m EIGHT PAGES EAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1916. PAGE THREE COMPARED WITH THE i cupi sugar 1 cup cream s 1 cup water Yolks 2 eggs 2 cupi orange juice 1 cup heavy cream X cup shredded candled orange peel Boll sugar and water eight minutes, tben add orange iulca. Bcaldcream, add yolki of etrii, and cook over hot water until mix .v ture thickens. Cool, add to nrst mixture with heavy cream beaten 3 M stiff. Freeze: when nearly froseo, add orange peel. Line a melon mould with Orange Ice, All with Orange Delicious, pack Id salt and I Servo il tomorrow pL' Order sweet, juicy, jj I tender, delicious Srakist I 1 B y California's Selected Oranges Order now. All good deal ers sell these tine seediest navels. Write for f ree book " Sun- Itist Salads and Desserts." Save Sunkist tissue wrappers for beautiful silverware. California Fruit Growers Exchange Co-oparsrive Non-profit Eastern Heasqaerteri : 139 N. Clark St., Ckieato 14161 MILTON A PARADISE FRANK liVMs VIMTIM. I ItlKNKS svs WEATHEB VERY (Oi l) I V THERE. ,n Degrees Below when He Left Snow :n Milton is Impiii mi Gone uiui i;i i.i' ni- Am QBtttsg i'1 nil Tree llmniatlo ('lull (;! riu Other Htm Notes or Ton. ire , Feb 25. Prank Oft , Albt i, 1h visiting this 'fi k. Mr. Davli e the sunny erta as It was warn ha left lal left Mil on a thid busi- FYMnd Mother's Body, HOSKIH'IH i ore, Feb 2! Phlllplni Tattle, aged :t yean ! Idenl Ol Melrose, was round l"''i'l In lu-i bed by her mm. C. H. Tuttle. They are recent arrivals In this vicinity, b i ti k from Uuslsw, In Lane county. Bad Cough ? Feverish ? Grippy ? i bmm HILTON, i vis of Feme: friends here says Milton seems south compared to i r,.s degrees below the 7th of February. Rev, H. S. ShungW tan for Columbia PI Week to be gone nc.s8 trip. Rev, B. F Harper, pastor of the Preebytelian church at Nyssa. Oregon. is visiting his faintly in Milton. The miow Is about all gone and ev ensong has begun to get busy pruning treeH and getting ready to begin spray Ing. The young people! dramatic club of Columbia College motored to Pres cott. Wash . Friday and In the evening presented the play. "Those Dreadful Twins'' to a crowded house, clearing HO. They were chaperoned by Mies Kllxabeth liraham. teacher of elocu tion at the college. J. K. Homlne, who was operated on two months ago, la able to be out t'le last few days, The ladles of Pomona Rebecca lodge entertained their nusbands and several Invited guests at their regular meeting last Thursday evening. Sup per was served and a merry time was had by those present. Milton city dads met in regular ses sion Monday evening and elected Joe Bade city marshal William Small Is building a new bungalow on his north Main street lot which he recently purchased of Bob ert Vancll. Mrs Frank Williams died at bet home one mile north of Free water Friday, The funeral was held at the christian church Sunday, she belli, a faithful member of the church for many years She leaves a husband. at m mm mm jm mm . CET A CARLOAD OF I a visittouuruayiigtit STANFIELD CATTLE 1 Store Saves You Money l COX SHU'S OCT PAT STOCK SATURDAY To SUPPLY NORTHWEST DEM VJTD, Triroma Man Bay .Vtin of land on tiie Pantiafa Project wiiiii lie Will laaPlOKI and Plant lo Alfalfa Study Huh Will Jim at the Home of Mr-. Connor. These Ailments Weaken Your System. Your Body Then Needs the Help of Dr. King's New Discovery. Colds are annoying. They inter fere with our duties. In our weak ened condition they may end in a pell of sickness or even more serious tilments. Fear, however, should be overcome, for in Dr. King's New Discovery you have an effective rem edy. Dr. King's New Discovery contains the ingredients which fight cold germs, which soothe your cough, healing the irritated and inflamed mucous nerr.branes. Just as soon as you start taking Dr. King's New Discovery your recovery is assured. Without assistance your weakened system tries in vain to throw oil these cold germs. Your system cries for help and Dr. King's New Dis covery is just the remedy needed. Get a bottle to-day. Take at mce. You will feel much better to-morrow . All dnifflristi. CROUP QUICKLY C0NQUERD AND CATARRH GERMS DESTROYED I consider that It cured my child, as he very soon ceased to be troubled with croup. We are never without it In the house, and use It to break up colds in the head, and for catarrhal trouble, with great satisfaction. I mi glad 1" recommend it to all who ire suffering with like ailments.'' Mrs C W Fltts. 1441 Clinton street, Washington. 11 C. BANISHES CATARRH ULSO. For catarrh, head colds, tore throat, snufflea, etc.. you simply put a few dropa of Hyomel In the Inhaler which cornea with every complete Hy omel Outfit and then breathe Its air for a few minute, four times a day. By breathing Hyomel In this way ev ery particle Of air that enters the air passages of the throat and head and goes Into the lungs Is charged with a healing balsam that kills the germs and bacilli of calarrh nnd soothes and allays all Inflammation. lis action Is rapid and lasting. The first day's use of Hyomel will show an Improvement and In a short time there should be BO rurther trouble from catarrh. You take no risk In buying Hyomel. It Is Inexpensive nnd If after using you can say It has not helped you. your druggist will refund your money Tallmaa & Co. sell It under such a guarantee. SIM PI I HOM1 Mil vnilM' TH T UTS M MOM LIKE M .l In any home where a child ha.4 0 tendency to croup, a rmttlc of Hyo mel (pronounce it Hlgh-o-me) should . kept constantly on hand, A sudden attack of croup with dlf fli ult breathing and extreme diet real U apt to come on at any time. The course to be pursued la plain, fend for your doctor at once, and In the meantime drop 30 drops of Hyo iii, i Into a bowl id boiling water, and bold 'he child's head over It, covered with a lowel or cloth, so that only he ur filled with Hyomel vapor Igj breathed This method of treatment has. sav ed many a child's life, and mothers of roupy children should see to It that Hyomel Is always on hand. Full In structions for prompt relief of croup is in each package. "I have used ltooth's Hyomel for croup With wonderful success. "My baby hoy had croup for three ears and nothing would break an at tack until I chanced upon Hyomel. Its use as soon as the atack came on would quickly relieve him so that lie was sweetly sleeping in five mlnutea "I have recommended the remedy to many mothers who have found It is great a comfort In croup aa I did I MAY BE ESTABLISHED IN THE NEAR FUTURE Bt'RDETT ROSS Is ( o TKMP1 T INO PLAN WOULD BE A GREAT CONVENIENCE, i Kast nregonlan Special i MKACHAM, ore.. Feb. H. Rurdctt ROM is thinking of starting a dairy here as be thinks he can establish a nice mute around town which will be a great accommodation to the people of Meacham to have their milk deliv ered at their doors A Baaea I'fcffer and dance at Ka mela has been announced for Friday night and a good time Is expected. R f. Fagan went to La Qraade on Thursday lo attend to business. James Shockley was here on Wed nesday after the balance of his house, hold effects to move them to his ranch near McKay creek He moved there last fall and reports everything look ing fairly good in that section of thu country. ('has Hannah has been In Pendle ton several days on business The weather during the paat few weeks, has been like spring and the snow is down to about two feet In the timber and In the open It is al most gone In some places. J. D, Casey Is thinking of Kait.tB the saw mill on or about the first or tenth of March and expects to run full force (East Oregonlan Special.) STAXFIF.ID, ore., Feb 21. J; L Cox shipped one carload of fat cattle to Portland Saturday. Doc RItnntel was In charge of the car Mrs. H. T. gtanfleld and daughter, Miss Katherlne of Pi rtland and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur i na Of Kcho, were the guests of Mr . nd Mrs. Carl Helm this week. Miss Iva Southwell of Pendleton, la visiting her sister. Mrs. H. U. Perrin. Mrs. J. J. Buchanaan who la on the sb k Hat la reported as somewhat better. C H Xaylor was attending to busi ness In Pendleton Wednesday w w. McDonald of Tacona, was In town this week and while here bought 80 acres of land on the Fur nish project which he will have im proved and put In alfalfa this spring. Dr. H W. Freeze or Portland, made his regular visit here Tuesday. W. A Harr of Pendleton. Waa seen on our streets Tuesday. Mr and Mra. Hal Bisho of Pendle ton were the guests of Lloyd Itl hes Sunday. la R. Oambee of Pendleton was here Friday. Mrs. Almlra Shaw or Union and Miss Beulah Barker of Echo, wan vis iting Mrs. Elmer Iteeves the first of the week The Study Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Connor wnen papers will be read b Mesdames liuchanr.an and Kagan. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe of Portland I- in the city for a short stay. Win H. Daughtry of Portland is here looking after his business inter ests. Mr Daughtry has shipped in another carload of cattle to be placed on the Umatilla ranch. Messrs. Orval and Loren Coffman of Pendleton, spent several days with their uncles, W T. and Elmer Reeves. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Hoskins and son. Wayne, of Hansen, Idaho, spent i the week at the home of W. J. Emery Mrs Husklns Is a sister of Mrs. Em- ery Mr. and Mrs John Beavert are moving to Athena where they will make their future home. A very interesting program was ren dered by the pupils of the different grades of the public school in remem brance of Washington's birthday D. A. McPherson or Seattle spent a couple of days here the first of the week D. o. smith of washougai. Wash ington, was in town Tuesday. J. A Payton of Walla Walla calling en friends here this week. I'. S. Alien returned to his hom in Portland Sunday arter spending several days here. L. H Hallou of Hermrston, wai a 11)1! CHILDREN'S COUGH Yon cannot use anytsing better for vour child's cough and cold than Dr ' King's New Discovery It is prepar j ed from Pine Tar mixed with healing and soothing balsams. It does not contain anything harmful and 1 ' slightly laxative. Just enough to expel the poisons from the system. Dr ! King's New Discovery is antiseptic i kills the cold germs raise the I phlegm- loosens the cough ai.d I soothes the irritation. Don't put off treatment. Coughs nnd Colds often lead to serious lung troubles. It Is also good for adults and the aged Cet a bottle today. All Druggists Adv. Our new showing of Children's Spring Coats is the most complete line in the city. They consist of Cor duroys, Silk Poplin, Serges, Checks and Cravanettes, colors, Hague Blue, Rose, Copenhagen, Navy, Scar let, Tan, Black and White Check ; sizes 2 to 14, S2.50 to 910.00. Ladies Silk Underwear in flesh and white, Cbrset s Covers, Knickerbockers, Gowns, Combination and 1 Petticoats. These dainty garments are made of 1 crepe de chine, washable satin, soiree and linen lawn. New Sport Skirts in checks and stripes. New Petticoats in Dresden, stripes, changeable and plain 94.50 to 98.00 New Blazer Middies in all col ors 81.75 g Specials For Saturday Only T JeaaaaJ dTA .aeaaaf'iaaaaaaaaaaaaW jjg BATH TOWELS AND BATH SHEETS Good quality bath towel, pink border, g regular 65c at 49c Plain white bath sheet, 60x72 inches. H Regular $2.00 at 81.69 H REGULAR $1.25 SILK POPLIN AT 98c . These are 36 inches wide and come in H green, brown, tan, black, navy, Copen- g hagen and grey. Wash cloths, both plain and fancy, the regular 5c kind at 4 Regular 10c kind at 8 Regular 10c Ginghams, 11 yds. 81-00 Regular 12 1 Toil de Nord Ginghams m 9 yards for 91.00 These Ginghams are not poor patterns nor shop-worn but include any piece in s our stock. One lot of purses, the regular $1.00 and $1.25 kind at 79c Regular 10c and 12Vc colored out ings, all at the one price, the yard . 9t All side combs and barettes 'i-off. One lot hair pins, the kind selling at 35c to 75c, all at the one price 23 One lot Lingerie Collars, while they last, just 'i-price. Regular $1.25 Corduroy at, yard 98 You cannot afford to miss these Sat urday specials, they save you money. You may be assured of prompt and courteous attention. i ALEXANDERS iT.ll III! DOCTOR BJULS WITH SNAKES, South American WU1 Test Out Sc rum on Rabbits. NEW YORK. Feb. 23. Dr. Vitol Brazil sailed out of New York har bor with the following specimens from the Bronx Zoo: One Texas rattler. One diamond-backed rattler. One Gila monster. one water moccasin. Dr. Eruxil arrived in this countr; recently as a delegate to the Pan-American congress at Washington Be fore returning to Rio de Janeiro he gave a serum of his own invention to the German hospital, which saved the life of John Toomey. a Keeper in the Bronx Zoo. hiten by a rattlesnake on January 27. Curator Raymond L. Dltmars, fear ing the serum might not he success ful against the bite or other snakes, collected four more deadly North Am erican varieties and gave them to Dr. Brazil for experiment. Latin American rabbits and guinea pigs will be put in the cage with them at Rio de Janeiro. The results will be ship pel to the Bronx next month. source. Little liquor has been Import ed via the common carrier route and the supplies laid In before the first of the year are supposed, in most cas es, to be exhausted. I French hospital attendants have succeeded In impregnating rubber gloves with the salts of certain metala and making them impervious to X rayg for the protection of persona us ing the raya. S. S. S. Drive Poison From System. the Xo Cabinet Switch, WASHINGTON, Feb :3. Presi dent Wilson yvill not fill Secretary of War Garrison's place by shifting about cabinet members If he can get the man he now has In mind, it was learned authoritatively. Both Secre tary Houston and Secretary Lane had been mentioned as a possible choice tiling the i'" '( Known For It's Strength iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii Gift for Philomath Collect. LOS ANGELES. Fen. II. The phi lomath college association of Philo math. Ore.. Is given JSO.0U0 by the will of the late Sarah H. Haker. which was filed here. About 170.000 wis given to other religious organizations Washington, D. C, Oct. 6, 1915. First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON is hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Federal Reserve Board. By C. S. Hamlin, Governor. rTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SECURITY iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiir- I! MINERS LOOK OUT r I hen you first notice a cough even that little tickling in the throat S I which some think is a "mere cold", il may mean setious trouble for you, be I cause the dutt Of the mines often brings 5 bronchitis, pneumonia or consumption E even to men stronger than you. hat you need and need at once is a bottle of Scott's Emulsion to check the cough and help the linings of the bronchial passages to prevent sickness and loss of ' time". In Scott's Emulsion you get pure cod liver oil blended with glycerine and hypophosphites which quickly improves your blood, fortifies your lungs and builds up your strength. It is free Iroiu alcohol, l'tiyaiciaiu pre cribe it every day. Beware of substitutes. Scott a Bowsr. BloumficM, N. J. 15-17 Alligators Mare iinci JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Feb. 23. The Florida contingent of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution met at a dinner in the Windsor Hotel here and some thoughtful person, to give local color to the arfair. put sev eral small No. 9A alligators In the pool of the fountain In the room where the goldfish used to be kept. The alligators ate up the goldfisn o. o first course and then, attracted by the merry sounds and i knives ami forks, crawled . tank and mingled with the diners for a moment only The revolutionary daughters declined 10 do their part of the mingling and. with S series of shrieks, they rapidly mounted the dining room chairs. The alligators wagged their tails in apparent delight at the sensation, but they did not try to climb the chairs The women continued to scream and a phalanx of brave waiters charged on the alligators and drove them back Into the flekleaa pool, where two or the waiters stood guard to prevent them escaping again The soup was cold by thai time and was eaten In grim silence so as not to stir Up the alligators to making a rresh sortie. It was agreed that the scheme it Introducing local color was a pro nounced success, in a wa. but any monkeying with the color line In Florida does not meet the approval of the daughters, and they are trying to find out who did It Boose Trickle-, in Random BANDON. ore.. Feb. 23. After more than a month and a half of ' dryness" Bandon, once said to be the Wettest small city in the state, is con verted to prohibition almost. But the lid must be clamped on a little tighter. "Booze" Is evidently being distrib uted at dances by someone, but the authorities have not yet located the Get It flxed in your mind that skin eruptions. Scrofula. Eczema, burning Itching skin, and all akin diseases are due entirely to Impure blood. If the trouble was on the outside of the skin, by simply washing and keeping it clean you could obtain relief not even oint ments and salves would be neces sary. Agree with us in this be- lief, and you can be restored to j health. S. 8. 3. Is a purely vegetable treatment that you can secure from j your own druggist It is a blood tonic that will purify your blood and cause j a decided abatement of your trouble, and finally make you well. Fifty years i ago S. S.'s. was discovered and given i to suffering mankind. During this , period it has proren Its remarkable curative properties as a blood purifier and tonic. Has relieved thousands of cases of disease caused by Impure blood. I and chronic or Inherited blood diseases. You can be relieved, but you must take S. S. S. Therefore be sure. Don't take chances, don't use lotions. Get S. S. S. I from your druggist. If yours is a spe cial ease, write for expert medical ad- , rice to Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta. Q. Prevents roughness daring the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best GOTHIC an ARROW COLLAR 2 for 25c IT FITS THE CRAVAT C'UETT, PCABODY t. CO. INC., StAKCI TIRED OF LIFE Constant Backache an J Rheumatism Spokane Man lx-i-orati-d NEW YOltK. Feb. 2S. Lieutenant Charles Sweeney, of Spokane, a mem ber of the foreign legion, and the flKt American to receive tne Cross o' the Legion of Honor in BO years, arrived hore on the French liner Lafayette, Sweeney has a bullet In his lung ana is on a three months- leave of absence Foley Kiiln.-y Pitta f M up Texas brakeman o ha's ood as Seeta Almost dowa tad out trtfc kteae trouble. Rheumatism so bad lie could scarcely get up when lie sal down. Hack a.iic all the time. No wonder I'r. V. A. VTooley brake man oa the r .id fr : Dallas to Jack sen. Texas, "vas tired of living," "I suw Foley Kidney Pills u.lver tlscd." lie said, "I t. ok rome n.n.1 after a short time I Was thoroughly cured and ass Saving ae more trouble. vo.:r kidney Ills will disappear end with tana the baekacne and ri.cn nattsni, by the use of Foley's Kidney rills. Once your kidneys bccoSSS aircrifi and active, aches and pains w ill tlisappear litre ma::e. ThcS Bptl lafE equal tbe .Temi Ina Will heb, oit case of L'Maov wr Madder tro'ihlrt not NTon'l t ie r-nth of n,e 'ini,. I ci.um bo barium! drug-. Ti litem. Sold Eterywtiere. , Semi-Annual Payment of Interest The regular semi-annual install, ments of Interest on deposits in the Savings Department of this bank were due and credited on February 1st. This interest is now ready for pay ment. If same is not withdrawn it will be added to principal. Call and let us explain the advan tages of our Savings IVpartment to you. American National Bank of Pendleton Capital, Surplus eft Undivided Profits $450,000.00 illlltllllllllillllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllliiiiiilliliiiiiiiiiii-- MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Farm Property. Current Rates NO COMMISSIONS, NO BONUSES, or other expenses. r Just like prottino; it from a bank. Larue or small amount. 5 Loan Quickly closed. If you need monev COME and SEE US. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT GO. 5 111 East Court St. Tjiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiimiisi