DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Hut Oregoniau baa Ibe largest paid ilrculitlon of any paper In-Oregon, eaat of I nrtland and over MM the circulation to lendletoa of any other newspaper DAILY EVENING EDITION COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER - - rMWWWfcaaa ry'r,4J VfyN. kjapaaiaaBAaWaB1a mu. h han.- In ''BO' mrrvTV nrptriii paper V0L 27; DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1916. 6 DEAD IN FLOODS; LOS ANGELES ISOLATED; D iE MILLION -, m at 7 , ...... imwrnii o-"o COLONEL VALLES IS EXECUTED BY SINGLE SOLDIER EXPRESS AGENT Carranzistas Make Short Work of Villa Officer and Body is Display ed as Warning to Others. STABBED; CAUS E IS NOT LEARNED Ray Hicks is Victim of Knife in Hands of Another Bert Johnson is Alleged Assailant. REBEL CHIEF IN MOUNTAINS YOUNG MAN IS AT HOSPITAL Hundreds Without Homes; Rivers are Two Miles Wide fn Many Sections Qniithnrn Pali fir ni-s to Ciuinl kit Jjuuicin vamui ma 10 one pi uy Worst Siirm in History 500.000 ! BANKFR TAIIfS TO MFMRHTC -t;:eo;t?:t! of the local boys' forum Been Practically Destroyed. Ultimatum is Sent to Greece bv France and England; Demand That Diplomats of Central aT-v . rowers be uiven Their Passports in 2 Days tieftalu la said to Have HeHite,l Hla Threata Against Americans, Crrlrar Ilia Troous to Slav Them Ruthlessly Hundreds of Refugees rme at ki Iaao. Mounded Man Hum Rccii Fmpioyed as Express Messenger on Northern Pacific Hun to Pasco lor SoiueTlmr' K to rumored That Woman Was Cause of 1 11 -Feeling. EL. PASO. Jan. 18 Colonei Valles, Vllla'a executioner, waa publicly executed at Juarex thla morning with it. a few foet of a train whero Am erican women and children refugeea were sleeping. The body waa placed on view at the custom house along aide that of Rodriguez, as a blood; warning. The execution followed uneonflrm- d. rumors that Albert Simmons of LiOf Angeles and Victor Hamilton of Chicago, had been murdered by VII llstas Valle was brought undar guard from Casas Grandes He wax awnkened at five thla morning and was dragged to a clump of cotton wood neiirby Instead of selecilii? t firing squad, the captain c!n-ee one soldier whose brother Valles hid ex ecuted. Without an order Oils hoI dler shot him. Few tit the aleepera aboard the train ware awakened. Two special trains have arrived bearing hundreds of Americans and ither foreigners ffnm western Chi huahua. A Villa deserter said that Villa had reiterated his threat against Americana urging hla fol lowers to slay the grtngoes ruthless ly He said Villa is hiding in the fusey mnuntaina or imnngo Intervention in Mexico Hay Hicks, Northern expreaa agent cn the Pendleton-Pasco N. P. run. woe stabbed In the right side Just below the ribs this afternoon and Bert John son, his alleged assailant, la belne sought by the officers. The stabbing occurred at the Ore gon feed Yards on West Wehl. street about 12:46 thla afternoon Its caus. es have not yet been explained. Hicks, who has been taken to the hospital, Is silent either through pain or Intent and there appears to be none other who know anvthlnir nhniit il... for the assault. According to Charles Foote, an em I toys, of the feed yards, the two men. accompanied by a third, came to the yards together. At the time, he states he waa harnessing, a mule and paid no attention to the others until he heard Hicks call to him and nxk him ti secure an ambulance. While he was telephoning, he states that Johnson made hla getaway. OROVILLK. Cal., Jan. 18. A landslide near Toliln ha com pletrajr burled a passenger train It was reported, the passengers narrowly escaping death. Fire, man Crow sustained a broken log. I'liv.nsif. were transferred ar ound Uie slide. It will require several days to restore traffic. W. U THOMPo TAKES FOR TOPIC "SELF CONFIDENCE" AT MEETING. still in the hands of the grow a -w ... t,. ifiim iui emu is now The meeting of the bovs' forum i ... . .v. ., . ... ..... .'""mi ui luc ii iitiii k iu rcn- beld last night was one of the best if dle.on whit, hi,,,...,, .h. the best held since they organized v.i. ' mt . , their club. The chief speaker of the L should be worth $1.02 here evening waa W L Thbmpson of the U Tha Portland market today American National bank. The sub. a .v,.,. . ... ... . . IW oi.wwru a live toul jump jn ,Z, rr", 2, the t0y,, aDd "1US- dub Prtc bringing their u Ut h'8 Wn Wd P"c o $1 07 wnlch means was Self Confidence." U 97 cents PendIeton. However. The man who thinks so' will al-U the market here has been slow ways succeed, fur ihinklnt. s.. ic h.niA ..j . ..... . i, . , , t . , ..11 . ,. t . - mu. itna ii is saia no wneai crippled, eaving Los Ange,e, p-nc Of doing so, he said. "A man to 4 can be bought for lea. than tlcally Isolated as a result of one Of succeed muat have confidence in him-'4 (m the worst storms in the history of the self and his fellowman: do not be' mk,.- cliy. Since Saturday night, ram has conceited. Other men in the mil 2 ,, ,., w in ruiLiaii j LUUUV WHrft am rni. LOS ANGELES. Jan. IS. Six !-er-sona are dead, damage of n mlllloi; dollars has been done, rullroads are Here's Good News for Farmers Who Have Held Wheat With to per cent or more of the wheat of Umatilla county leen pouring down without Intcrmia- are Just as good as vou nre thee. slon. Sometimes the precipitation nr-1 fore you must have confidence In the Mimed the proprotiens of a cloud-1 Persons you associate with. He who burst Dry creek oeds are brawlinc ! U conceited never succeed., i mDn livera and streams, ordinarily mere brooks, are running two miles wide, sweeping ranch hcuves and livestock to destruction. Tlie dead: Fred Smith. UimallihU i anchor river. Alfonso l:i"ra. dnrwned in Hie Ventura river. rl Tlinkiio,rtor:, ls Ansele-i electrocuted (n a lmllirooni as -i ic. stilt of dam ItcHH. I'M.. I ...lilt. ' r ,-. - dr tuned In the Santa Ana Sn- dpr Illustrated I Thompson's point; to succeed must adhere to the truth tell the truth and believe what most of your associates tell you if they are worth' believing." After Mr. Thompson's talk Rev several of Mr. by incidents of hii rwn life. lows: Club, 117-$1.10: blue- stem. I1.1I.IL14. Chicago, CHICAGO, Jan. :S. (Spec cial.) May 1.29 1-2-tl.Jl 5-8; July J1.22 1-2-11.24 3-8. Mverpool. Entente Alliance Reported to Have Taken Drastic Measures to Force Hellenic (Nation to Abandon Neutrality and Enter the War Terms are Named by Austria by which Mon tenegro Will Secure Peace. Covering of Snow baves Buildings From the Flames EGGERS HOME. IS DEOTROYED BIT BAKN ESCAPES LOSS IS ALIO IT 17000. Fire believed to have been started from Boot In the chimney yesterdav afternoon totally destroyed the home iownea uy eienrv Kner nnrt vrtmi , by his son, John Eggers, near Myrick. The younger Eggers and hla wife were in Pendleton and only the hired jman waa at the ranch. When the i latter saw the fire. It had burst ttirnno-H . V. i . . T ... . . ; n.c uyyvi niunes ana nao t-nt-uui Jan. 17 Wheat gained great headway. From the .-pot .w i iianitooa, 13a 6 l-2d; sudden explosion of the flames. ., . on, u. j, us Wjwaa believed there must have be?n o. i naro winter, new. 12s 9 f an nnlnaien . ,v,. .. . The supper prepared by the ladies' An Hicks waa placed In a taxi and baby brought up town. Failing to find doctor, he- went on to St. Anthony') hospital where Dr. I: o. Parker at tended him. He was bleedlinr atii. but Dr. Parker stated that li unidentified drowned at man, wotna,, aula Ana. Hundreds are homeless throughout VtiVtS Callfon, ,t. The citrus dis trict in Pom na reports damage esti mates at halt a m'lllon. The Sen Mernardlno police rescued fourteeu (Continued on page fire.) IS Sought at Once NENATOR IJPTHTT (IF KHODE is liAWD II s Kl.soU TlOV IN THE SENATE. w ARHINOTO tepltl of Uhoii . Jan. 18. H Island, Inlrod intt lnlliiediat( o. Antti-adml keel his effort, i ite ensued. well kill the reaol INDIANAPOLIS, Ju. Is. Organ iacil labor Is opposed lo Wilson's pr Purednese program, President White J eclated before the I'nlted Mine worker'. TWO ARE CONVICTED OF LARCENY IN LOCAL COURT HIM HHETT AND ABRAHAM UV. FOUND Ol'ILTY HY .H KV AF. . TEH FIFTEEN MINUTES .1. C. Hrummett and Abraham t I urg acre this afternoon convicted of larceny from the person, the Jury returning a verdict of guilty within II minutes from the time of going lit Their conviction rested almost entirely upon the testimony of State larole Officer Joe Keller who told of v.nihing the two men rob A. P.. Wat 00 of a gold watch und chain on SaL urday evening of itotind-up week. Keller, who was helping the police here and (leorge Strand stepped Into the Crescent saloon on Saturday eve ning when the place was crowded with men gathered about several row boys on horses. While Strand was ging through the crowd. Keller; testified that he saw Hrummett. wh la I. ill, back a drunken man up against tho wall and hold him with his arm under the man's chin At the same Urn he testified, Uoldburg, a very short man, was taking the watch and hain from the man's vest pocket. Keller grabbed the two men and stat ed that Uolhurg immediately threw the watch along the floor and Into the crowd. Strand then came to his help and the two men were taken to the police station. Watson testified i hul he was so drunk that he could i membra but little hut did recall Brain mat! backing him against a wall. i (Continued on paa five , - Enroll WomenlorV ' i iced u PM JkWEkWk 'Lit 1 'IsCl i . '1 m ii ae jflbJ'JIBf A. AH 1 of the Presbyterian church was the best the boys have ever enioved So " splendid in variety and taste was It, that he the president asked for and suggestions, as to , when the next meeting snouid Oe held. someone i poke up snd aald, "tomorrow night." It sas decided that the next meet-' ing would be held two weeks from! lost night. About seventy-five boys were present. The meeting adjourn ed with nine "rahs" for the speakers of the evening. l-2d. In American terms the top price at Liverpool is $1.97 2-3 per bushel. buaion It, was the thick layers of snow on the roots of the barn and adjoining building that saved these structures from destruction. Flaming nieces of ! ood from the burning house fell on nearoy roofs but were extinguishhed NEWSSUillRY FAIRBANKS-MORSE BUILDING IS DESTROYED AT PORTLAND PORTLAND, Ore. Jan. 18. Fire of unkno.vn origin early this morning destroyed the Fairbanks-Morse build ing at .first and Stark with a loss of 170,000. with dllflculty the firemon prevented the llames from spreading to the entire business section. The water pipes were frozen and cold j hindered the fighters General. Bulgarians reported to have with drawn from Albania. ntimatum said to have been de livered to Greece by entente allies. Six are dead in California as result of floods. Local. Hay Hicks, express messenger, stab led by Bert Johnson. Four men are convicted In circuit court. Weather moderates and mercury eMmbs above zero. Engineers may not have to move to pilot itock Junction. Primary election to lx held on May 19. i as soon as they struck bv trm em ering of snow. There waa no pos sible chance to save the home but a few pieces of furniture were safely taken out. The loss is estimated at between 16000 and 17000 Dart of this hai,. covered by insurance of $4700 on the nouse and about J1200 on the furni- ture. The house had been stundn-ir ! hoi x. vn tuisr..,.. .v. . I- : " iiskr RERUN, Jan. 18, England and Prance have presented aa ultimatum to Greece, according to Sofia dispatches. The note demanded that Greece give pass ports lo the diplomats of central powers within two days. If the demand to not accepted, the allies will take the necessary meauu urea to enforce it, the message) said. Counted with reports that the allies have landed near Ath ens, tills makes Berlin feel swre that the allies have decided cm extreme measures lo force Greece to abandon her neutrality. Vienna dispatchew related the following terms of Montenegro' surrender: All soldiers must lay down their arms and diixens must surrender their arms: Aus trian authorities will search Montenegro to prevent the form ation of Guerilla, bands: all males must congregate in certain dist ricts designated by Austria: Aus tria will take control of the cit ies and the transportation la Montenegro. Explosion in Vessel Causes Damage at Sea tor eight or nine years and was large, imposing structure. Mr. Eg gers recently had the whole Interior remodeled at an exDenditure of .ov ers! hundred dollars and most of tho furniture was new. The son has been managing the farm TEMPERATURE HER ILSntE8S 1M P.VSSENGERS VRK ABOARD IV AFTER ZERO RECORD NEW ORK, Jan. 18. An explo aion damaged the Holland-American liner Ryndam and killed several of the crew, announced line officers here The Ryndam was he-uiioff for an English port n.a.r - . jwn steam. An unconfirmed report nai the boiler had exploded. It la bl lieved the explortn occurred in Do ver Strait. The Ryndam sailed Wed nesday with 150 passengers for Hot. terdam. Runs Will be Arranged so That Passenger Engineers and Firemen Will Not Have to Change Their Residences AFTER 5ti HOIRS OF sEVHi COLD. THERMOMETER OEI BA( K TO KOI l BAKER CATTLE WIN FIRST PRIZES AT DENVER SHOW 'VER. Jan. and iiolse from Prise NEW YORK, Jan. 18. "Prepared-, kind of patriotism that counts." Mrs ness Is now a national Issue and a Alexander continued, feminine one," says Mrs. William Al-j The tragedy of it all Is that the exander. president of the Xatlrinal women of Europe were not prepared Special Aid Sbclety. She started the fi i no one i,i,,...i ,h. ....,.. .. I - -. mm .'in.. l-.lie CO organization which Is preparing the I the time when homes shoul.t I,., i,r... women of the country for Individual j ken up, when blacksmltlii,m should service to the government in behalf lake the place of sewing and amlm of mote adequate national defense, j lance work the place of afternoon i ms is our nine 10 snow tile onn The opening of the Pilot Kock Junction terminal yards will not ne cessitate passenger engineers , and firemen changing their homes The runs will be so arranged that the en gine crews can keep their residences at La Grande, according to word Coming from that city. ' It was thought for a time that the division changeB would require the enginemen lo make Pendleton or Pi lot Rock Junction their headquarters but the ens'inemen, not wishing to move the families, senl a grievance committee of which O. O.- Barnhart was chairman, to Portland to confer with the officials. Ilarnhart wired to La Grande yesterday to the effect that their proposition hud been ac-; cepteil ami that the engine crews would run out of La Grands. This arrangement will affect eight or, ten families. The work of getting thints into running . tiler at the new yards is pro- The i point -low tero and today the cached is above, mercury sank to Its 1 during the night betweei set up craph serve erator dep.it then started to this morning :t ve and at 3 o'- Ai for imu::i Other outfits cars have to serve as hunk houses working at the yards. Though the present sn weather Is an inconvenier, things started, the mud follow the meltig of the I worse. The boarding ho a mile from the yards a are no walks yet, the m to walk wherever they Mrs I). s. Crawford of who has taken charge of boarding and rooming h Junction, has managed Mm large number of rallrc running to the termina her accommodations and cos during the severe c have been rather limited for the men 1 the Thi ich w will been w idents that Frost io.ir. At fit this afternoon nperature was II above, modaratl in in the weather has elcomed by all and most rss. are hoping for the chinook ill dispel the forces of Jack REVOLUTIONARY PLOT PARTY NOMINEES TO BE CHOSEN WERE AT ELECTION ON MAY 19 ALMOST EVER OFFIl F IV OOrNTY TO BE COTEHTED AT PltlMXKlis IS FRUSTRATED JUST IN TIME IN BRAZIL MO DE JANEIRO, Jan 18 A ' Bulgarians Are Said to be Withdrawing Forces Out of Albania; May ConcludePeace LONDO less Bum pi quitting . sions will; mess-ltc .'an. is a l(omi wire said the Bulgarians nr arti because of dlssen- he Austro-Qermana The story is unoonflrmed. is received reeervedly was reported the Itulga ing the Sertc ties said the revolution was well plan ned, but that secret service men learned of the plana The sol llerr were prepared to sleie the arsei an and forts guarding the bay and oth er strategic points, so as to force ihe retirement of President Hrux. The leaders were arrested on the v n dav thev exnecl.H ta .s- - .. marles Candida for the offices and one While f'hool up-l - how i I to CJ 'hat Athens had report- withdrawn i d Turkey are Inclined necsleti for the proposed Sal ce with the allies. Tho ' slaught. J. M. Ashworth or V tentatively annnum i However there seen