East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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for mm
Royal Club Satisfaction
Begins With Breakfast
--ad lasts throughout the day. There is no
iner Coffee blend Ihart KOYAl. CLUB it is
ombinatiu of the fir.ost Sumatra and Central
American Coffees carefully Mended in the green
and "neutralized." To properly "neutralize" a blend it
is necessary to mix the differe-.t Tan coffees and let
'hern "ape" for a year or more. The small roaster
cannot afford "tie up" his money in this way he
must miT his I. .end and roast it immediately.
-TV jrreen coffees for ROYAL CLUB are bought a
year in advance-hlerdeil by experts and "ajjed" into
perfect, smooth Mtdtyiag and distinctive flavor.
This and the hiph qualities we use accounts for
SOYAL CLliB superiority and popularity. As one
man expressed it, "you haven't tasted real coffee until
you've tried ROY AL CLL'B.'
Ask Any Grocer
Mb. Tin 3-lb. Tin 5-lb. Tin
40c $1.10 $1.75
The "Roal ( lur" House
Portland. Or.
Kturland S'k (hn lntls.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Declar
ing Knicland's real purpose In block
utlnK Germany is to depress the price
of cotton for its own benefit. Hoke
mith demanded vigorous action for
i he protection of American rights. He
HMMtod tJermany had substituted
wool cellulose as a base for explos
hPSS and has plentw of food except
pOMtMy milk. England knows this.
but British mills would be benefitted
! In consequence of a lower price on
cotton staple. He branded as false
the British claim the United States
hail placed cotton on the contraband
list during the civil war. He further
'. declared that when Russia placed cot
I ton on the contraband list during the
Japanese war. England's protest
caused the Slavs to rescind the de-
Ultv He's Not King of i.neeev.
LONDON, Jan. 20. Fate only, it
became known, prevented the Earl of
Derby, director of recruiting, from
!'i-ing in the royal shoes of King Con
stantine of Greece. In 1862 Prince
Otto of Bavaria, then King of Greece,
was forced to abdicate. In 1S6J the
Earl of Derby, prime minister of
England and grandfather of the pres
ent earl, was offered the Hellcnio
throne. He refused it. Had ho ac
cepted, the Brttish director of recruit
ing today would be the king of
Recall of Die gsasra) interest in
the dance-resulatini; ordinance which
; is now before the council, a summary
I of its provisions is here given. The
1 ordlnanOl is now iu the hands of the
CominittN and will D reported upon
j next Wednesday evening. It is pos
sible some of the more drastic pro.
v isions. particularly that one requir
ing all week-day dances to close at
midnight, may be modified at the fi
nal passage. The following are the
Definition of dance: any dance not
.eld in private home or residence or
any dance held In private home or
residence if fee is charged or If in
tention is to evade provisions of ordi-
nance: any class at which paid in-j
struction is given.
By dance hall is meant any hall,
room, pavilion or place In which such
a dance is held.
Owners or managers of dance halLs
must secure non-transferable license
from city which will be conditional
upon their own good moral character,
a certificate from the city physician
certifying that hall is well lighted,
ventilated and sanitary and the pay
ment of a 15 fee: licenses good for
one year.
No certificate or license shall lie re.'
quired for a dance given by a lodge:
when only members attend and when!
no admission Is charged: lodge dances
are. however, subject to all other pro-
Owners or lessees of halls must
keep them clean, sanitary and well
I ghted and the stairways open light,
ed and clean during progress of
All dances shall be subject to ln-
! spection of police or special inspector.
Following dances prohibited: rag
ging walk dance, bunny-hug, turkey
trot, or any form of dance in which
Hong Kong Cafe
Chop Suey
1,-i, Tray Ord.-re a Specialty.
Bexes for ladles and gentlemen
Special Chicken Dinner
548 Main Street
Next to K O Bldg Phone
Reduce German Merchant Marine.
LONDON, Jan. 6. (By Mall.
The war has reduced the German
merchant marine by nearly 800.0'J0
tons, according to Sir Owen Phillips,
British maritime authority and ship
owner. He said:
"Of the German tonnage of 5.459,
298, slightly over 230,000 tons ha3
been captured by the British navy,
38.000 tons captured Dy the other
allies; 117.000 tons sunk; 397,000
tons interned in ports of the British
empire while the remainder, with the
exception of a few ships In the Bal
tic, are rusting In German and neu
tral harbors."
First Sign of Blood Disease.
Pimples, scaly itching skin, rashes,
burning sensations and Scrofula denote
with unfailing certainty a dHlolitated.
! weakened and impure stat of the
Mood. The trouble may have been in
I vour blood from birth. Imt no matter
Bow you were infected, you must treat
tan Dffh the blood. It is a blood dis
Tou must use S. S. 5.. the stand
I a.od tonic for 50 years, if you ex
pecl relief. For purifying the system,
- equal to it. The aetion of
3 B, 6 Is io cleanse the blood. It soaks
' through the system direct to the seat
of the trouble acting as an antidote
to nejtraliie the blood poisons It re
vitalizes th- red blood corpuscles, In
i rreaej the flow so that the blood can
; perl) perform Its physical work.
The dull "biggish feeling leaves rot
, the cemplexioa clears up. Even long
standing eases respond promptly But
you must take S. 3. S. Drugs and sub
stitutes won t do. Get S. S. .. from
r dr iKjrlst If you need expert ad
' . i, J rite to Swift Specific Co., AMan-
Kills Fellow Convict.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan., Jan. 20
J. S. Jones, federal penitentiary pris
oner, stabbed and killed Henry
Schmidt, fellow prisoner, afte'- a
Ilisrins (iots in Wrong.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. T'.e
state department learned Informally
that consul at Stuttgart, is person!
non grata with the German government
Only Real Rival
Electric Light
Is the Natural Sunlight!
During these short winter days
the amount of natural light is
limited, but in ELECTRIC
LIGHT you have just as good
a light whenever and wher
ever you want it, all by
Pacific Power & Light Go.
"Always at Your Service."
stir ' 'fiTmrmr
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 "Should
the time ever come, and I pray that
It may not, the tollers in our repub
lic will give a good and honors til-;
mount Of themselves and this. tOO,
without conscription, without com
pulsory military sen-vice." said Sam
uel Gompers, president of the Amer
ican Federation of Ialior He run
tinued :
The European war has taught this
one fact, that people will fight for
their country, whether that country
stands as the embodiment of militar
ism arid domination or whether It
typifies imd Is the standard bearer "f
tustl'o and democracy."
the parties dancing are In Immediate
contact between the knees and shoul
ders, or where both arms are encircl
ing the partner, or any oilier dance
which hits ihc appearance of inde
cency. Dance hall must be well lighted.
Shadow dances and moonlight dances
Smoking, boisterous conduct and
piofune language prohibited in any
dance hall, dressing room, hall or ap
proach to any dance hull.
Intoxicating liquor prohibited In
hall, hallway, dressing room or ap
proach. No intoxicated person shall
participate in dance.
Adtnltefon fee only to be charged
but re-admission fee to be charged
at sum equal to original admission for
each person leaving hall and return,
ing. No check or token shall be given
permitting re-admission without pay
ment. All dances to discontinue at mid
night except on Saturdaj when they
must discontinue at 11 45. No danc
ing on Sunday permitted.
No person under IS years permit
ted to remain at dance after 9 o'clock
unless accompanied h pan nt Or"
legal guardian; unlawful to misrepre
sent age or parenthood or guardian
ship for purpose of defe.itiiiL- pro Via
Ions of ordinance.
Any dance hall manager, owner or
licensee violating any provision of or
dinance subject to fine from 15 to $5o
or imprisonment from one to ten days
and tn forfeiture of license Ucensn
may be reinstated only by consent of
mayor and council.
Any other person violating ordi
nance subject to fine from S.". to 110
or imprisonment one or two days for
first offense. Subsequent offense
draws fine from $15 to 150 or tm
prlsonment from two to ten days.
Will Have Aetna Blockade.
LONDON, Jan. 20. Answering a
Query before parliament. Grey an
nounced that an actual blockade of
Germany Is now proposed. He did
not Indicate how far the government
was prepared to go to prevent ship
ments reaching Germany He brand
ed as unfair the recent newspaper
charges that the present blockade was
a farce. He said the government's
position toward American trade prob
ably would be announced next week.
"Bless niv st iii-H. look I
Urln'l Why. Just look
caffle rgbt off Just like
I'm your flnner OH my l
daU'l be nfrsid. tliill'i
They Let Him
Sleep Soundly
"Since taking Foley Kidney 1'IHs
I believe I am ei tirely cured and 1
sleep soundly all night." 9 H. T.
Take two of Foley Kidney PHIS
with a glass of pure wat. r after each
mal and at bedtime. A quick and
easy way to put a atop to your get
ting up time after time during tiM
Foley Kidney I'llls also stop pain
In back and sides, headaches, stom
ach troubles, disturbed lieart action,
stiff and aching joints, and rheumatic
pains due to kidney and bladder ail
ments. Gainesville, Oa R. It No. 3. Mr.
If. T. Hiraynge says: "For ten years
I've been unable to steep all night
without getting up. Bone iimes only a
few minutes after going to bed I'd
have to pet up, and I tried everything
I . :i ' ti rif for tie trouble. Lant year
I tried Foley Kldnev Pills and after
iHkleic one bottle I belie.,,, i am en
Uri i ured at:d I sleep Auuudly ail
Sold ijicrywliore.
A Hint to Mothers
of Growing Children
ludlloalani Will In- scene of Gallic-.
Decorations ro liit. in Place and
Tabu- imaged for Those Who
Wl-h to IHsvj l ard Other Vowa
(Special CotTospirtidenoc I
KJBRMISTON, Ore.. Jan. 21.- -A
i.iiiiciiiK party on Friday evening lo
be given by eight popular ladies at
the Hertnlston Auditorium promises
to be the largest of the season's gai-
ties. Elaborate dentations are now
betat made and the two hundred In
vited guests will trip the light fan.
Untie to music by the I'nited Orches
tral of Pendleton.
Imitations also include many Cor
cards and several tables will be ar
ranged for their pleasure.
The hostesses of the evening will
be. Mrs J. D. Watson. Mrs. H, R.
Newport, Mrs. F. A. Phelps, Mrs.
Wat Kennedy. Mrs. ('. p. Walnecott.
Mrs. J. T. Hiukle. Mrs. li. K Ibiyhlll
and Miss Phelps.
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Dodd presided
at dinner Saturday evenir(. Th
guests were entertained at auction
bridge following the dinner hour.
Miss Bessie If cPherson, misk Daisy
Mulkey Miss Virginia Todkl. R. C
Walter, Harry Maltby, J. V. ramp
bell. Hr. J. A. Campbell composed a
sleighing party Sunday afternoon and
evening, being guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W, T. Itoberts. six miles north of town
for six o'clock tea.
Another sleighing party was made
up of high school buys and girls, sur
prising one of their school mates.
Miss June Holstngton whose home is
five miles east of town.
Miss llessie Mcpherson made a vis
it to Pendleton, staying over night
with her parents in that city.
Mrs. Laura HtstHngtnn of Bead and
formerly of this city, arrived Friday
to be the bouse guest of Mrs. V. N.
Mr and Mrs. M. J. llurthel enter
tained informally at their home on
Highland avenue last evening.
lirrsatvAxs wutfi prevent
A vital point upon which all schools
seem to agree la that normal regular
ity of the bowels Is an essential to
good health The Importance of this
Is Impressed particularly on mothers
of growing children.
A very v. liable remedy that should
be kept in every home for use as oc
casion arisen Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup i
Pepsin, a compound of simple Iaxa-I
tive herbs that has been preaer'hed
by Dr. W. B. Caldwell of Montlcello.
11.. for more than twenty-five years,
and which can now be obtained In
any well stocked drug store for fifty
cents a bottle. '
In a recent letter to Dr. Caldwell,
Mrs. H. C. Tumor. 844 Main St , Buf
falo, N. Y.. says. "I bought a bottle
of Dr. Caldwell's Cyrup Pepsin lor
my baby. Roland Lee Turner and find
It works met like you said It would
It is flno for the stomach and bowels."
A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin should be la every home. A
trial bottle, free of charge, can he
obtained by writing to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. 454 Washington Ct . Mon
tlcello, 111.
l)iuuut?e r(. Awaisbxl.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 Th in
terstate commerce commission award
ed damages against the American
Express and others, for unreiuionabli.
charges on fresh fish shipped from
Celllo to New York.
Seeks Her Husband.
LOS ANGKLKS, Cal., Jan. 20.
Mrs. Artemus W, Ham of Los Anue
ls engaged detectives to determine
positively whether the "Albert Sim
mons" killed In Mexico was really her
husband. According to Mrs. Ham.
her husband left for Waco, Texas
January 5, and said he might go to
Mexico. Descriptions of the two men
Bathe your face for several minutes
with resinol soap and hot water, then
spplv a little NtJSjoJ ointment very
gently. Let this stay on ten minutes,
snd wash oir with resinol soup and
more hot water, finishing with a dash
of cold water to close the porta. Do
this once or twice a day, and you will
be astonished to find how quickly tins
healing resinol medication soothes and
cleanses the sires, removes pitnplee and
MaeVhtadSi and leaves the complexion
clear mi. I velvety.
Resinol ointment end resinol soap
stop ttahlng Instantly and speedily
heal skin humors, eoree, burns Voerads
and Chafing. Bold by all druggists.
Prevent roughness during
the summer
A superior vanishing skin
tone soon absorbed.
Price 50 cents
The Drug Store That
Serves You Best
The regular use of ri llaol eoap is
i usually manga to prevent those dis
I treseing rashes and ehaflnn to which,
most babies are subject. This is so,
I first, because resinol soap is absolutely
pure and free from harh alkali, ami
second, became it contain the resinol
medication, en which so many physi
cians rely for skin troubles.
Over Taylor's Hdw. Store.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Dr. Marsh Iim White Salmon.
WHITE SALMON", Wash.. Jan. 20.
Dr. V. N. Marsh, one of White Sal
mon'! most prominent physicians, left
here with his family to assume an Im
portant position in Paynasville, o.
His practice here will be assumed by
Dr. J. C. Zenner, of I'matlHa.
"Well, I Should Say
'Gets-It' DOES Work"
"Look a'There, If You Don't
Think It's Just Wonderful
for Corns!"
: Uml of UM
I It ', That corn
pMl log banamiH.
, right Uwre,
It, 1WI how
nn:!!ir!:ii!i:!ii!iiiM;i!!i!!!iJ!!JiiM!ijMii!rioniiint : iiiiii.Niii-Miijniiri.iNiiii.-iimiTiMismnirJ!!
Your Every Want in
the Line of
Vv ill be taken care of in a
satisfactorily manner by the
"Did You Ever Nee the Like? No
Wonder Gt-It' l the HlRgerit
Selling Curo Core in the World!'
Booth 'h? Hkln In.' Well, that's when the
Corn ffM Well, Hint beat all:" That'H
the way "IetH-II" works on nil corns, every
corn, every time. It's tin new, simple way
of curing corns, You'll My RDM bye to nil
foolish ion tr apt ions lik 'Kindling hand
gel, itlcfcty tape, plasters, treating salve.
and ffl ve diggers suc h :if knlvea. razors
and scissors. "irVts-l t " stupa pain. Ap
pUed In "J KOBffe Never falls. Nothing to
stick to. hurt or press on the corn.
"(ids It" Is sold everywhere, 8m a hoi
tie, or sent direct hy K. Lawrence 4 Co..
('blcigp, III. Sold In rendl' ton and recom
Uen6ed as the world's dmI corn remedy hy
RettdLrton drug Co., and F. .f Donaldaon.
we carry the greatest stock of papers, in
quantity, quality and variety, to be found in
Eastern Oregon.
we employ only high-class and competent
workmen in every department.
we use modern methods, machinery and
It is not necessary to send out of Pen-
dleton for a single thing in
the Printing line
H The East Oregonian can give you better service than any out-of-town
concern, can save you time and money on every job
and guarantees you absolute satisfaction
It Costs Nothing to Consult Us. Just 'phone 1