East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Just recieved 25
bunches on sale at
Per Dozen
Call Early
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St.
For Missourians and Oregonians and others, a sack of
Will fill the bill.
Those used to Eastern Hard Wheat Flour try
As good as any Eastern made hard wheat flour on
the market.
Pendleton Roller Mills
Also dried beet pulp and all kinds of grain
and millfeeds.
f Dr. Thos. C. Ohmart f
E Dentist E
I Announces His Return I
5 and is now practicing at the usual location, 743 Main I
S St., over the Hub, Pendleton, Ore. E
I Phone 507
Fine Watch Repairing
by an Expert
Royal M. Sawtelle
Jeweler since 1887
. . I T I"! ,FT Efl WFT'f l SBf rrr .. i .
I Vi Dm in Oban
The police court was again empt
this morning, no arrests having been
made yesterday or last night.
Hrv Kqttipincnt Worth $16,000.
Fire Chief Hingold last evening
submitted to the council a detailed
statement of the equipment of the
fire department. The total equipment
he values In his report at $16,397.
I htef Details Ills Men.
H.irn K. Fdwards. the new mem
her of the police force appointed last
owning, went to work this morning
and will be the assistant of Chief T.
B. 1 1 urduno during the day. Officers
Wm. Scheer and Frank Nash will con
tinue to act on the night shift.
Finds Echo l"rosperous.
R. H. Kills, proprietor of the tailor
jshop at Kcho. was a Pendleton visitor
yesterday. Mr. Ellis recently located
in Kcho after looking over most of
the northwest for a dcslmhle Hon
He itatafl that Kcho has n nan- l,
hall, restaurant and store under con
struction. To Change Curfew Ordinance.
Mayor Best last evening announced
to the council that next week he
would Introduce an ordinance chang
ing the curfew age from IS to 16 and
declared he would see that the new
ordinance. If passed, is enforced. He
also stated that he WOlllit intr.wlii....
an ordinance to regulate dance halls
Off for l,apai.
Four prominent local Indians left
yesterday for Lapwal. Idaho, to at
tend a revival meettng to be held
there by the Nez Perces. Those mak
ing the trip are Phillip Jones, Albert
Minthorn. Allen Patawa and Amos
! Pond. Jones Is an elder of the Tutu.
I ilia church and is the officially cred
i Ited envoy of the church to invite the
i Nei Perces to come here for a rev
J val to be held from February 8 to
! 15.
I !caed from War Zone:
j It Davis is congratulating himself
i upon getting out of the war zone in
time to escape serving in the Oer
i man army. He arrived In Pendleton
i a few days ago after traveling across
i Panama and up the Pacific coast
j and la now employed at the Golden
Rule hotel. He was born in Balti
more but went to Europe and had (tv
j ed in Berlin for 26 years up to the
time war was declared He got away
from Berlin and traveled to Brussels
and Paris and later, to London and
then across the ocean to America. Ho
has a son. 12 years old, who lstJludy
I Ing music In Leipzig university
Coming for Celebration.
Over 100 members of the Woodmen
of the World and Eagle lodges of
I Walla Walla have signed for the ex-
curslon party to Pendloton tomorrow
j evening, to assist the Pendleton lodges
celebrate the burning of the mortgage
on their lodge hall, built about ten
years ago. The train will leave here
I at 6 p. m. and start home about 1 a.
m., a fare and one-third having lieen
granted by the O.-W. R & N.
Committees from both local lodges
under the direction of John F Hoyt.
district manager of the Woodmen In
I this district, are in charge of SUr
j rangements. They have communi
cated with the Milton, Weston and
I thena lodges and will be Joined at
j those points by more excursionists so
i that it will be a good sized party when
the train reaches Pendleton, probably
j 150 in all.
Walla Walla's crack degree team,
1 40 men strong, in brand new unl-
forms will be on the train and will
, put on degree work in the Pendleton
I hall Walla Walla I'nlon.
jlf you cannot easily read the
fine print below with each eye
: seperately when held at 14
i Caution About Use and Selections ot Spectacles
"Pcrtoni rrariaf normal vfl b abla tn rvad Utw print at s
diatswa of 1 inch from th : . with - and eomfort, slat
I will bt ibis) to read ii wiih trath ta separately uabl lu do vi
y ,ur yaa a ld' v. . ihoulti hav i3tr4ata attantton When
th r-i bcosm t'rerf frun ri.ng or acvinc or if thalrtwr look
U:rnd or run tofrthar it m a turr ir.j.-ration that ftaaas r
I i 'i : Th lrM sold in the chtap g?oia a. of ur.an.uai Cmaiiy
&d hava unparfactly formad surfsr nntinoed um of thtaa
V :f "ill fau't m porit ve mjjry frnw thw constant strain
t SBcn th of - " n-,.d'.ion l sup; ly ifi in tha glaj."
If your vision does not meet
I the above requirement there is
i some defect that should have
immediate attention, it you
are wearing glasses, make the
tost with them on.
' "Sec
Optical Specialist
American Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phone 609.
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
netti Rank Mivihis.
Manuel Frledly. Hinder Turgeson
and rank Richmond, the last named
of Walla Walla, left here for Helix
this afternoon to attend a meeting of
the stockholders of the Helix hank.
After "Shan Welghicr- -
The present grand Jury may return
some Indictments against dealers
charged with giving short weights tn
customers, n Is reported that J, A.
Yoagor. deputy sealer. has some
ensea to present to the Jury
Canvassing the city.
Committees of ladies arc out today
in various sections of the city In the
interests of the women's meeting at
the Alta theater on Saturday after
noon The subject to be discussed at
that meeting will he so, ial hygiene
and as large an attendance as possi
ble is being sought.
Made Big Kill of Ducks.
Teddy Hauswlrth and Earl Cout's
returned home this morning from
Hermiston. bringing with Ihem over
50 ducks, their kill during the past
two days. They hail to secure a
taxlcab i order to set their birds
ill Stud) New Method.
William Uoesch. manager of the lo
cal bottling works, will leave tonight
for Chicago where he will take a
course of schooling in the latest meth
cds of bottling' He has converted
his old brewery into soft drink bottl
ing works and will enter the market
on an extensive scale.
Federal BaMoo is closing.
The goose and duck season will
close on Saturday. January 15, ac
cording to the federal migratory bird
law but under the state law the hunt
ers may continue shooting for anoth
er month. The federal law has been
attacked as unconstitutional and may
not be heeded by the sportsmen.
Bedding la Wanted.
An appeal for bedding to be given
to local poor eople In need of such
assistance is made today by the As
sociated Charities. Those having
bedding they will donate to this
cause are asked to inform Mrs. E C.
Anlbal, phone 392M. It Is said quite
a few cases have been discovered
where people are suffered severely
from lack of sufficient bed clothing
to keep them warm.
I Bother Candidate Here.
J. W. McCulloch of Ontario, one of
the several republicans In the race
for a place on the public service com
mission, is In Pendleton today greet
ing friends. Mr. McCulloch was for
merly district attorney of Malheur.
Cirant and Harney counties. His op
ponents for the republican nomlna.
tion are J. M. Kyle of Stanfield and
Jerry Rusk and Ed Wright of Ii
Near Bee Is Here.
With all of the beer taste preserved
hut with the kick extracted, a near
beer product has reached Pendleton
and s being dispensed over the bar to
those who love foam on their bev
erage. The product Is put out by a
Portland firm and has been received
In Pendleton both in hottles and in
kegs. It is represented as contuiing
less than a half per cent of alcohol
anil therefore is a non-intoxicant.
Be Careful of I1! res,
Though Pendleton haa been fairly
fortunate thus far there Is danger of
flre as a result of the cold apt II and
Fire chief tiingold is urging people to
take all possible precautions. Am
ong other things he recommends the
following advice offered by the Port
land fire chief.
"Keep wood away from the stove
it's a common thlni; to find that
people build a redhot fire with wood
piled up close against the sitove. Or.
if the pipes In the oasement are
close up against the celling, cover
them with asbestos or tin before fir
ing up.
"And don't thaw out pipes wlih
blow torches or flames, t'se hot wa
ter." New DSrectOT of Bank.
At the annual election of officers,
land directors held T'jesday. I,. I,.
Mann was chosen as a director of the
American National Rank to take the I
place of A. D. Sloan, whose Illness;
j forced him to resign. The other dl- i
j rector's and officers were re-elected j
as follows: Directors, W. I Thomp- j
son. it N BtanfieJd, ? v. ffttdd, j. Bt
j Mol'ook. Thomas Thompson and J.
N. Burgess; president, W. I Thomp-,
soil; vice president. F. H. Judd; cash- j
j lor. ,i. H. BJcCook; ajeisaaal oaahlevj
I W. S Badley. The bank reports tha i
i ' ear t f 1 r as the most prosperous yeas'
i of its existence it has been paying
quarterly dividends or three per cent)
I. in doubled the dividend for the I
I fourth quarter, maklnc the dividends;
! for the year 15 per cent.
IWs ember Rental ot Tioollis KIiohs
ProBt to Ity.
! PORTLAND, Ore., Tan. 12. For
December the Ynmhill-street pu die
market took In 1350. 4n more In re
1 celpts for rental of nooths for 10
cents each than the cost of operat
1 Ing the market, according to the
monthly statement mafle public by
t'ommissioner Hlgelow
The receipts amoun led to IIIO.M
'and the disbursements 1200 20 In
no month since the market was
: started have the receipts been less
than the expenditures.
SALEM, ore., Jan. IS. During the
year ending December 31, 1915. the
state engineer Issued 681 permits for
the appropriation and storage of wa
ter. These permits call for the rrii-
gatlon of S7, 329 acres of land, the de
velopment of 30,856 horsepower and
the storage of 2S5.669 acre feet of
water, and cover municipal supply for
Tillamook, Oregon City, Gaston. Am
ity, Falls City, Portland, Milton, Cove,
Halfway. East Side. Manh field. Lake
side, Newport and Reedsport. The
total estimated cost of all works to
be constructed under these permits Is
15 :149,152 In addition to the per
mits for Irrigation, power and munic
ipal supply, a large number have
been Issued for Individual domestic
manufacturing, and numerous other
uses to which water is applied.
Malheur county leads during the
year for the number of permits is
sued, tnere being 19 J..aei hlue
county follows with 4 7, Harney coun
ty 4.' Iiaker county 4'. Grant county
40, rook County 34. Jackson county
54. Wallowa county so. Hood Rivet
county 2S. Coos county 23, Umatilla
county IT, Tillamook county 12.
Wasco county 14. Lake county 13,
Wheeler county II. Klamath county
11, Douglas 10, 1'nlon county 9, Cur
ry s, Jefferson county 7, Lane 7. Mor
row 3. Clatsop 2. Lincoln ti Sherman
1, Gilliam 1. while In the Willam-tte
valley 26 permits have been Issued,
cf the above permits 117 were ta
iled during the quarter ending De
ember 31, 1915. These permits cov
er the Irrigation of 26.849 acres, the
development of 61 11 horsepower and
the storage Of 201.623 acre feet of
The following permits were Issued
In I'matllla county auring the past
M. F. Umbarger. Pendleton, supple.
mental supply for the Irrigation of
34 acres, diverting water from Tutull- ,
la creek In sec. 20, T. 2 N.. R. 33 E.;l
.1 O. McCoy of Kcho, for the Irrlga-1
tlon of 134 acres, diverting water
from springs In sec 7, T 3 N., R. 29, j
K ; Louis Mueller & Sons of Helix,'
for the Irrigation of 34 acres, divert
Ing water front Stark Spring creek. In
sec. 23 T. 6 X.. H. 34 E.
Kidnaping Sequel
Ends in Acquittal
in Circuit Court
The MQUel to the recently aired
kidnaping case In Milton was the trial
Xsterday afternoon In the circuit
court of Duvid II, Bennett, who was
accused of assaulting Mrs. Joe Sulli-
vi: n. It wis an appeal from the Mil
ton jUHtlce court where the defendant
was found guilty by Justice Miller
:r,d sentenced to pay a fine of $30.
The jury, which heard the case yes
terday, returned a verdict of adult,
tal at 1 o'clock, having reached the
verdict on the first ballot. It Is said.
The trouble arOSS over a fumil;
quarrel. Bennett's son, Albert, and
Mrs. Sullivan's daughter are married
and have a child. They were not liv
ing together and. during the absence
of young Mrs. I'ennett from her
(;orge k. Roberta,
a a
Oeorge B. Roberts, rormer ill recti, ri
of the mint, and now assistant to the.
president of the National ("Ity Bank,
the largest bank In the ITnlted States,
II not In the world, was one of the
speakers before the Pan Amerlcen
i ongress In Washington. His bank
bas recently opened branches In
South America, and wnat he hod to
say about financial and trade rela
tions between the I'nltnd States and
the lAtln republics was Interesting
Some New Spring Arrivals
Just received a complete line of new Spring stylet in 5
dress ginghams. Latest effect in plain, stripes and
E checks. We have no shelf-worn and carried-over mer-
E chandise to offer you at so-called reduced prices, but all :
new up-to-date lines at prices which mean a money sav-
E ing value at all times. Our every day prices you can al-
ways afford to pay.
Complete line of quality
dress ginghams, fast col
ors in plain, stripes or
Cheeks, 10c value our
Price ':;
10 Your choice of entire
line of Red Seal zephyr
ginghams, fast color,
1 i c value, our pr. 10c
12 Splendid showing
of spring styles in toile
du nords, 15c value, our
price 12Va
61 if 32 inch book fold
Noxall high grade apron
check ginghum, chnm
bray finish, 10c value,
our price 6' , c
5 The well known Peer
less apron checks, our
price 5c
Our window display will
give you a few sugges
tions, but see our entire
line in the store.
Don't forget to see our new arrivals in Ladies' Waists in
the latest effects in crepe de chine, in embroidered and
shirred effects in the new shades, a $4.00 value, our
price only $2.98
mother's home, the two men called,
as they testified, to get the young wife
to return to her husband. They testl
fled that Mrs. Sullivan ordered them
away from the house whereupon th
oungor man Belied his child. Mrs
Sullivan grabbed It, too, and there
onsed a tug-of-war which was
brought to an end by the elder man
seizing the woman from behind and
forcing her down upon a lounge.
I! was for this act that she charg
ed him with assault, declared that he
bruised her arm. Father and son ad
mitted they did wrong in taking the
child the way they did. 8. D. Peter
son represented the defendant and
Deputy District Attorney Keator con
ducted the case for the state.
c. ii. BEi;rz.
Damages In the amount of 15000
for alleged personal Injuries arn
'ought In a suit being tried out today
In the circuit court, t'hurles Wea
ver is the plaintiff and C. H. Belt
a contractor, Is the defendant.
Plaintiff alleges that while em
ployed by the defendant bust March
In the erection and operation of ma
chinery, he was struck forcibly In tho
head by a slat from a revolving sand
ing drum, suffering a broken nose, an
injured Jaw and permanent impair,
ment of the sight of one eye. Ho
charges that the sanding drum was
Alluding again to the uniform excellence of
Wli WILL SHOW YOU, gladly, the mechanical reasons why
Bulck cars give such uniform satisfaction.
Bt'T FOB PROOF thai they do give this satisfaction we'd
rather you'd ask any Bulck owner that you know.
VV Pj KNOW what they will tell you, and because It conies
from a disinterested source it will more profoundlv Impress
A JURY'S VKBICT must be unanimous, or else it carries no
v. eight.
THE VERDICT ok hi'ick OWNER! is unanimous that
la why we have no hesitancy in referring you to ANY Bulck
BUICK CARS fjrVl KATISFA TION not Just occasional .
but Invariably - not merely under careful handling, but under
all conditions.
show you the "why" of Bulck excellence.
Oregon Motor Garage
Telephone 448
27f per yard is always our
price for the celebrated
Pequot 9-4 bleached
sheeting, 35c value, our
price 27f
23 is our usual price on
the standard 9-4 Pepper
Mi bleached sheeting,
5s Splendid grade of 3G
inch bleached muslin 5f
' for a 36 inch bleach
ed muslin, soft finished
for the needle, our price
TVs Hope
Muslin, 36
12V.t Berkley cambric, 36
inch 12i2
4C Texas C house lining, 36
inch 4f
5c for 36 inch LL sheeting.
7 'oe value, our price 5f
built In an Imperfect and faulty man
ner b reason of the slate having been
ot.h nulled to the wooden drum
luads. and that the defendant was
lUllty of negligence In ordering him
K chisel down the surfuoe of the drum
('hen he knew It was constructed Im
: perfectly.
Defendant asserts that the Injuries,
such as they were, were the result of
an avoidable accident and that the
plaintiff was careless and negligent
, in placing hla chisel too deeply In the
wood, fee and fee are representing
the plaintiff and Haley and Haley the
The Jury was secured In less than
an hour this morning, (inly two Jur
ors were excused by peremptory cha.1
b nges. the plaintiff excusing V. Htro
1'le and the defendant J T. Kgwbflth.
255.000 TROOPS ARE
El IM OF WEEK sofl.ooo WIM.
LONDON, Jan. 13 The allies have
withdrawn from 'ialllpoll and are
landing at Salonlkl, Sofia dispatches
said. The Bulgarians estimate 265.
000 allies are In (ireece and that 300,
000 can be concentrated between Ha
lonlki and the border before the
week. The message failed to confirm
Athens reports that the Hulgars are
bombarding the lines on the frontier
preliminary to an attack on Salonlkl.
117. 119, 121.123 Weit Court St.
to the members of the congres. fjJ