EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1916. Will Verify Statement ii pbUip i.i-Hht. MS Basawtch .m. Broaktjm, ". v.. win mrif) m oil" i brttHWted 1 1 i . MlMMMM of IYultil.i anil Trao, In Ml IIIIH Itw Plans lalxmitorio Ml tJi-lhor "1 suffered with jiall-stor es si irn years tried vari ola r,nied;'-- without satisfactory results -was Induced to Ufj Km. tola and TTaxo i;iad to say 1 am now frcting better man at any time for years and heartily P0omnwn4 Frultola and Traxo."' Iruitola act- n Dm taavataaal orfJBM a a poivortul lubricant -..In mm: I'"- G0Mees BMW ill-lnu-in-atins tlx- hardened particle-, lhat fSMMB m much aafBilal, and evlltni the atviinmlation with almost Instant relief. T ivola i 11 tonlc-nJterntlvp acting on the Uxor and tomai h. and Is aajMSGlaBj recommended in connection m ili lYuiiola i liulld up and NMMIN the weakened rnn.ilown si Irm. l or the oimcnlciuv of Oio tulli,-. arriinironienti have been made In mppli lYuilnlu and Trao llinuuih rvprc!ntalio dnitf gluts In Pendleton tliejr can be ohtaimM at Tallman ,1 tVmpany. (2. Main M. CARE OF FRUIT IS SUBJECT HEARD AT STANFIEID MEETING SPECIAL GATHERING OF ;Ki)V BBS DNIOS is HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, (ioorge Cm Is Appointed IVpnt) IViilt Inspector; Ton Thumb Wedding lroes VeTJ Pleasing Putin of En tertainment; faille Shipped in to he EM: Other Nes Notes. MM, lenvk M'ari'lKll. NKW Yi'UK. March 2. Writing her son. the editor of The Fatherland, a pro-Herman weekly. Mrs. Laura Vie. rack, a native of Bin Francisco, dec lared the authorities of both Fal mouth and the Downs stripped her, n roule lo iierlin ,n the Holland Amervan liner Niewe Amsterdam. The Boy is Father to the Man Old sayings like this arc fmupht with a most iuiixjrtant meanina. nd what will aid the expectant taotber in conserving her health, her strength, her mental repose and the ab sence of vexatf o as pain U a subject of : nnnaat Among tee rwrniied helps is a splendid rem e d y knows as "Mether'j Friend." Applied to the muscles It sinks la deeply to make them firtn and pliant. It Urns Mil t!w rtNln nm ligaments that pruee pain, it lightens tic wmii-n n me ncrvcas fysum. inuii.-es calm, restful nithts of heallh-givinr sleep and makes the days sunny and happy. Oet a bottle of "Mother's Friend" cf any dnurtist and you will then reaiite why It has been considered true to Its nunc in our best homes through three generations. It is perfectly harmless but so effective that oat used it ii recommende 1 to all expectant mothers by those who went throurh the ordeal with surprising case. By writing to BradBeld Rerulator To, 412 Umar Bldg, Atlanta. Ga, M can have a free copy of a wonderful I stork book that unrolls those things which I all eipecUnt nothtrj delight to read. Writs today. WHITE TO YOCR FRIENDS ON Monogram Stationery w. G. SMITH & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. GERMAN BANKER JAILED. . N, . . V . SCHOOL WAS CLOSED FOR FUNERAL OF PILOT ROCK CHILD PUP1I OF SEVENTH, EIGHTH M) NINTH GRADES IT TEND THE SERVICES. Omar Jensen Is Ijiid to Rest E T. EtttnlnR Returns From Portland Much Itiiprmctt in Health Half nil Inch of Snow I'nlls Tuesday Oilier News Notes of the Hock. Prwlerico Stullforth. Frederico Stallforth. a young Ger man banker of New York City, was locked in the Tombs for contempt of court when he failed to answer ques tions before the United States Brand jury about German plots. Stallforth had been asked if he know Frana Rintelen. the holder of the bis Ger man bank roll in America last year; David Lamar, sentenced to the federal Pr son at Atlanta, Representative Frank Buchanan, who has been in dicted, and others. He refused to ROBBER When you buy anything In rubber you have to rely on the driggst regarding its quality. The only safeguard you have is to buy your rubber soods at a reliable store than carries only reliable makes. Buy your Rubber Goods from us we offer you s. better qual ity for less mone) Tallman & Go. Leading Druggist! The Bahama islands may become extensive producers of rubber by cul tivating the Mexk-an rubber plant. (void spring ills Purify and Build Up the Blood with Hood's Saraaparllla. In the spring your blood needs cleansing and enriching. You feel poorly, and there is more or less eruption on your face and body. Your appetite is not good, your sleep is broken, and you are tired all the time. You need Hood's Saraaparllla. It is the one safe and effective tonic that has stood the test of forty years. It makes the pure red blood that will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better. It Is the old standard tried and true all-the-year-round medicine for the blood and the whole system. Ask any druggist for Hood's Sar tapartlla, and insist on having it. Nothing else acts like it. for nothing else has the same fqrmula or ingre dients, and so there is no real sub stitute. Get it today. (Bast oregonian Special ! ST.VNFIKI.D. Ore., March 2. A special meeting of the Fruit Growers Union was held Monday evening in the Commercial chamber. H. H. Weatherspoon. horticultural commis sioner of the fifth district and W. C Hopson. county fruit inspector gave very interesting talks on the care of fruit. George Coe was appointed deputy fruit inspector. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rrlesley and Mrs. Martha l'helps spent Saturday In Pendleton. Miss Mildred Graham of Portland spent several days here visiting friends, George C. Coe made a business trip to Pendleton Wednesday. Mayor Best of Tendleton was in town Monday. Asa Tulford and wife have moved from the Sunrise ranch to the Uma. tillii ranch. Dr. H. W". Coe returned to his home in Portland Tuesday. Rex Sanford shipped a car load of hoes to Portland this week. J. D. McAndie shipped two cat I loads of fat cattle to Prince Rupert i r. C, Sunday. A party was given in the Watts au. I ditorium Saturday evening in honot ! of Miss Mildred Graham of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holte were la Pendleton Monday. I The Tom Thumb wedding was pre sented here Tuesday under the direc tion of Miss Charlotte Hume of Kansas City. Miles Evert played the part of Tom Thumb "the groom." and little Miss Thelma Lund took the part of Miss Lilly Pucian Midget, the bride. A large audience was present and a snug sum was added to the pew fund. Mrs. Emma Johnson of Hermlston spent Monday here. R. N. Stanfield has shipped in nine car loads of hogs here to be fed for the market. C. G. Brownell of Umatilla was here the first of the week. A good roads meeting was held here Monda" evening. Considerable agitation is be ng shown In regard to better roads. Chas. W. Schooler of Burley, Idaho, is here for a few days. Mrs. Paulina Grevelle and daunhter Viola, were Pendleton visitors the first of the week. A. B. Farnsworth of Kent. Wash., is here linking after his cattle that i are beinc fed by H. E. Bartholomew. ; J. L. Cos shipped a car load of fal I cattle to Portland the latter part of ! the week. J. J. Chisholtfl of Pendleton is her I looking after his business Interest at this olace. Editor Riches spent Monday in Pendleton. Mrs. C. W. Connor was an Echo l visitor on Monday. I Bast Oregonian Special t PIIXJT ROCK, Ore., March 2 School was closed yesterday on ac count of the funeral of Omar Jensen. The seventh, elRhth nnd ninth grades attended the funeral at Pendleton. E. T. Fanning returned from Port land yesterday much Improved in health and took charge of his place of business th!a morning. About one half Inch of snow fell here Tuesday night. Cllve Sears who underwent an op eration last week la improvlns und will soon be able to leave the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Carnes and Mrs James Hoffner visited Pendleton yes tei day . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duff and Rev and Mrs. Gelvin motored to Pendle ton for the Jensen funeral yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Love returned to their home in Pendleton Sunday after spending the past week at the home of their daughter Mrs. Carl Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whi taker are the proud parents of a baby daughter born Monday at the hospital here. Mrs. Whitaker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jaques. This Is their ninth grandchild and all are girls. Miss Winnie Smith visited Pendle ton yesterday. Dr. Gilleland and family and Will Kldwell and family attended the Jen sen funeral in Pendleton yesterday. Walter Smith shipped several car loads of wheat last week. Carl Hemphill was here yesterday from his ranch near town. He says his wife and four children have all been down sick but are improving now. JUST GOT BACK FROM Pi' YORK AND SAY THATS A WISE LITTLE TOWN . WENT INTO A CIGAR STORE FOR A PACKAGE OF CIGARETTES - GinriE THE BEST YOU GOT SAYS I NOT CARIIiG WHAT THEY COST YOU MEAN PlEDMOhTS. MISTER. SAYS THE CLERK'' AMD HE WAS RIGHT- ii i for t smmmm, BB BLi.MUBPt i i I i IiBBTBB I Hir r FOR Alo Packed 20 for 10c VALUABLE COUPON IM EACH PACKAfiC Hood River Men Pleased, HOOD RIVER. March 2. News that the Rogue Rives Fruity & Pro duce association, which decided to withdraw from the Northwest Fruit Exchange, probably Would accept an offer of the Applegrowers' Associa tion of this city to co-operate in the distribution of Its apples and pears was received with gratification by lo cal market men. Wilmer Sleg, sales manager of the Applegrowers' Association, says: "During the past we have cut under each other on prices of our fruit, each trying to reach the buyer, and as a result the growers of both distrin have suffered." tion indorsing the policies of President Wilson. Miss Nora Rusmussen offered a resolution which covered the Wil son policy on suffrage. The resolu tion which follows, was adopted un animously: "Resolved. That we favor woman suffrage and recommend that every state in the Union enact legislation which Will extend the right of suf frage to all women who are otherwise entitled to vote." Postmaster at Grebe. WASHINGTON, March 2 Harry Grebe has been appointed postmaster at Orebe, Sherman county. Ore., a new office. CARDINAL PETREMd SAID TO BE IN JAPAN ON PEACE O MISSION. Suffrage Plan Rejected. SAN FRANCISCO. March 2. Wo man suffrage, ns a national Issue, was turned down here by the members of the democratic state central com mittee, who voted down a resolution asking congress to pass on to the dif ferent states for ratification the Suth-eriand-MondeH woman suffrage am. sndment. The resolution was submitted by three women members of the Califor nia CiVlC League. Later, after the committeemen had adopted a resolu- Proper Treatment for RilinusnesH. For a long time Miss Lula Skelron. Churchville, N. Y., was bilious and had sick headache and dlizy spells. Chamberlain's Tablets w the only thing that gave her permanent relief Obtainable everywhere. Adv. sp BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use of tome of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that Illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them " J. L. VAUGHAN TO REMOVE DANDRUFF J iiiiiiuuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii An Economical Luxury ELECTRIC LIGHT Has proven itself in thousands of homes to be the most economical and at the same i time the greatest luxury there is. I If you use it in your home, YOU KNOW! : If you don't use it, GET BUSY! 1 (Pacific Power & Light Go.) "Always at Your Service." Illlllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllti wa km Hit a 2a-cent bottle of Danderinu! at any drug store, pour a little into, your hand and ruii well Into the scalp with the finger tips. Ry morn-1 lng most, if not ail, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three applications will destroy every bit of dandruff; stop scalp itching and fulling hair PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Your Every Want in the Line of PRINTING Will be taken care of in a satisfactorily manner by the I VIIIUI IN FIVE MINUTES 'PAPES DIAPEPSIH" I oit son; ACID STOMACH, HEARTBURN. DYSPEPSIA. Time it! In five minutes all stom ach di.itre.is will BO, No Indigestion,1 heartburn', sourness or belcteinff of kjih acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Dlapepsfn Is noted for Its speed in regulating upset stomachs It Is the curest. quickest and most certain Indigestion remedy in the whole world and, b sides it Is harm- j less. Millions of men and women now : sat their favorite fooas without fear they know Pape'l Dlapepsln will Bars them from any stomach x yCC TOKIO, March 2. Much Interest is beiasj shown in the M of Cardinal Petrel!!, who has been sent here as a ipecial envoy of Pope Benedict to congratulate Emperor Mutschlhlto upon his recent coronation. The fact ' i!i pope is honoring a non- ChtlstuWI monarch w th a special voy is significant and Is taken to ! mean thai Cardinal I'etrelli has been sen! here on a piare mission. How- i has been officially denied thai the cardinal's vlf-lt is in any wa con- mi Please, for your saKe. get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store Hnn put your stomach right Don't keep on being miserable -life is too short you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and di gest It; enjoy it. without dread of re bellion In the stomach. Pape's Dlapepsln belongs In your home anyway. Should one of the lamily ent something which don't ngree with them, or In case of an at tack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gas tritis or stomach d'-rangement at OsytlSM or during the night. It Is handy to give the quickest, surest re lief known. we carry the greatest stock of papers, in quantity, quality and variety, to be found in Eastern Oregon. we employ only high-class and competent workmen in every department. we use modern methods, machinery and materials. It is not necessary to send out of Pen dleton for a single thing in the Printing line The East Oregonian can give you better service than any out-of-town concern, can save you time and money on every job and guarantees you absolute satisfaction It Costs Nothing to Consult Us. Just 'phone 1