EIGHT PAGISS PAGE EIGHT i!UHiMiiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiumtuniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiNiiimitiiuiiiiiiiMiiiiiiit: DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1916. r " 1 - Ballygreen Farm Pure Pork SAUSAGE This is to Certify, That the Sail pape contained in this wrapper was made from pure fresh pork at BALLYGREEN FARM on the Co lumbia. BETTER AND FRESHER THAN EASTERN SAUSAGE. JUST RECEIVED. Bulk, Package 30c Link. Package 35c I Gray Bros. Grocery Co. I i won. II BE N ATION l. VICE PRESUMOTI A. I. Slimn Honor. A. U. Sloan, prominent resident who has been ill for some time. Is report. M) to lx somewhat Improved now. Ins and the plumbers u Ing i busy time of K thermometers registered below last night. Out on the reser vation at the agency the thermome ter registered 19 below. - i g-hav-Many home tS and 20 "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St. I j The Wnxtg Hemphill In reporting a Pilot Hock birth esterdaN. a mistake in the parentage Xo t.nimt ,Try Report. was made. The father is Carl Hemp-i The grand Jury is still grinding hill instead of A. C Hemphill. away at Its Investigation of the Fen- I dleton election disorders and may not ("ayuse Woman at Hospital. report for several days Mrs. Martin Madison, wife of a well known Cay-use resident, under- Cold Interferes With 9rhOQB, went an operation this mornlna; at1 The cold weather over the county St, Anthony's hospital. Is causing many of tho schools to i elose until milder weather prevails. Has GoltM Removed. 'County Sup rintendem I. K. Voung Mrs. Charles Horn of Filot Rock has received numerous reports of was yesterday afternoon operated up-. suspended school work, particularly on at St. Anthony's hospital for the lit the outlying districts, removal of a goitre. - I Ilowaro of Icicles. Pedestrians on the streets should keep a bright eye aloft during the afternoons when the temperature causes thawing or rrse they should walk along the outer part of the sWewalk. From the tops of manv buildings icicles, ranging In size from a slate pencil to a stick of cordwood, are hanging and sooner or later will fall. Sins for Balance, The May Hardware Co. todav brought suit In the circuit court against F. 0 Hardy to collect an al leged balance of 167.95 on a bill ot llOll.tl for merchandise purchased. W M. Peterson is attorney for the plaintiff. HcDevitt and Bantu Win. In a special match bowling game last evening In the Bungalow Bowl ing Parlors Pat McDevltt won from Omer Stephens, 956 to 896. and Sol Raum won from Harvey Hanovan 9S9 to 829. Each set was for the total of three games. ; ; r 1 i Whits 6 High Colors Black G Staples PETTICOATS YES, we have received an early Spring shipment of Petti coats in mercerized sateen, Heatherbtooga, silk char ms use and taffeta, in white, black, rose, green, brown, gray, new blues, plum and changeable colors, finished with deep corded flounces plaited or bias ruffles, latest effects and exceptional value.. spi.91 Pettkoats in silk chnnneuse and chftnjreiible taf feta, finished with corded and bias flounces, black aad high colors $1.98 $2.98 Petticoats in silk clliarnieuse hiuI taffeta, pleated, corded and bias ruffles, white, black and high eolors. Your choice only $2.98 $2.98 Petticoats in charmeusti- and taffeta, with Jer sey elastic top, black and colore. Yom choice . $2.98 $3.49 Petticoats in charmeuae and taffeta, pleated, corded, bias ruffles and flounces, assorted colors, splendid value at $3.49 SAY it Blue Ribbon 99 WHEN ORDERING FLOUR FROM YOUR GROCER It is made from ONLY THE BEST BLUESTEM WHEAT Money back if not satisfactory. Our Turkey Red Flour Is as good as any eastern milled hardwheat flour. Also guaranteed. Corn in ear $1.25 per sack Bran 75 per sack Shorts 1.20 per sack Millfeed 1.10 per sack Dried Beet Pulp (good for milk cows) 1.50 per sack Also oats, wheat and barley. Pendleton Roller Mills Telephone 47. i Two Peel of Snow at I klah H. M. Culter, proprietor of Hida way Springs, was an overnisrht visit I or In Femileton yesterday. He repot ts I two feet of snow at I'kiah and nil place, but that the weather there has , not been as cold as here, the coldest ! being but five below. , t hief Makts First rrost. I Chief of Police Tom B. Uurdane j made his first arrest yesterday since his appointment when he took into custody Jack Martland on a charge of vagrancy. Martland and another ) "vug" will be tried this afternoon In ! polio eourt. JackntbbM lnwulcs Northstdo. A lonesome, lnngleggcd Jackrabhlt. lost in the snow, wandered Into Pen dleton shortly before noon today and was spied heeling it down Jackson street by the Lincoln school pupils when tho were dismissed. They set out in pursuit and. unable to get up his full speed in the snow, the denizen of the sagebrush narrowly escaped j capture several times. Finally hs turned up Madison street and gallop ed over the hill. WS KA'IL HiCHARDS O'MIUl Mrs Kate Richard O'Hare, noted.) suffragist and social worker of Kan-3 sns City, Kansas, has thrown her hat IS Into the ring as a candidal for thejS vice presidency. In 1910 Mrs. O'Hara accepted the socialist nomination few congress In II t.ie socvond Kansas district. She wasjS a delegate to the International So- I cialist bureau of Europe in ISM Mrs. I O'Hare is quoted saying she thoughts "President Wilson the most honest, politician since Lincoln's time " I9 Rlack sateen petti coats at 49? 09? Mercerised sateen petticoats, bias corded flounce 98t Mercerized sateen and Heatherbloom, black and colors 98i 49 Knit petticoats, as sorted colors 4f9f 69 Knit petticoats,, as sorted colors J9 $1.49 Wool knit, heavy weight, just the thing for cold weather . $1.49 NOTE Our window will give you an idea, but see our entire line in the store for Golden Rule Values. Dies at State Hospital. William Springer. 48 years old and who lived in Pendleton some years ago, died Monday at the Eastern Ore gon State Hospital. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 p. m at the Folsom chapeJ. i Heating Plant Bursted. I Earl Sawyer has opened his Main 1 street barber shop again after having I hfen compelled to shut down for near , ly two days owing to a damaged heating plant. The colls in his heat- er bursted Sunday night after freez- ing and the damage was not repaired I until yesterday afternoon. Sues to Correct Title. Alleging that in 1902 he purchased 9 1-2 acres of land from Maggie an I Jack Arlington and secured a deed in which there is a misdescription, Wesley W, Harrah has brought suit against them to secure a correction of the deed. Carter & Smythe are his other blow it penetrated the left lobe ALLEGED ASSAILANT OF RAY HICKS STILL ELUDES OFFICIALS WOUNDED MAN VI HOSPITAL CONDITION NOT CONSIDER ED BERIOl 8, Bert Johnson, alleged assailant of Kay Hicks, the express messenger who was stabbed yesterday afternoon, has not yet been apprehended by the officers. He is said to have escaped from the city but to have telephoned In last evening to friends. Hicks Is still at St. Anthony's hnp pital and Is being attended today by his mother who arrived on the morn, ing train from Pasco. His condition Is not considered serious at this time but the doctors state that it is Impos sible Just yet to tell what the devel opments will be. He was stahbed twice, once over the hpart and once in the left side. The lower wounl ia the worse inasmuch as the knife was turned aside by a rib when the upper wound was inflicted. At the Slavs Deny That Offensive Halts in the Caucasus YOU CAN DO BETTER AT WE IEAD OTHEItS FOI,UW ".llllllllinilllllllllllllllltlllllltlllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllL announced. It Is claimed, the Turkish reinforcements have repulsed the ene my with heavy losses. The genera situation Is favorable, despite an eight day offensive by superior forces. TURKS WERE REPORTED HAVE REPULSED ENEM with BIG !sj:s hi Father I'olltlelan: son runner. ! ALBANY. X. Y., Jan. 10. Although I William Hames who sued Koosevelt PETROQRAD, Jan. II. An offl rial denial that the Russians were de feated In the Caucasus. Persia, was made today. Contrary to reports the new offensive on both fronts is de veloping favorably. Suffering only small loesei the nilSSlSlH have made heavy captures and annihilated whole regiments. CONSTANTINOPLE, The Russian offensive casus has been halted. Jan. 19. in the Cau it is officially attorneys. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!: Dr. Thos. C. Ohmart I Dentist Announces His Return Still Friable to Work. Jake Boziker. head butcher for the Pendleton Meat Co . who severely cut his hand several weeks ago. is still unable to work. He was forced to go to the hospital recently for an op eration necessitated by the dlscoverv that some of the tendons of the hand bad ben cut. and is now practicing at the usual location, 743 5 St., over the Hub, Pendleton, Ore. I Phone 507 2 Var-FIre at Church. 5 ' The Methodist church cai Main I having a fir yesterday. As! H the furnace had been dumpei I asement next to some wood Wood had caught fire when B near I s from ! in the nd the 1 James of the lung. Something of the cause of the affair has been learned by the officers. Hicks himself told them of meeting Johnson and the latter's uncle Charles Marshal, on the street and of having been Invited down to the Oregon Feed Yard to settle a differ ence with flats. He accepted, he says, and was Just taking off his coat when Johnson struck him in the eye with his fist. He returned the blow and was then struck twice with the knife. The difference between them Is siid to have arisen over a young woman I DR. OEOKGB KINZ IUvnsed Chiropractor Temporarily located Dr. I. V. Temple, with Temple Hldg. I 'horn 190 for libel, long has played a big hand in the polities! game, he keeps the cards high out of the reach of his son. ThOT low Weed Barnes, 2d. The Junior Barnes Is 28, and one of the state's most successful scientific far mers, He owns and manages "Maple Manor" dairy fan" M Mtnervllle, near here. The development of mines discover, ed a few years ago hits given Tunis second rank to the United States fur the production of phosphate Expert repairing r of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. YOUR EYES ARE DEFECTIVE If you cannot easily read the fine print below with each eye seperately when held at 14 inches. Cation About Use and Selections ot Spectacles "t.rMM hariaa ....... i .mm .ill aa aMa la iwJ uua IMi at itt'Mtn a I iv-Kd liw ay, with mm 4 i ' i Will M aU. ' TMl It WltH Mrh . . . IMMIll) It MM U M M j.nr ryn mi 4frti,. M4 I h...niM.lilaiiMIM WW. IM rjm Me. 11... 1 F'-n rvadlng .m m if iWlni low, UarrW M run UfriMr, ,i ., a ia4hMimi thai flMMa at ai ill I Ta Imh. auk iMhachMafMM ar. f wiaa)aiMai, aaaj Kara iMBtrfrctt. famad Mrfaawa Caattia mm aflfcaa. p -,r, Umm will raawli la axaWU't ia)a, feaa im iwaliai atraW 94m ua aiMtka if KCaatMadalaan la wfal) Jalafll g ftajw 1 If your vision does not meet the above requirement there is some defect that should have immediate attention. If you are wearing glasses, make the test with them on. , DALE ROTHWELL Optical Specialist American Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 609. m ml -iiniiMiiniiiiiniHiHiniiiMiuniiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii? O'Connell, electrician who happened to be working in the basement, smell, ed the smoke and discovered the fire. with whom Hicks has been keeping company for several years. This young woman is an aunt of Johnson, i it is said, and he resented the atten tions paid her by Hicks. j Fine Watch Repairing by an Expert Horologist Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler since 1867 Agency Teacher III. Miss Lajetta Kummell. teacher of the advanced grades at the Umatilla aeency, and Miss Jean Darmoudy. primary teacher, are both unable to teach on account of Illness. The for mer Is o,ulte seriously 111 with pneu monia and the latter is suffering from lagrlppe but is recovering rapidly. A i. kins for a Parole. Ben F. Keith, former O.-W, R &: N agent at Olbbon who was Indicted last week on a charge of larceny by baileav and who entered a plea Ol guilty Saturday, was sentenced byt Judge Phelps to the penitentiary from one to ten years and lmmedi-i ately applied for a parole. Judg Phelps has the application under eon slderatlon. i Alx'rdeen Offer rl-- llant Sites ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan. 19. Free ! factory sites are being offered by j ; Mrs. Jean B. Stewart, pioneer Aber. ; deen woman and owner of extensive I property. These are on the Upper ! Wishkah river, about a mile and a hall from where it flows Into the I Chehalls. Her son, A. J Stewart, saysj he has assurance that a railroad will, build a spur track to this site, pro vided some industry ! ates there. Mrs. Barbour Dies of Pleural Pneumonia m i it ; op &OENO i.kisk is DEATH'S VICTIM AFTER WEEK Of II I.NESS. Ilr-t Baas shipment Tomes. The first package of booze shi.i pad into Pendleton since the prohi bition law went Into effect arrived yeftefday through the American Kx- pp.t QaS, and delivered to. well lis only charity not to mention name", en if there is some distinc tion in being the first The shlpm mt rontaiSjed the full two quarts of 11 onor allowed to one person In a rti'.nh It Mow last Night. I.ast night old Jack Frost showed coate-baok proclivities and sent the rni ri ury scooting downward with his ley breath The official thermometer registered a minimum of 15 below during the early hours of the morn ing but during the dsy there has been Heatly rise At 10:30 It was four at, me zero and this afternoon moiinl td I bOUt the same heighth as yester day. More pipes bursted this morn A victim of pleural pneumonia. Mrs. Alvln Harbour, wife of the clerk at the Umatilla rettervatlon agem . died last evening at :0 after an Ill ness of only a week. .-,he took a cold a week ago and. though forced to re main In bed, was run considered In a serious condition until yesterday when she began slnkli rapidly. lieieas. ii was 67 ye rs old. having '.in bora In ItOfteyub Falls, IN". V- j In ilfli She came to ''matllla conn- tj In the summer of with her husband when he was .pointed rlern at the agency. Her husband and her daughter. Miss Harriet! Harbour, v.hoj is also employed at the agency. weru with her at the time ol death. Two, sons also survive her, ,lvln Ernes', oil i'Ii' ago and Ralph Morton of Jack- sonvllle, Fla The foi mer wired lust1 nm-ht that he and his wife would Hr-1 rive here Saturday noon. The funer-i a will be held In thi- city ptflfcaMy Saturday afternoon or Sunday. KaSftrflS MiW More than One Million now in use 500,000 more are to be sold this year No other motor car in the entire world has such a wonderful record for service This year's lowered prices mean the same Ford car of quality and reliability for less money that's all. The Runabout is $442.45 Touring Car $492.45 F. O. B. Pendleton Round-Up City Auto Co. 812 Garden street Oils, Gas and Accessories Phone 651