East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 07, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Habit of
The Peoples
Insures your getting the best goods for the price at all times.
FOR SPRING NOW. We have a wonderful showing of Dress Ginghams and Percales.
Come in all colors, plain, checks,
plaids and stripes, of the best quality
for the price. Yard 10 and 12'jr
32 and 36 inches wide, in both light
and dark colors, for your school dresses,
house dresses and aprons; small, neat
designs and striped effects. The vard
10c and 121 -r.
The March Delineator is here. Pat
rons having cards please call and get
March Delineator.
Used especially for petticoats; comes
in all shades and black; 36 inches wide;
absolutely guaranteed to wear. The
yard $1.25
Announcements of the marriage of
Mis Blbyl Ctoptaa, former popular
I'emllelon Kirl. and Charles Lewis Ap
plegurth. Jr. on Wednesday. Febru
ary aacond, in Baltimore, were re
ceived by Pendleton mends today
The announcement is made by Mr.
end Mrs. Charles Samuel Jackson oi
Portland, whose niece the bride Is.
The Baltimore Sun oi February
third contained the following account
oi the wedding.
Mlaa Sibyl flopton. daughter of ths
late Mr and Mrs. Prank lloyd I'lop
on, of Pendleton, i regon. and
Charles Lewi Applegarlh Jr. 42H
Green wa y, Guilford, were married al
11 o'clock yesterday morning in St
Michael and All Angels' Protestant
Episcopal church by las Kt. Bev.
Charles Fiske. Bishop Coadjutor of
Central New York, only the Imme
diate families were present and the
bride was attended only by Mrs
George Kaney Oebnatn. jr.. sister of
the groom, as matron of honor.
Tlie bride wore a gown of white
WWglil of snow is Too Much lor
Tbesa school .r- DHnlavM on I
ThurMiay Bacaaas at water short
w and storm Other Near Notea
of the Helix tMlta,
Have you tried thii
delightful new 19lo
drink? It has leaped into
almost instant populari
ty all over the state.
Made of Oregon's two great natural producti
hop and barley. Non-intoxicating. Serve it at
. . hoaia wlta
JLfy your mania
nrfV7 a1 ' a trt
Jn5 whaa your
WZrHh Sri
(Special Correspondence )
HKL1X. ore. Feb. T Helix was a
dou nly dry town for a few hours
Thursday, owing to breakage of the
rump In the city well.
The roofs of the warehouse be
longing to the Partners' Ualoa and
Tuma-a-lum Company s lumber sheds
w ere damaged by weight of snow.
Wm. Davidson has been unable toi
make rural delivery since Tuesday.
The Helix schools .ere dismissed i
Thursday on account of water short-j
age and Friday on account of the
a. i ri itaiv
in iyj '
sparkle. Full
of im and
The Bargain Basement
This department is "growing and getting" busier every day. Offering over $12,
000 worth of seasonable bargains. No goods have been moved from this basement and
none will be moved until the flood is actually on us.
Such bargains as these are making this department the most popular money saving
department in the city:
$1.25 to $2.50 Woolen Dress Goods B3e
$4.00 Coatings of Heavy Wool S1.23
65c Silk Poplins, new lot 39?
50c Flow ered Voiles, pretty patterns 19e
25c Novelty Wash Goods, big lot 14c
20c Voiles, white and black figured 9e
$1.00 Kimona Cloth 21c
2000 Yards Pretty Lawns 5c
15 Yards 10c Outing Flannel $1.00
Hope Muslin 7c
New lot remnant Sheeting and Pillow
Tubing. Liberal samples on request.
Mail orders filled. Goods sent C. 0. D.
panne satin and tulte. embroidered in
: silver, and carried a shower bouquet i de'p snow
lot lilies of the valleys Mrs. Debnam Mrs. Victor Mason, librarian re
wore a gown of pink taffeta and a I01"'8 motto than the usual numbei
picture hat and carried a French bou-1 ailing lor books tho pust month,
quet of pink rosea and violets. Hugh Smith ha returned from
After the ceremony a seated wed-j Twin Falls, Idaho
ding breakfast was served the wed- IW4 Scott has returned from La
ding guests In the home of ths crosae, Wash . w herehe lias large laud
room's, mother The bride an; : interests.
groom went to Atlantic City, and win! " a Giest has been in Stanton and
later go for a month's visit to the : Vansycle districts attending to ware
Pacific coast. They will make their, house interests the past rew days
home here Flo Clark is assisting Mrs, Leslie
Mr Applegurth is connected with in the central office.
I 'he c L. Applegurth Company pack- Mrs. John King Is home from ,, is-
ers. and Mrs Applegarth Is the great- it to relatives in Freewater.
E I grand-daughter of Judge John BaCOB I Mrs F. P. Dean Is visiting in Walla
S ! Clopton. one of the obi Jurists nf Vir-! Walla, her former home.
j Klnia, and is the niece of Charles
33 Samuel Jackson, owner of the Port-
I land, i ire.. Journal.
Order a ease today from
.iitg,.onw jj
Paul Hemmelgarn
222 E. Court St.
Henry Weinhard Plant
Portland, Oregon
Mrs Pearl Alspach
visited Mrs. Cook of
Wednesday and Thurso
Mrs. M i smith is
The ladies of the Mac, nbee Social i her home with asthma.
Club will be entertained tomorrow; Mrs. .V Myers, landlady
afternoon at the home of Mrs Nettle I Golden West Hotel. Attaliu
Saling. It Thompson street. I was a Helix visitor Thursday
The infant daughter ol Mr
How Mr. Davis Got M of a Had
l tin
clared to have been Incendiary. Own- cause of difficulty in delivery an'l
ers burned over 34.' acres of other concerns are able to fill hot
slashings on permits. Ismail part of their orders
The expenditures in aclnal lire fight-'
ing totaled 116,51)4 31
The total expenditures In patrollng I
and fire fighting of associations, in
dividuals, government and the statu
was $11S, 056
The state has ISH.HBii.M left of ihe
J60.00U appropriation for the bien-r.um
The slice, .n- of the compulsory pa
I tro law Is shown b ibe fuct thai
I n.66it.l 13 acres were patrolled in
1915, while 3.5:9.115 acres patrolled
I their land in Itll bafdra Ihe law was
I effective.
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade
THIS col'XTin
(Issued by 1'nlted State Public
Ten per cent of the deaths in the
I'niled Stales result from pneumonia
It Is estimated that during the past
30 days this rate has been doubted
tn some sections. Tuoerculosls and
heart disease each causing
ninth of all fatalities, are the
fering from this infection are pecul
iarly susceptible to respiratory com
plications and should properly ob
serve every hygienic rule. Inflam
mation of the upper air pasages,
pharyngitis, bronchitis and tonsillitis,
olten predispose to the development
of the disease, particularly among the
aged and infirm. The acute conta
gious of childhood, more especially
measles and whooping cough, fre
quently prepare the way for pneumo
nia Anyone who through neglect or
carelessness permits the spread of
cent, it should he remembered that
our scientific data are not yet com
plete. There are pmniemB connected
with Immunity, predisposition, and
the occurrence of epidemics which
are yet to be solved, it is known
that pneumonia frequently attacks
those who are perfectly well, and
who apparently have observed every
i hygienic rule. Whether this is due to
! the increased virulence of the organ
I ism or to other causes Is unexplained.
I It is. however, recognized that avoid
able of the factors so briefly enumer-
"Some t:ic ago i nad a very bad
s ; cough." writes Lewis T Imvis, Black
Ss water Del My brother MrCabe Ixi.
- ' vis gave me a small Cottle of Cham
gg ', herlain's Cough Remedy After tak-
inr this I bought half a doien bot-
tleu of it but only used one of them
1, as the cough left me and I have not
UilliS been troubled since." Obtainable ev-
' erywhere. Adv.
.i ml
Vernon Kerley was serlousb
esterday. but bi improved to-
M ra
Donna, smull daughtT
Mr Dee Le Roy. has rei
week's illness.
of Mr. and
ivered from
I l l U SHE Dll. I HEAR,
thw InHantfaflu i. thnrpforp OfMrfl to
un tne severest coniemnaiion. naui-1 viduul tm09 ptibllity and therefore thr-
I Ttr nf u.hntfV.-r niitllTP K lift. ii,i.lAN t... J - - -
..iseaae which outrank pneumonia mtrMt () 8f) auce our re8lgt .
among the legion or the men of j ,.ki. .,. .. uh I
death, but n certain cities pneumo-
, , . organisms which should be easily ov-
nia is steadi y ncreaslng and -ven .
Z , ... leicome, and hence predisposes to the
hat surpasited the mortality from tu-; '
, . . . , ii infection,
oercul.ans. rteventy per cen of al : eth tfmporary or
t aaes sciir between :-cemuer and
ill III ' I . ' I ' 1,11 Ofi II .,f
Increases susceptibility. Because of
this the disease
ated will in large part diminish indi-
VANCOUVER, Wash . Feb. 7. -The
1 most destructive, disagreeable and
dangerous storm ever experienced by
' this city has left Vancouver Isolated
i from the world, without water, with
out lights, without car or ferry ser
vice and with every industry paral
i 3'zed.
The water for the city, 1b usually
j furnished by an electrically operated
! pump, but when the electric lines
I went down a water famine was Immi
nent. Some persons filled bathtubs
I and buckets with water to tide Ihem
j over, but others are compelled to boil
dow n Icicles for water.
Jones observed a
across the room.
"For heaven's sa
to Koblnson, "who
narily ugly woman
"Thai," answered
"is my wife."
Jones was taken ha
recovered himself.
"Well," he said persuaslv
Just ought to see mine -
id lady sitting
x that
xti aordi
ut quickly
A Langfchlre ( England I weaver rc
rently Joined the army and after be
ing at Plymouth three months, was i
. Mowed home on a week's furlough, i
Visiting his old factory, he was en- !
countered b the gealal head of the!
firm with a smile, and
I hope they have made a man Of
"The SOldler replied:
Aw II lell jro' what they 've done,
sir They've taken th hump of ml!
back an' put It on ml chest, and It's
a lot easier to curry naew." Answers
Tyler Parki
down his typ
Mil, recently,
at the "case,"
r. aged 77, who laid
stick at Montgomery,
after serving 6J years
Is supposed to hold the
will stop
that itching
1( you arc fuflrrini; with ccmni,
ringworm, rash or other tormenting'
skin-eruption, try Kcsirtol Ointment
and Kesinol Soap. You will be
surprised hoff quickly the itchinK
stops and the skin becomes clear
and healthy again.
Ktslool Ointment mi. RmiwI Snap lo cbu
away pioiplea nd dandmff. Sold br all rinic
flata. Fraacribedbrdeclora lor Jlym. ljta
Rtaisol Soap lor the toiltt and ahunpou.
American record for length of
vice in typographical pursuits
May. It is distinctly a cold weather
infection, seemingly brought by win
try blasts, but especially prevalent
durinz the winter season only be
cause ita victims aie rendered mure)
susceptible at that time by exposure, i
debilitating Influences anil the pres- '
enre of predisposing infections
Pneumonia principally affects tho j
at the extreme of life, but no age
is exempt It is invariably a germ
disease The predisposing and exit-j
ing organisms ar- M num-roii- that !
it would be futile to attempt their j
rnumeeHtion. Many of them art con
Untly present In trie mouths and
throat of healthy person and it ij
only through ihe aid which we un-i
wtlllngls extend to them that the
are transformed from harmless or-!
gaolsms to MM of man's most power I
lal enemies
The presence o other diseases la
Ihe great predisposing eaue of piieu-1
inobla They prepai-e the soil for in-j
vaaHon Holding first rank In this
category Is influenza, the increased ;
Incidence of pneumonia at this tlmc
I'elng largely due to the preaent epl
demli of la grippe Individuals suf-'
TACOMA, Wash.. Feb. ; While The wealth of France is estimated
.Northern Pacific train No. , which i at I5n.iifta.000.000.
left Seattle Tuesday night, wa stall-!
most often attacks ed in the deep snow one mile west oil ltrM ,., ttjmrt.. tn.h
Stampede Pass. Wednesday after-1 Remedy for Yeara
no,,n, suddenly and without warnind chamberlaln-s Cougn Remedy hat
h huge snowsllde struck the forward used , noug.nold for tnc
ooinon oi me iraiu, compieieiy oury
1 those at the extremes of life. Among
deblllating Influences must be men
tioned cold, exposure to penetrating
winds and the chilling or body sur
taxes ,,s a result of wetting
i The combination of lack of food
I and fatigue proves particularly dis
1 astrous during the winter season and
; is a bad condition lo be avoided
I whenever possible Bad housing
mental oi physical harrassment. and! that
over work are alike the advance ag
ents ol the infection, overcrowding, in otner cars were unaware oi what
in street cars, theaters, and other, transpired until a cry of "Help!" rank
public places, is unquestionably in! out
j .i rt responsible for the spread otj Coroner M. J. Hose of Eliensburg.
pneumonia in cities, as far greater op- j immediately rushed to the assistance
ing the engine, baiif,age
portion of the combination smoker
and chair car, it was learned last
The slide broke through the win
ouwa of the smoaer, completely filling
ompartment frith snow and
past twenty years I began giving It
to my children when they were smal
Aa a quick relief for croup, whoop
ing cough, and ordinary colds. It has
no equal Being free from opium and
other harmful drugs, i never fel!
afraid to give It to the children 1
hiiVf, reifim merolflil Ir lira. num.
catching four passengers Passengers j of frlen(,, neighbors, wh.
have used jt and speak highly of It."
writes Mrs. Mary Mlnke Shortsvllle
-V Y Obtainable everywhere Avd
IK Job Ural r'anlt With Everybody.'
An irritable, fault-rinding disposi
tion is often due to a disordered stom
ach. A man with good digestion It
nearly always food natured. A
great many have been permanently
benefiteu by chamberlain's Tablets j COAL SHORTAGE GROWS
anei ynitrs or suiiering. Tneee tan
letr strengthen the stomach and en
able it to perform Its functions nat
urally. Obtainable everywhere.
AMOUNT TO $10,000
SALKM. ore. Feb. 7. A total ol
.6-7B3 acies of merchantable timber
was burned over and a total loss of
It.ftllO, based on the stitmpage val
ue sustained during 1915 In Oregon,
was the result according to the re
port of Stale Forester F.lllott. made
Damage from timber or slashing
fires to houses, orchards, farm fences,
logging equipment and sucn Items to
taled IIS., .mall The logging eipilp
menl liss was only about 11900, how
ever. There were a total of f fires, of
which '171 or I'Sfj per cent, are de-
One thing when you
try Schillinir's Best coffe
once and like it, your
coffee-worries .ire over1
The goodness you taste
is duplicated in every
Thank the airtight tins'
We could tlu- same fine
poriunity Is thus offered for the dis
semination of the predisposing dis
eases through indiscriminate cough
ing and other mean ol droplet In
fection, aa well a the directly injur
ious effects which inevitably result
from exposure to such environment.
The overheating of rooms is also engine crew were hastily dug
seemingly harmful i'romlseous ex-'the snow with no injuries
ncetorattoa mac be. anil probably Is, I Engine, baggage car and chair
a factor in infection ami consequently! were left leaning over an angle of 2E
should be avoided by every citizen A degrees at the edge of a 1000-foot
of the imprisoned passengers, crawl
ing and digging in tnrough the win
dow and with the assistance of oth
er passengers helping out the injured
Except for had cuts and bruises
the passengers were not injured. The
oiii ,f
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always beers
Signature of
remaining most important
hhoiild be mentioned alcohol. It is
In truth 'he handmaiden of pneumo
nia, and there Is none more certain
or more sure of success, especially if
liberally and continually used.
While the foregoing facts constitute
,n part OHT knowledge of the reasons
or th- widespread dissemination of
an infection which carries with It a
mortality of from ten to thirty per
gent ! embankment The passengers
Ellensbiirg last night
When ostlve or troubled with
constipation take chamberlain's Tab
lets. They are easy to take and most
agreeable In effect Oiitalnable every,
where Adv
Purity Guaranteed
under all State and National Pure
Food Laws. You can pay a
higher price, but you cannot get
a baking powder that will raise
nicer, lighter biscuits, cakes and
astry, or that is any more
i.r i i
Your money back if K C fails to
please you. Try a can at our risk.
Farmer Shot Pigs
Rather Than Peed
Them Dollar Wheat
MAN8flKU, Wash. Feb 6
E. J. Carroll shot iir, head of
hogs during the worst part of
ihe storm. The pigs were
crowding Into the pens and
smothering, and nothing could
be done to care for or feed
Ihem, so he took hie gun and
pat them out of their misery.
Me estimates that the loss
would not be heavier than if he
had red ihem dollar wheat and
had to sell ut the present mar
ket price Home of the pigs
weighed more than 100 pounds.
They were hauled out Into the
field and will be Ouried in the
vcT and pjeincss cr iveo.
I'rim e William of H led and Ihe Halkall
princess, for whonj a triumphal re-
entry Into DtlrraMo :s p-anned bv
a Austria and licrmanv. The prime
IMKTLANIl. ore. Feb. 7 With
the prolonging of cold and stormy
weather the coal situation In Port
land continues to grow more serious I
and unless the railroad companies are
able to secure the passage of the I
freight trains from the east, dealers'
in eastern coal will have to close
their yards until conditions are nor
mal Reports have been circulated
that there were plenty of roal In the
hunkers of the various companies.
but this has declared untrue In I
the dealers There Is a large supply
of coal coming to Portland from
Washington, but this will not be suf
ficient to fill the Increasliiit demands.
Kohert U, Adams, manage, at ihe HaVOr UltO Schilling S BeSt
Men, lot:, Cnnl comonnv iTectitre,! Ih ., '
his supply was almost exnausted.
Dealers who are making deliveries
are asking the people whether they
have enobgh fuel to last for a few
days and are delivering in only those
places where fuel Is most needed
Florists have run low tn their sup
ply, but great losses to their plants
have been avoided by the timely ur
rival of a few tons of coal
The people living In the suburbs
where traffic Is practically al a stand
still because of the snow blockade,
will suffer most unless conditions
change It is Impossible to take eith
er a wagon or an auto truck through
ihe deep snow in the streets The
Portland Oas sV Coke company haul
been unable in I'll! orders for fuel b
if we didn't use such tins
but why should we? We
couldn't sea it in, and you
wouldn't get it.
Richness of flavor
makes it go further
it economical.
i S. S. S. Gives Quick Relief by
Toning Up the Blood.
warn, lint oetlld not nimi.nl
the (hlfflalnn to recoKnlin hi hu
thorlty Ut- aluJUaterl rn 19 H and rv
Hiimpd hi ' ormnlftftion In the k.ii
wan I'.; ...
after ihe . r - ti - -1 f avitlry.
YfM, hut how ' A natin xl h uent Ion. i
Th Htiwer l Hint ym irwinl rleHn j
you i hlootl liy -I mm, .nun it to
health), viKoroHn artlon, mt that It will
throw iilT the v r,- nnrl 1 t-n r 1 1 (hat
Htim ItlK tirimtlfini The a - tlon of the I
won-lfj ftj rilooil purift-tr, i, H. 8., In to j
ririK Id all r,. th- life hlnod, RllnK I
it viator, xtimolHlH the flow, maklnx it
throw out th Kerrtin rind th polfton J
mpmrlllca, The xorvetaUni painn r
ldh it inn 1 lfm, whether It In tin- shoot -
1 njC. KtHhllftlK ROlttlaaj 1hf K' 'I'i- n ;
awony Of MHMUlftf rthuniat Im, or
nrliinc iriHJ and 1' k - l hat bf MM up
ilftep, will l ntlifly relieved liy H. S.
S. Don' I line nofdriimi and ilriinn. Tak j
ih hlood hath -.Nature'! hlood tonlr '
I M H (let it at unv ilrngnlut a, hut
Innlat UpOH H. M H. 1.et ua tell you 1
about hlood illifae. Mend for hooklot. !
"What Ml Mirror Tells,'' or If youra
la a pfcultar oaae, write Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta, Oa,, but bee; I a ire-atmeot
at onett
Prevents roughness during
the summer
A superior vanishing akiii
tone soon absorbed.
Prica 80 cents
The Drug Store That
Serves You Best