East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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--K A 0 L 0--
For Friday Only
We will five one package FREE with any One Dollar
order of the goods listed in this ad.
California Home Brand of Pickles, Sweet Mix, Sliced
Sweet, Sliced Sour, Plain Sweet, Plain Sour.
5 CANS FOR $1.00.
Franco-American Soup, Full Pints
6 FOR $1.00
Assorted Extracts, 2 oz. size Schillings or D. W.
6 FOR $1.00
Bulk Macaroni, 12 lbs. for $1.00
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28.
823 Main St.
I'll ChapMM rrcwtcd.
KJ t'hapman won arrested by the
police toilay on a charge 0f being
Now Saddle Maker.
William Kyne of Portland. has ar
rived In the city to take a position In
the saddle department at Hamiey
I lies for sheriff.
H M Alien ,,f Holdmun today
Monies of thin city won the thud prize
a chest of Iver. The two Indies cro
cheted the answer Into a sofa pillow
while Mi Monies worked his out in a
liniutlfiil leather desimi. (Her IM'0
IHWin were received In this city.
The Judges were as follows Pendleton
Fred T. llloch. I. E. foung iind T. J
Tweedy; in Walla Walla D W. Ifft.
W, F. Carper and The... Pudgeon;
neutral, J C. Foley of Portland.
Dry Goods or Notions
Trunks or Rugs
Suit Cases or Hand Bags
Vi. nnutei what your wants, you'll find tin'" at "The i lolden Huh ' store at less money ( lur price,
are placed so low at the start that we need no special sale, or barKUin basements to move them from
our shelves - therefore you find the newest of the season's goods on our shelves and racks at all times.
Small profits 1 1 1 i. k sales --.bought In immense iUntltlcs for cash, no fancy flitures, no deliveries, no
bookkeepers, no hail account" are a few of the reasons why you buy your goods here for less.
duration of I
'an nomin.i
I , he.
Pair Get I i. . use
marriage license was issued yes-
terday afternoon to David Sloan
Thomson and Princess A. Smith rimi-
lents of the Soho country.
Idiulnistrator Ippotnted,
Ira BtoU was today named adminis
trator of the
Mil,. H. Stoll,
estate of
who died
te of 1700.
night, a dance will be given In the
hiKh school gym in honor of the vis
iting team. Music will be furnished
by the local orchestra.
The Joint meetins of the boys' and
Klrls' forum which was to have been
held Tuesday night of next week will
be held on Monda night Instead. Dr.
Boyd of Portland will address the
boy. and girls.
The closing game of the Pendleton
hish school basketball season will be
plsved tomorrow night. The Athena
hlnh school girls will play the local
team I jut week Pendleton won from
Athena :7 to U. Hut Athena Is com
ing In a better condition than before
and expect to show the locals a fast
time. Miss Honney expects an easv
Victory, The whlsle blows at T : 5
After the basketball game Friday
P. S. to Issue ew Bonds.
WASHINGTON, March 2. Secre
tary of the Treasury McAdoo an
nounced that he Is preparing to issue
during 1916 J30.000.000 In refunding
:' per cent government bonds to take
up 2 per cent bonds now out.
Mondell Attacks Policy.
WASHINGTON, March 2. The for.
elgn policy of the Wilson administra
tion was attacked from the floor of
the house by Representative Mondell
of Wyoming,
Itrandois is. Championed
WASHINGTON, March 1 Stephen
Gregory, former president of the Am
eriian Bar Association, told the sen
ate investigators that the general rep
utation and character of Brandeia as
,i '.awyer were excellent.
Took First Train Out.
J. W. Shui'er and family of Fulton
arrived home Friday from a winter
stay in California. They took the
first train out of San Diego which
was cut off from the outside world
for thirty-one days by the floods
Xiiiilher Murrtagv License
A marriage license was Issued
afternoon to Iiren Coffman
Jean Clifford, bofh of this City.
Sustains ltrokcn Ami.
Word has been received b) frit
in the city that Mrs. .l imes Cooper, I
formerly of this city, sustained a
broken forearm several days ngn In
alighting from a train at The Dulles.
her home. She had tone aboard the I
train while It stopped to see Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Stelwer of this city, who
were aboard, and the train started be
fore she could get off. The train was
stopped but In descend ng hurrledU
she slipped and fell.
.miles' Spring Coats .
Ladlea' Spring Suits,
Ladle' Spring Dresses
Ladles' Silk Petticoats
Ladle' Silk Waists . .
i. niies' Ktmonaa
Ladies' Muslin Pettlcoi
i. allies Combination
Corset Covers
1. 1. lies' Wash Waists
Ladles' Press Shoes LH. I. 2f
s.vun. sit.mi. I11.M
I1M4, XII.7.V 117,50
. . liN, It,, T.ao
. . gl.tm, H.N, .
. . . slum, inns, :t.MN
si I'l s I 'is s.; .,s
. . Mo, ,
. . . I', ltd, Md
iuv. Mo, Mo, !
Shaving Soap, luc vulue 4c
Mennen's or Colgate's Talcum Powder 12c
Boss' Dark shirts tie. We, 4.V
Hoys' Knicker Pants !', one, VHe
Boys' shoes si. im. si .. gi.7
:I6 iieh Chiffon Taffeta, 11.50 value UHc
:ii iinh Ifeatallne, all colors, ll.OO value 69c
Suit Cases Mir, SI. 19, St. UK to gn :io
Axnilnster Hug., 130.00 vulue $19.50
Smaller sixes nv, ii.ib, $i.m, fs.it, ss.tt
You Can Alwayi
Do Better At
We Lead,
Others Follow
Will Carry no More- rsasrillgi I
Agent T. F. O'Brien of the O.-W. It.
& N. was this morning notified by
Supt. A. G. Kamm that hereafter
trains No: I and 52. being tfie mixed
trains between Pendleton and Walla
Walla, will not handle passengers.
Married Happiness, short.
Married on August 7. 1915, StanleS
Nee land today brought suit against his
wife. Ivy, for a divorce, alleging that
since the first of December she has
made life miserable for him. He al
leges she mistreated a child of his bj
a former marriage, even after he hud
found the child another home. lialej
& Kaley are plaintiff's attorneys.
Boundar) Dispute Up,
The county boundary board Is to
day consider ng two petition! for the
creation of new school districts both
of which are being contested, line
petition asks for a new ilistrlrt south
east of Pilot Itock. taking parts of 1.
'17. 77 and S7. Porter Itoyee and W.
W. Wegner are appearing for the pe.
thinners while Fred Wlatt and I'. G.
Horn are representing the remnnstru
tors. The other petition asks for a
new district about 15 miles southwest
Of Pendleton to be created out of parts
of 12. 41. St. 116 and 110.
W J. Stockman. Mrs. H. D. Wylle
und Mrs. Geary Kimbrell being hos
tesses. Following a business session,
social hour was enjoyed and re
freshments were served. There was
a large attendance out.
To attend the thirtieth wedding an
niversary Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Samuel Jackson of Portland, former
resident! of Pendleton, a number of
old time friends will go down to Port
land next week. Their anniversary
fires, etc.
Itarn for rent, 101 Aura
Old papers fur sale; tied tn
lies. Good for starting
10c a bundle. This office.
Man and wife want work on ranch.
Itellable, food references Ph- u
Watch our windows, please, for your
Saturday bargains. Pendleton 5-10-I
Be store. (The Bee Hlve.l
Very many peovie desire to buy
lands In eastern Oregon. What have
Attention Candidates.
BReC tors' nominating petltons and
candidates' acceptance blanks, com
plete, for either republican or demo
cratic party, are carried In stock at
the East (iregonlan office. They are
the correct forma and already printed
for Immediate delivery.
on Thursday. March ninth. Among rou to orrsr, and price? N. Berkeley,
those w ho will go down are Mr. and Prompt automobile taxi service.
Osmer E. Smith is Out
For District Attorney
I Mrs. John F. Itoblnson. Dr. and Mrs.
F. W. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Fred K.
Judd. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roosevelt
and Miss Neva ijine. Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Cohen, who lire In Sun Francisco
day or night Funerals to cemetery
only 13 50 Phone (30. St. George
Hotel Carney Tail Co,
For sale Full blood White Leghorn
eggs for hatching. $1.00 for 16, pre
lum- after spending a month In Hon-1 paid. Guaranteed fertile K. E.
Osmer E. Smith, well known young
attorney of this city
Astoria Boat line. i declare himself an active candidate
That Astoria will proceed with the' for the office of district attorney,
proposition of establishing a boat ! Frederick Stelwer, the present encum
llne on the Columbia is the belief of bent, having announced that he will
Edgar W. Smith who is here today. not seek re-electoln, Mr Smith this
Astoria's need of a boat line has been , morning decided to enter the prl
lessened by the common point rate ' mary campaign for the republican
decision, yet there Is still sentiment nomination.
for establishing the line, says Smith. I Mr. Smith has been a resident of
The type of boat proposed Is one fit Pendleton for the past two and a half
for deep water ss well us for use on years, he and his wife having come
olnlu, will arrive in Portland In time I Hlackman. Milton.
for the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. T. j old mattresses made over like new
C Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Harry , new ones made to order, upholstering
v.-iii ah
of Dayton
at the P
the river.
Poultry Poultry
Bone Shell Grit
Poultry Foods and Tonics
It's what makes the cackle and the cackle makes the
eggs. Also
Shady Brook Dairy Feed Makes More Milk. Shady
Brook Horse Feed More Strength.
Alta and Cottonwood.
Phone 131
Funeral of ; M. McGee.
G A. Kreaker of Spokane, son-in-law
of G, M. McGee who wus found
dead In bed yesterday morning, ar
rived this morning and took charge
of the body. The funeral will be held
this afternoon and interment will be
made in the local cemetery. Deceas
ed Is survived by two daughters, Mrs.
Kreager, and Mrs. Rea of Kansas City
and two sisters. He had been In
Pendleton about two years and for
merly lived in McMlnnvllle.
here from Colorado. He was gradu
ated from the University of Colorado
where he took his first training In
law and, after coming to Pendleton,
wus In the offices of Raley ft Raley
for a year and a half. During the
past year he has beep practicing
Mr Smith announces that he will
make an active campaign upon a plat
form of strict law enforcement.
Indian Women Plead Guilty
Irene Bushman and Ida
mixed Mood Indian women
night in
lodging house
Borings made by the Central Pa
cific railroad In ISM In search of wa
ter, near Huxley, N'ev., encountered
at a depth of 1700 feet a bed of petri
fied clams, and at 1900 feet a Quan
tity of redwood timber In a remark
able state of preservation
court. The former pleaded guilty tu 1
disorderly conduct and wus sentenced :
to pay a fine of (25 or go to Jail for
tSh days. The Snyder woman pleaded
guilty to being drunk and disorderly
and her sentence was 330 or 10 duys.
Neither have vet naid their fine. Du-
puy forfeited bail of 325 by non-ap. I
pearance. The Bushman woman was
recently held to the grand Jury on a)
W. Beach
Melon today.
Carl Newqulst of Yoakum Is spend
lug the day In Pendleton.
O. F. Steele, well known Xolln res- j Gadwa.
Ident. is a visitor here today.
Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thomson of
Echo were in the city last evening.
Frank Sorea. Echo stockman and
farmer, came In on the motor this
Phone 227J La Dow Bros, 315
Beauregard street.
For sule or trade for Pendleton
property or acreage near Pendleton.
10 acres Irrigated unincumbered land
at mouth of Yakima river See W. I
St. George Cafe
MIM for nUDAY,
Son p.
Clam Chowder
Boiled Beef with Horse Had sh
Bruized Umli with Vegetables
Scrambled Brains und F.ggs
Ia-K of Pork with Brown Uravy
Mange Pudding
e, Tea ..r Milk
For Sale or U as., ny Owner.
Three sections wheat Isnd four
miles from It It. Running water,
practically level. 26 per acre. 1-1
cash, good terms on balance, or will
j make attractive leuse with right party
kum for term of years. Further Informs
r Immm
fnrmer, came up on the mot
H. R. Newport. Hermiston contrac
tor, came up this morning from the
west end.
C. C. Dunn of Stanfleld. a railroad
employe, came up this morning en
route tn Spokane.
Levi Main, a Campbell farmer, was
among the passengers getting off the
motor this morning.
Mr. und Mrs. James Wyrlck return
ed this morning from Portland, Mrs
Wyrlck Is still quite 111.
Nicholas Brown, who farms eight
miles southwest of the city Is trans
acting business here today.
tlon write
(Adv. )
Idaho Falls, Ida
Wile I'nfatthtal; Ask Divorce.
Alleging that his wife. Grace
unfaithful, Samuel
igh his
i miff is a railroad irtan und fre.
ently absent from home. While liv
.' in N'ySM five years ago. he alleg
his wife entertained other men at
ir hon
ring his absence and in
imlllated him. He asks
l of the children. Stat
las made arrangements
idparents, Mr. and Mrs
f Milton, to keep them
Hallmark Watches
$14 to $125
Royal M. Sawtelle
Jeweler since I 887
Protects giiin-t Roller Skates
War on the children who piay on
the paved sidewalks with roller
skates was declared In council last
evening by Councilman H. J. Taylor
and the children found a defender In
liman K. J. Murphy Council
man Taylor declared the children are
in the habit of skating every evening
on the walks on Jacason street and
: her parts of the city, and stated
that to ' hi- k themselves suddenly,
ih- -. turn Inte the parkings His own
parking has been damaged by this
i tctlre be stated. He asked for th
enforcement of the ordinance govern-
I roller skating, if there Is one, and
for the HI stags of one If not. Council
man Uurpby declared himself n
friend of the children und would not
lie for deprlvng them of innocent
Bfra even If a few parkings
Wl r.. damaged No action was taken
Winner ii Piano Contest.
Mrs I Doherty of Walla Walla was
this morning declared by the Judges
tin- w nner In the "II," guessing con.
ten put on recently by the Warren
M . ii ROOM of this city and a music
house of Walla Walla, and she was
Swarded the piano put up as first
prize Mrs K. Cniuhart of Athena was
Rdjudg',1 second prlw winner and se
cured the SMi phonograph. F. J. Ma
s'. Ferguson is down from Athe.
Hopper has Just returned from a
visit in Seattle.
Mrs. Nell Johnson of Walla Walla
E. Westersund "'' Helix Is spending
the day in the city.
James Farmer f Stanfield spent
Carl Howman will come up from i
Nolln this evening to attend the Kill
Kare Klub's dunce.
Mrs J Bets and daughter of Ta
Coma, owner of extensive property In-'
tercet! here, are In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clodlus of
Waltsburg pegged 'hrough here yes
terday ii route home from Hot Ijika
C. It Moore Is today moving to the
Gritm.in ran-h west of the city and
Will henceforth have the management
of the ranch
J. if. Kilpack. representative of the
boys and girls' aid socley of Portland
Is here today to attend to u delin
quency case.
Lloyd Riches, editor of the Stan
fleld Standard, was here yesterday for
the good roads meeting and left last
night for Portland for a short visit.
II. Ij. Gray has returned from Spo
kane where he passed a week visiting
his brother, Will Gray, who has un
dergone a serious operation for stom
ach trouble and Is now convalescing
Fl" automobiles went out from
Pendleton last "veiling to the Klmet
Moore farm, hearing guests to a danc
ing party given by Mr. und Mrs. Klmer
Moore and Mr. und Mrs. Spencer Rent
by. An enjoyable evening wus spent
Among those going out were Mr. and
! Mis George Slangier. Mr. and Mrs
Boss Carney, Mr. and Mrs Charle.s
Tullls. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cresswell
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Taylor, Mr. and
'Mi. William Roesch. Mr. and Mrs
James H. Kstes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. John Mumtn nnil
Mrs. Anna Hucker.
The ladles' Aid of the Methodist
church met yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. J. L. Stockman on
QarfleM street, Mrs. Stockmun, Mrs
Ah In P. Knight returned yesterds
from Portland where his wife Is tai,
Ing treatment for an illness.
Mr. und Mrs Sum R Thompson ar
rived home this morning wrom Port,
land where they had been for the past
Judge J. W. Maloney will go up to
Athena this evening to act us one ol
the Judges )n the Milton-Athena debate.
DaiK-e Friday Night.
The Knights of Columbus will give
a social dance on Friday night, March
4, lit Eagle-Woodman Hall. Alt In
(Adv )
Ix-arii to Dance.
Guaranteed. Three private lessons
Merryman. at Warrens Music House
Phone 624 Adv.
Ten Dollars iteward.
Lost, from the Marion Jack ranch
near Havana, one black two year old
mule filly, branded J .B. on left
Expert repairing
Of Watche.
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
I shoulder, Will puy above rewurd for
return or Information leading to Its
recovery. John Bain. Adams, Ore
No igincc at German nail.
There will not be a dunce- at tier
man Hall Saturday evening. Mar, h 4th
on account of bad roads. Adv.
(Sh Advertising in Brief
Per line first Insertion 10c
Per line, sddltlonsl Inssrtlon 5c
Per line, per month SI 00
No bssls tsken for less thsn 25c.
Count 0 ordinary words to linn
Locals will nut lie taken o?er the
telephone eicept from K-sst Oregon
Ian paid up subscribers.
DSMS4M Friday Night.
Moose hall. IgarOh I. Admission '
S0e; Indies free Good music. All
cordially invited. Adv
Dale Rolhwell
Glasses ground and fitted. Leases
Imetican National Rank lluildhstT,
Pendleton, Phone 61)8.
I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. Phone
Furniture for sale, cheap. Phono
ii-ISJ. 700 Wilson.
Dressmaking at home or by day.
1203 Bast Court Phone 260M
w.mterl--To rent 5 or 6 room
house. Phone 240W.
For rent Furnished apartment,
Hamilton court. Lllleth street
Penland Bros.' transfer Co. hav
uorage warehouse Phone 339.
For sule 26 head fresh cows an'l
heifers. Inquire Orltmun Bros
To rent Modern heuted rooms and
apartments. Close In. 617 Willow.
Chopped alfalfa and loose hay on
hand at all times at West End Mill.
Phone 3S1.
Man and wife want position ns
farm. Both well experienced Phono
Found Automobile license. May
have snme by culling at this office and
puytng for ad.
For sale, cheap Farming outfit
and lease on 1600 acres land. Inquire
"C" East Oregonlan
For rent Office room In Judd
building. Apply F. e. judd. American
National Bank.
Wanted A woman for n business
house, one who has been a practical
nurse and can leave Pendleton. Ad
dress Nurse, East Oregonlan.
gill ii'-'ii i-i'in1:..',:,,;,...! Jn:'':-
Buick, $1150
Dodge, $885
Oregon Motor Garage
Agents for
Buick Dodge
The leadiBR six cylinder ear of America, built in
the largest Auto Factory in the world.
The leading four cylinder car, built by Dodge
Bros., leading auto parts builders, who will con
tinue to build the standard four cylinder car of
You can't go wrong. Ask Buick or Dodge owners.
Telephone 468 117. 119, 121. 123 Weil Court St.