EIGHT PAGES, PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING I'orda a Specialty. Font ordfcirtin S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop Phone 203. Rei. Phone (ltJ (30 Cottonwood St., Op. City HalL Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODRKN CYMNDHR OMNUKU AND UVEH SIZED PISTON AND H1NOS OHOIWD. Pbnnr "I. Neagl' Hlarkimlth Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES TIKES AND CCIMIUE8 Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. no. 1SS. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 358 Room 7. Schmidt Kldg. LESSONS IN CHINA. OILS. WATER COLOR, TAPESTRY. LEATHER TOOLING. Itrasa and Copper Craft. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors HAIR DEEMING, MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE, SCALP TREAT MENT. IBAMPOOINQ. Populr Price Telephone 823 111 Ma n street Hogs Climb to New High Mark for the Year in Portland lCouVtes the Joiirnsl.i PORTLAND nre- With the ex ception of cattle the entire livestock market at North Portland was tinn er and higher fur the d.iy There was an excellent run of twine in the ards overnight Market op ened with very firm trend with al- Sales Of tops I morning us high the highest point son t date and Is i holee light "eights . . !. Good light weights ...... 7.10O7.H Medium weights ....... J.760 i 00 Rough and heavy !.' While there was a IITtaH run of .nttle in the North Portland ard" overnight. M Improvement "as in dicated b) the earl) day's, trading. The market In general rot cattle was onshlered t sad) around tho'sam averages us obtained at the week's opening General cattle market ranee; Choice pulp fed "tens 17.6011 . ll I'hol.'e grain fe.l stc-rs 7 40 7.40 'rdlriiiry grain I'd teen 7.40 ft ' iirdlnar grain fad steer 4"ft I kl i 'hoiee haj fed steers .. 7.IS4fT.II PMHIONG w Tom TONT FEEL MOT Say glau of hot water with photphate before breakfaot wuhet out polionc if up rt n bad taste. I Is coated: If thing, ii what gns and acid id i,i. and ti mr head Is dull Hi eat sours and b Urea k last. with i tea phoaphat In ootsons and glass of real hoi wa, spoonful of llmeaton I, TI.I. ,,m HunIi ll toxins from sloninch. liver, kldneyi and bowels and cleanse, sweetan aw purifv ihe (tttire allmentaf) tract Da roue inside tattling. Immedlateli upon arising In the morning lo wash out of the system all the previous day's poisonous waste, taaeo'and sour idle before putting more food into ihe stomach To feel Hke yolIM fdlfci hwji nl" you fell before yOn blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with body impurities g.i from your pharmactat a quarter pound Of limestone phos phate which is Inexpensive and al most taateless. except Tor I sourish twinge whli b Is not unpleasant Just as soap and hOl water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, to hoi water and lime- tone phosph ite aci on the stomach liver, kldnefr and bowels. Men and omen who are usually constipated, iillioiis. headachy or have any stom ach dkKrdef should begin Ibis Inside bnlh lug before breakfast. They are assured they will become real cranks on the subject shortly. mm I0TT WATOR DAILY BOTTLING WORKS 'Hi Kant Court I'hooe 177 FAMILY TKAUK A RPKCIALTY Quick I'.'llv.M y Pioneer Bottling Worht I'tul Ileramelgarn. Prop. AM, KINDS OF SOFT DltlNKS AMI HOIIAH BOTTLED. Hljmpia Oyater Cocktail a Specialty CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana filled 10c. Straight aud Perfecto Shape. Manufactured by PBNDLBTON C1QAI FAi.'TOUY. CLEANING-PRESSING West of Hotel Barber Shop. Phono 4 70 ask for Presaery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson & Stranalian, Props. OWfl'nt, Preening, Repairing, Day or Night. Work Culled for and Delivered. CI. I I! H A I I I I will keep a man's suit pressed and repaired for 11.50 per month and guarantee the best possible work 111 DD. THE TAILOR AND DUX I.EANKIt, 310 West Weob. Phone 685. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We Wftld all kinds of east iron, alumi num, steel, rnpr and brass by the Modern Oil Acetylene Prnee. Don't Wall for Repairs. Let Us Weld It. 7211 JOHNSON ST. nrtiinarv i" common su-th ChoiCi cowt i irdlnary t immon t on i .Mil Choice heifers . 6. 21 ordinary to good heifers I.Ol fl I Tl Choice bulls 3 7 5 4l 1.10 Cood to fair bulls 3.00ft 3. HO Ordinary to coin in on bulls ,0Of)S.7i Best light takes 8.00 a i otJtfca 7.00-1 7 to Mutton and Lambs Higher. In line with the record price Ob tained for yearling wethers In thej North Portland yards Thursday, the market was again strong with gen- erul values lifted to conform with the sales of vearllugs at I" 7.V There was onl a small run re-1 ported In the mutton and lamb dlvi-1 slon of the local market nvernight and Inning started early at the high er prices. Genenil mutton and lamb range: j Choice weight lamb s 25 i s.r.'i C 1 to common lamtis. . 7.0 ft 7.7r , P.ior t'i lair lamlw 7 "lift 7 :T. Choice vending welhers.. 7.1097 Tl ii i to common yeanlni I.7I9T.00 flood to common eari;ngs 0.TIOT00 KYida I li'Ka k slilinwr-. P t Mansfield. Win. Hi B, I load; New Ply mouth. Ida- II. l!'ss. Parma. Idaho. I c IS I. uike Molajla, 1 load; K. forgnn, QoldendaH Wash.. 2 ,i w. iiiis. Oaaton, i loud ed tuff John Ashwortll. is. :; loads cattle and hesp; M octor Ooldendale, Wash., l load ami hog; Smith Bros., lhiiiald. ;.i entile Hid hogs. 1 Women Bid Por saloon. DALLAS, Tex.. Jan. 22.- The Moth, en Council of Dallas voted to submit nidi tot the bar privileges of the State j Pair of Texas. Half a million per. nnv visit the fair an Dally and the sa-i loon mini who gets the liquor selling' right pays from 33000 to liOOO. The Mothers COUQCil will raise a fund to I COURTROOM in Ihe superior court oiinael table with two j 'j I SBsillIsiBlifl a Providence, her nttorne I Ihe 'arroll, EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, f--tWrZw;-WfrNri ELECTRICIANS CHARLES MILNE BLBOTBIOAl ONTKACTOR8 Estimates Furnished. Phone 636, 118 W. Court St FEED YARDS PHONK r,4n THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 i.B.t Alta St. riBD AND HALH8 STABLE FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Store On Main St , next to Happy Canyon PHONE M& FLORAL DESIGNS, PLANTS AND SEEDS. Agent Portland Journal. Open Evenings. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store CIIAS KOCH. Prop ( OMPLETE LINE OF XEW AND SECOND IIXND STOVES M R INGES. 117 W. Webb St. Phone ,15., GROCERIES I. B.JCHNSGN&SOftS GKCGrf6a, Oob(bcUOH and P-akers' (oods. Cash paid for Butler. Eggs and Poultrj. 202 . WeU St Phone 871 SUPPORTERS OF BRITISH CONSCRIPTION BILL toors l.iMti-(iMi!'nt. UrltiaH Mini rtfr at MuniUoal an- Lord Hun will lie the principal B Cunflon in parliament. buy the saloon right and publkSl) burn the contract, if their plans suc ceed. The fuir Is owned by the people of Dallas. The directors an not favor SCENE IN MOriR MURDER TRIAL OrtrL L, during the At the left Is Mohr murder trial. Arthur l ushing and 11 hu m GROCERIES J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone 536 HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of all klndB. Rubber, Auto Tires, Brass. Copper, Sack and Rags. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL A FTJRS. 208 W. Webb St. Telephone 662 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile. FIRE. Burglary Plate Glaus, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 604. E. O. BIdg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 11'). ROUGH DKY To PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WF.IIB. Reduction on lard for Saturday 10 pound for $1.00. able to liquor tttllnf, h the fair needs the mone fficef uf the Mothers' Counc I 17 fit if s i Mrs. Mohr ll at Ihe right lown seated William I. u-.tk'-r.- fr iti- nuliuu Brrvlci hhi now un fr 1 JANUARY 22, 1916. im mi mu -. ii'jr ifA if. ir, unuiLMCinihklBl PLUMBING-HEATING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 328 E. Court St. Phone 443 Phone 32 ; Ret. 6O0. Agents for PKNINHIXAH. furnaces. Wodaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tinning and Repair Work. 10(1 W. Webb St.. PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 E. Court St. Portraits made day or night, rain or slilue. GlTe us a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 916 Main St.. Tel. 328 W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Post Card Photos 31.00 Doz. Amateur finishing. Anseo Supplies. PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER PICTURI MOULDING, G LASS. DECORATI Ntf . PAINTING. Job ork l'romntly Done. S"7 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon. RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS lortace. O. W. Lassen to G w and A. M. i liugg, 3S50U. Certain tracts of lands, i title descriptive. ! Thos. D. Waugh to Eliza A. Jones let al, 36000, 419 acres of land, title . descriptive. j Deed. i M.irv EL Johnson to Julia B. Al- ' bright. 31000. Lot 6, block 185 Res- I ervatlon addition to Pendleton. , Maty K. Speaks to W- J. Crawford i 3 The XW 1-4 of sec. 35, T. 4 1 N., 1! 36 K.. W M.. exeepting 5 K C. Bean to W H. Latimer. 31.00. UotM I and 4. block 177, Reservation ; addition to Pendleton. Rntiafaction of Morta-'. A mortgage executed by D. S. j Bentley to First National Bank. Her ! nil.-'ton. Oct, 7. 1915, for 3500. is sat- A mortgage executed ny Peter i Nelson to C. H. Alexander. Feb 4. 1011, for 32.0HO. is satisfied. I A mortgage executed by Ada E. Brown to Oregon Building & Lean j assoc iation. Sept. 15. 1908, for 3700. ' ll satisfied. ! A mortgage executed by Glenn En rick to E L Michael. April 21. 1913. ! .-alisfied. A mortgage executed by W. H. Lat imer to Louie Attling Oct 19. 1914. is satisfied. imtu-r Mortgage, John Cochran and Son to Third National Bank, 31.00 His crop in-j CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS, i JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI- rector and licensed emhalmer. Op i posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two I funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licenced em- ! palmer Most modern funeral par I lor. morgue and funeral cars Calls i responded to day or night. Corner j Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE ND LAND lit MM HARTMAN abstract CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all 1 lands in Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a genernl brokerage business. Pavs taxes and makes Investment!; for non- ( residents. Writes fire, life and ai (4 I dent insurance. References, any 1 hank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres C 11 MARSH. Sec. ' BENTLEY A I.EFFINCWELL REAL estate, fire, life and accident In Nimnca agents. 815 Main street j Phone 404. VETERINARY SFRGEONS, W LASSEN, veterinarian office telepl iTTORNEYS. RAI EY & RA1.EY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. ROOMS AND BOARD THE LYMAN Under New Management. Private comfortable rooms; Mod. ern conveniences, with or without board. Close In. Rates reasonable. Mrs.. TcH & Van Cleve. 821 Willow Phone 305 702 E. Alta St Telephone 447 Moderate Rate. White Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. BIIEPARD. Prop. Rooms With or Without Board. Under New Management. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON RUG AND MATTRESS WORKS Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located IOI Water St. Phone 878. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the beBt of care through the winter let O CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St., care for them. Service guaranteed. Phone 645. AUTO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL REPAIRS. i- SERVICE &BBsr$ STATION Tel. 684. Cor. Main and Water St. terest for 1916 Oik described lands, all stock and farm machinery. Chas. H. Benson to R. G. Baker, 3100. All tools, fixtures and equip ment of the Hermiston Motor Co, and C. H Benson. Rain Start- up Mill-. ELM A, Wash.. Jan. 33. The Vance Brothers' shingle and lumber mills and logging camps resumed operation after being closed down since the last snow fell. The company purchased two tons of rock salt to place in the mill pond to keep it free of ice. Schaefer Brotherss' logging camps are running full capacity. Lyttle Brothers at Porter and the Saginaw and Western logging camps are get ing ready to start should the rain keep up. COMMISSION Is I N il HM D. southern Pacific in Federal Court to Hglil f llllf rf'll Order. SALEM, ore.. Jan. 22. The Pub-1 lie Service Commission was notified that the Southern Pacific company had appealed to the United States! district court at Portland from the! commissioner's order that physical' connection between the tracks of the; Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric: railway lie made at Albanv Judge: Wolverton granted a temporary in junction until the case can lie heard. ! The court set January 24 a? the time ' for hearing. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT; law Office in Despain building CARTER & SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank building. JAMES B PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law : rooms 3 and 4. Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts Rooms 7. 8 and 9. Despain building GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR' ney at law. OfQce in Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AM counsellor at law. Office In De pain building. SI 'CI N D 11 ND DEAI I l V. STROBLE. DEALER IN N and aecond-hand gocels Cash paid for all second-hand gxd. hnught. Cheapest place In Pen ile ton to buy household goods, i', mi and get our prices. 310 E. Court street Phone 171W SIGN PAINTING f v IF IT-S A SIGN WK MAKE IT KEM SIGN GO. 8rtd Cottonwood Strap. Phone 573. Pendleton. Or. SHOE REPAIRING WK MEND SOLES RUBBER HEELS A SPECIALTY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. L. ULM. Prop. SHOE REPAIRING ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES We call for and deliver. Phone 337. 81( M a St. SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shinto At .Minerva Shoe Shining Parian. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Hats 612 Main 3L Pendleton, Ore ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE G.andH. TAXI CO. Phone 110 QUELLE RESTAURANT Prompt service. dy and nlgkt. Funeral service S3 50. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg' Watchmaker All Work Gutranteed. Corner Court and Cottonwood The Southern Pacific asks that the injunction against enforcement of the commission's order be made perma nent, alleging that no public necessi. ty for making a physical connection exists at Albany. Albany shippers testified before the commission to the need of such connection. $100 Reward, $100 The readers at this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to rare In all It stages, and that Is catarrh. Ca tarrh being greatly influenced by cooatltu tional renditions requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta thru the Mood on the Muceiis Surfaces of the System thereby de atBirlng the foundation i the disease. l Ing ihe patient strength by building op the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprlet.- hare so mnch faltb In the curatlre powers of Elall' Ca tarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial. Address : P. J CHENEY Jc Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 7."e. THE OLD RELIABLE REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOU DRUGGIST. CHICHESTER S PiLL. Hon r t f T'"- v.. i V tj; i I f ae rfr; r SOUC." AUCTIONEERS COL W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION eer. makea a specialty of farmer' stock and machinery sales "The man that gets you the money ' Leav orders at East Oregoni.in office Miscn LAJTBOI - AUCTION SALES THE EAST 0R9 gontan makes a specialty of au tlon sale Mils, cards and advertising W can furnlh auctioneer, elort and adertllng complete that will jiau' yon of having a succeexful tale LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DH acrlptlon for county court, circuit ' court. Justice court, real estate, eta.. , for sale at East Oregon Ian office TRESSPASS NOTICES. STAIXIOM season card and sale : , v ery description printed at reasonable prices at the East 'V. have a fine lot of . ! Ctlta thai our patrons are allowed the rre nee of