W, I'r der siinervlsor of 1'matllU rational fores, nrrivH home The SoOthford w evening from Portland where fori'""1' the pssl thrie weeks he had charge! the Office of Assistant Forester: SulHile llan Too Cheap. McKensle who was .ailed to Wash- CHICAOO, March 3 Morris Gins ,trv hnlil if Iix mI r.rMi"js srfKtlf.n III ngxon M. w.l returr , to -ortian,. j- - - k ;,, wtn(.HH,H , th(. hearing of the n rififiur i n navsi in m r. rKmni r - .u utltl ti m ml At Ik. ne(,unl ttmn the local office Is busy receiving "wn llf". """'lowing tf. cents In a charge nroof. nf ..r,il,ilon for ,lnir ner. 'hsnge Ginsberg has recovered both, office. Supervisor Cryder antlclpatei with an axe, attempted to take his men pi. Ken up B ssieiui layior on ,f rool'lng trie I ove post mlLs. Ship Dashed to C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature o( Atu-nllon I' and I Club. The last D and I cluh dance beforr The British (h, LPntPn season will be given at Ea gle. Woodman Hall Saturday evening. March 4 Extra good time and muslt nssured Adv. LEWIS. Del., Mar h t I steamer Trecarrell, Huelva for Phlla delphla with a carsn of ore, which j went aground on Blsckflsh Hhoal, 10 mil. south of the lietsware r'atie. In 'a gale was dashed 10 pieces by the I h .... In 1914 the mica produced In th -rh. e i: wom taken off hv a United Ktate-s was valued at $32H,716 tug and transferred to a eoast guard The output of sheet mica amounted to power boat, which later landed them 666.993 pounds, and tnat of scrap it Ashateague, Va , mica amounted to 3730 pounds. I llllllll! Buick, $1150 Pendleton Dodge, $885 Pendleton Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED Agents for Buick Dodge MOTOR CARS THE TWO LEADING CARS The leading six cylinder car of America, built in the largest Auto Factory in the world. The leading four cylinder car, built by Dodge Bros., leading auto parts builders, who will con tinue to build the standard four cylinder car of America. You can't go wrong. Ask Buick or Dodge owners. Telephone 468 1 17. 1 19. 121 , 123 Weil Court St. ml wmm