DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1916. EIGHT PAGES Pl!!iIfi!!l!!I!II Why Not Get The Best PAGE EIGHT Bl ue This is very hard to get this year and the market is away up. But we have it in stock just in today. Per Pound 25c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 5 Purrlmr Ne tar lain. , ... u ... .. , , .,-'' 5M. VV N Matlock has just purchased ' hrlsl will . tl.- sublet .111,1 ;he e.., I , v , 1 ,. .1 1. . Hi I mlsaua lair to Marry. I A marriage license was issued yes terday t,i rail M. Voyen ami Leila I Maude Phelps, both of Hermiston Mr, Wyen will bo remembered here as a popular members of the Hermis. ton hail team ami his bride is a nicer of Circuit Judge Phelps. services will be held muter the dire,' tlon of the Y p. S. C. K The final serviee will be on March id under the auspices of the choir. -The Qoepel i'i Bong" is the subject selected. for your money? Why pay more when you can buy the same goods tar less? If you solve this problem correctly you will be a constant customer at The Golden Rule Why not? ineni Ta Mi- Dnwnej 111 Mrs. Prank Downey is ill home with a severe case of u u 1 . 'imi I'oth Itraillos Hlo. radio have both filed their peti ons with the county clerk making lem cand dates for the republican ruination to succeed themselves at te orimary election on May i;. Helix Woman at Hospital Mis. McKee of Helix underwent an operation at St Anthony's hospital yesterday. uiit Edge shoe Polish . Si w w ide fancy ribbons Children', school nandkt CorMl covers Ladles' muslin gowns. . Ladies' silk petticoat , , Ladies' silk w.iists . . . . Lftdtos' o:le or lawn w Ladles' Spring dress sklr Ladies' Spring suits. . . . I He. .V is, I tic . 's. . . . . I f. ic. Ue, St 18c. Mc Hc s 1 .its. S'J.ilS I.M, gi.itg, IS, Mi 98V sa.tis. t,H IIJ.50, SI 1.73, 117.50 Halo's soft sole shoes Children's stiff Dole shoes , !, 1 '..lis' shoe. Wi $1. B. C, SUuffer shoes $1.10. SI. Misses' shoes SI. 23, SI. Misses' PiiMor Brown shoes. . .SI. ON, S2. Uulles gKtMf SI.HH, SI-UN, S2 v, iniis shoes' si.:. It. Tons shoe $1,111. SI. 110. SI Men s dross shoes SS.4S, $2 S2. 10. S2. ..-, SSc jtfl TO, 19, IS, in, ,79, M lis. IIS I.M '. Kc ll.SS SI. OH si.no S2.0H S2. 10 SI. till 11.98 98,19 SH..MI s:i.. Mm ,.n ncr itiriii. Two hours after bll horn of I'i Mr. and Mrs. V Kock expired last Two Phones, 28. 'QUALITY" lto;riii Assessing soon. The assessing of the property f jr the 1919 tax will begin soon after I March I, The law fixes that date u the data to begin and Assessor Strain states that h will start work as soon as the weather settles. He will prob ably retain all of his old deputies. Undergoes Operation, Mrs. E. D, Turner of su C street underwent an operation g Anthony'i hospital this morning You Can Always Uo Better At THE GOLDEN RULE J. C. PENNEY CO. 83 Big Busy Stores. Returns Prom Texas. Marshall Spell, popt lar sale The Peoples Warehouse, returned lasl 823 Main St. Krn him r. i i DS nrssiw. commander of the Russian forces on the Caucasian front, congratulations on the "brtll.an feat" of arms at Erze- Estate of Murdered Man. F. S. Senn, J. M. Stephenson and Robert H.irp, appraisers of the estate of J. T. Owings. who was murdered j several months ago. have filed the;r report. They value tils estate at 1876.50 It consists of horses, hir- ness ,md a wagon. from Bryan, Ti "en v siting his Bo; Operated Upon. Howard, the 10 year and Mrs. O. P Kober Canyon, was taken to pitai yesterday to hav reset. He was first i ago. hi jld son of Mr This eight year old boys' eyes were crossed from the time he was five years old till I fitted him with glasses April 3rd, 1915. Cross eyes can be straightened by my system with glasses in nearly every instance. Children that squint have some defect that is apt to cause cross eyes unless the proper glasses are worn. The child or young person that needs glasses and has them properly fitted is more apt to be the grown-up who needs no glasses. No matter whether you are cross eyed or whether you are suffering from eye strain that results in headache, nervous twitching or inflamed eyelids, poor vision, dizzi ness, bling spells, pain in the back of the neck, or any other condition that results from eyestrain, glasses fitted by my system will give the desired relief. DALE ROTHWELL, OPTICAL SPECIALIST, American National Bank Building, Pendleton Phone 609. Beautiful Designs in Jewelry If the fashion of your jewelry is becom ing a bit obsolete. ew rings and pins that you wear any more. piece of jewelrv that is are not proud If you havi wearing out. Bring it in Let us offer you suggestions on making it over. We can transform your old jewelry in to fashionable pieces that you will enjoy wearing. Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler since 1 887 Guardian a Appointed. Mrs. Ellen O. Scheer has been ap pointed guardian of her nephew. Glen McMahan of Sandy point, Mont . the 17 year old son of Thomas A. Mc Mahan who met death at Pilot Itock Junction several days ago. Deceased left a $1000 life insurance policy In the Knights of Columbus, payable to his son. To nix iis i.jvo Topics. At the county meeting of the Fann ers Union to be held here Saturday among the subjects for discussion will be sacks, binder twine and a county agriculturist for I'matilla county. Kclio-Stanlicld , bate The Echo and Stanfield high school debating teams will meet at Stanfield Friday evening of this week in IBS county high school dehate series Miss Baton L. Nason. county librarian. Deputy District Attorney R. 1. Keator and M U. Chessman, all of Pendleton, have been selected as Judges. lime To Clean Up, Fire Chief (Unfold Is an advocate of a clean-up process for Pendleton, now that the weather has moderated Elks Will Put on Comedy Next Month 'WE SUOl UJ WORItt I- 11111 OF SHOW TO BG PBKS1 IS I -ED M Till: OREGON. The oat's out of the hag. And now we are able to satisfy the curiosity of the people who have been wondering at the nature of that mysterious bunch who have been scouting the town over as if in search of an hon est man. They were the Elks com mittee, out signing up the cast of the funniest show ever written. HAPPY CANYON TEAM HAS CINCH ON SECOND PLACE v i llted and the snow disappear! Ocularly anxious for tl all combustible materia duce the fire danger. d. He par- vYjhich letittan named Estate of ,ioc)ih Frauds. H O Moussu has filed a asking that J. T. Rrown be administrator of the esrate of the lata I Joseph FTancis. The personal prop erty is valued at approximately Jiui) and deceased left four lots in this city and a 37-acre tract of land. His heirs are Mrs. Louise Hestin of Henrlsburg, Canada, and a son In the French army. I la- Three Yolk Egg, An egg with three yolks was the curiosity discovered ut the Bruno Webber home yesterday morning and there Is some speculation as to Wheth er such an egg was ever observed be. I fore. The egg was larger than usu al and until broken it was thottfht to contain a double yolk, tan. wh, Conduit i- Damaged. The recent cold weather threatened to do serious damage to the city wa- I ter conduit along the rocky bluffs at I Thorn Hollow. At two or three places the freezing, thawing and washing re-1 suited In the rocky support of the con duit cracking and scaling off and Supt. I F. B, Hayes is now engaged in rein forcinif these weak spots with con crete braces anchored well within th Stilt for Divorce. Minnie E. Irvin. For the past two years a resident of this county, has filed suit in the circuit court against Augustus Irvln. her husband, asking for a divorce and the restoration of her maiden name. Smith, The couple were married in Elreno. Okla.. in 1903 and plaintiff alleges her husband de serted her In 1908 while they were living in Oklahoma City Ftaley A Kaley are her attorneys Mr kima. many from brings treat i ers. M is i, adtn of the be pre on -Holland 7th the auspices of the Pendleton No. 288, B, I1. 1 1. E. and uti le direction of C, J. MeNaugh i professional show produce: I in the city for that purpose. McNaufhtan has presented this show in ther W he Dalles. North Ya Chehalla and a great ashington cities ami imendatlon that he n there Is a decided r the local theater go- By taking two out of three gaiiiei last night from the Happy Canyons. the Is'ers cinched second place In the bowling tournament. One game isi yet to be bowled, but as the Hulldog gers have first place firmly grasped. it will not interfere with the stmidtng, whatever. All three games last nigh were ex-. ceedlngly fast and the winners came within four plus of tying the season's high team average. Harve llanavani of the losers, made high slnitle game j of the evening with a 2ti game, while John Hamley rolled 1164 for the hlgn three ame average of the match, On Wednesday the Pendleton team, will journey to Walla Walla for the championship of this section as they) have beaten La Qranda and Maker nl ready this year. Some time ago the beat Walla Walla here on the loial alleys and If they can w in on Walla j Walla's home Ktounds the) will be undisputed ehampions of eastern Ore gon and southern Washington Inst night's scores were as follows: Happy (tonyon. HOT ( iHiigt - Against p., ,.i..,. WaSHlNiJTON, Feb. 13 - Austin Fox representing r.n rtoston attorneys. Hied three new eharges before the senate eollunltlee I II VeStlKlIt illg the fit ness ,,f llramlels He alleged deser tion ot clients and dminie dealing St. George Grill Luncheon :t.v Menu for Thiirlm. li b ( So,,,,. Vermicelli Chicksn Hroth n-i, tarter, Fried Bmtlta, Made de Hotel ICntreee. Pork spare Rtba with Koaini Brased Ot Joints, Jardlnere Roul BM( Hash with Poached Roui Sirloin of Beet with iirown c.ravy lliwrrt Apple I'le. Tea of fee Milk II take the r. Kolf Rugs 144-uiti to Fly, With the disappearance of the snow and the appearance of hriKht weather the golf Kerm, which has -been hiber nating for the past three months, is hettinnimf to work again in the anat omy of some of the sport lovers. Yes terday afternoon a carload of Zolfltej went out to the links to try the course and it Is only a matter of a little tlmo before daily' excursions will be made to the links. Middle stuies Prosperous. Business Is extremely lively in the middle states says H. H. Wessel ivho returned to Pendleton yesterday af ter an absence of some time in vari ous parts of the middle west. He spent considerable time at Freeport, 111., and says merchants are busier than he has ever seen them before. Mr. Wessel would have made a trip to New York but was prevented by the death of an uncle, Walter Roi role of Mrs. Jack Temule. one Worries." and it is a part that wives ureat scope for her natural anil ity, going In a mlxup of comedy situations from the sublime to the ridiculous and from laughter to tears. L. R. Steelhatnmer plays opposite her as Pack Temple, a liar and of course it is needless to say that he will be "some" liar. Mr. MeNaughtan will be his chum. Frank Fuller, who Is a bigger liar. Hook . . . Harnett Mitchell Randolph Hatlovan 147 169 181 224 19', :i 91!! 91 I Tuty-Ntners, McDevItt IS 7 Hamley 25 Hanscom . . 219 Hanseom 219 Raum 141 M, Monies 21 111 213 213 231 191 212 212 111 S4 b44 644 will b, Mrs, Pal. s rvic- Announced. A series of competitive services un der the auspices of the various or ganisation! of the Presbyterian church is announced today by Rev, J. E. Snyder, the pastor. The first ser ice will be next Sunday evening with the ladies of the church In charge. The subject of the sermon will bo "A Cure for the Blues." On March 6, ihn. young ladles of the Fredda Seegius Kel will be in charge and the subject selected Is "The Woman Who Cos- Rlfle ( lull Planned. Local marksmen are planning to take advantage of ihe government's offer regarding rifle clubs. Through the war department the government offers to each club one Kralu rifle for each five members and 1 10 rounds of ammunition annually to each mem ber. This is to stimulate interest in marksmanship. Ioral people desir ing to unite with the club may se cure Information at the Taylor Hard ware Co. At present the plans are Contingent upon securing a ramte. and Miss olive 111 Frank Fuller the loon Lady," Miss Naidine Blakely will be Dor othy, -Mrs. Temple's sister, who is ver much in love with Captain Sharps, a! young military officer, the role play- I And now conies Mrs. John Brown, I Christian name Martha, a rather ven erable old lady, comparable to a Kansas cyclone, played by .Mrs. West- brooks Dickson, This is classed as one of the funniest character parti I on the stage today, as is her husband John Iirown. a hairdresser at Madame Deprees Halrdresslng Parlors who 1 played by Ray Crystal. And all through the bill, Wandering on and off. Is the butler Wigson, English and more desirous of being one of Ihe fam ily than the battler. In between the nets there will be j a number of big specialty acts run I one of which that Is sure to make , ED'S PLACE A complete line of soft drinks, cigars and tobac cos. Winehart's Golden Nectar, bottled or on drauKht. Pool and Billiard Tables. Former St. George Bar Location. Il ItKMMKLGAHN, Prop. COXVKXTION IV PEXDLKTOX. (Continued from paire one.) A banquet of sumptuous propor tions was served to all after the drill work and this was followed by a mu sical and speaklnir program that was not concluded until I O'clock, al which hour the special train, under the direction of J. L. Miller, traveling passenger agent, pulled out for Pen dleton. There are twelve I O o. F lodges In the county as follows: Overland II of Echo, Bureka 32 or Pendleton Weston fix of Weston. Milton 61 ol Milton, Wild Horse 74 of Athena, A I ams 73 of Adams. Helix xu of Helix. Integrity 92 if Pendleton, Alta III of pilot llock. Freewater III of Free, water, Vineyard 206 of Hermlston and Hudson Hay 212 of I'maplne. Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. In; the tatte ami posed of I harl 'h; ste Mrs. John T the Helix folk is Hlnoiilt Does Your Dentist Hurt You? If so you are not getting the best to be had in den tistry. We absolutely guaran tee to be able to extract the sorest tooth, take out the nerve, or prepare the most sensitive cavity with out hurting you. Our best advertisers are those for whom we have operated. ASK THEM. Drs. Idleman & Ingram Dental Specialists Two lady assistants. Pacific Coast is Unprotected From Possible Enemies XOTIfKIt l i I I l KKIKI) M i! t'O.YTHOL oi i:sii:i: o BAN SAY BADGER, WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. Tho, helplessness of the PaMftc eoast. luej to the inability of the fleet to jam through the Panama eanal. was d'; Gtosad before the houss naval commit tee by RepraMntativc rttphns of California. He charged the navy had dlsctimioatad against the west const, leaving only one obselete battleship ami a dozen cruisers Ol the llilid ' lass w it li a few oi (marines to KUard Pert Williams, the 01 the Dutchman, Ford Sterling. an Qo. i'. Bar as Patty Arhuckle, thi is a tinting and talkini! ael and is riot of fun. Everything s lining out in fin shape and lh- Klks one and all ar aolnu to trs and make thl the law Karl Williams, prominent Prsaatatsrl siaeni, nas nsen siwnuma ire after attending the odd K.-ll invention at Pilot Rock yesterda: dancer Admiral f the navy board, Btlon of a second trona to eontrol the ! against poaatbls Badger, general i counselled the f ! fleet sufficiently i Pacific. " favor another Heel large BUOUgh i to dominate the Pacific, superior to ' any fleet or any possible opponents. j We must have two fleets to adenuato. ly defend both coasts It has been ' the policy of the board to keep th I fle.-i on the Atlantic so Its whole j strength will remain intact. We had I supposed the canal would make it 1 easier for the fleet to reach the Pa cific, but it hasn't " If another fleet is constructed, Bad I ger said, the creation of more facili ties for building and repairs will be I t,e essary. oijUB roil oi sro men, (Continued from page one.) as officers young men who have not been identified with any of the fac tional sirups In the local party. To secure that a nominating committed was appointed to select a list of of fers along these lines mid present them at the next meeting for discus sion. This committee Is composed I I Hen Burroughs, i'. P, A. UWergag Dr. I. V. Temple, Alger Fee and Nes. Ankeny. Osmer K. Smith was appointed chairman of the committee on consti tution and by-laws and empowered tn select his own assistants. Klmer Turner and W. f- E. Prui.t were appointed as a general hustling committee, their business being tc rustle members, keep them posted an I attend to (he general publicity of the primary organization. There will be another preliminary meeting held next Tuesday night lot the further discussion of the orgur Izallon at which all republicans at Invited to be present lr. II, S. Kern was tempOMrl chairman of the meeting ' I NOTICE MR. RANCHER lift? li ' FORD ROUSTABOUT 1 fl Also makes fine light delivery. Why use your ex ID Ppns've car when this will do the work with one third the expense. Price Complete With Delivery Attachment, $467.45, Pendleton. Let a Ford Mechanic do your Repairing who knows how. Round-Up City Auto Co. I ll 812 Garden St. Phone 651