PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1916. 2 CARLOADS SHEEP I Alta Theatre GO FROM STUD in "The Guggarnaut you law wrecks ever filmed. In The Inland of Regeneration ship wreckB ever filmed. In "The chalice Ot Courage" 'ou V A A A A AA A - LOCALS (85, Advertising in Brief HATK8 I'er line first Insertion 10 lr line, additional Insertion 5c I'er line, per munth ....11.00 No i taken fur lens tlisn li&c. fount (I ordlniry worils to line Lorala will not be taken over the ielriiune eicept from Kail Oregon tan paid up ubecrlnera. Wood for sale Pnone 94W I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. PhOM llltl Wanted Woman nr girl lor geneM a I housework Phone II, Penland Bros.' tra aster Co. hv j storage warehouse Phone S3) To rent Modern heated rooms and! apartments. close In SIT Willow. For rent Furnished 6-room house j 1 Idock from Main si . on north sld. I'hone lit For rent- Furnished rooms, tor. lodging or light housekeeping Hrown Hall. Phone 360 Hay for sale 350 tons lust clan- j alfalfa ha Innuire f A. Michaels. I'eadletou. Ore. Por sale, cheap Farming outfit and lease on 100 acres land, lnqulroj "C" Iftist Oregonlan Por rent Two nicely furnished ( housekeeping rooms Ittqulrs 114 Stonewall Jackson . wishes position on ranch cnok for summer Phone 30SW of rail at 401 Aura street Very many peorie desire to ou i lands In eastern Oregon What have , you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. OM papers for sale; tied In bun lies Good for starting flrea, etc. j 10c a bundle This office. Por sale Five acres land at Rlver slde Good improvements Easy terms fall at S13 Mill street. Prompt automobile tas.1 service day or night Funerals to cemei'-r only 13. 50. Phone 110, Quelle Res taurant C. & H. Taxi Co.. World's greatest heating device. No Boat, smoke or ashes. Special Invlta. Hon to sec demonstration al sto Main street for a few day.- Territory managers wanted .lor sale or Ue b) Owner Three sections wheat land four miles from It It. Running water, practically level. J35 per acre. 1-3 j rash, good terms on balance, or will make attractive lease with right party for term of years. Further Inform.! tlon write J W HAYS. (Adv I Idaho Falls. Ida l.onrn to iwini'v. Cmiranleed. Three private lessons Harry man, al Warren's Music House Phone III Adv. tPPMC.VriONfl Mill tillV.INt; PI ItMITS. NOTICE Is hereby given that all implications for permits to gra.e cat tle, horses, and sheep within the WKNAHA NATIONAL FOREST dur ing the season of 1918 must be filed in my office at Walla Walla. Wash on or before March 1. 19IS. Full In formation In regard lo the fees to he barged and bl ink forms to be used in making applications will be fur nlshod upon reuuest. J. M. BCHMtTK, Supervisor. IPP1JCATTONH nil! GRAZING PERMITS. NOTICE Is hereby g'ven that all applications for permits to graze cat tle, horses and sheep within the I'll ATILLA NATIONAL FORBST during the 'season 1916. must be filed In my office al Pendleton. Oregon, on or before February 29, 1916. Full in formation In regard to the grazing fee to be charged and blank forms to h used In making applications w II he furnished upon request W. W. Supervisor. Notice to KJistnrn Slr There will bo a regular meeting or llushee Chnpter No 19. i. B. S , tr winrrow evening. February s. Signed by order the worthy matron. (Adv.) MAItY I JOHNSON. Sec. Last Time Today V. L. S. E. BIG 4 PRESENTS THE VITAGRAPH BLUE RIBBON FEATURE "The Turn of the Road" With VIRGINIA PEARSON and JOSEPH KILGOUR and other eminent Vitagraph tar. f the if I hi isatlonal and rider down a precipice. In "The Turn of the Road" foil will sec one of tht moal reallBtic automobile wreckH ever filmed. A plunge DVr a huge cliff. This is only one of the utnuttoni thin picture affords, fur In add. lion to this is thi' thrilling fire scene, the flight of John Kind and hi mistress, a vampire Who has him In her meshes, and other thrills tun numerous in mention. "HEARST-VITAGRAPH NEWS WEEKLY NO 6" This tsBUfl is particularly interesting, containing latest news. A 'A A A. A.-AqVAJ'A ," ;7T7 a A N U E L (ORRIN JOHNSON) AND DOLORES (SEEN A OWEN) IN "THE PENITENTE8,'' A TRIANGLE-FINE ARTS STORY OF LOVE AND RE LIGIOUS PERSECUTION IN NEW MEXICO. IT THE TEMPLE tlinn the snow Off Sour walks Section t. Ordinance So 336. ul the city of Pendleton, reads as fol-' lows: ' Sec I That all persons occupy Igf property on any and all streets; within the corporate limits where sidewalks are laid shall and they arej h, n i v required to keap the same, dear from snow and Ice. Provided that In case Of vacant lots the owner hall only be required to cause the sidewalk In front Of the snme to be' cleaned us heretofore provided. The penally lor not complying with this section Is a fine of not less than t or more than 160. All persons are notified to comply with the above ace-! tion Immediately under penalty of ar- rest and fine. T. B. OtTRDANB. Chlel of Police of City of Pendleton .1 (Adv ) DMtec Tweacta) lOvenlng. Public dnnc Tuesday evening. Feb ruary Hth. Kagle-Wnodman hall Saw er's orchestra Admission ju cents. To make a map of the world on tin unprec.'ili'iitcil scale of 111 miles to ihc Inch la a project of British scientists. RAID IS MADE (Continued from page one.) case of (Marl bottle of whiskey, a nick full of bullied beer and unothel oi whlakay, a demijohn of blaekbcrr brand and another barrel "f bafl from which over half of the bottles had been taken. Besides Mrs. Harris, the officers Tested at her rooming house her husband her son. Ernest Todhunlet and Eva Snyder At the Empire the landlady, d0 Adams, and two k rls, Muxlne Cates and BUM Welshons were arrested. The landlady is III In bed and has not been reipilred to ap pear yet. The other six were taken before the Justice of the peace about midnight mid placed under IM cash bonds each. Thee will plead In court this afternoon. All are charged with con ductlnu a Common nuisance under the terms of the prohibition law and the' penally upon ronv'rtlon Is a fine up to laiiu Imprisonment up to six months or both. tall moal r fall ho AiUAAA AAALVj - . ,-, Pendleton Lodge N... 281 a social dance for mem Del d'es' on Thursday evening week in the Eaglc-W I mi will be strictly informal, mittee In charge cnsjsis i Chjoupek, lr. L D Wl Richard Maylerr mil la f this hall. It e com lt. E ter a short visit there. Claude Sloan was up fi li rday. K W. Muller of Hi I I of the si. George yeatei Mr John WOMsH, the no. ul lair ton, will) the HiiihmcM loinv.1 ( o, al Alia Theater, nun u n'glit. V. BTANYIELD BENDS our SHIPMENT IN CHARGE OF GRAi KYI I : Animal- do to tho I'urtlaiid Murkot Two Carlouda of stii-rs Also BBBI (nt by I'. l. H- Frli-iids Are Ent'Ytainod by Georgia MoCoj Other News sTOtCO, t.Speclal Correspondence ) STAN FIELD, Pre., Fell 7. li N. Hlunfleld snipped two carloads ol sheep Ui Portland Saturday Gray Kyle was In charge of them. F H. lilies shipped carloads "I fat steers to Portland the latter part j of the week. Wm. Boliona, superintendent ol th- O.-W. It. & S. iX. was transacting liusiness here Monday. Joe Ralph of llermiston. was Iook- ling after his business interests h'-. . on Monday. Mrs. P. 11. luihhoi2 wa.- .-Iiuppini! I In Pendleton sJaturday. , Georgia McCoy entertalne.l a num- I lier of her friends Saturday cven.uK j Dancing was engaged in, a i-ounl' repast was served ami every one ut . ed It one ol the most pleasant affair i they ever attended. (ieorge Carr returned from Seattle when- he s; I days. I Mrs a. P. .Nolliin an. Helen returned to their ill si '. i I a I daughter. ! & home at i Fnion after spending the past two j i months at tne norm- or airs, notion a parents, Ml. and Mrs. '; homas Con nelly. (ientry Spaghetti spent Sunday in HermjBton. Mrs Arthur Motheny was taken to the hospital In Pendleton on Suuda " '-- W T. Reevea went to Portland on Sunday. He will be accompanied home b, Mi, R,c, who has been visiting her lllolllel lor th month. : I. ;-.!. mn- h Portland for several flays retur home Sunday H. C. Aimes of Xampa. Idaho. pendlBI a few days here. ; a lew uas nere. The largest congregation mat nas ev. r attended services nere number-, I lie lsr. listened to a most excellent I sermon delivered In Rev. J E Fan-1 i . j r-. run - - ell aunda) evening Lloyd Rii lo s l f ..u O...V...U 1 red the voiwrvgatioii wiin well rendered violin soloa Father A. Holnn-s of Hermistoti held mass In the Catholic church Sun day morning. The Ladies Aid will meet in the church parlors Thursday afternoon h parlors Thursday afternoon , w H Hoggard ara J H. Heckman returned Monday led Monday from Hot Lake where the have been for the pa? week. Mr. and Mrs J P LOWthUUI at tended church in Hermistoti Sunday lioeil cnurcfl in rieimision unuu r i .on u ...lii- la hHiv salHna for the snow to subside so he can ahlp several carloads of sheep, having bought the aame from it. N. Stan-; fip,l I Miss Clara Rl hardsmi of Baker ' visited with frienda here Tiu-sda) and' Wednesday of this week ' ' Snow All the Way From Kansas City GEORUE ! HA.l.irn BAYS DEPTH VAKIES FROM 6 IVCII1 TO TiUtEE FEET. -cc ill itlg man Who reached here Mr Hazlett was on a t came through Without d nn .arles in dejith from s inches to two or three feet I eves there is more snov I I ramie than In Pendleton. yesterday, rain that PERFECTLY l I II, VI I . I) R. Today Triangle Photoplays Orrin Johnson and Seena Owen "The Penitents" A Story of Love and Hate TOMORROW, TUESDAY Helen Holmes in Hale Forde in "The Girl and the Game" "LESSONS IN LOVE Coming Wednesday and Thursday Last Time Today Dont fail to see your favorite Marguerite Clrt In a Picturization of the Beloved Romance The Prince 6 The Pauper If j S EE EE EE h EE EE S gj 2 Big KELLY & POTTER Singing, Talking, Piano Tomorrow Night: The Halowell m. faa 4 Admission Oil (Continued from page one.) No ( hiniKik at Athena. ' There has been no Chinook yet at ihoimh the day is warm there ',,, ,,. .. n,Pninir and settling Athena 'u,' , 7i ",. wild Pr- u,.ra. crppk la rlsine some thus in dicating the melting of snow in the i foothills. There was rain last night and a crust of ice an eighth of an ! inch thick formed on the snow." RrldM Not rooiol At .' o'clock this afternoon the Ea.-t Al i o ciock uu vwiwim ) oregonlan nau a pnone niesaase Pilot Rock denying that the water n Rinh creek was covering tho bridge- on Main street. The creek l high on .iiain ."iii-i-i. i in- - ....-- l 1. ; ..... ... a . ,r-., I V but is doing no damage though se - ni-ul fool l.riilifeK were OUrUosely ta kn nut so as to give the stream full sway. Thawing Below City. At the J. B, Smith company''! ranch at liarnhnrt the snow was .... aftprn(mn and the river . hih Hwever. the . , u,.i , On McKay Creek. Trt.nta .... .... hpm show Ml'- 1 " i . . - Ka creek has also lieen on the rise Varon Isaacs sad a phone report from his son this morning saying that water in McKay had risen and that he had taken their cattle across the stream so as to have them In a safe place In the event of a flood. WalanhAna linn .Ktenslon is now facilitated by the use or a machine which digs the holes for the poles at an average rate of 60 a day Dynamite a Butte II tel. BUTTE, Mont.. Feb. 7 Several stick." of dynamite were exploded In .-.e rear of the Florence hotel, a I large miners' boarding BOUM In the cistern part of the city dam age wus confined to broken windows, 'al the glass in the Ttdoitv hen;! shattered, Including the windows of nearby buildings. Alligator eggs are eaten by the na I lives on the west coast of Africa In taste they resemble the eggs of the domestic hen. but are larger and slightly stronger in their flavor im,i...iiiiiiinii ii iiiiiiii rtfumtt a. niCtV i.b-i a. i,v '" . "" Sk TEMPLE By Mark Twain Vaudeville WALTER "Fun 1U People iu 75c and 35c Curtain at 8:30 miyriHUUEiiiiAikia m y-a, mT-B i m w -i m a i , rat m m mi i v txjfu lUiaWM .wu Hlitiii.s IH "A SUBMARINE PIRATE" Great Keystone Film shows Ictaa Working of luited States Gov ernment Vndcrsra Craft. There ia a happy combination of J humor and realism in the Triangle-, Keystone "A Submarine Pirate." Syd Chaplin supplies the humor in big doses, but It was owing to the enter prise of the Triangle forces and the permission of the navy department, headed by Secretary Daniels, that a real, sure enough submarine and gunboat were used in the pictures, j There is accordingly an educational value and Interest and thrill to spare in seeing an actual submarine In op-j elation. It Is seen plowing its wa) I through the hiilows of the Pacific. I the submerging and then rising to the surface The complicated inter-1 lor, with all Its engines and its tor-1 pedolng firing apparatus and also; the means by which Its small surface guns are fired are shown in com nil I Hit It Is Just as thrilling, iti would seem, as actually taking a trip I in a submarine. Of course there are secrets that the government must keep from toreign) nations. So Secretary Daniels and; battleship commanders had to pass I on the screen at a special exhibition! at Washington, arranged by General j Manager John McKeon of the New j York Motion Picture Corporation. These officials instead of censuring any of the screen, gave it their enthu siastic approval In fact, they are going to use the film to show at navy recruiting station throughout the ncourage enlist- Cnlted States tc ments. At the Tempi Thursday llalloui'll ( onccrt C o.. of cliiiag Alia Tomorrow urlit. The Haliowell Concert ro., of KM real artists, with John Wentzel, the noted baritone, on the'.r Ifth annual tour, w ill be presented al the Alta Theater tomorrow night. Admission works lake her- while trying to re--price of 75 cents for adults, and cue Miss Stella Anderson, one of (a cents for children. , skating party who went through th This com pagcT, familiar to many. ice. Today Triangle Photoplays Ford Sterling with Polly Moran in "THE HUNT" "THE SUBMARINE PIRATE" It m3Jtsmam nrKHt i Pl.tV"'" Acts 2 BEEMER AND HIS JUGGLING GIRLS in a Bowling Alley. Concert Co. affords an excellent program, one that is appreciated by all, offering all the late popular numbers, also class ics. Don't forget to hear them, to morrow night only. ASTIMK -IIOWIM. FEATURE Turn of tlie Road" Is Without Au Equal. The wonderiiil Blue Bibbon fea ture, "The Turn of the Road," pro duced by Vltagraph and featuring Robert Kilgour. Virginia Pearson. Nonfat Childers, Bobby Connely and other eminent Vitagraph stars, which will be shown today for the last time was pronounced by all who saw it yesterday to be the equal of other great Vitagraph pictures. Including "The Island of Renegeration," ' Tha Chalice of Courage" and that great est of all railroad pictures. "Tho Juggernaut." To say that the pic ture made a hit with those who at tended the Pastime yesterday is put ting it mildly, many stopping at th ticket window to express their appre ciation to the management for se curing them such a wonderful pic ture. Hearst-Vitagraph news weekly M shown in addition to this big six-act feature, making you a seven reel program of exceptional merit. To morrow comes the Lubin Personall ' Picked Program, "The City of Fall ing Light." and the comtcal Lubin farce. "A Bath Tub Mystery " Thean come highly recommended and should please the most criti al audl ence. I Coming In the course of I few weeks, the greatest of all pictures. "The Battle CTy of Peace." This is t nine reel production and has stirred the country as BO mher picture . ver Tin etc Drown Rfjaga4ag lrl. POBI'M Hkla . Feb. I, -Three , men were drowned at the water THEATRE t OMFOttTABI.