PACK EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1916. EIGHT PAGES Look At This! LITTLE PIG SAUSAGE Link and Bulk While it Lasts Extra Special Per lb. 20c Raisin Bread 10c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. QUALITY" llvS(l VMi:i!K'A i ill. . PORTED MASSACRED I.... J In the complaint, lulled to pay them Bu) i.rtl Ddrrerie. Frank Henld of the Northern Pa-1 The surety company was thus forced' Ctflc express office, und the Troy ; to pay $84.47. It is alleged Plaintiff) lxiundry have both purchased Ford also has an assigned claim of $55.60 j deliveries from the local agency ! from J. W. Robinson of Seattle fori money advanced for the prosecution ' tioing Into Stock ItusitK'". pf the suit and another for attorney H O Kauffman and family left I fees alleged to be due John K Kol-j today for Anglan. WML, where they lock of Portland. Kollock and W II. I will locate. Mr. Kaurman engaging 1'etcrson are attorneys for the plain In the stock business. He was for- tiff. merly a cigar maker here. . Matstaa l.lhrnrlan Leave. Itlaiuvtl With 88, I Miss Lois I'rlssvoll. assistant OOun-l A totter from Dell Klancett, prom- tf librarian, left this afternoon to! inent liound-up star, brings the In-; Tacoma to spend several weeks with formation that he is now appearing friends and relatives in movie productions at the Seligj , at Xewhall. California. St lialil RttMi Ilium-. F. B. Judd, vice-president American National Hank. I home yesterday from Hartford. tMiiif.l ltakellau Teams. Donald Klre. coach of the Fendle ..... ...... iwiii wnere ne nad been cal left this morning with the team for illness of his mother. Waltsburg, Both the boys and girls' ' . ; ' it the rrlved Conn, Two Phones, 23. 823 Main St. teams will play there this evening and' nrst scalp of Year. at Weston tomorrow night. j The first coyote scalp brought In .since the first of the year was pre-; t.lrl Dies at Hospital. vented to the countv clerk yesterdnj Kosina Nerwest, daughter of Ed by i M. Umbatf of tins cite The Bsuhman of Adams, passed away yea. j reduced bounty of $1 50 was collect terday at St. Anthonys hospital. Shalaoi Kobert Unsner of Yoakum col.! was 22 years old. Funeral services iected $2.00 for a bobcat satin win oe neui tomorrow at tne uatn- ollc mission on the reservation. SAY Blue Ribbon 99 WHEN ORDERING FLOUR FROM YOUR GROCER It is made from ONLY THE BEST BLUESTEM WHEAT Money back if not satisfactory. Our Turkey Red Flour Is as good as any eastern milled hardwheat flour. Also guaranteed. Corn in ear $1.25 per sack Bran 75 per sack Shorts 1.20 per sack Millfeed 1.10 per sack Dried Beet Pulp (good for milk cows) 1.50 per sack Also oats, wheat and barley. Pendleton Roller Mills Telephone 47. -Athena Jackrabliif Going Itack. Floyd Payne, sensational Univer sity of Oregon two mile runner who Is known In intercollegiate circles as the "Athena Jackrabblt." contem plates re-entering college In Febru ary after spending the first semester tn at his home. .sS . (iiiiiiiitiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiitiittiiif iiiitiiiaiiiinitit Best in Qu&lity-SHOES-Lowest in Price The busy store is the place where you can buy better shoes for less money. And we guarantee satisfaction in E I every pair we sell. SEE OUR LINE, COMPARE OUR I PRICES. I LADIES' SHOES Patent mutt button $1.98 5 Gun metal, button or lace at $1.98 5 Gun metal, button or lace at $2.49 - Patent, button, cloth or matt top. plain toe $2.98 Patent, lace, white juniper, now. fancy $3.50 I Ladies' riding or walking boot. ?G,50 value $4.98 5 Misses' patent, cloth top, S button, welt, 2m to G, S2.9N is $1.68 $1.39 at Misses' school to $1.98. Girl's school si to $1.69. Children's shoes, all leath ers !!. 69, KJe 5Sc. $1495, $1.49. MEN'S SHOES Men's dress calf, lace or double sole, E ile welts at I More sport For Hall Pans. Automatic baseball is not the only winter sport for the rabid fans. A Check board game of baseball ha ihtL film A Peter Keene, A merit the Babrlcora Ranch. in chihuahua. raught the fancy uf some of the more Mexico, the property of V. R, Hearst, ardent and. so enthusiastic did some who was missing after an .itack on of them become in the game last night the ranch several weeOcs ago. Is re- Ihat they forgot to go to bed until ported to have been killed bj order Work shoes, $2.49, Work slioes, $2.9S. Men's dOUblt $3.50. 1; in. liigh top shoes $4.98 Youths' shoes, assorted styles $1.49, $1.69; and $1.89. Boys' school shoes, 2 'a to 6, assorted styles, at SI. 98, $2.49, $2.9S. Rubbers, ladies', misses', children's, men's, boys' Rubbers E LADIES While doing your Saturday shopping do not jjj fail to see our Spring styles in Dress Ginghams, 8is, 1 10o 121 .,-.. E Also our new line of Silk Petticoats, latest effect. button $1.98 Men's veal calf, lace or but- ton $2.49 Men's $4.00 Goodyear 5 welts $2.98 Men's $4.50 Abington, lace E or button $3.50 3 Men's $5.00 Regents, lace 3 or button $3.98 Men's $G,00 fine welts at 5 $4.50. iak sole, at 5 rlj ours of the If Villa. TOO "AN DO E BETTKIl AT Thaw Continues; Know Going. The thaw which began yesterday H. Mills; has continued slowly all ilav today 4m ss 1 ndHi-. ma Wft I, RAD OTHKHg IIHilOW a-o is Dtanpaeo, The case of E. L Mills. N and E. Peterson vs. S. Norton Bo bo and the snow has become slush un has been dismissed and the defend- derfoot. The snow, however, is nut anW costs, S12.S0. have been MUM going off rapidly and this is pleasing " , u hw me f m ... , . uuuu, m.., Ine lariners as it mil permit a was formerly editor of the StanfieUr g0od nea of the water ,0 sink int0 Standard, is now in Portland. the ground. The weather today is M 1 i moderate that overcoat have bean Word from WeSML A letter received this morning I ntlneer 1 Killed WTIIBTON, Mo, Jan. 20. The en gineer was killed, the fireman badly hurt and five iiiinr..i I - - . , ...j,... . .. . V. . .. . i. r-.u . i. - . ii,-n uu i iuuni nia i.iiiuieu waa 11''- mile.s west of here. One engine and seven cars left the track. The steel construction prevented a heavy loss of life. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr from H. H. Wessel. retired Pendleton suit to ulct Title. merchant, who is visiting with an un cle and cousins in Freeport, 111., states that it is very cold in that place and ihat there la plenty of snow Mr i VmM will visit in New York an t I Oklahoma before returning home. ; Proctor's Buffalo McntioiHHl. In the Issue of the Engineering News of January" 6. published at New York, appears pictures of the new J street bridge in Wasnlngton at the entrance of which are the heroic buffalo wrought by the hands of A Phimtster Proctor, the sculptor who has adopted Pendleton as his home. Stole Snk of Coal; 15 days. Having stole a sack of coal, is alleged, and traded it for a TWO suits to quiet till in the circuit court today, Knotts of Pilot Kock brought suit against Neuman H. Cottrell and wife and Idaho Frazier Campbell to set aside any claims they may have to the southwest quarter of section 1. township 2, south of range 32 und Tillie Pearson brought suit against J. Haas and wife and Mr. Utch and wife to quiet title to the southwest quarter of section 26. township 6, north of range 31. Raley and Haley are attorneys for the plaintiff in each suit. :t limned In l:plo-lon. OAKLAND, .bin. 2!. Three wett -re filed ,,urnfl- two fatally In an explosion in a gas plant. Six others, working near, narrowly escaped. Robber t;rts s.vmi. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 21. A mask. hi robber stacked the Cutrer city Pank and forced Cashier McHughes at the point of a revolver to walk into the vault The robber escaped with MM, KlootJon Judgrs Before Jury. I Olving more color to the reports so It ! that the grand Jury' Is investigating meal charges of illegal Experiments by German scientists have shown that an excellent pulp for paper manufacture can be obtain ed from hop vines. Attention rj and I (fun. The next U and I Club dance will ting at the city I OS given Saturday evening, January at the Headlight restaurant, Henry i election last month la the fact that Scholl was arrested last night and this morning was sentenced to 15 days in the city Jail on a vagrancy charge. He claimed to have found the coal along the railroad tracks. members of the election boards were among the witnesses examined today. Yesterday the records of the election at Eagle-Woodman hall. (Adv i COMMITTEE were placed before the Jury'. The Jury' ' Is said to have practically completed the investigation of the post-election disturbances though a few witnesses were examined today. N'o report has been made today but the district at- lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllilllllllllltlllllllllllllllliltllllllllllll!: Dr. Thos. C. Ohmart f 1 Dentist I Announces His Return j I and is now practicing at the usual location, 743 Main I St., over the Hub. Pendleton, Ore. Phone 507 nitiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiliiiiiiililiiilllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl Want Geographical pictures. The Washington scnool la compll inic a collection of geographical scene of land and water forms, industries! torney stated that, in all probability and places of interest in our own and!" report would be made tomorrow foregn countries. They would great- " ly appreciate magazine containing! 'n" "' such pictures Please send to the Washington school or phone to Miss Lusted. 216M. si Fine Watch Repairing by an Expert Horologist Snow Blown Into BIHw. While the Stiff broeze of last even ing was too cool to melt the snow it did blow the snow about a good deal, particularly outside the city where the snow was not packed. Rev. J. M OOTnelison of Tutuilla states that on the reservation near the Thomp son and Crow ranches the snow drifted into billows four or five feet high, giving the land the appearance of an ocean of white caps. The foot hills were swept bare in many spots of snow by the wind, he reports. Mack Foster and Gus Schltlter, well known Echo wheat farmers, are here today. Interested in the wheat market. Mr Foster nas not yet sold his wheat and quite a few Eeholtcs are In the same category. George W. 4 Lamblrth yeaterday sold 4500 bush- els of Turkey Bed and hybrid to thn Echo mill at a price of $1 per bush-l. j Hr Negroes Lynched. SYLVESTER, Oa., Jan. 21 ! Five negroes were dragged from ! jail and hanged to a tree near. b. The mob tricked the sher- ! iff. Thv presented s nemo, his arms tied, asking for shelter, saying they feared lynching. ' The sheriff opened the doors, then the mob overpowered htm and dragged out the cowering negroes. Efforts to trail the slayers failed. It t Is believed thee came from ie county, be- i n use the negroes were accused of killing the sheriff of that county. s MASQUE TO COMMEMORATE ANNIVERSARY Royal M Sawtelle Jeweler since 1887 Surety dhoii.v Sue. The American Surety Co., of New York today filed suit against Dr. J. R Sponogle of Athena, alleging that plaintiff furnished bond for the de fendant when the latter appealed to the supreme court of Washington from a decision In the superior court of Kitsap county. Tne supreme court affirmed the decision and taxed the costs to the appellant who, according CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years 1 Alwav- bears the Signature of Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. This eiRht year old boys' eyes were croaaed from the time he was five years did till I fitted him with frlassea April 3rd, 1915. Cross eyes can be straightened by my system with glasses in nearly every instance. Children that squint have some defect that is apt to cause cross eyes unless the proper glasses are worn. The child or young person that needs glasses and has them properly fitted is more apt to be the grown-up who needs no glasses. No matter whether you are cross eyed or whether you are suffering from eye strain that results in headache, nervous twitching or inflamed eyelids, poor vision, dizzi ness, blind spells, pain in the back of the neck, or any other condition that results from eyestrain, glasses fitted by my system will give the desired relief. DALE ROTHWELL, OPTICAL SPECIALIST, American National Bank Building, Pendleton Phone 009. iiimuimiuiniifiimiMimiiiniiiiiiittiinimtit XKW rORK, Jar This Is the i SOlith ann! ,f William celebrtlon. inmemoratr on foot for year In which OOCUfl II versary of the death Shakespeare and man have been planned to the occasion. Plans at a celebration In New York in the form of a masque to In- written by I'ereey Mackay, thf poet. The mas'pie Is to be performed out of doors on a large wale next May, a the climax of a eilv-wlde festival,: Sfld v. ill be more ambitious and In- j elusive than anything of the kind the, Ity has heretofore attempted. Sli thousand people wilt take part in the performance, and a huge roceptael-' has been arranged that will be placed back of the stage (o make the ac custic conditions perfect. The Shakespeare celebration waa Incorporated to stimulate and coordi nate the spontaneous local festivals which will be held In New York next spring. Its incorporator! are liltl Mary Porter Dasftte, Mrs. Hen All Hoggin. Mrs w. PoPbei llnrgan. Jr.. Mrs. Percy Mackay and Hiss Kate Oglebay. I VALVE-IN-HEAP ft) MOTOR CARS THE BEST REASON IN THE WORLD FOR BUYING A BUICK IS WHAT EVERYONE THINKS, AND SAYS, AND KNOWS ABOUT THE BUICK. Oregon Motor Garage Telephone 468 117. 119. 121,123 Weit Courts. if II i