PAGE SEVKN EIGHT PAGES daily east oregonian, pendleton, oregon, Thursday, January is. idig. UBJ3. PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING auto repairing BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING Ford s Specialty. Ford Aooeaaoriea S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop Phone 203. Re Phona I1U ISO Cottonwood St. Op. City HalL Ml Kant Court Phona 177 FAMILY TltADK A SPECIALTY Quirk Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Worke Paul Ileniraelgaru. Prop. ALL KINDS OF SOFT UltlNKS AND SODAS MOTTLED. Olmpla Ojater Corktalla a Specialty CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Estimates Furnished. Phone 636, 118 W. Court 8t J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 228 E. Court 81 Phone 44J THE LYMAN Under New Management. Private comfortable rooms; Mod. em conveniences, with or without hoard Close in. Rates reasonable. Mrs. Teel ft Van Cleve. 121 Willow Phone 305 IF ITS A SIGN WE MAKE IT KEM SIGN CO. SO Cottonwood Street. Phone 1 7 S. Pendleton, Or. Phone S3o ml Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODKHN QSINDBB AND OVKIt S17.KI PISTON AND RINUg OHOUNI) Phone 71. NeagleS Waekamlth Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES TOW1 AND ACCESSORIES Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. NO. IS5. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 338 Itoom 7, Srbmldt llldg. LKSSONS IN CHINA. OILS. VYATKH COLOB, TAPKBTBTj LKATHKB TOOLINO. Hraaa and Copper Crafta. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors IIAIB DMSSINO, MANBTBINO. FACIAL MASSAGE, SCALP TREAT- MENT, SHAMPOOINO. Popular Prtc. Telephone 3 TO QUICKLY GE1 ON WATER WAGON DRINK GLASS Or" HOT WAT lit BEFORE BREAKFAST TO w sii (in poisons To see the tinge Of healthy blOOUl In your fare, to see your skin get i leurer and clearer, to wake up w'th out n headache, backache, coated lOBfM or nasty breath. In fact to 'ee your best. da In and day out. lust tryliiNlde-batbint. every mornliu for one week. Before breakfast each day. drina a gins or real hot water with a lea spoonful Of limestone phosphate In II as harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowel Ihe previous Jni Indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus rloanjrnf wastsnlhg and purifyinl Ihe entire alimentary canal before inittlnat food Into the stomach. Th-' action of hot water and limestone phospholc on an empty stomach Is wonderfully Invigorating II cleans MR 'he sour fermentations, gas-1 es and acidity and gives one a splen did appetite for breiikfnst A nunrter pound or limestone pnes. phutc will cost very Utile at the drug store but Is sufficient to dcmonstr.'to that Just as soap anil hut w ee rlsomm sweoten and freshens 'he Mkln. so hot water and limestone ptlOphte act on Ihe blood and in ternal organs. Those who are sub ject to constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach . rheumatic Iwlm-'es. il 0 those whose skin Is sallow anil i omplexinn paJId. are assured that me week of Inside liainlng will hV0 litem both looking and feeling belter In every way. PItoriT HY THIS. ion I a-1- nollicr D'. When you an- worried by back ache; Hy ameness and urinary disorders Don't exierlment with an untried medicine. POUOW PmdlOtOO people s example I IVe Doan'i Kidney Pills. n.rcs Pandteton ttlmony, Vcrlfv It It yon wish I, (ireenawald. prop, shoe repair shop, 414 Lincoln St. Pendleton.! savs: llackacbc unit soreness across my kidney troubled me day ami night. The kidney secretion pain ed In isissage and the flow was loo freiiuont and si anty. one box of Moan's Kidney PYllls completely cured me." (Statement given Mny 17. 1K10.) No TROUBLE SINCE MORE THAN TWO TSARS LAT ER, Mr. (ireenawald said; "Doap's Kidney Pills cured me and Ihe trou ble never come back." Price 50c, ut all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy Rt Doan'a Kidney Pills Ihe same that Mr. Oreenawnld has twice publicly recommended Foster-Mllburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. T. CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana filled 10c. Straight and Perferlo Shapea. Manufartured by PF.NIILF.TON CIOAI FACTOKV. CLEANING-PRESSING West of Hotel Harher Shop. Phone 470 aak for Preaaery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson ft Strunaliaii. Props, (loaning. I'reasing, Hi-pairlng, Day or Night. Work Called for and Delivered. CLUB RATIOS. I will keep a man's ault pressed and repaired for 11.60 per month and guarantee the beat poaalble w ork RUDDi THE TAIIX)R AND DRY CLEANER, 310 Weat Weob. Phone 685. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We weld all kinds of caat Iron, alumi num, steel, ropper and brass by the Modern Oiy-Acetylene Proceaa. Don't Wall for Kepalrs, Let Dl Weld It. 720 JOHNSON ST. RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Mortgage, D A. Hatfield, et ux. to S. I) Mi - Donald, tin . S 1-2 SV 1-4. sec 27, Twp. 1 N, R. 15. SnllNfailon of MuntStin. William K. Milne 10 W. T. Porter, Top Stuff Slow in Coming Forward in IN. Portland Yards (Couttesy the PoIITlANI) Ore, rl.uls in Ihe .inh ovof aural wet from le ,ts. Not en J lurnal , Mo of the .u -fi rUSltd yards Williametle val un muii camc lorwai I line to ll exlr-nic uuality in anv ughlv cnt the situation VVtl "i He likUoV hogi v ere ir quit fair supply n 'he yards at the opening of the day's trade, but mOBi if UmRI came on contract direct to a local incut company and were there fore no. placed on sate. licncral hog mtrket situation U tonsiiicrcd steady. Oimral hog market range; Choice light welghta MtOi-M Hood light weights 6.7n((l b SO Medium weights 8 (iii6o.. Hough and heavy r.26Ji6.lii tattle 'ITadc t;ult. The Tew cattle lhat came forward to North Portland overnight were nit of suitable quality to give the market any sort of lest during the dav. Not only were arrivals Imltod but good Quality wa conspicuous i .- ItH absence. (ieneral cattle market condition? COntlnU mixed, but extra fancy will finished light stuff or grain feeding showing a very strong call and a flight Showing of easiness In Other ol -ii-rlngs (ieneral (Utile market Choice grain fed tdeer ordinary grain fed stei Choice hay led steels . . Good stevrs range: . . S7.7T. T.iTiiii 7 6 7 Mil 17, Ordinary to common itosra Choli e cows ( irdinary to common cows 5.00 Hf t.ftO 3.50 i r. TRAINING THE The Canadian BOW In training in England before being sent to the fighting front, are put under condl- Hons closely resembling aclunl war-1 fnk. gl nrjaralakBaY ufa FEED YARDS PHONE 548 THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Last Alta St 1'IXD AND SALES STA1ILE. FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Store On Matu St , Mil to Happy Canyoo I'llo.NE S'.'J. KI.OUAL IH'.KIIINS. PLANTS AND SEEDS. Agent Portland Journal. Open Evenings. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store cnAS. KOCH. Prop COMPLETE LINE OF NEW AND SECOND HAND STOVES NI RANGES. 117 W Webb St. Phone IStVW GROCERIES I. B. JCHNSON & S0S Groceries, Confection and Rakers' Good. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 202 W. Webb St. ' Phone 871 el ux. satisfies mort of Sept. I. 1 haiici Mortgage P. H. Van (irsdal. to Ameriian N'a- tional Hank of Pendleton, 1I,UC crops, stock and machinery Choice heifer 2" Ordinary to good heirers. i.OOfl .'i 75 Choice bulls 3.75ft 4.5a Good to fair bulls 3.00 5 J r.a Ordinary to common buiis 1.060.'.? Mutton ami LaaaiM strong. Mutton and lamb market Is in t-nsely strong at North Portland. Bo cent arrival have been so limited that supplies are ijutcklv snapped up. Ovodj (liiallly i gineraly ulwent and tnla ll at es iuotations on a nominal basis . foi tops. General mutton and lamb range. (Ieneral mutton and lamb range: Choice weight lambs ....$ I '5 Good to common lambs. 7 r 0 7 7 " Poor to fair lambs 7.00 (ii 7.5 Choice yearling wether. . 7 "' I Good to common yearlings 7-1 i fi 7. J5 Old wethers 6.50 g 6.71 .Choice light ewe 6.00(h6!"i i Good to common ewes ... 5.50fi55 Wednesday Livestock shiixrs. Hogs M I). Wheeler, Irfbannn I load; J. E Parish. Jefferson. 1 load ' W. H Lowell, Llborali 1 load. Fratik Wann. ML Angel, l load; M. L Fost- I er Tangent. 1 lond. ; Cattl J Armstrong. Winlnck. 1 load. Cattle and calves J. W. GUIIba'nt 'est Si lo, 1 load. Hogs and hV F H Decker. sH- i verton. 1 load dirett 1'nlon Meat; U Falk Jr. 1 load; C. J. Davis, Sh'ild 1 load; Smith Bros. Donald. 1 load: People Market, Corvallis. 2 loads: George Zimmerman, ("arlton. 1 loa I I Mixed stuff Norwood & Patmn Harrlshiirg. I load cattle, valve, ho - I and heep. tlbany Has An Official I lac. ALBANY, X. Y.. Jan It. By a ilc Chrlon of the city father:.. Albany to day ha an official flag. The design show three- perpendicular strips red. while ai.d blue, with the aeal of CANADIANS fari This cavalryman for instance wu i .impelled to work in a trench flooded with water, in order to har den him for a oamnalgn in flooded trenches "somewhere In France HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Bide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires, Bras, Copper, Sack and Rags. HIDES, pELTA wool- ft FURS. 206 W. Webb St. Telephone (62 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY QrtURANCE Automobile. FIRE, Burglary Plate Class. Liability. Security Bonds. Accident and Health. Telephone 604. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. ROUGH DRY 7 PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAY BURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WEBB, Reduction on lard for Saturday 10 ismnds for $1.00. I the city stamped in blue on the whit I stripe. The flag tp!fles the old I liutch banner that floated over Al , ban) from 1630 to 1834. 1 Owe Her (Mod Health, to Chamber lain Tablet. "I owe my good health to Cham-1 berlaln's Tablet," writes Mrs. R. a. ! Neff. Crookston, Ohio. "Two years . ago I wa an Invalid due to stomach trouble. I took three DC.ties of these Tablets and have since been In the best of health." Obtainable every where. Adv. POI l.TRY MKN OUG ANI.K. Jackson County Aswk-mioii Electa I . W. Ilunti-r lo 7Hcf dHIiv, MEDFORD. Ore., jan 13 Jack son county poultry men organized un der the name of the jackson County Poultry Association, and E VV. Hunt er was named executve head and Roy Peebles secretary. An executive com mittee was appointed and a report will be made this week a to Ihe ad visability of holding a poultry show in 1sl6. According lo apeeches made at the meeting, the ranchers o," the Hogue lllver valley have overlooked a valu able resource In neglecting the chick en Industry. T. J. Gardner of the Mcdford Poultry & Egg company, de clared the climatic conditions in southern Oregon to be nearly ier-, feet and that If Ihe rancher would I produce a supply, he could obtain a market extending from Seattle to San Plego. rnfleM' l ink Outlast l ire NEW YOIIK, Jan. 13. Chance fa favored Richard Canfieid. gambler and art connoisseur, even In his death from a fall down the tes of a sub wa about a year ago It was learn ed recently that Canfieid was on his wax at the time of hi death, to sur- ACID IN STOMACH SOURS THE FORD KX I SS Ol' HVDROCHLORH Win IS CM SE OK INDI (iKffTH) v A well-known authority state that tomach troubt and Indigestion i? nearly always due in acidity acid Btomnch- and not. a most folk be Pevc. from a lack of digestive julcia lie states that an exvos of hydro-1 Chloric acid in the stomach retai l digestion and starts food feimenti tkMtf then our meats sour like gar bage in a can. frmlng acrid fluid and gases which Inflate the stnvuh like a toy balloon We then get that heaw. lumpy feeling In the cheat, we eructate sour food, batch gas ot have hsnrtbuPth flatulence, waer hfaah, or nausea. lie tell ii to lay aside all digestive aids and inlcud. get from ;in p'i ir mac four ounces of Jad Suits and take a tabliwponnfut in a glass ol water before breakfast while It Is ef fervescing, and furthermore, in con tinue this for one week While re lief follows the first dose, it Is Im portant to neturalize (he acidity, re move the gas-making ntaag, start the liver, stimulate the kidney and Ihus promote a free flow or pure dlgestiv. Juices Jail Salt is inexpensive and is made' from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithln and sodl-j urn phosphute. This hurmles sails Is used t thousand of people for Stomach trouble with excellent re-1 stills ' Pbone ft; Rea. 909. Agents for PK.NINSILAIt FURNACES. Wotfaege & Ardrey I'l l IMBUNI AND HEATING. Tinning and Kepalr Work. 100 W. Webb St.. PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 314 B. Court St Portraits made day or night, rain ( shine. Give ua a call. SATISFACTION GL'ABANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO Ht Main St.. Tel. 329 W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL PORTRAIT W'oKK Poet Card Photos tl 00 Dot. Amateur finishing. Ansco supplies. AND PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER. PICTCRB MOULDING, GLASS. DECORATING, PAINTING. Job Work Promptly Done. 8117 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon. ITALIAN AUTO BATTERIES READY FOR ACTION TAL JAN . AUT.O BA IX The Italians have found these long with greater rapidity than a company range guns mounted on auto trucks infantry can march, and it has the . additional advantage of alv.'avs be of immense value in prosecuting the campaign against the Austrians ran be moved from place to place render his life insurance policy and to obtain a check for 10.448. rep- resenting its surrender value The accident which resuKed in his death prevented him from signing a release to the insurance company. The exec- utor of his estate sued the insurance CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. FAKER. FUNERAL, Di rector and licensed embalmer op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two I funsral cars Calls responded today , or night. Phone 75. I T HROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Corner Main and Wa'er streets Telephone 65 INSURANCE AND LAND BISINESS RARTHAN abstract CO, makes reliable abstract of title to all 1 lands In I'matilla county. Huys and sells all kinds of real estate Docs i general brokerage business. Pays i taxes and makes investment for non residents. Writes fire, life snd acci dent Insurance. References, any , hank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pre. C H MARSH. Sec. PENTLEY A LEFF1NO.WEI.L REAL estate, fire, life and accident in surance agents 15 Mln street Phone 404. VETERINARY BURGEONS. C. W LASSEN. M D. V.. COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office telephone, 10. ATTORN ETS. RALEY ft RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. 702 E. Alta St. Telephooa 447 M -derate Bates. Wblte Help Only Employed The ALTA HOUSE Mr. J. SUEPABD. Prop Booms With or Without Board. Under New Management. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON BI O AND MATTBES8 WOBK8 Cpholaterlng and Furniture Bepalrlng. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located M3 Water St. Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the best of care through the winter let C CYRUS BROTHERS "28 Cottonwood St., care for them. Service guaranteed. Phone 645. Al'TO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL REPAIRS s SERVICE STATION Tel. 084. Cor Main and Water St. K.YJ '' the necessity of being mounted on a bae like most if the big guns. company for the value of his policy and ha just obtained a judgment for (tt,83. Next to the elephant, the whit" rhinoceros of Africa Is the largest an- imal known. FEE ft FEE. ATTORNEYS AT law Office In Despaln building CAUTErt SMYTHE. ATTOP.XKYS it law Office In rear of Ameri can National Hank building. JAMES R PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4. Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. RAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts, Rootrfj 7. and i. Despaln building GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgage ' and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17 ; Schmidt block FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S, A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY ANT counsellor at law. Office In De paln building. SECOND IlM DEALERS V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand good. Cash rpald for all second-hand coodr bought. Cheapeat place In Pendle ton to buy household goods Come and get our prices til E. Court treet Phen I71W. SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND SOLES. RUI1IIER HEELS A SPECIALTY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. L. CLM, l-rop. SHOE BEPAIBINli ON SCIENTIFIC PBINCIPLE8. We rail for aod dellvar. Phone 337 Sis Main St. SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shining At Minerva Shoe Shining Parlors. Also we Clean Soft and Panama HaU. (12 Main St Pendleton, Or. ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE C. and H. TAXI CO. Phone 110 QUELLE RESTAURANT. Prompt servlre. day and night Funeral service $3.50. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed. Corner Court and Cottonwood. Surgeon-t.eneral Rlur Rcnomlnatnl. WASHINGTON. Jan 12. Prel dent Wilson renominated Surgeon General Blue of the public health service for another term of four years. As many a 72 different kind of wood are used in the manufacture of umbrella handles, canes and whip In this country. I.N POIND. The following described animal ha been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: One white horse two or three blue ish spots on him. Very old. No brand visible. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of it, costs and expense against it paid and rt taken away within ten day from the date here of, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 17th day of January. 1916. the said ani mal will be sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, at the city pound, on Cottonwood street. In said city of Pendleton, the pro ceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sate Dated this 5th day of January. MM- ALEX MANNING. City Marshal CHICHESTER S W TBC U.' J.:iNl UBANO, t.i: .1 AJ. i. -rllmjj-Ul r. I P-i.) O -aei,r0,.m-.JV.r,.4(V i.K lllltla f:.4 ! I r -. V' f 1- 'TUT' I I.Ailt. BIB Of?' Al LTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. Al'CTION eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales "Tha man that gets you the money " Leava orders at East Oregonian office. 1GRNT8 lUMl n SALESMEN WANTED Ti SELL high grade stock Especially at tractive commissions on certain Hag planted in jour section. Most liber al offer we have ever made. Salem Nursery Co., San :n. CIIIROPtt T(lt DR GEO. J. KIXZ, LICENSED OH ropractor. Bianihialloni Era Phone 170 MISCKI.l.ANKOI AUCTION' SALES THE KAgTOMI gonlan make a specialty of U' tion sal bill, cards and advrt!lna W can furnish auctioneer, riarfe ll adrsrtlalng complete that will im you of having a successful sale