East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Th i.i. i Oregoulao has the Isrgeat paid
Inulatlou (if any iiaper In Oregon, aast of
Portland sud uer twice the. circulation la
Pendleton uf toy other newspaper.
K'.mM for Fasti rn Oregon hi the
I tilted statr Weather t lister rrr
I I .111 in. I
Tonight md Friday light snow no
cided chaogr in temperature.
VOL. 27.
NO. S722
Many Roofs in City Collapse Under the
Government Station at GraniteMead
ows Reports Conditions -Snow
Storm Still is Continuing.
1 ori Hungers Aif In Winter luoi
usm In Town Noaiint Their tito
Uooie Visit to West rk
10 Take Measurements Results In
Modtng Heaviest P'H
There was six feet ui mow ,w.t
evening at the government station In
Oranite MeadoWH at the head of weat
Kirch creek, according to a phone
message received by Superintendent
ryder uf the I'matllla forest from
ihe ranger who visited the station to
make his weather observation The
uuw was still railing and It Is esti
mated by Supl Cry dor that the snow
is now seven feet deep at the sta
tion. The snow at this station Is the
deepest known anywhere in this re-
Kioti and is deeper than hlalier up In
the mountains At M'a. ham the snov
uj .rn- feet deep this forenoon
There have heen reports ol tier per
now than mentioned mow, Row-
r Hie reports seem unreliable
The various forest rangers of the
I tn.it ilia forest are now In winter
quarters in the towns nearest to their
mi llions The rangers are not re
quired lo stay In their range cabins In
the winter time and merely have tu
vlilt the stations once a month lo
inejM otiservittlons lor use In cooper
iiloo with the weather bureau. It was
in make such an abas ration the ran
(W visited the station al the head
ol wet Itlrch creek
Boat Service on
Columhia Tied Up
Because ol Ice
vW A I I M tlll.l.Y Hl.POKIID
INCHES ni l r
Because of Ice In the Columbia rlv-1
it there la no boat service at present
.: 1 n.ne In immediate prospect, ac-'
cording to u phone statement to the
BksH uregonlun today from H. N. 1
liryor, agent for the -ateame-i com-i
pan) at I ii i ut U I a
The boat service has been entirely.
ancelled on account of the fro7.cn1
i ver ami with Moating Ice now a!
menace to navigation it will be Ini
lioeslble to make UM of river boats
to handle mall or olher traffic while)
the rati lines are out of commission
The river below The Dulles la in ;
no shape for bout service and there,
ire places on the upper river where
'He Ice is so jammed navigation
would be impossible
The anow at I'matllla was 18 Inch
- - deep at x o'clock this morning.
Northern Pacific
and North Bank
Roads Blockaded
in-rK.Nin,i:T BRANCH con
Not only la the O.-W. K. ft N. aer
v.oe blockaded but the Nurth Hank
road and the main line of the Nor
thern 1'aclflc are in the aame cate
gory. The service on the Taaco-I'en'
1MM branch is being carried on de.
spite the difficulties but there are no
through trains Into PaiOO from Port
land, via the 8 IV St S.. or from 8e
ittle over the Northern Pacific.
The North Hank trains are doubling
back from Tall Itrldge, at Selllo Falls
while the N. P. trains double back
from Kllensburg The North Hank
i oitd is open from Kail llrldge to Spn
kane but there Is no connection with
Cortland by either of the Washing
ton road. Hence It la impossible to
I-ring mall to eastern nregon via those!
i outes.
At miensburg the Northern Pa
cflc ha taken a large force of coal
miners and Is using them In shoveling!
-una in the cascades.
Tlo street trees of Paris number
1,066, 26.000 beina planes- 16.000
hvstnut and 1 4.000 elms. i
0W Condon sheepman. Robert Me
Intosh, has lost 400 heud of sheep
frnin the Mom, uccorrilng to a speci
al phone rapoli tn t ht- East Oregoni
an from ihe Condon Globe thin fore
DOOB. Thus far Mcintosh In the hea
viest loser hut muny stockmen are
For the protection of the city wa
ter system In the event that sliding
snow from the mountain sides choke
the river at Thorn Hollow, Supt. F. 13.
Hayes this morning sent up a large
uuantitv of dvnumlte He returned
last evening from an Inspection of thej
intake of the system having- spent ..
day and night there.
He found the snow four feet deepi
at Thorn Hollow Slides down the:
mountain sides were occurring ye-
lorday he states, wiping the hillsides'
S xt feet of flume on the Waiia
Waila rivef used for the development
of power for the Pacific Tower &
Light Co.. went out yesterday, ac
cording to a special report to the Kasi
Oregonlan from Walla Walla today.
The break put the power plant out
of running but there has been no in.
I' eruption of service for the reason
that with the street car servile aban
doned in Walla Walla Ihe auxiliary
a teem plant has been able to hand la
VI II o'clock this forenoon the
snow' was 31 inches deep on the level
in Walla Walla and snow was still
falling It had been reported here In
Pendleton that rain was falling In
Know haw reached the tlnicloot mark hi fleet 111 Ion and. with anow atfll
failing ami the w-cathcr man promise ivnll nuance of Ihe sonic call a c i
during tin- next 2 hours, there is Ultlc hope of Immediate relief.
The snonfall from l:;lo viMcrday afternoon until noon today was four amp
a half Inedea and UMTS has been Thajis a half Inch situv nism. From l:M I
Honda) until 1:10 fftdwratlil the fall nils 21 1-8 Inches and there was a
nine huh Udokneaa on the ground when the pruM.Ul storm ts-gan. Tlic snow
keeps M'ttlhur n little so that nMMvrnmonta ulHut the cit) vary sonii-what.
The storm duWng the pa-t 21 hours has not hern txmtlnUOIW, TTie snow has
ccnaed fulling for an hour or more at a lime onl) to Is-in again elth ln
itciisi1 energy.
the situation in Pond Irion and I inattlla count) is hourlj growing more1
ncriotta ami the Oldest ol old timers an' now uilliuu to admit that no storm
in their experience In theae. ports has cquabtl that of the present.
Summary of Storm Damage
Robert Mcintosh. Coanioa, loses 400 heud of sheep in -toini
Indian 0041 Iga on range "dying like flics.''
N4 head caMIc from St. niln-ws mission driven to agxviH'J.
Deepest snow, aathmtac meastu euaea.it, senn feet at Oeaidte Meadows
ranger station
O.-W. train service still had I. i dcniorslliil.
Snow In city reaches Unit- foot level.
snon five IM deep on level at Moaohnni.
Shod and born roof,. -ulug In under wcurtit of snow,
Mail) Oram C04Wt) cuttle will ix-rlsh, 4'nmas prairie safe.
City water sistcm endangered : ofTMals pn-onrc airnlnst river blockade.
I. In trie Co. loses no fes-t of Hume on Walla Walla river.
Uf In ( oliimhiu bars use of bonis during rail blockade.
Traffic blocked on Northern Pacific and North Rank lines out ol Portland
and Seattle.
No mull from Portland sliu-c Tmsdnv morning.
Sins,. i rjosMetttirr given full mivvci lo act as sec-. I'll
Hall of schools hi GMUMI lAoaed.
Merchnnts cmplvtiur basement- in anllcipatioti of flood.
loafol small hitH Of calt
In many eases there i
feed for the stock whih
men and sheepmen hai
enough feed
to do them for a month longer.
At it o'clock this morninf
snow was 17 inches deep on the
clean No damage has bi
(he COndUlt but he fears
en done to
that, when
rains or chlnooks come that the soft
en..! snow will slide in great masses
Into the river, blocking it and flood
ing the whole country there In!
such an event the head of the pipej
line and the gatehouse would be en-
dangered and. It is to guard against
this danger, that be sent the explo
sives up As soon tis the river show
iinli.ations of blocking up. the dyna
mite will be set off in the snow muss
Walla Walla but the report proved
untrtte. The Walla Walla forecast is
for more snow tomorrow. There is
no sign or rain or a break in the
storm there.
The snow has stopped the street car
service and the taxi cab service. The
delivery sleds are drawn by four
horses each and then trouble is ex
perienced. Several warehouses anil other un
sound bu, Idlncs have collapsed under
the snow The Walla Walla Imple
ment Company'! warehouse roof caved
In and the old brewerv w arehouse has
also fallen.
Walla Wallans are apprehensive of
a flood when the snow goes off.
r and sheep. I at Condon. Ni holdings have fallen
insufficient I under the snow but Ihere Im much in
other mock-( convenience due to the blockade of
train Bervice on tin Condon branch
Th etraln to Arlington a unable tf
pet out of the Condon yard vesterdii
morning because of the heavy snow.
Indian cayuaes and cattle are dy
ing from hunger a-ul exposure like
flies up about Thorn Hollow, accord
ing to Supt. F H. Hayes of the water
department who made a trip yester
day to the head of the city pipeline.
He states that everybody with whom
he talked reported the stock dving off
rapidly. particularly along Bquaw
The Ind uns are not alone the suf
ferers he states, quite a number of
white settlers having lost stock as
well. Few Indians or whites in that
vicinity, he states made am great
provisions for a hard vviniei and the
heavv snows have found them with
out feed or chances to get any.
At noon todav Major Swartzlander
said there was no hope for the cayus
es running on the range because
there Is mi wu of getting feed tn
tht m and they will all d e
si ndit vvs t attle
Yesterday afternoon SO head of cat
tle from the St. Andrews mission herd
were driven from the mission to the
I'matllla agency ami they are now be
ing fed on government hay at the
agency. The cattle are llerefords and
they started from the mission at 1
o'clock and arrived at the agency at
n last evening The cattle were much
exhausted from the trip bin all got
through alive One cow was unable
to get through and had to be left on
the trail. The animal was brought to
the agency this morning, still alive.
There are still 166 head of cattle at
the St. Andrews Mission and there is
some alfalfa hnv with which to feed
Tile government Is feeding iaS
head of Indian cattle al Ca.vuae and
now hio only sufficient ha t last
four days longer. ft will be neces
sary to ship in hay by rail or the cat
tle will soon be w Ihout feed
Mitchell Uoyd, well known Indian
has lost six head of cuttle out of 4T.
head he has been feeding
IxOtarX DVLCllS Dl
Snoiu Banks in the
Meacham Section
CH UM xnii KIIjGARD sii s
1 Special Correspondence.
MEACHAM, ore. Feb 3 At 11
o'clock this. Thursday, morning, the
snow was five feet deep on the level
ai Meacham. In places where the
snow has dr fled It la atill deeper
There Is no trouble here and no suf
fering. No trains had arrived from
either direction at the above hour. A
trail was marked to arrive here at
7:80 hut it did not arrive. At 11
o'clock the rotarv was working; be
tween Meacham and Hllgard. There
is a snowsllde a quarter of a mile
long down the mountains West of Mea-
King; signs ConseHHIon.
LONDON, Feb I. King Qoorg
signed the conscription bill, effective
February 10
is danger of heavy cattle
the J.,hn Day valley and j.ar
around Long Creek, accurd
rarioue reports received here,
ger ut due to the fact the hay
short in the John Day
and on top of this the stock
the winter in bad shape be
, The i!ai
J crop W;
I started
cause of the lack of fall grass.
One of the Keeney brothers of
Long Creek was here yesterday and
told a friend he had received alarm
ing reports from his cattle ranch. Re-
ports reaching the forest superintend,
lent, Mr Cryder. also show some dan
ger of stock losses in the John Day
I valley.
l amas Prairie Safe,
tm the other hand the news from
. Camas prairie is all to the effect the
tere are very well sup
feed The Camas hay
crop was good and the nly draw
back on the situation is that it was
necessary to commence feeding ear
lier than usual last fall Jessie and
' Oscar Hllbert. eons of Frank Hllbert
I of I'kiah. are here and report that
stockmen are generally in good shape
I in their section. The young men left
I'kiah day before yesterday and it
t took them from 9 o'clock 'n the
morning until 10 o'clock at night to
reach Pilot Rock.
I C. E. Welch. I'kiah livery stable
proprietor, who is here also corrobo
I rates the report that there is general
I ly sufficient feed to care for the stock
! in the southern part of the county.
Dance and Prohi Ordinances
are Passed by City Council;
Dance Ordinance is Modified
dinance. the prohibition ordinance
and an ordinance requiring the muz
zling of all dogs were passej unani
mously b) the city council hist even
ing. Few changes were made in the pro
hibition ordinance Introduced last ev
ming The council in its caucus
changed u few provisions to make
them coincide more exactly with the
state law and tne ordinance as ad
opted agrees almost exactlv with the
state law. Only In a few places has
the state law been changed a Hltie to
make it more adaptable to citv pur
The penalties provided by the rdi
ii. i nee arc in two classes. For major
violations the first offense is punish
able by a fine of from 6 to lu
or Imprisonment from .me to .in oays.
The second offense is punishable by
ihe same fine and imprisonment from
ten to 30 days. Third and subse
quent offenses call for a penult) oi
lino fine and 30 .lavs Imprisonment.
Ordinance to be
Next Week to
Buildings to
A city ..romance to compel the
i hi.,. .,r hotels. I
school buildings and Other puhllv
places where people congregate ''
be Introduced at the next council
meeting, according lo a stateme' 1 1
made last evening bl Chairman kill ; ,
the fire commit toe Ihere is a state
law now requiring such escapes but
the city authorities cannot act under '
capes on th.
or How man
their that tl
en Hole cai
en Rule, st George mlttec has been
and he stated fur- dinance regulating
kstulns to the Hold-land that he woubl
e usel because the' ordinance re uh i'
Weight of Snow
Roof of City Livery Barn on Thompson Street
rails in Early This Morning Under Weight of
Snow-Other Roofs Collapse-Crew of Men at
Work Cleaning off Roof of Grand Stand at
Round-Up Park to Save it From Falling in.
I'nder their growing burden oft
snow, many roofs, particularly of
barns and sheds, have begun to give
way and during the past 24 hours sev
eral have collapsed.
About 2:3o this morning tht- roof
of the City Livery Earn on Thomp
son street fell with a crash practical
ly the entire roof falling. This is
the largest structure which has suf
fered so far.
A report on the atreet this morn
ing was to the efefct that the roof of
the Alta House had collapsed, but this
report proved to be unfounded. A
part of the roof of the William Welch
feedyard on the west end of the ettj
is reported to have fallen, one of the
coilaheds at the Oregon Lumber
Yard caved in and a part of the roof
of ihe Pendleton Iron Works is re
ported to have suffered yesterday
The barn at the ranch of Charles Tul
loch is reported to have given way
Railroad Traffic Practically
at Standstill Because of Snow
Traffic on the railroads is still al.
most entirely suspended as a result
of the snow and there is little hope of
a resumption of schedules in the near
future. The main line of the O.-W.
R. & X. west of The Dalles is still
blocked and there has beer no trains
from Portland since Tuesday morn
ing. The blockade in the Pdue Mountains
near Huron was partly broken this
morning by rotories. saow-ptows and j
dorter- and two trains from the easti
are scheduled to arrive in Pendleton!
this afternoon. One of them will be!
rent on west as far as The Dalles.
The company Is giving a big crew i
of men work on the mountain divisi
on. A work train pulled out of Pen-!
dleton at x;30 this morning laden;
with men and doziers for use in lev
eling the snow. The train also carried
provisions to the people of Hnron,
Meacham and other mountain point.
r or v iolations of the minor provis-'
j Ions a fine of from one to $100 or im- j
I pns. nment of not more than 30 daysi
j is provided for.
The dog-muiling ordinance was I
drawn to assist in stamping out the
rs ; .- The counell intimated that.l
ai soon as the danger is past the or
dinance will be repealed.
The dance ordinance as passed dif
fered in many respects from the or
iginal draft The essential part, the
prohibition ot ragging or indecent
dancing, was preserved
i Mayor Itest last evening look occa
s on to iritioize the East Oregonlan
for an alleged attempt to deprive him
Of cred;; (Of BSCurinaj a trance reform !
; He referred to the story in this paier
on Tuesday which, in a pruely nWl
! way. stated thaf the council In secret '
i caucus had materially revised the or
dinance, . positive statements were
made Inasmuch as newspapermen and
others were barred from the caucus
each statement having been qualified1
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Compel Local
Build Escapes
door leading lo them Is padlocked
Hr -leciared that the dtj should tag
i steps to remedy this condition befor-
I a disastrous lire calls attention to ii
,,, B dreadful wav
Fire x'hlei Hingold supp
the statement
, ailing attenti.
escapes on th.
also ihe fact :
it from the M
fire recaps -r,
of the i.iunclman by
day before yesterday under the anow.
J. V. T.iMman yeeterdav lost the roof
of one of his barns.
All over the city precautions are
being taken against similar .lamaerr.
Owners of the flat-topped brick
bio ks are keeping men busy with
shovels removing the anow. Janitor
Jeorge .Simpson has had a force of
prisoners on the court house roof and
the Hound-up this morning put a
crew at work on the roof of the big
grandstand to save it. The roofs of
many private homee have been
i leaned though the danger of a
steeply pitched roof giving way la not
Fire Chief Hingold lost evening
called the attention of the council to
the danger of fire from falling roofs.
Trainmen on the Northern Pacifio
branch line report that thla morning
they observed the Puget .Sound Ware-
(Continued on Page Eight)
The task of keeping the line open
is a big one. Many small si dea and
several large ones have burled th
tracks and there is always danger of
new ones. Should the anow soften
this danger will be increased.
The stub trains from The Dalles,
which arrived here yesterday morn
ing, were sent on east but at Thorn
Hollow they were turned back to
Pendleton, as the road was still block
ed. No train arrived from The Dalle
this morning. Meager reports from
west of The Dalles indicata a bad
t e-up from slides along the Colum
bia. The road between Pendleton and
Walla Walla is open though doubl
engines are required to move the
trains. The Pendleton. Walla Walla
local has been annulled, the Spokane
trains alone being operated. Some
trains have been coming by way of
Vmatllla The Pilot Rock train and
motor car arr being operated today.
PKT1ND, ore. Feb J Com.
munication and transportation ia par.
alyzed throughout the northwest
Early this morning Portland was
without communication with the out
side' world. Wireless arrivals hro's
under the weight of ice Railroads
have abandoned their schedules. En
tire East Portland is without electric
lights or telephones The thaw which
stutred yesterday turned to snow last
night, which ceased falling tsis
morning. The ground Is covered with
ten inches
Though unable to receive weather
reports, the forecasters predicted n
change In the immediate osaflgttofl (
cold or now Stronger easterly
winds re expected
line death has beer' reported is X
result of the storm Herbert Wr I
dropped dead from exhsnstton whiift
battling against driving sleet in t
tempt ng to reach home l ist night
Hunor-ds of people w. re unable to
return to their homes last night and
remvntd downtown, row. ling hotel
restaurants and th. at. rs Othei hun
1ri's were marooned in I heir h mes)
'his morning without th- p.iihiiit)
of getting gTocerlea or milk.
Snow and afaOt r-n b. two feet
In deith In sum.- aabttrta street -ar
serine bus een abandoned
NKW1MKT NEWS, k.-t ih
I Appfem docked this morning and un
loaded Us passengers eicpl the crew
and Hrltish military prisoners.
Trains were readv to Ufti the pa seen.
gers t,. New York j.n.1 Norfolk
EMCRXJN pell ; The Ippnm ,-HJi
ture Zeppelin raidi. and . rni, t
activity of submarines -ire be ievei
I to prelude in aggressive UerflhM
campaign by sea and air Kv. n ntor
startling frat irrs are pred td Thu
audacity of ihe Appam erw hsa .n.