EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1916. PAGE F JL IHmilllllllMiiimmimiiiMiiii , . t. I ni imimiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm WHERE QUALITY IS A REALITY. NOT A PROMISE jjlliUJ us! Last Time Today Personally Picked Program rk E. Nelson and Mrs. Hoy Alexander, returned thin I morning from an over-niKht visit atl Vansyde as the guests of Mm. QeOTfol .Strand. VITAGRAPH PRESENTS I "The Surprises of an Empty Hotel" FOUR ACTS FEATURING jf CHARLES RICHMAN, LEO DELANEY, CHARLES ELDRIGE, WILLIAM DUNN, jj ROBERT GAILLARD, ARL1NE PRETTY AND ETHEL CORCORAN. I "A Cripple Creek Cinderella" ( I A Western comedy with a laugh in every foot. William Duncan and All-Star Cast. M Mr. and Mm. turned this mor It In Portland. E. Prultt re jm a brief via- The Alta Theatre YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE THIS EXTRAORDINARY PICTURE TODAY. The Incomparable Emotional Actress Mme. Petrova H ADULTS 10c. Personally Picked Program at Popular Prices. CHILDREN 5c LOCALS (8b Advertising in Brief " RATES. Per line first Insertion 10e Or line, additions! InMrtlon He lr line, per month 11 00 No Iw-els tsken for less than r.r. Count 6 ordinary wordi to lint. Lorain will not be tsken oter tee ifltpt e eicept from last Oregon tsn paid up subscribers I. ('. Snyder, chimney Sweep. I'hont 381M Dressmaking at home or by day. lit I Baal Court Phono MOM Wanted To rent !, or room house. Phona I49W For rent- Furnished housekeeping rinmf. 4ul Aura Phone MIW. Penland liros.' trensfer Co. hav torage warehouw Phone .139 To n ni Modern heated roomi and apartments, close In. 617 Willow. For sale, cheap Farming outfli and lease on 1600 seres land imiulra "C" East oregonian Furniture for sale, cheap Phone j :'3sJ. 701 Wilson Piano and Singer sewing machine for rent. Phone 4 7 P.. Wnnted to rent- email unfur-i n titled house Inquire "p this office i For sale 26 head fresh cows ami heifers Inquire (irltman liros Chopped alfalfa and loose hay on j hand at all times at West End MIL Phone 351. Man and wife want position or. I farm. Both wel MIW. For rani -Hie room, close In. Cosblo, Mil papers for sale; tied In bun iles flood lor starting fires, etc. National Hank. Man tad Wifs want work "ii ranch. Reliable, good refarencss Phone 39711. Walch tturdas ur u indows, pleas ft Leghorn I 15. pre H. E. P experienced dy furnished Call eenlnga. 7:fl For sale -Full blood White eggs for hatching. 11.00 for paid. (luaranteed fertile. hi. i. kman, Milton Old mattresses made over like new new ones made to order, upholstering, furniture repaired, city or country Phone 227J. La Dow Uros., 113 Beauregard street. l-'or sale or tiade for Pendleton property or acreage near Pendleton 10 acres Irrigated Unincumbered land it mouth 0 Yakima river. See W. t The regular monthly business meet- Ing of the christian Kndeavor of thei Christian church w is held last even ing at the home .,f M. I. peters. After the business session a social time was enjoyed, among the diversions being I the answering of Bible questions, thei writing of prophecies and a committee contest to determine which was the most important. Taffy was pulled, moat of the Eicleavorers becoming j very much "tu k up.' The Women's Missionary Society of the Christian church will meet to morrow afternoon ;tt 2:30 at the home of Mrs. j. E sharp on Riverside I boulevard. Mr. and Mrs Frank Frailer have j out Invitations foi an evening party gt their country home on Tutuilla next j Tuesday. The choir of the Church of the Redeemer win meet this evening at 7:30. Mr and Mrs Paul Kreft and baby will leave tomorrow on a visit to The Dalles and Portland. Mr. Kreft la a well known young brakeman for the j O.-W R. & N. C. Q Miller, secretary of the P'.lo I Rook Commercial Club, was In the city yesterday. , J. H. Hall, Walla Walla grainbuN j er of the firm of Elam & Hall, wus In the city yesterday. Milton A. Ross of the Vaughan elec- trie shop, left today for Portland and i Long Peach, California. Harry Q Davis, a student ot Jef ferson high Mhool, Portland, arrived! last evening to visit Earl Snyder, pop-, ular local high school student IN What WU1 People Say A masterly picturization of Rupert Hughes great novel of modern society ALSO Ben Hur Co. TONIGHT Production of the Mighty Success BEN HUR A High Class Feature Known the World Over. The Woman of Mystery PAULINETTA In Seance of Mental Telepathy. Thursday Afternoon PAULINETTA RECEPTION SPECIAL MATINEE FOR LADIES Picture Starts at 7. First Act at 8: 1 5 Admission 1 0 and 20 cents FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PAULINE FREDERICK IN "LYDIA GILMORE." '- rMP rioTS. " Very many people desire to u irlds in eastern Oregon ,,u to offer and price' N. Berkeley. I mule filly Prompt automobile taxi service J shoulder, lav or night Funerals to cemetery j return or Only $3 f,0 Phone 6S0. St. George, recovery. Motel Carney Tux! Co. Adv. Ton Dollars Reward. Lost, from the Marlon Jack ranch! PERSONALIA' PICKED PROGRAM PWllMi OFHERIXG. branded J I!, on left Will pay above reward for BIG DOUBLE TEMPLE "The Surprises of An Empty Ho tel," e four part drama with Charles Richman, Leo Delaney, William Dunu. Arline Pretty and Striel Corcoran and a Cripple Creek Cinderella, a one act comedy, with William Duncan and all star cast will be the attractions at thei Pastime today. This is one of those ustly famous personally picked programs that have! proven very popular with Pendleton pi. lure patrons. The admission I, adults. 10c: children. Be l he Uta Theattet Packet! ui the Door I ast Xfelit. enteresrns insist on n a bald jue.stiuns Wi 9 REELS TODAY and TOMORROW 9 REELS in and I get ma will I have any children?" ' Ves. Mary and you will Mary will have two children, won't h ive any." "Have I answered your ; asked Paulinetta. Mr. Cart d to even "peep." Paulinetta ha certainly curious sensation in Pendlei of the ci people t' she discloses private an matters when Uestione testing her abilities. "Will I marry W "; Wl of my locket and chain'." ever be mayor of Pe "What will make hair grow head." were some of the that were answered with lightning like rapidity. And so for three quarters Of kn hour the questions came in with rapid succession many of the replies being vei startling N'e.xi Thursday afternoon Paulinetta will give a special reception and private matinee for ladies only, no men being admitted. The theater was crowded to the doors last nigh and many were unable to gain admission A chant, of bill will he given this evening and Hen Hur presented ror the first time Paulinetta appears only once, at 8 es in the Famous Players Film Com-1 pany's thrilling picturization of Hen ry Arthur Jones powerful dram! "Lydla Gilmore." In this famous emo- tlonal role, Miss Frederick suggests with Infinite strength and pathos the; faithful w ife and the devoted ! mother who suffers indescribable mentai agony to shield her husband s ' name and save his life after he has! been proven to be faithless to her and . the murderer of the man whose home he had violated. The Intense strug gle she exerts in her geat mother love to lave her son from going! through life with the brand of Cain, ; is one of the most vital and tender dramatic episodes ever witnessed on 1 the screen. "Lydla Gilmore'' strength ens the position Miss Frederick ha.s already established as the forenn st emotional artiste of the stage and ; screen. THE W AY OIT. ( By Dr KB. Haslop, Pendleton, Ore ) Nervous collapse or prostration, as it is commonly called, is a mental mil physical decline The mental usually has directed it, and the body conoe iiiently suffered. Osteopathic treatment will soothe, relieve and help build up a broken down body. The mental conditions must be assisted by the sympathetic, deep seeing physician. The body cannot be built up unless the mental ruts are straightened out. The physician must understand his patient to get the best results Adv. Dan. e at ic in., i, Hall. There will be a dance at German Hall Saturday evening. March th "lood music, good management, re freshments. Adv. nit V stion V refus- dairvoy- Apparent')' open and Jell; Roll Recipe Only Two Eggs Required 4 By Mrs. J nti McKen:ie Hill, Editor of I MS BoiUn Cooking School Aliigacim j This Jelly Roll is fast becoming very popular on account of the way it keeps ! fresh. With proper haiuilinc, it should j keep fresh a whole week, providing it isn't eaten up in the meantime, for it is every bit as good as it looks. J3 Henry Woodruff and Tsuru Aoki In "The Beckoning Flame' Suppose it was the custom to burn American wives alive on the death of the husband, and that a chivalrous foreigner tried to save the bride of a high official. What do you think the populace would do? As yon ate with enraptured eyes at the marvelous settings and the wonderful scenery, yon can almost feel that yon have been transplanted to the splendor of the Magic East There's a situation something like this in "The Beckoning Flame," the weird Bsst Indian story of the romantic adven tures oi an English army Officer. Told in a true TRIANGLE way, brings your heart to yoar throat as yoe fear for the life of the dainty Indian maiden. And beet of all, in addition to the dar ing of this great production ia a pretty little love story and an exhibition of sacrifice such as yon have seldom aeen. And as the picture progresses and yon watch the way in which the people In India really live, you stop for a moment and wonder if this la really the twentieth century and you are In the greatest conn try in the world. This marvelous picture is a real treat that you cannot afford to miss. Everyone loves it. A Everyone appreciates it, and everyone talks about it. Come to-night. ' JOF JACKSON, world's greatest tramp comedian, with Mack Swain and Hank Man. in "A MODERN ENOCH ARDEN." 1 Bee) Keystone "(Jricf Mop." awr imFWm! taw A aaat';dasarrJaaHWjBBs7Jaaa C Jelly Roll Omt tuf siUit four; scant half ttmT ifoonful salt ; k irvel teaspoonj mit A C litking J'owiirr; grated rind of 1 limon ; t tggt att tight 1 enf tUgOTl )i cup Wf '.; gtats of jttiy; derid sugar. Beat the sugar into the eggs; add the lemon rind, then the flour, silted three times with the salt ami baking powrlefj and, lastly, the milk. Bake in a but tered diipping p.iu; turn out on a damp cloth, trim oil the crisp adsjvn; spread with jellv and turn over and over into a roll while still warm. Dredge the top with powdered sugar. Hot milk used in the jelly roll en ables it to he rolled without dinger of cracking. Have the milk bcalding hot, also be careful to have the eggs and sugar licaten together until very light ami creamy. Bake in a moderate oven. K C jelly Roll is illustrated on pags thirty-two of the new ami hands mi if illustrated 64-p.ic;e K C Cook's Book, which may 1 secured frtt by Sending; the certificate packed in every .'5-ceut can of K C lUking Powder to the Jsqvms Mm, Co., Chicago, ui OM1C.VL JOE JACKSON, M AX KEYSTOM STAH Lamp Btoyoslst Will Be seen in Tri a lifters Modern kikkIi Anion." "A Modern Knoch Ardcn. ' the new j Triangle-Keystone, presents Joe Jack-! son in a congenial roie He figures ' ronsiderabl) In it In the tramp outfit and make-up that he nas made fa-!' Ulcus - or that has made him tamoUSjj let it go either way or both. Joe! !has made number audiences laugb in vaudeville b) his comical BtUnta He bj a finished acr,.0at, can turn all s.inls of handsprings, stand on t is 1 1 head, tall uvermu Kward ami .. w . . ' What adds much to the interest is the thrilling plot, which develops loa Icall) from the first and continues to a strong climax. Joe has opportuni ties to display all hts marvelous tum bling and acrobatic skill when he ; IS to escape death by drowning and re turns home to find his wife has ac quired another husband during 'to three years he's been away. He becomes a tramp and then bis adventuresome caret 1 begins again 1 lu raxes a motorboai and beats it to a bridge and manages ro take off his own unrecognised child. , moment later the boat blows up. the villain 1 having planted a bomb on board An- Alfa Theatre CHANGE OF BILL PACKED TO TnUinilT STANDING I uniun I THE DOORS ROOM ONLY other rescue is made of the chi'd. when Joe takes her from a hut Where shi has been held for ransom by n! bunch of tramps in the pa; of tt vidian Joe accidentally upsets a lamp dur ing the rescue. It sets the building i flames. The mother and the DOllcS thing the child is within and there I some lively lushing around till Joe' shows them the child They Just get to a point ot s.itet when bang. th house goes up Again it was the fault Of the villain, for he left SORUi bond's ill the house. Joe wins back his wife j and child and the villain husband gsss ! to the pen. Temple toda and tomoirow raitlliie tlff irk in ''Liha QilBMJV at Ms iiiitnt ami gatartkt BIG DOUBLE SHOW I' nt Production -if Belasco and Robinson's Version of the Mighty Success BEN-HUR A TALE OF THE CHRIST Pronounced to be the Most Gorgeous Scenic Spectacle of the Century Featuring the Psychic Phenomenon and Crystal Reader PAULINETTA (Fay) THE WOMAN OF MYSTERY, in a SEANCE i MENTAL TELEPATHY. Ask her anythingshe will tell she knows. Sister ot' ANNA EVA FAY. PAULINETTA APPEARS BUT ONCE EACH EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP. DOUBLE ENTERTAINMENT. 2 Turns of Vaudeville 2 5 Reels of Motion Pictures 5 THURSDAY AFTERNOON PAULINETTA'S RECEPTION and SPECIAL MATINEE for LADIES ONLY. 1. mints' Ktt tlt':" k. t h tliMnn;'jih. , I mottoM! iiiin sht tMM vvn lntr I national fum bf IWf ailnilrnhU KffVi I mttTt-n t;iliins Of "'A.vm' mill Bi fl I Dem Mother rtnwrk i I ohm ctii tattlon to hrr list uf sutow COMING SHORTLY THE TRAINED ANIMAL CIRCUS Consisting of trained Rats. Carta Hie, in rMOtbci The two Monkey CoBMdiailU Iai ami Qyp, the Palm ing Hen "Betsy" and THE LITTLE SINGING PIG "FOGAR1 Y" Popular Prices During This Engagement.