EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1916. PAGE TWO Jllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIItlllllllllMllllllllimilllllL i January Clearance Sale Tomorrow Saturday is the Last Day of this Sale THOSE WHO WOULD PROFIT BY THE GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS OFFER- ED BY THIS SALE MUST COME SATURDAY. EVERY DEPARTMENT IN THIS I STORE IS BRIM FULL OF CASH SAVING BARGAINS FOR YOU. YOUR FINAL OPPORTUNITY EVERY WOMAN'S COAT ONE-HALF PRICE. This great offer includes Pluh CoaU that were $30.00, Cloarancc Sale Price S 15.00 Broadcloth Coat that were $30.00, Clett- a-u'e Sale Price S15.00 Blanket Cloth Coats that were $27.50, Clearance Sale Price $13.75 Scotch Mixture Coats that were $19.75 to $7.50. Clearance Sale Prices 95.00 to tS.TS, SPECIAL LOT OF COATS AT $3.95 This lot includes broadcloth, mixtures, serges, boucle and zibeline coats that are even- one a wonderful bargain. $3.25 Children's Fur Sets $1.98 WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS VOFF Special reduction for Saturday only. Original prices were from $4.75 to 912.50. Clearance Prices are 92.40 to 96.25. $7.00 CHILDREN'S COATS $2.95 Nice warm garments, just right for school wear. Every one is a bargain of merit. FUR NECKPIECES ONE-HALF PRICE All Muffs Reduced One-Third. $2.00 Gingham House Dresses 98c A large variety of patterns. E EXTR SPECIAL $1.50 Royal Worcester Corsets $1.29 35c CASHMERETTE GLOVES 19c Comes in assorted colors of navy, grey. E black, etc.. all sizes, worth 35? pair. Jan- uary Clearance Sale 19r I UP TO 35c BATH ROBE CLOTH 18c A few of the good patterns left; 28 to r 36 inches wide; good heavy weight, just I the thing for bath robes, worth 25t and I 35c yard. January Clearance Sale.. 18c s CXDKRWKAR Women s part wool union suits, high neck and long sleeves, or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves cream color, formerly f! 00. Clear ance Sale Price Wc WOMEN'S WHITE FLEECED UNION SCTTS. Hish neck and Ions sleeve or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. Regular 11.00 and $1.25. Clear ance Sale Price c SILK UID HUE M WOOL UNION SUITS. Women's $4.50 and $5 00 union suit siiv and wool or Italian silk Clearance Sale Price .... tSAi All other Underwear at following Redaction. 5c Underwear. Clearance Sale Price s" 7 5c Underwear, Clearance Sale Price ! $1.00 Underwear. Clearance Sale Price T $1.!S Underwear. Clearance Sale MM Me' $1.50 Underwear, Clearance Sale i Price (Mil $1,00 Underwear. Clearance Sale PHM UM $2.50 Underwear. Clearance Sale Price LM $1.00 Underwear. Clearance Sale Price a.S9 $3.50 Underwear. Clearance Sale Price . . S2.T9 HAND BAGS All our very best bags among this lot $11.50 Hand Bags, Clearance Sale Price W.24 $8.50 Hand Bags. Clearance Sale Price M.25 $7.50 Hand Bags, Clearance Sale Price IS.7S $6.00 Hand Bags. Clearance Sale Price 3.50 $5.00 Hand Bags. Clearance Sale Price 3,00 $4.00 Hand Bags, Clearance Sale Price I2.7S $J.50 Hand Bags. Clearance Sale Price 3.M Jones' Dairy Farm Little Pig Sausage Pound 40 Salmon Bellies Fancy red fish, lb. 25? Mackerel Each 12Vi 15e. 35 Orange Special, the dozen 25? Florida Grape Fruit Extra fancy fruit, each 15t Solid Pack Tomatoes No. 2 cans 10 Dots Sweet Chocolate Package 25c Fresh Eggs We candle our eggs, doz. 45t Royal Black Plum Pudding Pound 50? This Department is where we clean out all our odds and ends, broken lots and mis cellaneous goods throughout the big store. There is in this department over $12,000 worth of merchandise, bearing that same high quality that is found throughout our other high class departments. The Stock of Bargains consists of every'-1 thing to wear for the whole family. Fur nishings for the home, odds and ends from the grocery', art goods and miscellaneous. The Service is the same as you have al ways received in Pendleton's Greatest De partment Store prompt, courteous atten tion, free delivery, special delivery, parcels post mailing and prompt attention given to mail orders. Our Price on every item is the lowest. It is a "clearing out price." And we impress this on your mind "Quality merchandise at prices cheaper than cheap goods." Visit this department, supply ALL your needs and take the balance of your money home with you. 1 f It i. it. as I It 12.50 Hand Bags. Clearance Sale Price . . . . $1.75 s 12.00 Hand Bags. Clearance Sale Price $1.26 $1.50 Hand Bags, Clearance s; Sale Price . . Me WOMEN'S KECK WEAK Gulmpes. collar and cuff sets. S fichus, nothing reserved. 3 MOO Neckwear. Clearance Sale Price !. I $2.50 Neckwear. Clearance r Sale Price $1.79 I $2.00 Neckwear. Clearance Sale Price tt.39 $1.50 Neckwear. Clearance Sale Price 8c S $1.00 Neckwear, Clearance r Sale Price Mc E 75c Neckwear. Clearance Sale Price -19c S 50c Neckwear, Clearance Sale Price . 3c 35c Neckwear, Clearance Sale Price .... . 23c S 25c Neckwear. Clearance Sale Price lc E j The engagement or IVn like. 14, j and Haxel Tooie, ex-'15, has been an- Hounded Miss Tooze is a member ot lithe Chi Omega sorority and Mr Rlc Mis a member of the Beta Theta PI jj fraternity The date or the weJdins ; has not been set University of Ore ; ! gon Emerald. Mr. Rice is one of a number of university graduates who have locat ;ed in Pendleton. For the past year I he has been In the employ of the j Uartman Abstract Company. Interest in the fraternal world cen ters about the calibration this even ! ing of the burning of the mortgage ! which has been on the Kagle-Wood-I man hall since Its construction ten tsir ago. The Woodmen and En- gles have planned a joint celebration which will be attended by about MM . hundred Woodmen from Walla Wal la. An excellent program has been j prepared. One of the most charming after noons spent this winter by the mem- bers of the Thursday Afternoon Club : Wiis that yesterday at the borne of Mrs. p. E. Judd Mrs Judd and Mrs j James A Fee being hostesses. The i subject of the program was "A Tour ist Afternoon" devoted to personal reminiscences of travels taken by the i members. Thus Mrs. Q. I. La Dow told of hi i ; remembrances of the northlaml beau. I ties of Alaska Mrs. tleorge Uartman I recalled the scene of Interest In j tropical Hawaii Mra John Hailey Jr. ( recounted the wonders of Yellow stone Park and Mrs. H H. Mattery those of Cinder Park. Mrs. P. E Poyden related something of her vis Its to the homes of literary men and Mrs. John Vert described the Impres sive grandeur of the rocky walls of the Grand Canyon. Musical numbers were furnished during the afternoon by Miss Marjor le Williams, who sang "At Dawning" and "My Laddie.' Miss Eleanor Vin cent who played a very pleasing se lection on the piano, and Mrs. J. R Dickson who sank "Hearts Prom Kerrle" and "Bird of Love Divine." I T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" 3 PHONES 15 1 CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE f Despite the cold, freezing weather, we will have a splendid variety of fresh Fruit S E and Vegetables for Saturday's trade. E CELERY, CABBAGE, SWEET POTATOES, CAULIFLOWER, RIPE TOMATOES, GREEN PEPPERS, BRUSSEL SPROUTS, ARTICHOKES, ETC. PHONE YOUR OR- 1 DER EARLY. ' E Tomorrow afternoon in the Altaj theater the ladles of Pendleton will meet to hear a discussion of the vital social hygiene problems by two men who have spoken hundreds of times on this subject. Rev. J. E Snyder and Dr. W. D. McNary. Every adult woman In Pendleton Is invited to at tend and there will be no charges I The clubs of the city, the churches I the lodges and the parent-teachers' organizations have all endorsed this meeting nn,l hMVA honiif.h'alv . , . - n .... - - " .... . . . i r r- ed In providing for a large attend ance "How Shall I Tell My Child." will be the subject of the afternoon. Miss Eva Belts Is en route to Se attle where she expects to sail soon for Sitka. Alaska, to visit friends for six months. Miss J. Arline Cleveland, who has been teaching In the local high school will leave this evening for Lewlston. Idaho, where she expects to remnln How Soldiers l&ep Strong Preparedness against sickness is the bie. important thine to fiehtine soldiers. A sick soldier cannot work with vigor any more than you can work with energy when you are weak, tired, almost sick. One efficient warring government is giving each soldier a vial of cod liver oil every day because far-reaching experi ments show how wonderfully it increases the calories of human energy and gives them strength to prevent winter sickness. Is this not convincing proof that you need it at this season to enliven your blood to prevent sickness? Cod liver oil is scarce and high-priced this season and many inferior grades may be offered. But remember that SPOTTY istheoneFMI II 51ION which guarantees pure cod liver oil free from alcohol and drugs. If you are subject to colds, throat or lung troubles; if you are easily tired, run-down or have thin blood, you should take Scott's Emulsion at once. If your children are back ward in growth, frail or anaemic, nothing will do them so much good as Scott 's Emulsion, and for girls and women in home or business it is nature's great strength-builder. Scott's is not a "secret" medicine. It is a rich blood food and a pure tonic; it contains nothing harmful and is pleasant to take. It is prescribed by physicians and liberally used in hospitals and private schools. One bottle may prevent a sickness. At any drug store Start it to-day. Imitations are sometimes offered but this Trade -Mark has stood for supreme j quality for the past forty years. ALWAYS INSIST ON SCOTTS. Scott A Bowne, Bloomf ield, N. J. SCOTT'9 EMULSION IS MADE IN UNUT LABORATORIES. ! CRGEJj TO ATTEND MEETING. (Continued from paie one.) ELEVEN CAR-LOADS OF SHEEP WILL 60 OUT OF STANFIELD I TheBARGAIN BASEMENT What it Means i The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pay to Trade Itlltllltlllltlllllllllltllltlllllllltlillf tl tlllf I IIIIIllllllllltllllllllllllllllltllllMIIIIMIlllttlll :illllllf M1IMIIIII1MIIMI tnilllllti; UENKRAL M Kirr DEAD. Continued from page Huerta devoted hlmaelf to the mil itary career at an "etrly age. Horn Ht Chihuahua in itM HltMtd UN military academy of ChsvaluipM at the age Ot 17 ar.d passed through the full course to graduation in 1875. when he wan commlwi'Wl or.d iieutenaiit nf tiiriners Californian Had Kidney Trouble Jack HtltMb Coppeiupolii. Calif.. ays 1 had such a Mveri rase of ttldnet trouble I thought I would have t ti i uut in bj! !!-. I took three j botlle ot Kol Kidney I'lil which tlfly rtiVM me and 1 hairs lad no NMrnM ot kidney tfoutl. ihen " Home days M MHM ,r 1 J" fiu litnger bear the pain stio misery uu suffer from kidn-y ai.d t'laddei II nsMss The ache across yrur l a' k Kiows worse with every move you make sud every step roll take. It iuat seems lo rot "' of a'i strength ..tut energy Vcur liesd si lies. nil He nervous and worn 01. ' -V BOOrlf and ksVM no appetite, tonacii Is up. P"oley Kidney Ptllo lessen ths pain. sgrin. siui est li day 1 tttettu-tne. v, staff HMM Idea. ' When Porfirio Diaz began his re-i organ. zation of the Mexican armv ; Huerta was promotedto captain ot i engineers and while holding this rank devlse-1 the plan for a Mexican gen'r a! staff corps He sua an active memler of the military map commi." ("ruz. he aiandoned his office and fled Mexi a on a large sr-ale and he had charge of all the astronomical work of the imillllMliil luring the ensuing years Huettai saw muh active service. In 1K01 he left the staff and took command of the In'antry In the campaign against the faqai IndUtna He particlpsled In sulswouent Yaqui campaigns and also in the campaign in Yucatan against the Mara Indians Huerta commanded all the dsiach-j ed government forces in the state afl 'iuerrero at the lieginning of the Ma-j dero revolution. When Madero ac cede! to the presidency, fieneral Hu-j erta was sent hack into Morelos w 1th s force to put down the Zapata rebel- j Hon As a result of Ill-feeling grow ing "tit of this camaign Huerta was' recall,) Sutiseouently he M the; arrn against OtoMtf) and was in I command at the lttle of Kachlmt For this senl'e he wan promoted 'o, major-general liUl'ivslty to Mud'To idlona. In the he-...,nd Kelij Maa revolution i win h resulted In the overthrow of ihe Ma'lero go ernmeiit. Huerta was SoUl V er where nlor ranking general then In the cap ital. He escorted Madero from "h i- puitepOC Castle to the palace on the first of tne 19 days' fighting and MU placed in entire command of the for ce? of the government He dlrecte i the government troops' during all the subso'iuent fighting, and the conduct of these operations led to severe crit icism on the part of Madero'n friends It was charged that he did not carry out the operations with any spirit, that he disobened i ommands of Pres ident Madero. and that before Gen eral lilanouet entered the city it was this conference which sealed the fat" of the Maderoa. Huerta was the moving spirit in the plot that resulted in the seizure of t .e person of President Madero ind his hro'her I uata' e Ihe issassin i Uon of I-residerrt Madero and his brother followed and in the meantime Hunrta. with the military behind him had made himself provisional presi dent General Huerta failed to obtain recognition of his government from Ihe Tutted States and after a turbu lent period. In the course of which Doited States forces occupied Vein Cruz he abandoned hs Office and fled to sp'ln I,ater he returned to New York, going from there CO the south ern boundary, where he was arrested on ihages of plotting In violation of Afnerlena neutrality since then he had been I prisoner of the I'nlteo St tea. He was indicted bv a feder I ;i.ind Jur on Wednesday. young men have lew ideals of wom anhood ? Is there any sane, practical solu tion to the problem? What can the parents do? You are Invited to a conference of the fathers and men of Pendleton to consider these questions. It Is plan-1 ned to make this tho biggest meeting for men ever held In this community. The Oregon Social Hygiene Society, cooperating with us. is already fa mous throughout the nation. Two prominent Pendleton men ' who have sjMiken in many cities and I tow ns in the state are to speak. The social hygiene meetings for ; Pendleton have lieen officially en i dorsed by the following local organ ' izatlons: The Commercial club Hawthorne sc hool Pal cnt -Teachers' Association, 'Lincoln school Parent-Teachers' As sociation, Washington school Parent Teachers' Association civic cluh, W. I C T. I". Current Literature rluh Thursdav Afternoon club,. Damon I,oilge So. , K. ol P., Eureka lyidire i No 32. 1. (X. O. P , Integrity Iodge ! N'o. 92. I. O. O F . Loyal Order of I Moose Order of Kastern Star. Paul ine Iteberca Lodge No. 13. United Ar tisans, Degree of Honor. Knights and Ladies of Se.curltv, Benefit Assocli ' Hon of the Indies of the Maccabees i Daphne circle. Women of Wood craft. Pendleton circle. Women of It Woodcraft lioal Neighbors. Hard CvMl People wose blood i pure are not nearly so likely to take ' hard colds as are others. Hood's Sar aapaMIta makes the blood pure: and i this great medicine re, overs the svs 1 tern after a cold as no other medicine j does. Take Hood's. dv l holl-ford for Viceroy. LONDON, Jan. 14. Lord Chells ; ford is slaled for apiadntment as ' vjesrov of India, according to an nouncement by fhe London Times i on fit ii.niiEvs cOVOtl. Tou cannot use anytsing better for our child's cough and cold thss Dr King's New Discovery It Is prepar- erf from Pine Tar mixed with healing ind oothlng balsams It does not ! contain anything harmful and Is ' "lightly laxative. Just enough to expel the poion" from the system Dr King's Sew Dlscoverv Is antiseptic .kills the cold germs raises the Phlegm- loosens the cough si.d l-oothes the Irritation. Don't put off j trentment. Coughs and Colds often bail to satin Bl lung troubles. It Is also good for adults nnd the gawd 'let u bottle today. All Druggists Adv. It. . .STAN HELD WILL SHIP MUTTON OS SATURDAY TO PORTLAND. ;frn Mcfulloudi is Visiting FTioiuls After An Absence of six Month T"o Carloads of Knt flattie Arc sent to Portia Ml Other New Note of Town. brother. Chester Darney of this place R. C. Rasmussen of Pendleton was ttansactlng business here this week. The Study Club met Thursday aft. ernoon at the home of Mrs. Frank I Sloan. Most interesting papers were read by Madams Reeves, Spencer and ! btuart. K. A. Holte Is enjoying a visit from his parents. Mr and Mrs. N. T Holte of Kllensburg. North Dakota. C. E Powell of Oregon City, Is here for a few days. Mayor Kyle was In Pendleton on Wednesday Harry Davis and Co. gave a mln- Hrel at the People's theater Tuesday evening to a very small audience. j White, of to WW by Rrtdge met similar fate when they discovered his age was 70. LONDON Soldiers In the trenches during the winter will wear golf stis-kings Instead of wool puttees. LONDON. British hospitals at present need 750.000 fresh laid eggs per week, It was revealed In an ap peal Just Issued HONOR MEN CAPTURE TWO (Special Correspondence ) ST NFIKLD. ore. Jan. 14. R. N. st.inficld will ship eleven carloads of sheep to PYortland Saturday. C.len MeCollough is In town for a few days after an absence of six month". s. A. Db kson shipped two carloads of fat cattle Saturday to the Portland markets. It N Stanfield is attending the W-Nil c.rowers' association at Salt Ijike this week. Frank Sloan was a business vUltor at Totichet. Washington the firm ol the week Misses Kva and Manila Dunning and Clem Howard returned to Cor vallis Sunday where they are attend. Ing the O, A. C MIm Julia Haggman left Sunday for Astoria where she is attending a business college. Mrs. Charles Boggard spent a few days visiting her parents aL RufUg. Miss Kdith Hrassflelil is In Pen dletfl for th week. Will Schabel and Mrs Mary Cum m'ngs were married In Hermiston on Monday. Thev are living on the Cood Lack orchard ranch, Mr. I! N Moffatt entertained a i umber of the younger set Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs c W Pregnltz. A nice' musical pro grAttt w'iis rendered. I r Alexander Reld was a Portland pussensgf on Wednesday C H Naylor Is spending a few day with his family in Seattle. j. o. Storey and J. M MoPheison of Sest'.li were In limit Tuesday to Htlend the annual meeting of the Fur nsh Ditch Co. c. C Cnrr entertain"!; ,i few of hi:' friends al dinner Saturday evening 'v h' i or of his moth T. who It here from Dakota, f Howard ypn"- 'he week-enc, 'v.tn friends In Mll'oi: The Slanfleld htv i hopper h. n iditd down for Ih s -ason on ac rounl of ihe heavy fan o, 'now. Mr. nd Mrs (30 rg? c. Cog te mi li-, I home Frlda. from Portland where thev s)ient the h d .'ays wl H D" a id Mrs. Henr W;.ldo Coe Clarence Itarney returned to his home In Walla Walla Friday after spending three months with his .m WAR ODDITIES. NF;WPirT. Wales Rev Hall Walls, leading Methodist minister was granted a six months leave of absence by his congregation to do. ' u'ar wnru In i hlnvnrd LONDON A chair factory at High Wyoomka, Buckinghamshire.! has received a war orflce order fori 50,000 "Windsor" chairs to he used for wounded soldlerB. LONDON .--Iibor estimate" place, the number of miners with the colors! at 270,000 while 170.000 are engaged in munition work Convicts who llroke I"UMgr Run Iown by Follow lrHtns. SAN QI'ENTIN. Cal.. Jan. 14- Two honor convicts who broke thetr pledges to the state and escaped from San (Juentln penitentiary on New Year's day were chased, captured and returned to prison by two fellow hon or convicts, who were sent from the construction camp to search for the fugitives. Although accompanied by one n, the guards from the camp, the two men. Charles Taggsrt and Herhen Prlmrise, . were often miles distant from ench other They found their quarry In a cabin In a remote htllv section where thev had taken refuge More Murders Reported, ML PASO. Jan. 14 Three more Americans were murdered In Canane.. Sonora, according to unconfirmed ri ports received here. LONDON'. Private Albert Dumber. ICighth Irish regiment, was sent home from the front when It was discovered his age was II, Jamesi Resinol a house hold ointment The same soothing, healing, anti septic pmpertiei that make Resinol Ointment so effective for nkin-enip-tions, also make it the ideal house hold remedy fur Aiim SoT5 Plmplcl Cuu Boils BIkUicvU WosikI- Channel Irriutiotu anl a sc ire of other troulilrs wliich corurt.uitly arise in every home, csjiecially where there are children. That is vliy ysi slvnild kccpRca inol Ohio lent rcidy for instant use. Sold by all drutrlfls, preacdhed tiy doctors. hoy Lee CHINEBE 1IKHI1 MFDK'IN'K, CD. No ;u fiarden si our roots have been tested 100 years. We can cure nil chronic diseases or abscesses. Come to us If you are suffer. Ing from catarrh, asthma, lung or bronchial trounle. ronallpu tlon. rheumatism, appendicitis, dropsy, kidney, liver, stomach or female trouble, obesity, blood and skin diseases or nervou. debility Office hours, in a. m. te 5 p. M. Sunday nnd holidays, 10 a. m. to p. n, Sufferers from these and many other chronic disease" have been restored lo health and h.ipplnefs without poison ous drugs, by the ''hlne"i herbs. Come and see til.