East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 07, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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bv those of this decade. In
these days the roads were not
so good as now. f there was
train service it whs of a me.ijrer
sort. People did not carry the
fuel and feed supplies they do
be ii
siHsi bim KMi ra i Ha
i N Al'VANi K
a ei. bv mail .
u miib. ly nun
HallJ .
iiuiitbs, bj mil
eeiai M k
T.. tire edge "I the field I
Wilh ta) the need of .t Utile
To help tben clta lip ..nd
So mans gel to the foot el tlM
With only the need ol i.lllie
To f:nlsh the golden Won
And there help (alls and the
That they tried to help their
But only the help that doth !
never die
Is the help that really MITMt 1
aS was expected the tory
press is generally amazed
at the appointment of
Louis D. BrandeLsto the IU-1
Dreme court. Thev see moro-!
nriptv in trip nnmino- of a mannll tho mrvnov thov r-ur.
who has been a partisan of the j
people in connection with big:standpat senators, some repub-i
subjects in litigation.
would of course see no impro-
prietv at all had Rrandeis been
rLT. 1.
ciiwirnt-v iui laigir imcu imci-i ucicu n vvunueiiui service cu ;, ,, 1 a j
, .. " , o u41. ... cided interest and the dav mav
est or corporations having suite .the ship owners at the expense 1 ..4.t ,
. . . .pi 1 , . . y . ;not be far distant when the
before the supreme court. They I of the producer in America!
also attribute the appointment : and the consumer in foreign
to politics. They may be right
about that for no president i
ever makes any important ap-
pointment without looking at i
.u IU1..1 . ZlI i
me puiuicai n.-pcv;i ui uic in.-
ter. But how much better
that the president of the United to have gotten two millions of
States should be playing to the 'dollars in two months for car
people than to Wall street, rying horses to Europe who
itTL.i ,
wnaiever pomits meie uw
be in the naming of Brandeis
it is nlain President Wilson was1
not trying to make a hit withj
financial barons in order to in-1
duce them to contribute to a;
campaign fund for his reelec
OSSIBLY the reason pio
neer residents are so im-
Mr.ruiL 1 4 It i u II nni
J ' 1 .Oa7;U H llll II I v i -
or fierceness of early day
storms over the present one
tomes from the fact greater
1 From Whatever Angle You
Approach the Subject
I The Franklin I
Safe and Sane
Light, Economical
Easy Riding
Easy to Drive
Easy on Tires
The freedom from freezing trouble is most
important right now, and the freedom from
overheating troubles will be just as important
I next sumrnei when the thermometer reaches
1 00" in the shade.
1 Pendleton Auto Company
- tie machinery of any sort.;
They often had poorly built
houses, compared with thej
i houses of the present day ;
J Hence serious snow storm I
made proportionately a great-1
er impression than it dues now.
HAT wheatgrowers are
not the only producers
who have suffered be
cause of outrageous shipping
charges during the war is
hown by some testimony be
lore a federal court in New
York. It was testified that one
steamer line charged $50 per
bead for transporting horses to
England and that in August
18.000 head of horses were
handled, the freight charge
mounting to approximately
S 1.000.000. In the month of j
April the company received;
ver a million for handling 20.
000 head of horses.
It goes without saying these
I ehaxen are out of all propor
tion to the service rendered!"""' " irdCKS "he 1 ,,,uini,"-K
r.wl tV,0 avoclvn r-atc Ql-n net
due to war dangers because
with England in control of the
seas the danger of
shipping has not been great
The shipping combine has
had a rich field for plunder
comparatively few people con
trol the situation it may
be !
taken for granted thev
j continue to impose exorbitant!
Largest as long p
ted to do so. whether the war
continues or ends. Thev will
be onlv human if thev make
When that little coterie of;
Theyilican and some democrat, kill-
ed the administration's
ping bill last winter thev re
1 j i.. .
lands. It may be expected
every possible obstacle will be
thrown in the way of remedial,
legislation from the present
Luiigienn. r iicii one luacnu,
never heard of before, is shown
. . . 1 ...... t ..: . nr!
u measuie me iiiuuuuiiiis oi
coin the ship companies have!
been takine in.
F the field pea is really a
desirable crop for the dry
land sections in
, 4 , . i.
onng about tne growing oi tne!ln mv uBooUtlon with iMtto Ameri
crop upon a general scale is ra in my humble xperiencp as min
for some large ranch, like the;1"1 ,n tftr Anwncaa rpuw. ami
m A . a ; r;.i;ivi
a 1 1 V C L4 I "MVll ill atiitwui v.v
i micau i 1 1 1 1 1 in uiiiiuiii vvm.i
ty, spoken of hy Prof. Scudder,
to raise a crop year after year;
and thus demonstrate the ex
ilh" ru"hlnK snow "nd ! "'"1 tarried
ver Tu feet down the mountainside,
The bod;.
tr victims were found
. nAO -Liii,. , t, ,. ...
Whenever the farmer
! bp hown (
some other crop
O Vl'lM nV1 11AA hortfl MMllUa fnn
him than wheat he will be
ready to change his
: methods. Experience
.vever, it will require a thor-
2 Jt!
""vv ". "c l1"
T e,r? vlce Up?" m ie u
imin t Hrnnai mebaa mm
I ...anc.-, K1a,.i
growing very profitable and
few would want to rotate their
crops een li mej COUKl (IO SO.
However, the time will come1
" ISLvil , T
.profitable crop will be of de-
when the subject ot a more
The Monroe Doctrine Modernized I
! , .
iBy Jnn Barrett, Director
Pan-American I'nion
D. C; Formerly United States Mln-ltlon or domination or one nation like,!
ister to Argentina. Panama anil the I'nited States It Is a common er-1
Colombia.) I ror among some of the statesmen andii
I sometimes feel that all this dis-j essayists of the I'nited States, when-1 j
cUKslon of the Monroe Doctrine Is en-i ever they speak or write anvthingij
tlrely in vain, that there is nobody
who is an ultimate court upon the
subject nobody who can deside just
what is Its Interpretation or its
meaning or Its significance. I know
that I would not for a moment pre-
tend that any views which I have on
the subject are flnar. . I had at first
decided I would not make any re -
' marks, but I will briefly summarize
some inougnus wwen 1 nave oeen go-
I vfr in my mintl for manv year
1 nunng me wven years tnai i nave
HmA t h
nor of being the director
the Pan-American Union.
en earnestly to get what
i have
I call the I'an American viewpoint of
the Monroe Doctrine. Now I do not 1 adopt, absorb and enlarge the llon
1 ask anyone to accept what I say u.i : roe Doctrine as an original policy 01
final, but perhaps 1 look at this sub-
Ject from a viewpoint at little differ-
ent from that of many persons, be -
cause I have the rather unique po
sitlon ind experience of being the
only Fan -America n officer In America
not only one who is an officer of the
7 nlted States but who Ls In every re-
specl equally an officer of the other
Latin American countries Kach day
it is one of the duties of the member"
of my staff to lay before me the con -
census or opinion or the newspapers
ol every Important .-.ipltal oi the
western hemisphere; and therefore
while I am actually in this country, r
am able to follow cloeely the views ol
E the people of other funds upon thi unyleMMf, dictatorial und didactic
E nibject undei discussion. eugfeeUpn ot the words "Monroe I
E As one who has been Intlmatelv aa-l '"""'I'"' " ul which every Latin
E so-lated, officially and privately, tot Amw" h a n"'"v. a
nearl) fourteen lean, with Itln Am- "l" he ,I,k"n ,,,wanl "'w r:;
I erica and I.atln Americans. I may l "f Pan-American comlt an.l I'an
E permitted to make I few humble MR. j AmetttSM confidence.
E aemlona, which, If followed might af-, It Is not the Monroe Doctrine Usell j
I fact the permanent status of the Mon . as a principle, but tne Interpretation !
I Doctrine among the American na- an I murk my word the Interpre
ts nous, and mlgh not: tatiOfl thereif, as Indicated In the re-!
I believe, the time is coming When
there may be evolved from the Mon-'
roe iKx:trlne Itself as a principle an'l '
phrase, and thereupon substitute,! for :
the Monroe Doctrine as a principal j
and phrase, the principle and phrase!
of a "Pan-American policy." TheS' J
i'leas to some extent. I developed)
last fall at a meeting In Washington
of the Hot-let;, for Judicial settlement
ot International qneattona, What 1
am saving here is really a sublimated I
form of what I said at thai time i
B that I mean a fan-American pol
icy acceptable to arid approved by
not only the I'nited States but all lip
Amerban republics, a policy belong"
Ing to each and all on the same l,u-
sis of attitude and action protecting! tud . and venturing Into the corn
alike the sovereignty and govern- plex relations of International potltloi
Met. of each which 's. after all. thej fall. th Monroe Doctrle an "obsolete
i". nil loon after the photograph was
Eight persons were killed and many
injured when an ivnlnrha
i (rm the mnnntal. ,....
Washington, swept across th
field pea will answer the need
in the lighter land sections.
There may be no flood what
ever when this snow goes off;
yet if Noah had waited until
the (lellKP srartml liufnm ho
farming hegan his preparedness cam
S shows. u , , , . ,
r loiuiu iicne oeen lorc-
ed to swim.
nowever. tne controversy
over the Lu!itaniil h eer.
njnvi oeiore ua no trotihi
. li i
We have had a beautiful lot
ot SnOW, now the uuestion is
how are we going to let loose!
of it.
.r,, . , .
The north side s now mon
; ww . now
i popular than in December
' 1 " ue-moer,
; delicate point without the offensive !
suggestion of preponderance, dicta.- :
about the southern republics, to pat- i I
ronize them. This is a fatal error j
always thus reminding them of the!
Power and mightiness Of the I'nited I
States, as if the 'United States were;
both "papa'' and "mamma. ' and theyl
i are a group of little children playing
i in the backyard Coupled with this)
! are the equally common errors: Pirst
that of not recognizing the extraordl-l
Bar) greatness and progress of some'
of the republics, even If others arel
r.ot n progressive; and secondly, of
classing them all aa having revolu-j
nonan wnaencie. m iiu i.r th
mm i-wu-imrai 01 iatin Aincnci
area and population, has known no'
eerloua revolution whatever In the!
( last twenty-five years.
this fan-American lml'ty would
; the I nlted Mates Into a greater ami 1
all-American policy, where each na-!
J tlon " Would hae the same rights o: !
attitude, the same illgnlty of poet I
Hon and the name sense of Independ-
ence as the United States now has. Bs
; eliminating the attitude of absolute j
j dictation and centralized power.;
j which the Monroa Doctrine has beenj
I interpreted In Ijitin America ai'ap
Ming to the relations of the nations j
' of Ihe western hemisphere, by the
substihitlon of fair American" for;
"Monroe" thus including all the Am ,
erlcan nations . sponsors and l i
, hc substitution of "policy" for "doe. J
irlne" and thus rem.rving the hard,!
ceml) publlsheii oplntona of many
prominent Latin Americana on this
aubject, that Is ot acceptable to the
majority of Lot in-American countries
and statesmen. Tills is n point that
has been clearlv overlooked by the
Tltn s of the Monroe Doctrine in the
I 'tilled states If Its haphazard HI-
terpretallon can be supplanted with
responsible and reasonable Judgment,
ihe majority of arguments against
the doctrine In Latin America, and
nNo In the United States, in descrli '
Ln. it as ebaoleM will fall abaoluttlj
In their purpose and logic.
A distinguished Vale professor, for
whom I have profound regard, leav
ing the safe fields of archaeological
Oi the Greet Northern railroad carry
ing away part of a passenger train
The town of t'oreu is but a short dis.
tunee from Wellington now called
falling i Tyo. Washington, w here in ItlO nine.
l orea t -f e persons were killed b a sinit
tracks, lar avalanche.
How in the world any
one man can assume to pass that
judgment upon u great nollcv or Hoc.
trine. I cannot ooaalhlv an.lerstnd
I fear that In his academic viewpoint
he has exaggerated the importance
which the Latin-American countries
attack to the Monroe Doctrine, and
he has attributed , to that much ai
J'alled and suffering doctrine all kinds
of faults which are aue to entirely
other and different cuuses, such as
North American Ignorance and lack
of appreciation of south America.
In conclusion, the Monroe Doctrine
in Its final analysis, in my opinion,
and as 1 say. do not for a minute
state these things in a didactic way
and my judgment may be entirely
wrong, will cntinue to be B great In-
' ternatlonal principle' onlv to the ile
" ,hat " ''Wed into this great
Pan -American poll
and from
doctrine of the I'nited States alone
into a policy of all the Amerban re
publics, and now. if you follow me.
though It Is a little complicated, to
the degree that it Is evolved from be-
ing subjective on the part, of the
I'nited State alone towards all the
"ther American republics as objec-
the t,. being subjective on the part Of
each towards each and all the others
: ""J'e. That is, making each
a,ul eu'r American republic feel ihi'li
it is part of Its policy towards each
end every other American republic,
instead of being Just the policy of the
I'nited States alone, towards all these
other couotrtM To be still clearer In
my Idea I would say that 1 mean to
evolve the Monroe Doctrine from he-
ing subjective on the part of the1""' denied, the mother will satif-
I'nited States towards the other Am-1
crlcun republics In an objective posl-j
tlon, to being subjective on the part ,
of each and all towards In t irn each
and all as objective.
Then we will have achieved, in my
opinion, that Ideal, unselfish, frater-1
nal relationship of the American gov.
ernments nnd peoples which give a
new worth and
permanent, accept-
able alglflcance to I'an-Amerlcan re-
lati.ishlp. Pan-American nccord ani
th. status
of the Pan-Amerlcnn 1
Pan-American I
Self Confidence
The advertisements in this
newspaper testify to the faith of
the advertisers in themselves and
their goods.
The ad vertisers believe in their
ability to please you; to make
good in every respect or else they
would not invite your patronage.
Self confidence usually has
something substantial to back
it up.
It is a factor that should at least help
in determining your favor towards adver
tisers. They come to you frankly with their
message and at the very least the latter is
worth your reading.
Mil- I 'It Ml sllWil' HIT-
Neighbors observe each other Sol
than they observe the goldea rule
Don t talk so much People d
pay any attention to 99 out 01
fonscriptlon never has been need
j to enllBt Cood
FMI0W& Omaha
World Jlerald
Some men in this town art
that they can spend hours and hours
telling you how biwy they are
Kven If the baby itoes look so
much like Its father that the fact can-
fy herself that In all other excellent
particulars It takes after her
The less there la to be said oi
ilther side the more there Is slid 'ill
both sides, as a rule
A rue advisers only reward ire.
gloating that he does over those h'
see that they made a mistake In not
accepting his advice
Another little prontem of real life:
She prepared only enough dinner f.r
the family, not expecting coflaDaJM
and th mnunv . nine Mm on
I News